The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 423: Ponzi 15 Question

Over the next three hours, Pang Xuelin raised a total of fifteen questions.

Some of these problems have existed before, such as the Riemann conjecture, the Iwasawa master conjecture, the Hopf conjecture, and so on.

Others are new problems derived by Pang Xuelin through Ponzi geometry theory.

These problems are closely related to the nature of algebra and geometry.

As long as these fifteen problems can be completely solved, mathematicians can clearly say that they have found a great unified theory between algebra and geometry.

Of course, for the time being, this theoretical construction is still in the foreseeable future.

A Riemann conjecture alone is like a majestic Himalayan mountain range that runs across mathematicians around the world.

Talent, strength, and luck are indispensable if you want to cross this mountain.

Not to mention, there are fourteen remaining mathematical problems.

It was not until the evening that Pang Xuelin enumerated the fifteen propositions one by one, ending this speech that had a profound impact on the entire mathematical community.

"Well, today's speech is probably here. Thank you very much for listening. Later, I will upload the content of today's speech to the preprint website for everyone to download and read, thank you."

Pang Xuelin looked around and said with a smile.

Soon, the chairman of the organizing committee, Marcelo Siwina, and the president of the International Mathematical Federation, Carlos Kenny, applauded one after another, and next to them were Faltins, Pierre Deligne, Andrew Wiles, Robert Longlands, and others followed suit and applauded.

Soon, applause spread throughout the conference hall, and almost everyone stood up to pay tribute to the young man on the stage who was almost at the peak of today's mathematics.

In the corner behind the conference hall, Ai Ai applauded warmly, her cheeks flushed.

"Sister Zuo, I must graduate as soon as possible."


Zuo Yiqiu aside wondered.

Ai Ai said with a smile: "After graduating, I can pursue the master with fairness."

"But he already has a girlfriend."

Zuo Yiqiu frowned and said.

Ai Ai said with a smile: "My master already has two girlfriends, why can't I have a third?"

Zuo Yiqiu squeezed his red lips tightly, and he was unable to speak of Ai Ai's logic.

Although she knew that Ai Ai's idea was wrong, she didn't know why she was envious of Ai Ai's daring to love and hate, and she did not say a word of exhortation.

Pang Xuelin naturally did not know the thoughts of the two young girls at this stage. When he stepped down, the big brothers in the mathematics circled one after another. Surround him in the middle.

"Professor Pang, today ’s speech is good. I think it is more important than solving one or two conjectures. The mathematical community needs this deafening voice."

"I used to be a little confused about the future direction of mathematics. Although there are similar concepts in my mind, it is difficult to express them clearly. This speech by Professor Pang today is what I have always wanted to say, but I cannot say If so, explain it all. "

"Pang, if it's not old, I can't keep up with energy, I have the urge to re-graduate in your name."

"Professor Pang, I'm Gustav Andreev, President of St. Petersburg University. I wonder if you are free recently. Can you come to St. Petersburg University for a lecture?"


After coping with many enthusiastic mathematicians, Pang Xuelin went to the banquet hall accompanied by Carlos Kenny and Marcelo Siwina.

Tonight, the organizing committee of the International Mathematician Conference and the city hall of St. Petersburg will hold a grand dinner to entertain these guests from afar.

Pang Xuelin naturally became the focus of the banquet.

If you do n’t know, you will come to the door and chat with him.

By the end of the day, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Pang Xuelin saw Tao Zhexuan and Schultz, walking together with champagne.

"Congratulations, Pang, this briefing today is the best briefing I have ever heard."

Peter Schultz said.

"Thank you."

Pang Xuelin met with Tao Zhexuan and Peter Schultz, respectively.

At this time, Peter Schultz said, "Pang, I want to trouble you."

"What's the matter, just say."

Schultz groaned for a moment and said, "I am going to be a visiting scholar at Jiangda University for a year to participate in a Ponzi geometry seminar."

Pang Xuelin froze for a moment, but the expression on his face did not seem very surprised.

Today's dinner, more than one mathematician has made a similar request to Pang Xuelin.

Among them were Fields prize winners like Martin Haier and Aksayi Venkatesh, and one more Peter Schultz, which did not surprise him.

Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Tao Zhexuan beside Peter Schultz: "Teacher, how about you?"

Tao Zhexuan smiled: "I have the same idea. Today ’s report made me change my previous research plan. I need to have a deeper study of Ponzi geometry theory. Ban is definitely the best choice. "

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "No problem, you are willing to come, I'm too happy to be too late."

These are all the backbones of the current mathematical community. After coming to Jiangda University, Pang Xuelin could just pull them to the Jiangcheng Advanced Institute for theoretical research.

With such a group of top mathematicians sitting in town, even if they do n’t do it themselves, and only bring students, they will provide strong support for the development of Qiantang Lab.

Schultz and Tao Zhexuan talked with Pang Xuelin for a while. At this time, Ai Ai and Zuo Yiqiu also came over with champagne.

