The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 419: Perelman's Past

Hundreds of people stood on the tarmac.

"How come there are so many people?"

Pang Xuelin looked at the crowd on the tarmac with surprise.

Liu Tingbo also rolled his head and looked at the scene outside the porthole, saying, "Professor Pang, they should all come to meet you."

"Meet me ?!"

Pang Xuelin was a little incredible.

This show is even higher than last year's Nobel Prize award ceremony.

Can those nerds in mathematics do such a thing?

Liu Tingbo seemed to see Pang Xuelin's thoughts and said with a smile: "Professor Pang, you're probably underestimating your own influence in mathematics. Besides, how many mathematicians who study Ponzi geometry around the world today, our school In the Ponzi Geometry Workshop, young scholars in the mathematics world want to come in. They have so many places each year. Many young mathematicians now regard you as an idol ... "

Pang Xuelin nodded thoughtfully.

Although nowadays, when ordinary people hear Pang Xuelin's name, they will associate it with lithium-air batteries and the Nobel Prize.

But in the eyes of the mathematics world ~ ~, Pang Xuelin is doing no good business.

Many mathematicians think that if Pang Xuelin does not engage in any lithium-air batteries or superconductors, it is entirely possible for him to achieve greater achievements with his talent.

"There are even people who say that if Pang Xuelin focuses on mathematics, he hopes to become the **** of mathematics."

This sentence was first circulated from Faltings. The German old man said in an interview with the media that Pang Xuelin was another 20th-century pope Grothendieck. Super genius.

Then he added another sentence: "Unfortunately, this guy is not doing his job, otherwise he can be the **** of mathematics."

After hearing this evaluation, Pang Xuelin could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

I don't know if I can see this old man at the International Conference of Mathematicians.

The passenger plane stopped slowly on the tarmac, the aircraft door opened, and the ramp car slowly connected to the aircraft.

Subsequently, the accompanying stewardess said, "Professor Pang, you can get off the plane."

Pang Xuelin nodded, and led by the stewardess, got up and walked out of the plane first.

The crowd greeted on the tarmac cheered.

Pang Xuelin stepped down the ramp.

Two people came face to face. One was tall and thin, with bald hair, and the other had a big belly. He was only one meter and six feet tall.

The bald old man took the lead in reaching out and said, "Hello Professor Pang, welcome to St. Petersburg. I am Marcelo Viana, chairman of the organizing committee of the St. Petersburg International Mathematical Congress."

"Hello Sir."

Pang Xuelin smiled and shook hands with Marcelo Viana.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to another big-bellied old man and said with a smile, "Hello Kenny."

The old man with a big belly smiled and said, "Professor Pang, I finally brought you hope."

The big-bellied old man is Carlos Kenny, a professor at the University of Chicago, a member of the American Mathematical Society, and the current chairman of the International Mathematical Federation.

Next, Pang Xuelin, under the leadership of Marcelo Viana and Carlos Kenny, shook hands with the big brothers who came to welcome one by one.

Among them are some big names from the International Federation of Mathematicians, as well as political figures such as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Mayor of St. Petersburg.

At the same time, Perelman and Mochizuki, who were behind Pang Xuelin, also shook hands with the people they met.

Even compared to Pang Xuelin, who returned to his home field, Perelman received more welcome.

After all, Perelman is also a long-established big man, but also a native of St. Petersburg. Not long ago, he cooperated with Pang Xuelin and solved the Hodge conjecture.

Especially recently in the mathematical world, Perelman, in a sense, is second only to Pang Xuelin.

If it was placed two years ago, Perelman might not be able to accept such an occasion and would just ignore it.

However, after spending two years in Jiangcheng, from time to time in contact with scholars in the Ponzi Geometry Workshop, his lonely temperament has improved a lot.

In addition, here is St. Petersburg, Perelman's hometown, returned to a familiar environment, Perelman barely accepted the welcome ceremony.

Afterwards, everyone boarded the convoy arranged by Russia and went straight to the hotel.

In the evening, the organizing committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians specially hosted a banquet for Pang Xuelin and his party.

After dinner, there was nothing to do next, and everyone returned to their room to rest.

The International Congress of Mathematicians will not open until August 8th, and in the past two days, mathematicians from all over the world will arrive in St. Petersburg.

The crowd rested in the hotel for one night, and the next morning, after eating the hotel's buffet breakfast, Pang Xuelin returned to the room and the door was knocked.

