The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 110: End of life guide

Ye Ye raised his head slightly and looked at the man in front of him. The man’s chin was strong and chilly. The cold eyes in the black ruthlessly fell on his body, and his eyes were still in his eyes. Implied contempt, as if you are just an irrelevant ant, or something filthy.

Yang Gan is very serious about saying this sentence, not a joke.

Ye Hao’s neck was burnt in a hot place. The cold air on the ground invaded his body. His fingers caught on the ground. For a long time, the pale face showed a stubborn smile: “I am... you forgot Me me..."

Don't you know me?

Yang Gan decided to look at Ye Hao, watching the fragile and hopeful light in his eyes, and the lips were slightly raised.

It’s really pitiful. Huo Yi is gone. If there is no backing, will it start to show weakness to me? Then, when you were ruthlessly betraying me, when I was alone to die, why didn’t I have such a face? I haven't found out that you still have this kind of skill.

Yang Gan slightly opened his lips and made a smile of implicit smile: "I certainly remember you."

Even if I don't remember people all over the world, I won't forget you, and I won't forget the shame and betrayal that you brought me.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and said, “I’ve been worried about you...”

Yang Gan couldn't help but smile. This is the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.

How do you have a face to say this to me? Oh... yes, you don’t know that I was next door that night, I was tied there, desperate and helpless to listen to everything... You thought I didn’t know what you did, so I dare to pretend that you are so worry about me.

Yang Gan raised his right hand, Shi Yang stunned, and immediately handed the chain in his hand to the hands of Yang Gan.

Yang Gan stretched his hand and pulled it directly from the ground!

Ye Hao didn't think that Yang Gan would do this without warning. His hands clasped the chain, and he was almost smashed, his eyes were scared, his face was puzzled and sad. He would not forget how gentle and considerate Yang Yang was. How good he is.

And now the man who stands in front of him is ruthless and cold, like a demon in the shell of his lover, moody, rude and terrible.

Yang Qiang’s powerful hand grasped the chain, turned and walked to his seat and sat down. Ye Hao couldn’t resist at all, so he was dragged and followed behind him, because he did not stand still, squatting and falling over Yanggan’s At the feet.

Yang Gan's lips are cold and cold, without any pity. The chain is directly wrapped around the armrest of his chair, and the chain is slowly tightened. This length makes Ye Hao unable to climb up and can only bend over and kneel there.

Ye Hao felt uncomfortable, and the eyes of others around him made him feel ashamed and his body shivered.

Yang Gan reached out and touched Ye Hao’s face. The rough fingertips brought a knife-like pain. He smiled slightly: “It’s better to think about how to please your new owner than to spend your mind in useless places. This will be able to survive."

Ye Hao listened to this sentence, and the last hope in her heart was also shattered.

Yang Gan came back alive, and he didn't forget him, but he didn't come to save him... This cognition made Ye Qishen's blood seem cold.

Seeing this scene, Shi Yang was so straightforward that he couldn’t help but yell at the door and ask: "Boss, did you know him before?"

Yang Gan raised his head and smiled slightly: "Yes, we used to be together before, but he later felt that he had a future with Huo Yi and broke up with me."

Shi Yang’s eyes were wide, and everyone else was very surprised. He did not expect Yang Gan to directly say this. Although Yang Gan’s expression was calm and simple and easy to say, I was afraid that it was very painless at first. My boyfriend and others ran away, and I still fell to such a point. No wonder I hate Huo Yi.

Yes, Yang Gan had a lot of people who knew it at the beginning. There are many people here who have hatred with Huo Yi. This is why Yang Gan can gather them for their own sake, because they all want revenge.

With a common enemy and purpose, they are not dead with Huo Yi.

When I heard Yang Gan’s words, no one looked down on Yang Gan and thought that he was useless. After all, the gap between ordinary people and abilities is very big. No matter what Yang Qian used to be, he is powerful enough to defeat Huo Yi. Yes... and his original encounters and dilemmas made people even more admired that he could fight back.

In contrast, everyone's eyes on Ye Hao are very contemptuous. They were originally slaves. They thought that they were the characters. They used to abandon their boyfriends for a good day.

Although there are many people like the end of the world, it is the lover who can fly in the first place, but does not prevent them from looking down on these people.