Tao Zhexuan patted Pang Xuelin's shoulder, hehe smiled, "Pang, I won't bother you and chat with the girls."

Pang Xuelin smiled a little awkwardly, and didn't say more.

"Master, congratulations, come, I respect Master for a drink."

Ai Ai apparently drank a lot of wine tonight, her face flushed, and she had some invoices while walking.

Pang Xuelin touched Ai Ai and laughed, "Drink less, I think you're a bit drunk. In addition, it's your turn to make a report the day after tomorrow. How are you preparing?"

Ai Ai sipped all the champagne in the glass and said, "Relax, Master, I've already prepared to make sure you won't lose face."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said to Zuo Yiqiu, "I think this girl is a little drunk. You can send her back to rest."

Zuo Yiqiu nodded, just about to speak, and listened to Ai Ai said, "Master, I ... I am not drunk ..."

With that said, she was so crooked that she fell straight towards Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin quickly helped her, some cried and laughed: "I'm not drunk."

Zuo Yiqiu quickly went to the other side and helped Pang Xuelin hold Ai Ai.

Even so, Ai Ai's body leaned softly on Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin was helpless and had to help Ai Ai and Zuo Yiqiu to return to the hotel room.

After finally putting Ai Ai on the bed, Pang Xuelin was relieved, and said to Zuo Yiqiu, "Xiao Zuo, you have to take care of Ai Ai today."

Zuo Yiqiu nodded and said, "Professor Pang, please go back and rest."


Pang Xuelin was about to turn away, and saw Ai Ai turned over, muttering in his mouth, "Master, I like you ..."


The air in the room suddenly became quiet.

Pang Xuelin looked weird and looked at Zuo Yiqiu: "How much wine did this girl drink? What's the bullshit?"

Zuo Yiqiu hesitated twice and gave Pang Xuelin a glance without answering.

Pang Xuelin blinked and said, "Thank you for your baby doll."

After speaking, without waiting for Zuo Yiqiu to respond, he left the room directly.

Zuo Yiqiu took a light sip and went up to close the door of the room. Then she turned around and was shocked. I did not know when Ai Ai had sat up and stared at herself.

"Ai Ai, you ... are you drunk?"

"Hee hee, the smell on the master is pretty good."

Ai Ai had a sweet smile on her face, and then her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Zuo Yiqiu and said, "Sister Zuo, Master just said thank you for your matryoshka. You gave him that matryoshka?"

"You ... what are you talking about? Why should I send him a doll?"

"Because you like my master!"

"Ai Ai, what are you talking about? I ... I ..."

Ai Ai stepped forward and pulled Zuo Yiqiu to sit next to him with a grinning smile: "Sister Zuo, it doesn't matter if I like my master. In my master's ability, I have been with him for a long time. Isn't it normal to like him ? "

"But ... I ..."

"Well, stop, sister Zuo, do you want to be with my master?"

The room quickly became quiet.

After a long time, two women whispered.


The following week, Pang Xuelin stayed in St. Petersburg and continued to participate in the International Conference of Mathematicians.

After his speech at the conference on the first day of the conference, although it was not widely reported in the traditional media, it caused a great shock in the mathematical world.

Almost all mathematicians praised Pang Xuelin's speech, and even elevated it to the same level as David Hilbert's 23 questions in 1900.

These fifteen questions are also called Ponzi fifteen questions.

Many people believe that these fifteen questions will guide the development of mathematics in this century. If Ponze's fifteen questions can be successfully solved, human beings will undoubtedly complete the complete unification of algebra and geometry.

Of course, in addition to Ponson's fifteen questions, Perelman's report on Hodge's conjecture also attracted the attention of a large number of mathematicians.

The only regret is that the $ 1.5 million bonus from the Clay Institute has not been sent.

Perelman declined the request of the director of the Cray Institute to issue a bonus for it, and Pang Xuelin expressed respect for Perelman's opinion.

However, Ai Ai's 45-minute lecture on the relationship between Ponzi geometry, algebraic topology, and geometric topology, which was presented at this conference of scientists, has won a lot of attention.

Many people know that there is one more in the mathematics world. The young and beautiful female mathematician is quite good, and she is a disciple of Pang Xuelin.

In a blink of an eye, ten days elapsed.

On August 18, 2022, Pang Xuelin finally ended his trip to the International Mathematician Conference in St. Petersburg and returned to Jiangcheng by special plane.

After coming out of the airport, Ai Ai looked a little glum.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "What's wrong? Didn't you want to come back when you stay in Russia?"

Ai Ai Du said with a mouth, "Master, it was hard to come out and play with you for ten days, and we are going to be apart again."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Isn't school starting in half a month? I won't see me then.",

"It's just unhappy anyway."

Ai Aidao.

Pang Xuelin was helpless to the female disciple, and couldn't help giving his brain a disappointment, and said, "Don't let the ink go, hurry home, your parents are waiting at home."

After finally sending Ai Ai away, Pang Xuelin returned home with Zuo Yiqiu.

