Ye Hao over there, for a long time said: "Nothing, just suddenly remembered, do not go out to eat together tomorrow, I heard that there is a place that is not bad. ”

Zhang Hongzhi promised, "Well, see you tomorrow."

Ye Hao did not say anything, hung up the phone and narrowed his eyes, turned and went home.

[888: ... I thought you were going to make a big noise. 】

[Ye Ye: That would be too impulsive, or it is no different from a fool. And with the uncle and Zhang Hongzhi’s IQ, even if I really broke their lies, I could easily make a reason to fool me. I just need to say I just care about you to get to know your situation from your friends. I am afraid that if you think about it, you will be able to do it. What he really does will not let me know. Instead, he will give him the opportunity to block this road. ...How can I give them such an opportunity?]

[Ye Wei: Since you want to discover the truth, you have to hit a fatal one, so that he feels painful, otherwise what is the use? 】

[888: What resentment do you and him have? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: Keke, no hate, no complaints...]

[888: Then why are you doing this? 】

[Ye Wei: I still want to ask you, why is he the target of Raiders? Can this blame me? Can only blame him for not being good. Wronged jpg]



Ye Hao returned home, did not turn on the TV as usual, but sat on the sofa to play with the phone.

In the mobile phone, Lu Xiuwen sent a text message to him before telling him that something will come back a little later tonight. Since Lu Xiuwen and his relationship have been determined, it has always been like this. As long as there is something going home late, he will tell Ye Hao, occasionally himself. I will tell him where to go, even if Ye Hao never asks.

These are subtle and subtle details, which make people feel that he treats you with a sincere attitude. People feel that they are being respected. They will not doubt that he will lie to you to hide you.

But at the moment, Ye Hao looked at the text message, but there was no smile on his face. He sat there silently.

It was not long before Lu Xiuwen came back. It was not too late for him to return. When he entered the house, he saw Ye Hao sitting alone in the quiet hall. His expression seemed to be a little bit sloppy. His eyes moved and he took off his coat. Hanging on the hanger, walking over the shoulders of Ye Hao gently, asked softly: "What's wrong? Not happy?"

Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen and barely smiled. He was still thinking about today.

Originally, he wanted to give Lu Xiuwen a surprise, because Lu Xiuwen said that there is a meeting tonight to come back later, he can go home and wait for him to go home. He likes to care about this person and wants to be with him. More time together, thinking about him all the time...

But he did not go, because he saw Zhang Hongzhi went to Lu Xiuwen's company, Zhang Hongzhi and he said he wanted to go home, but he lied to him.

Who did Zhang Hongzhi go to the company? Ye Hao didn't know, but he instinctively felt that this matter might not be related to Lu Xiuwen. Zhang Hongzhi did not have any reason to go to Lu Xiuwen Company, except for himself...

Ye Hao’s lips moved, “Uncle...”

Lu Xiuwen looked at him patiently, his expression as gentle as ever: "I am."

Ye Hao wants to ask him, do you know that Zhang Hongzhi went to your company today? But when I didn't ask for it, an inexplicable uneasiness shrouded in his heart, as if I knew that I had asked, and I might not get the answer I wanted, which would make my eyes look beautiful and broken.

Finally, Ye Hao just said: "How come you come back so late? I have been waiting for you for a long time." His eyes seemed to be somewhat wronged and unhappy.

Lu Xiuwen certainly can't go back earlier, but Ye Hao has always been sensible. He occasionally played with his little temper. He felt very happy. He pinched his face and said, "Sorry, I will come back soon." of."

He said, he picked up Ye Hao and went back to the room. He bowed his head and kissed him. He smiled ridiculously: "Sink together?"

Ye Hao knows what Lu Xiuwen is going to do. If he was before, he likes to do something with his uncle... But now he is full of the best friends who deceive him, and he has no mood in his heart. He coveted: I have to get up early tomorrow, and this class teacher will be very strict, I don't want to take time off again."

Lu Xiuwen was keenly aware of Ye Hao’s mismatch, but Ye Hao didn’t want to say that he was not clear, and he would not force him. He just let go of his hand: “Well, let’s rest early.”

Lu Xiuwen did not do anything that night, just holding Ye Hao to rest.

Ye Hao felt Lu Xiuwen's arms, his head buried in his arms, listening to his steady heartbeat. In the past, this embrace always gave him the most stable and reliable feeling, but today it is different.