Pang Xuelin ran to open the door and saw Perelman and Mochizuki standing at the door.

Mochizuki Shinichi took the lead to say, "Pang, Grigory is going to go home. Would you like to see it together?"

"Okay, wait for me."

Pang Xuelin laughed.

Soon after he finished packing, he followed Perelman and Mochizuki and went downstairs.

As soon as he walked to the hotel door, Pang Xuelin saw that Zuo Yiqiu and Ai Ai were walking hand in hand, holding each other while talking.

Pang Xuelin was a little curious and didn't know how the two girls looked right.

When Zuo Yiqiu followed Pang Xuelin, he rarely showed this state.

Most of the time she was serious and thoughtful.

While in Jiangcheng, although her relationship with Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin was not bad, it was far from intimate.

Instead, when he was with Ai Ai, Pang Xuelin faintly saw the nature of Zuo Yiqiu who was deliberately suppressed.

"Where are you going?"

Pang Xuelin curious.

Hearing Pang Xuelin's voice, both looked up.

Ai Ai took the lead and smiled, "Master, Sister Zuo and I are going to hang out."

Zuo Yiqiu also asked, "Professor Pang, are you ready to go out? Would you like me to follow?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and waved her hand: "It's okay, you can go with Zhou Chen. Let's take a day off today, you go out with Ai Ai, remember not to come back too late."

"it is good."

Zuo Yiqiu nodded.

Ai Ai said with a smile: "Master, let's go now."

Then, he pulled Zuo Yiqiu out of the hotel.

Pang Xuelin smiled and shook her head, and said Perelman and Mochizuki together: "Let's go."

The three then boarded the convoy waiting at the door.

This time abroad, Pang Xuelin's security level was fully equipped in accordance with the specifications of senior leaders' travels. Even the bulletproof cars they took were airlifted from China.

Pang Xuelin is a bit indifferent. With his current ability, ordinary assassinations cannot pose a threat to him.

Soon the car started, heading towards the neighborhood where Perelman had previously lived.

Twenty minutes later, the convoy stopped near an old community.

The architectural style of this community has a strong Soviet-era flavor, and there are not many pedestrians around. Occasionally, people passing by will also curiously look at Pang Xuelin and his party.

The infrastructure near the community is limited, cracked asphalt roads, fallen leaves, and rusty bus stops look a bit run-down.

"Grigory, is this where you grew up?"

Pang Xuelin was curious.

Perelman nodded, a look of nostalgia on his face.

"Let's go in."

Perelman said.

Pang Xuelin nodded, and said to Zhou Chen on the side: "You just stay outside. I will go with Professor Grigory and Mochizuki Shinichi."

"But Professor Pang ..."

Zhou Chen hesitated a little.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Rest assured, our schedule was reported with the Russian authorities yesterday. The security inside must have been screened, and isn't there any other Russian counterparts around you?"

Seeing Pang Xuelin's resolute attitude, Zhou Chen nodded helplessly.

Pang Xuelin entered this shabby neighborhood with Perelman and Wang Yuexin.

What surprised Pang Xuelin was that Perelman did not take them home directly, but went to a small grocery store hidden in the corner first.

The owner was a red-nose bearded old man who seemed a little surprised and surprised at the arrival of Perelman.

"Grigory, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you went to China. How are you doing recently?"

Perelman nodded and said, "I'm fine, Old Wade. Give me a pack of black coffee, three rye breads, three red sausages. Oh, yes, another small bottle of vodka."

"Anyway, a total of 725 rubles."

Perelman touched his pockets, his face awkward.

Pang Xuelin and Wang Yuexin also looked at each other. They also did not bring money.

Old Wade seemed to see their dilemma and said with a smile: "Grigory, hold the things first, just as if I had invited you several great mathematicians to eat."

Pang Xuelin was curious: "Do you know us?"

Old Wade pointed to the TV in the corner, and said with a smile: "Why don't you know? You are Professor Pang Xuelin, the famous inventor of lithium air batteries. The one next to you is Professor Mochizuki Shinichi from Japan. On TV It's all reported. "

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wade."

"Oh, yes, drink vodka, don't you have any cups? I'll send you three more cups."

Old Wade tricked out three small glasses and handed them to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin took over.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin and Mochizuki mentioned the new food and followed Perelman to an apartment downstairs.

When it was more than a hundred meters from the apartment building, Perelman suddenly stopped and stared forward.

"What happened to Grigory?"