Over the next ten days, the enthusiasm caused by the International Conference of Mathematicians gradually dissipated.

Pang Xuelin finally has free time.

He set aside his work and accompanied Yao Bingxia around the attractions around Jiangcheng.

Because Yao Bingxia was going to go to school in Beijing in September, during this time, Qi Xin did not follow Pang Xuelin tacitly and gave Pang Xuelin to Yao Bingxia.

On that day, another fierce battle ended at night. Yao Bingxia fell asleep beside Pang Xuelin. The long-lost voice in the system reminded Pang Xuelin's mind.

"Host, please note that after half an hour, China Sun World will be opened soon, please host to prepare."

Pang Xuelin couldn't help but hesitated. He didn't expect that this time he had crossed into the Chinese sun world.

This is not the best piece of Liu Cixin's science fiction series, but it is the most plain and sincere work, which left a very deep impression on Pang Xuelin.

The protagonist in the project, a rural baby child at the elementary school level, Shuiwa, came out of the village and experienced a dream-filled journey in life.

In the middle, the water baby was born in an arid village and lived on the rainwater stored in the water cellar, but the water was bitter and astringent, and it also dissolved toxic substances. In order to be able to drink non-bitter water, the water baby came to the coal kiln for absenteeism, and finally drank the non-bitter water poured from the deep well.

After a mine disaster, under the suggestion of a worker, Shuiwa went to the provincial capital as a shoe polisher, and met one after another who had developed a nano-mirror film material that could not find a suitable application, and was desperately selling his own patent Materials scientist Lu Hai.

Until one day, Lu Hai was excited when he saw the news of the China Solar Project starting, and encouraged Shuiwa to go to Beijing together.

This time, Shuiwa made a spider man, that is, a high-altitude cleaner, specializing in cleaning the glass of the building. Although the risk is high, the income is not low.

Lu Hai also became the chief scientist of the "China Sun" project with his own nano-mirror film.

During this period, Shuiwa relied on hard work and saved a lot of money to successfully buy a house in the capital and become a capitalist.

Lu Hai also realized her dream step by step.

The Chinese sun is divided into two parts-orbiting mirrors and super simulation systems, which can change the thermal balance of the atmosphere and regulate the global climate.

However, the Chinese sun also faces some threats. For example, the particle jets sprayed by the sun will make the mirror surface covered with a fog film and reduce the specular reflectance.

To this end, Lu Hai specially held a meeting to discuss solutions. When the space agency insisted that the scientific elites do the job, Zhuang Yu let them experience the high-altitude cleaning work, and no one was competent.

As the cleaning of orbiting mirrors is very similar to the work of wiping glass at high altitude, eventually the water doll became a “mirror farmer” under the recommendation of Lu Hai, and flew into space to wipe and clean on the silver mirror.

The mirror farmers represented by water dolls also became the first generation of space industry workers.

Twenty years later, the Chinese Sun has completed its mission and is about to leave Earth.

During this period, Shuiwa also became an excellent space engineer. He proposed to release the Chinese sun from the solar system and become an interstellar spacecraft to explore distant and unknown deep space.

This proposal was adopted by Lu Hai, but Shuiwa was not satisfied with this, and he hoped to give him a highly reliable micro-ecological cycle system.

Because he will take the Chinese solar voyage to the deep space of the universe, when hibernation wakes up more than forty years later, the spacecraft will pass by Centaurus, and he will become the first interstellar explorer in human history.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is undoubtedly a suicidal act, but for Shuiwa, he will bring the human vision to the depths of the universe with human dreams and missions.

Shuiwa finally realized his dream and became the first explorer to set foot in the deep space.

Maum explained a truth in "The Moon and Six Pence": if someone chooses to pick up six pence on the ground, then someone must want to go to the moon high enough, the value of dreams cannot be measured by money.

The size of the universe, which covers the world, is not as big as people's hearts.

For the mind is more than the universe.

In an increasingly utilitarian society, people are more and more concerned only with the interests and only the input-output ratio, and instead they are aggressive.

Some people are content with their wives and children's hot pits, and never glance out of the world that has nothing to do with them; others spend their lives just to look at things that humans have never seen.

Modern people, on the back of mortgages and car loans, are cautious and spend their entire lives just to cultivate one third of an acre.

As for when humans will return to the moon, UU reading landing on Mars, flying away from the solar system, and rushing into the universe is completely irrelevant.

The idealistic enthusiasm for space exploration in the last century has become a ridiculous existence.

In this film, the water baby walks down from the village to the coal mine, from the coal mine to the city, from the city to the capital, from the capital to space, and finally from the earth to the universe.

Every time I set off, it was like the child yearned for a brighter place. There was no hesitation, no worry, only a simple yearning ...

The shock of pure idealism brings people's hearts.

"I don't know what role I will play when I enter the Chinese Sun World this time."

Pang Xuelin's heart was dark.

In any case, compared to Pang Xuelin's previous experience, the safety in the Chinese science fiction adventure world and the Chinese sun world is basically free of problems.

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