The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 10: Ex-boyfriend who was broken up

Qin Yi stopped in the same place.

The look in those eyes was never seen before Qin Yi. The sadness inside is not covered by the slightest. It is so true... Ye Hao still loves him...

Qin Yizhen looked at Ye Xie, watching him bite his lips out of the blood, watching him look like a word of silence... It seems to be able to imagine how much effort he spent alone in it. Perseverance, no sound.

The sadness and despair in that eye is like a tide.

This is probably what Qin Yi wants to see, think of it...

It is like a kind of extravagant hope in the depths of my heart that has become a reality.

But how is this possible?

[叮, Qin Yi blackening value -10, the current blackening value of 70]

Qin Yi closed his eyes and he walked over. His thumb gently rubbed the lips of Ye Hao. Do you want to lie to me? But I have to admit that you are a superb swindler... If you are willing to lie for a lifetime... I am probably hurting you.

Qin Yi's lips moved, just said a "you-" word, I heard Ye Hao open.

Ye Hao slightly looked up and stared at him. The sadness in his eyes disappeared, and the wind blew, as if it were just his illusion.

He smiled: "You can rest assured that I have figured it out."

Qin Yi’s heart suddenly sinks. “What do you think of?”

Ye Hao’s tone is calm. “Before I did it wrong, I still owe you money. I should not try to escape. Who do you want to marry, and whoever you are with me? You can rest assured that I will not bother you again. It is."

Qin Yi’s body is stiff in the same place, and the temperature that will rise in the heart will be extinguished again, leaving only one piece of cold.

The hand he was hanging on his side was tight and loose, and sure enough, the scene just now was just an illusion. It’s probably too expensive, so it’s such an unrealistic fantasy.

This scene in front of you is real.

This is the only answer he can get.

Seeing that Ye Hao finally obeyed, it should have been fun, but Qin Yi suddenly lost the strength of revenge, not even much happiness, only endless exhaustion.

Qin Yi stunned the unopened, cold-sweet food on the table and turned and went out.

After a while, the servant came over with fresh meals.

This time Ye Hao did not have any resistance, but began to eat indifferently, and the performance was very submissive.

On this evening, Qin Yi stayed in the study late, until Ye Hao fell asleep, and he gently returned to his room.

He held Ye Hao in his arms, and the people in his arms lost a lot of weight, and the bones were a little clasped, as if a fragile touch would break. He finally regained his possession and retaliated against him, but happy? Actually, I am not so happy... He is tormenting this person, and it is not tormenting himself.

Can't let go, can't be free.

Ye Hao didn't sleep very well, and woke up slowly. He stared at Qin Yi for a while, and did not reluctantly resist as usual. Instead, he paused and docilely lay in Qin Yi’s arms and continued to sleep.

Qin Yi looked at the young man's appearance, his heartbeat seemed to be slow, and his eyes overflowed with a complicated and inexpressible look, but he eventually did nothing. He just hugged him and stayed up all night.


Ye Hao really showed a lot of obedience, even more obedient than at the beginning, a completely obedient attitude, obedience to Qin Yilian forced his interest, because there is no need to force, no matter how you treat him, He doesn't care.

Finally one day, Qin Yi untied his handcuffs.

Ye Hao looked at Qin Yi with some surprises.

Qin Yi looked at him and said faintly: "If you run away, I will not let you go. You understand?"

Ye Hao coveted: "I understand."

Qin Yi nodded and threw the handcuffs into the drawer, no longer paying attention to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was very obedient, and there was no intention to escape. It seemed that he really recognized the reality completely. Qin Yi even took him out several times. Gradually, people around Qin Yi knew that he had an obedient lover.

Ye Hao perfectly plays the role of an underground lover, and he does not care about anything about Qin Yi.

After more than a month of this, one day Qin Yi went abroad for a business trip, Ye Hao left alone at home.

He sat in his room for a while, and looked at the complicated drawers to see the money that Qin Yi gave him during this time. The money was quietly placed there... For a long time, Ye Hao reluctantly closed the drawer.

He didn't take the money, he was wearing a pajamas like this, and he walked calmly in the sight of the security guard to the garden. During this time, he often went out for a walk in the evening. The security guards got used to it and didn't think much.

Ye Hao walked to the corner of the garden and turned out from the wall, flying into the night.


Ye Hao had no money and no ID card. Finally, he came to a special dilapidated small hotel. The hotel happened to be recruiting a waiter. Ye Hao went to apply for a job, saying that the salary was given casually, and that there was a place to eat and eat.

This kind of informal hotel is not too concerned about the origin of Ye Hao, and he is left behind when he is cheap.

This way, Ye Hao has a place to stay.

He lives in a very damp and dilapidated house, which is no better than the previous low-rent housing. Every day, he works hard and can't eat well. This time, he doesn't have to look bad.