Zhang Hongzhi... Why go to Lu Xiuwen's company? Why is he cheating himself?

In fact, even if he really knows Lu Uncle, there is nothing. He can directly tell him why he should lie to him?


Ye Hao was asleep with heart and mind. The next day, Zhang Hongzhi came to the school to find Ye Hao. He smiled and said: "I went out to eat together at night. I called a few friends and people were more active."

Ye Hao was taken by him.

He didn't really want to go here to eat. He just called the phone under the impulse yesterday. He had no choice but to find an excuse. At this moment, he looked at Zhang Hongzhi's warm smile and his mind was all about what he cheated on himself yesterday.

I really want to ask directly, but I am hesitant. I haven’t been able to speak for a long time. Maybe he subconsciously understands that if he asks, he is afraid to lose this friend.

Zhang Hongzhi saw Ye Hao’s absent-mindedness, but he did not understand why he was not happy. He was almost alone with Ye Hao every day, and he knew everything about him. It is reasonable to say that nothing happened. It was clear that it was good when it was separated yesterday.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the hotel. The people present today are Zhang Hongzhi's good buddies. Because they often play together, and Ye Hao is also very familiar. Everyone can see that Ye Hao is in a bad mood, and he is very patient and tells jokes. Ye Hao is happy.

It is a pity that Ye Hao did not have any feelings. His mind was all the words that Zhang Hongzhi lied to him yesterday. He couldn’t ask if he could ask. Now people are mixed and not the right time to talk.

Only after eating half of the leaf, I couldn’t stay any longer. He stood up and said, "I want to go home."

The room was quiet for a while, and Zhang Hongzhi first went back to God. He asked with concern: "Gu Shao, is it not your taste here?"

If it was before, Ye Hao may directly say that he does not want to stay, but he looked at Zhang Hongzhi’s seemingly sincere face today and suddenly said a false statement that he did not want him to know his true feelings. He said: Uncle said yesterday, let me go back earlier today."

Zhang Hongzhi did not doubt Ye Xie's words. Ye Hao, this simple child never lie, saying what it is. Since Lu Xiuwen asked him to go back earlier, he certainly could not retain it, so he stood up and said, "Then I will send you out. ”

Ye Hao said: "No, my car is below, I will go back, you can continue to eat, leave me alone."

Zhang Hongzhi smiled and said: "That's good."

Ye Hao nodded to everyone and said, turned and walked out, and gently brought it to the door.

When he turned to the elevator in the corridor, he touched his pocket and found that the mobile phone was not on his body. I was afraid that it was in the private room, so he turned and walked back.

The door between the private rooms was hidden, leaving a gap. It was when he left, he did not close. The singer and the noise in the private room were almost faintly circulated.


Zhang Hongzhi eyes to send Ye Hao out, turned his head and raised his eyebrows at the companions. There was no such thing as a courteous gentleman's demeanor on the face. He said, "Come here, everyone will eat and play, know that Gu Shao is here. Open, wronged you, today I pay for the order despite the point!"

Everyone burst into laughter. "Zhang Ge, you also know that we have wronged us. I play with you every day to accompany the kid with pure love. You want to send us a meal, it is too perfunctory. No, no!"

Zhang Hongzhi smiled and said: "I am such a person? Everyone is full of food and drink, and I will invite you to relax at the Lake Court Club. It is enough."

The Huyuan Clubhouse is a typical gold-selling cave. It is the second generation of them. It is also expensive at once. After all, they are all students, and they have not yet inherited their family business.

This time, everyone barely let go of Zhang Hongzhi, because Ye Hao is not there, the tone has changed one by one, and the speech has begun to be unscrupulous. It can be seen that in front of Ye Hao, this group of cockroaches can be broken.

One of the boys said: "Zhang Ge, saying that you are together with Gu Shao all day, you can really endure it, entertainment life is almost gone, you have to be pure and can become a Buddha."

Zhang Hongzhi opened another bottle of wine and snorted: "How is it possible?"

Another boy smiled and said: "You don't know about it. You are coming less and don't know the law. This Gu Shaoke is a baby. He has to go home before 9 pm every night. He left. Our nightlife begins, and it doesn't affect it at all."

The boy suddenly realized that he cocked his thumb and said, "It turns out that this business is cost-effective."