Mochizuki Shinichi curiously.

Perelman didn't say anything. Pang Xuelin and Wang Yuexin followed Perelman's gaze and saw a 40-year-old woman hovering down the corridor below the apartment.

"Grigory, do you know that woman? Is it your lover?"

Mochizuki Shinichi curiously aside.

Perelman did not answer, but Pang Xuelin helped Perelman explain: "It should not be, I think it may be Grigori's sister."

Pang Xuelin has previously surveyed Perelman's information, and knows his life well.

Perelman was born on June 13, 1966 in a Jewish family in St. Petersburg, Soviet Union. His father was an electronics engineer and his mother was a primary school math teacher.

Although ordinary parents could not provide him with superior material living conditions, they gave him a bright and easy-to-learn mind.

When Perelman was four years old, he became interested in numbers and started immersing himself in primary school math textbooks.

At the age of six, Perelman entered elementary school taught by his mother.

At that time, he was able to easily add, subtract, multiply, and divide three digits in his mind, and his classmates had just learned to calculate within two digits.

In 1982, Perelman entered St. Petersburg Middle School No. 239, a school with special characteristics in mathematics and physics.

Only three months after enrolling, he participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad and won the gold medal.

At the time, the sixteen-year-old genius received the highest score ever --- out of 42 points.

One month after winning the prize, the math prodigy received an invitation from a university in the United States to provide him with a generous scholarship. However, he declined the invitation to study in the United States.

After graduating from high school, Perelman entered the mathematics department of St. Petersburg University without a test.

In the second year of college, he chose the most complicated research direction in mathematics-differential geometry.

The classmates all described it this way: he was as intelligent as an alien and proficient in his major.

But he was indifferent to his appearance, often carrying a torn bag full of books, wearing a grinded outfit, and not cutting his long hair.

He doesn't smoke or drink. For a few years in college, he has few friends except mathematics.

In 1987, Perelman was admitted to the graduate school of the Academy of Mathematics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and received a doctorate in 1989 and remained at the institute.

On the weekends, he went home to tutor his middle-school sister, Elena, to study mathematics. At night, he played the violin. The younger sister sang and danced. The parents were their audience.

Later, his sister also became a mathematician, and engaged in biostatistical research at the famous Caroline Medical School in Sweden, which has nothing to do with Perelman's influence.

However, the family that had lived in peace had major changes in the Perelman family as the political situation in the Soviet Union changed.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Jews living in the Soviet Union emigrated to Israel.

At the end of 1991, Perelman's father and sister also joined the ranks of immigrants, but his mother was reluctant to leave Russia, and the two eventually parted ways.

This incident hit **** Perelman.

Since then he has closed himself up, determined to never leave his mother.

Perelman's personality will become so lonely and out of touch, and the departure of her father and sister should have a great relationship.

In these two years, after coming to Jiangcheng University. Perelman's character became slightly more cheerful.

"Professor Pang, new one, I may have a personal matter and need to deal with it, you guys wait for me here."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "You go."

Perelman stepped forward and said a few words to the woman, and soon they entered the corridor.

"Pang, what shall we do next?"

Mochizuki new together.

Pang Xuelin laughed and pointed to the stone table and chair in the small garden not far away: "We will sit there and drink a little wine until Grigori comes out."


Mochizuki Shinichi said.

Then they went straight to the stone table and sat down, placing the food they just bought on it.

Pang Xuelin tore the film of the red intestine directly with his fingernails, opened vodka, and poured himself and Wang Yuexin one by one.

It was August in St. Petersburg. The average temperature was only twenty degrees. It was neither cold nor hot, and very comfortable.

The two were in the red intestine, chatting while drinking.

Vodka is an ultra-high-concentration liquor, which basically has an alcoholic flavor, without the mellow flavor of domestic liquor.

When Wang Yuexin took two sips, he couldn't stand it anymore. Instead, Pang Xuelin was drinking red bowel while drinking, which was delicious.

He basically doesn't picky eaters, what to eat, of course, except potatoes.

The Martian rescue world has eaten potatoes for seven or eight years in a row, and the taste of Pang Xuelin is still unforgettable.

About two hours later, Perelman and the woman finally came out of the house and came to Pang Xuelin and Wang Yuexin.

"Professor Pang, let me introduce you. This is my sister, Elena."

"Hello Ms. Elena."

Pang Xuelin and Mochizuki shook hands with Irina.