[Ye Wei: I have been out for more than a week. How did Qin Yi still find me? ! 】

[888: ... are you so anxious to die? 】

[Ye Wei: How come, I think the timing is just right! It’s time to make a big move and let him know my hardships! 】

[888 sneer: Oh? What is the difficulty? 】

[Ye Wei: I will tell you if I borrow my 500 experience. 】

[888: I am not enough to drag you, and my face is looking for me to borrow experience points? Ha ha. 】

[Ye Ye: I am not not still...]

[888: No way. 】

The air was silent for a few minutes, and Ye Hao put on a serious expression.

[Ye Ye: Ok, then I will tell the truth. 】

[888: You said. 】

[Ye Ye: I need to buy a 'cell cancer baby' to make this body get cancer. You see, I am terminally ill, I am going to die, so I had to leave him that year! Just don't want him to suffer, so I really have a hard time! 】


[888: So this is your bad trick? ! ! ! 】

Ye licked his ears, and then remembered that the roar came from the brain, and put down his hands, a serious saying: "How is this a bad trick? Such a classic trick... Do you know why the classic is a classic? Just because It's easy to use! I bet that if Qin Yi knows it, it will definitely reduce the value of blackening! If a person dies as a light, what kind of resentment can't be ruined? What's more, he has a feeling for me."

[888 sneer: Is it? I think it's good that he doesn't send you directly. Don't forget that you just cheated him once. 】

[Ye Wei: You believe me once! 】

[888: Believe in you? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Ye: Starling, Baye, Dad! o(∩_∩)o~]


[Ye Wei: People give you an account, you only need to lend me 500 experience! I can guarantee to complete this task! Not only can you save your system evaluation, but you can also get the 10,000 experience value system reward for the task, which is a great profit! 】

[Ye Wei: 500 experience points in the district, can't buy a loss, can't buy it! Is there a more cost-effective investment than this? And once my experience is thawed, I will double it back, you are not so cost-effective to go to loan sharks! But if you don't lend me, my mission will be dead! If you want to take a look, the experience value of 500 can change a perfect result and save you and me! What else is hesitant? ! 】

[Ye Ye: And you don’t borrow me, just watch me die, see death! QAQ]


[Ye Ye: You think about 呗(づ ̄3 ̄)づ]

888: I really want to step on his face...


A black car parked at the door of a dilapidated hotel. The passers-by curiously looked over. How can people who can drive such a level of luxury cars live in this place?

Qin Yi looked through the black glass to the direction of the hotel.

Just now he got the news, Ye Hao is hiding here. These days, Ye Hao did not walk out of the hotel, did not use the phone, did not access the Internet, lived a completely isolated life, just to avoid him.

He once again believed him once, and he once again failed his own trust, the so-called obedience...but just to prepare for the escape, just to paralyze his illusion.

Everything is fake.

Just like three years ago.

Qin Yi's dark eyes were cold. He pushed the door open and black leather shoes stepped on the dirty ground of the hotel, step by step, to the place where Ye Hao was.

There is no lock on the door, and it is opened with a single push.

The people in the room heard the sound and looked back, and the eyes suddenly showed a complex look like an accident, a surprise, and so on.

Qin Yi smiled and he slowly walked to Ye Hao's front, but the unexpected voice was soft and soft: "I didn't expect I would find you?"

Ye Hao clenched her lips, but did not try to escape. When Qin Yi appeared here, he knew that he had no way to escape.

Qin Yi’s hand was placed on the shoulder of Ye Hao, and he felt a slight shudder in his body. His eyes were darker and his voice was slightly swaying. He smiled like a smile. “You are afraid? Because you know that you have cheated me, so you are afraid. ?"

No, I am not afraid.

I am just sad, we have reached this irreparable point.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyes and stared at Qin Yi, and his eyes slowly showed gentleness, love, and reluctance.

Qin Yi looked at the smile in his eyes, and suddenly shot the violent bloodthirsty color in his eyes! How did he still laugh out? How did he still laugh out! He is so determined, how can he not take him? !

Qin Yi waved Ye Hao to the ground with one hand! Bend down and stare at his eyes: "Now I am afraid, late."

Ye Hao’s brow was slightly wrinkled. He opened his mouth and seemed to want to smile. But he couldn’t speak, and he was sore and violent, coughing up, and his throat was sweet.

But he didn't want to be discovered by Qin Yi, so he reached out and grabbed his mouth. However, the cough became more and more intense.

In the eyes of Qin Yi, his ridiculous look was revealed. He grabbed Ye Wei’s thin wrist and slowly and forcefully removed his hand. His tone was cold: “Is it enough?”

The next moment, his sight fell on the blood of Ye Xun's palm, and the pupil shrank a little.

The author has something to say: Reporter: Today, I interviewed Mr. 888, a senior system. I would like to ask you what you think about the human tongue when you have a dog.

888: I don't make such a loss.

Reporter: emmmmm... In case you accidentally hit it?

888: It must be that I blinked.


888: For dogs, I won't play with meat buns, I will choose stones.

Ye Wei: Wang Wangwang? ? ?

The reporter pressed Ye Hao’s head: ... Ok, thank you for your answer, and today’s interview ends here.

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