Zhang Hongzhi smiled and said, "This business is of course cost-effective. I only need to accompany this kid at school and install his good friend. Lu always agrees to inject capital into my family. I also offer many preferential terms. You know. I went to see General Lu yesterday."

Everyone looked at Zhang Hongzhi with some envy. Just because he was selected by Lu Xiuwen to be a friend of Ye Hao, how much benefit did Zhang have? Moreover, if you want to develop such a thigh, you will have more resources than they will develop in the future. Only you can't wait for Lu Xiuwen to choose them. Fortunately, Zhang Hongzhi needs someone to help him with Ye Hao, which gives them some benefits.

Some people said with emotion: "He always seems to really like Gu Shao, so he is so worried."

At this time, some people dissatisfied, disdainful said: "I don't see much like it. I really like that one person will use such a means. You will not forget how Gu Shao is playing with our group of people."

A girl smiled awkwardly: "Isn't it because the identity exposure is alienated from his original friend, who doesn't know about it."

The man smiled mysteriously and said: "Why do you think that his identity is exposed? Why is his friend alienating him?"

The girls are a little surprised: "Is this what Lu always did?"

The other party smiled happily, and the answer is self-evident.

The girl still had some disbelief and asked Zhang Hongzhi: "Zhang Ge, these are really arranged by the general manager of the land? Why did he do this? I don't think it is necessary."

Zhang Hongzhi looked at the beauty of the beautiful mood, seeing her is a newcomer, the expression of an authoritative person, smiled and explained: "For what, for the sake of not taking Gu Shao to sleep."

"I am also admired by Lu’s mentality. I think that Shao Shao should have been straight. He was stupid enough to be turned to bed by him. He was also grateful to Dade when he was sold.”

A tall boy shot his thigh and couldn't help but smile and said, "Isn't it, that time, I was going to find someone to get drunk."

When Zhang Hongzhi remembered that time, he didn't have a good face. "That is what Lu always told me. Let me ask you to find a few people to drink wine. It will be done on the line. Gu Shao did not drink much. I gave my son a drink and went back to the headache. For a few days."

The boy laughed: "But after the event, Lu did not treat you badly, and the amount of alcohol was worth it."

Zhang Hongzhi thought of a smile here: "I want to say why it is so troublesome, and I will take care of the small body. How is Lu always directly on him? It still needs such trouble."

"He always likes this kind of fun, Zhang Ge, you are such a boring person, don't say it." Everyone grinned and talked about it, it was their biggest talk, one by one excited: " Hey, you said that this is really true. He and the uncle who raised him have become this kind of relationship. They are still stupidly being asleep, and they are still asleep. Thanks to Lu for helping him, I have not seen it. Have such a stupid person."

"Right, but Lu is also very troublesome. Let us be a friend and a friend. My dad doesn't care so much about his favorite little lover."

"Because people are the children of Lu’s children."

"What child raises a hahahahahaha... laughs and dies!"

"Hey, you said why Lu always wants to do this. Can you really like him?" Hey, this is also a near-water platform. After eating Lujia’s Lujia, you don’t have to worry about being swept away. You said that he should not deliberately seduce Mr. Lu?"

"Who knows this kind of thing? But I don't think he will be swept out of the house. You forgot the origin of Gu Shao? I think Lu is reluctant to chase him out..."

"It’s right, too."

"Come and come, Gu Shao is not going to let everyone play, today is not drunk!"

Ye Hao stood at the door and listened to all of them. Those who were courteous and friendly in front of him in the past, all at this moment, they all changed their faces, revealing their fangs and awkward eyes, making hypocrisy The illusion of a ruthless tear, like a group of devil dance.

Ye Hao suddenly pushed the door open!

Because the door suddenly opened, the cold air from the outside came in, and everyone in the smoky room looked back at the door. For a moment, the words in the throat were stuck, and then the expression on the face became distorted. .

Zhang Hongzhi was shocked to see Ye Hao, his voice lost the calm of the past, and stood up and said: "Gu, Gu Shao... How are you..."

Ye Hao looked at him, his eyes were red and his lips shivered.

He looked at the group with a slight gaze. This is the friend he trusts most in his usual days. In front of him, they are so friendly... and they never know that they don’t know when they don’t know. The malicious contempt is talking about him.

Say those swear words that he never dreamed of.

Like someone he doesn't know at all.