Irina said with a smile on her face: "Professor Pang, new one, hello, thank you both for taking care of my brother during this time."

Pang Xuelin smiled and didn't speak.

At this moment, Elena turned her attention to Perelman.

Perelman groaned for a moment and said, "Professor Pang, after the International Congress of Mathematicians, I would like to ask for a leave from you."

"what happened?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, curious.

Perelman said: "My father died and I discussed with my sister and planned to bring his ashes from Israel back to St. Petersburg and bury them with my mother."

Pang Xuelin said: "No problem, let me help you."

Perelman nodded with a faint smile on his face.

At this time, Irina said, "Grigory, then I won't bother you first. If I have any phone calls, I will be in St. Petersburg during this time. I will call you after the International Mathematical Congress is over , Then we will go to Israel together ... "

Perelman nodded, not saying more.

After Elena left, Pang Xuelin and Mochizuki went to Perelman's house for a while and sat there.

Perelman's home is a two-bedroom with two rooms, one of which was converted into a study by Perelman. It has been unoccupied for more than a year. The room was neat except for a little dust.

What impressed Pang Xuelin the most was the bookshelf in the study. From floor to ceiling, it was densely packed with various books and manuscripts, which were filled with various formulas.

Pang Xuelin imagined that more than ten years ago, Perelman proved Poincaré's conjecture in such an environment, and he had a new understanding of this guy.

Most of the outside world's evaluations of Perelman are eccentric, autistic, indifferent to fame and fortune.

When Perelman came to the United States as a visiting scholar in 1993, he had solved many mathematical problems, including the famous "soul conjecture."

Its outstanding achievements soon attracted the attention of the American mathematical community.

A number of well-known universities such as the University of California, Stanford, MIT, and Princeton hired him to teach at a high salary, but they were all declined.

A year later, he returned to work at the Strovlov Institute of Mathematics in St. Petersburg.

Because of his mathematical achievements, the European Mathematical Society awarded him the "Outstanding Mathematician Award" in 1996, but he was rejected.

In 2002 and 2003, Perelman posted three papers on the website, which successfully solved the Poincaré conjecture, one of the seven major problems in mathematics.

This incident shocked the entire mathematics community. In 2004, the Sjklov Institute of Mathematics recommended him to be elected as a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and he was also rejected.

The following year, he resigned from the office.

At the International Mathematical Congress held in Madrid, Spain in August 2006, the International Mathematical Union (IMU) decided to award the Fieldz Prize to Perelman.

However, facing this great honor, he also chose to refuse.

In a sense, mathematics is all about Perelman, and he will refuse any behavior that affects his research.

This is why after proving Poincaré's conjecture that year, he agreed to report to universities such as Harvard, Caltech, and Princeton, but did not have time to attend the awards ceremony of the International Mathematician Conference.

Because for him, this is a complete waste of time.

Even the reason why Perelman was willing to accept his invitation ~ ~ to work at Jiangcheng University is more about his Ponzi geometry than the environment that Jiangcheng University can provide him.

Of course, at Jiangcheng University in the past two years, whether it is the academic environment of the Ponzi Geometry Workshop or the living environment of Jiangcheng, obviously Perelman is satisfied. Otherwise, with Perelman's temperament, I am afraid that he would return to St. Petersburg long ago and live his life as a solitary life.

Moreover, Pang Xuelin can also feel that Perelman's attitude towards academics has changed a lot in Jiangcheng University's life in the past two years.

Otherwise, he would never accept the invitation of the International Congress of Mathematicians.


The three stayed in Perelman's room until late in the evening before returning to the hotel.

As a result, Pang Xuelin had just returned to his room. It didn't take long before a bunch of old acquaintances came to his door.

Headed by Mochizuki Shinichi's teacher, German big brother Fartings.

In addition, there are old acquaintances such as Peter Schultz, Pierre Deligne, Qiu Chengtong.

When these old acquaintances arrived, Pang Xuelin naturally wanted to meet them for a while, Mochizuki Shinichi and Perelman were also pulled over.

In the evening, everyone had a small cold meal in the hotel's conference room.

While chatting, we discussed the proof paper on Hodge's conjecture published by Perelman and Pang Xuelin not long ago.

Pang Xuelin also came to Ai Ai, who had been blinding for a day, and introduced them to these big brothers.

This can be regarded as accumulating contacts for Ai Ai's future development in the academic world.

It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that the cold dinner ended smoothly.

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