It turned out that this is true. It turns out that people are behind it... It’s like saying him...

Ye Hao slowly walked over, bent over and picked up his mobile phone from the gap in the sofa, his voice trembled with trepidation, with a restrained calm: "My mobile phone has forgotten it."

Then he turned and walked outside.

Without waiting for Ye Hao to take a few steps, Zhang Hongzhi finally reacted and strode out to stop him. Hesitantly said, "You, you heard it."

Ye Hao didn't look at him, he turned and went outside.

Zhang Hongzhi stopped him again and said anxiously, "Wait."

Ye Hao was glaring at him, his eyes were fierce and fragile, his tears were turning in his eyes, like a rushing rabbit, desperately forcing himself to play with his teeth and hoarse voice: "You let go."

Zhang Hongzhi saw Ye Hao like this, and finally confirmed that he had heard it, his face was pale, and he could not wait to fan his own ear scrapers! It was because he was too familiar with Ye Hao during this time, and he was relaxed for a long time before he made such mistakes.

"Not like this, you listen to me -" Zhang Hongzhi is more anxious.

Ye Hao suddenly opened his mouth and smiled. "No, I heard it very clearly. You don't have to re-interpret it again, and - when I called you yesterday, I stood at the door of the company. I just didn't. I thought, you are going to see my uncle."

I did not expect that you actually treated me like this.

Zhang Hongzhi’s face has changed completely. He has always been able to speak eloquently, but at this moment, there is nothing to say at this point. For a long time, he only made a single sentence and tried to save a little impression for Lu Xiuwen: “Lu Zong only cares about you yesterday. I understand the situation, I am afraid that you will lie to you more than you think. He really cares about you, you don't blame him... We just talked indiscriminately, don't worry about it, the group of **** has always been like this, when you say Not really..."

Ye Hao decided to look at him, revealing a sad smile: "Yes, I know."

Zhang Hongzhi saw that his heart was falling, because the fear hand was a little trembling... He certainly was not afraid of Ye Hao, but fear Lu Xiuwen.

Because he completely messed up, will Lu Xiwen’s heart be forgiven? Zhang Hongzhi did not dare to be so extravagant and did not dare to bear such consequences.

Ye Hao said in a word: "Please let me go, I have to go back, otherwise I will tell my uncle, you said that I am bad."

Zhang Hongzhi stepped back in a scary way, revealing a sly smile: "Gu Shao, after all, we are also friends, can you trouble you... don't say this to Lu Zong... I beg you."

Ye Hao’s heart was cold, and he was disappointed. He turned and left. This time, Zhang Hongzhi did not dare to stop.

He went straight downstairs to the car. The driver looked at Ye Hao's appearance and frowned. He said: "Gu Shao, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Hao wiped her face with her sleeve and said faintly: "Nothing, let's go home."


The driver did not dare to ask, carefully sent Ye Hao back home, and immediately called Lu Xiuwen to tell him about the abnormal situation. Sure enough, Lu Xiuwen rushed back home.

Ye Hao knows that Lu Xiuwen will come back soon. After all, he is surrounded by his own people. All this is his design.

Lu Xiuwen first exposed his identity in the school, alienated his original friend, and let Zhang Hongzhi approach him to guide him. His own side is all his people, and every move is in his eyes.

Oh, and that bar was drunk, it was also his plan...

Only myself, like a fool, was turned back to be grateful to Dade.

Ye Xie looked at Lu Xiuwen who was rushing into the door. This tall and handsome man, the sadness in his heart almost made him unable to breathe.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s eyes and his expression suddenly became dignified. Ye Hao’s eyes made him feel very wrong.

He slowly walked over, revealing a gentle expression and asked: "Did you go out to eat with Zhang Hongzhi today? He made you unhappy?"

Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen's gentle and inclusive expression. When he felt helpless and sad, Lu Xiuwen gave him comfort and relied on him to make him feel that he was not alone and helpless. At the moment... he only felt The whole body is cold, and the gentle smile is also horrible and horrible, like a cold-blooded beast with a mask.

I can't see his true appearance.

All he did was fake.

Ye Hao’s chest undulating, his lips slightly open, the first time he said the sarcasm and stinging words: “If he makes me unhappy, you will give me a new friend who can make me happy, is it? Anyway, my friends are not in harmony. The mind can be changed at will."

The smile on Lu Xiuwen's face disappeared instantly.

When he saw Ye Hao, he realized that something was wrong. At the moment, Ye Hao’s words confirmed this point. Today, what must have happened, but how much Ye Hao knows and understands what it is, but Lu Xiuwen does not. clearly.

Lu Xiuwen paused and tried with a gentle voice: "It seems that you don't like him."

Ye Hao looked at him coldly and said: "Zhang Hongzhi lied to me yesterday that he went home, but actually went to see you, I saw it with my own eyes."

Lu Xiuwen listened to this sentence, his face was more and more dignified, but in fact his heart was a little relieved, if Ye Hao only knows this, it is not difficult to fool the past.

He was silent for a moment, and said in a sincere and sincere voice: "Sorry, I really want to know about your situation with him. I didn't expect him to lie to you."

Ye Hao listened to Lu Xiuwen's answer, and the last trace of luck in his heart was gone.

He does not want to believe that those people are full of malicious words, do not want to believe that Lu Xiuwen is such a person, will treat him with such means, but until now, Lu Xiuwen is still lying to him...

Just like Zhang Hongzhi, he used an understatement to care for what he did.

In his opinion, his life, his own life, his own friends... are irrelevant?

The sadness in Ye Xin’s heart is almost overflowing, but what makes him sad is... In fact, think about Lu Xiuwen not always like this?

When he was saddened by his identity, he comforted him by his side. When he lost because of his friend's alienation, he still seemed to care about him sincerely, when he was being bullied by drunkenness. He still appears beside him to care for him.

He has been caring that he cares about him... but hidden under this concern, it is an icy calculation that cannot see the light.

These people have been reliant on the concern of trust, and they have changed a little bit beyond recognition. No one is true to this person’s words.

He has been lying to him. If he is not him, he will not lose his friends at all, he will not be alienated, he will not be harassed... He will hurt you and deceive you first, and then appear in a caring image, let you love Go to him.

In this world, how can there be such a despicable liar.

And can he believe in the love that is spoken in such a population? What kind of love is this? This is not love at all, it is possession control.

Lu Xiuwen fooled him into deceitfulness, and they sneered at Zhang Hongzhi’s words, but also made him a hundred times more painful, because this is the person he loves with confidence. He believes that he will never lie to him to hurt him. It is this person who lied to him the most.

Even all this is a bureau of his cloth, a calculation, watching himself like a fool, a prey, and walking into his trap.

Lu Xiuwen always thought that everything was under control, but at this moment he looked at Ye Hao’s increasingly cold and sorrowful eyes, and finally there was a feeling that he was gradually getting out of control... just like the last one, when he didn’t even think of it, suddenly Out of his control.

He reached out and hugged Ye Hao, took him into his arms and looked at him deeply: "Xiao Ran, what have you heard?"

Ye Hao dared to open his mouth and looked at him with strange eyes: "I have heard of it."

Lu Xiuwen's movements were slightly stiff, and his heart slowly sank. For a long time, he said, "Would you like to listen to me and tell you? You want to know what, I will tell you."

Ye Hao suddenly broke the arms of Lu Xiuwen, looked at him with anger and disappointment and painful eyes, and made a hysterical voice: "I said I know it! You liar!"

con man……

Lu Xiuwen's face was slightly white, and he looked at his empty arms. This is the first time that Ye Hao refused him.

Ye Xie looked at Lu Xiuwen, tears flowed down, all were fake, everything was fake, and the person he loved was fake... this home... the place he loved, now is like this man The exquisite cage he built.

This is not what he wants, and this is not the love he has.

This is just a well-written scam.

Lu Xiuwen’s bottom is darker and his hands are slightly tight. He didn’t think that Ye Hao would find these things now. He didn’t even think that his rebound would be so intense, he would be angry to this point... He thought he still had time to let Ye Hao is more dependent on him and can't live without him.

"Small, you listen to me." Lu Xiuwen tried his best to make a gentle voice and reached for the hand of the leafhopper.

Ye Xie looked at Lu Xiuwen’s hand. This person imagined the same as before, fooling him, deceiving him, controlling him? He used to trust him so much, but now he only feels that this person is so strange and terrible that his pain and anger fill his chest.

Ye Hao suddenly reached out and handed Lu Xiuwen's hand open! Turned and ran out!

He is leaving here!

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