Shi Yang was the most straightforward. He looked at Ye Hao with disgust, and said: "There is still something to do with this kind of goods. I will pull it out and feed the zombies. I will ask the boss to find a few beautiful people."

Yang Gan couldn't help but laughed. It seemed to be in a good mood. He looked down at Ye Hao and said, "It seems that my people don't like you very much. Do you want me to do this?"

Ye Hao’s face was pale and his lips shivered and he couldn’t speak.

Yang Gan saw him scared into this look, sneer, how could he be so cheap?

Since you like to climb the strong, sell yourself, do anything without dignity and the bottom line in order to live, then I will let you know the price that needs to be paid. This is your choice.

Yang Gan smiled at Shi Yang: "Thank you for your heart, but don't talk about these things today. This kind of person is not worth our time to discuss him. We still have more important things to do. Huo Yi is at the base. People, how are you cleaning up?"

Shi Yang said: "Huo Yi and his confidants have escaped, but there are many other abilities in the base who will later rely on him. They are only interests, so some people are not on the sidelines."

Yang Gan said faintly: "Talk to them. If you are willing to rely on me, you will stay, and if you are unwilling or worried, you will kill them."

Shi Yang Ying Sheng is.

Yang Gan turned his head and said to Zhao Jin: "Although some people in the base can use it, but the key locations, such as hospitals and arsenals, must arrange for our reliable personnel to look after the police, and the outposts are all replaced by our people. Twenty-four hours to monitor the situation outside, Huo Yi will certainly not be willing, will come back."

Zhao Jin nodded and said seriously: "I will arrange it."

Yang Gan asked: "What is the attitude of ordinary people outside?"

One of his men replied: "They are very uneasy. They don't dare to go out at home. They are afraid that we will kill them. We will steal things and leave." This is a common situation in the last days. There will also be killing and looting between the bases. In the case of resources, even in such a cruel end of the world, there will never be a struggle between human beings. On the contrary, some of the evil and cruel aspects of human nature are more exposed.

Sometimes humans are often more difficult to deal with than zombies, and they are afraid that it is normal.

Yang Qian smiled and said: "Go out to appease them. These people are all wall grasses. They have no loyalty to Huo Yi. They stay here just to have a living path and tell them that everything is the same. Since we want to control this base, They are all useful."

Yang Gan asked some other situations and organized them in an orderly manner. All of his men went out to perform tasks. They must control the situation in a short period of time.

When there were no more people in the room, Yang Gan turned his head and looked at the leafhopper at his feet.

Ye Hao’s legs trembled, no **** face, Qing Jun’s face was cold and sweaty, and the black hair in front of her face was on her face...

Yang Gan stared at the face of Ye Hao, this is the person he thought about, but not love, but hate.

He has hated him for the two days and nights.

He vowed to kill Huo Yi, recapture Ye Hao, let Huo Yi pay his life, and let Ye Hao pay the price.

Let them know that they are not a waste that can be killed casually, it is the existence that can make them fear and regret.

Yang Gan suddenly reached into the leaf of the Ye Hao, and did not know what he did. Ye Hao’s face showed a painful expression. There was a faint stun on the pale face. He looked at Yang Gan painfully and bit his lip: ......"

stop? Now you don't like me to touch you? Or do you prefer Huo Yi? When he was doing something to you, he didn’t see you saying that he wanted to stop...

The darkness of Yang’s eyes is faintly mad. When I think of the past two years, the people in front of me are being arbitrarily played by other men. They are raised as a pet, and they don’t know how many times they sleep with others. Not as sweet as a viper, it seems to devour everything.

This is his own person! It can only be his!

Yang Gan untied the chain and suddenly hugged Ye Hao directly.

Ye Hao struggled for a while, but Yang Gan’s arm was cast like steel. He was much stronger than before. He not only became stronger, but also changed.

Even if Yang did not say anything, but Ye Hao can feel the anger of Yang Gan, the color of fear in his eyes.

Yang Gan held Ye Hao directly to the residence of Huo Yi, the magnificent villa decoration, like a narrow palace, in the end of the world to highlight the status of the owner.

"You let me go." Ye Hao said, this Yang Gan made him feel scared.

Yang Gan was unmoved at all, and finally came to the bathroom on the second floor of the master bedroom, directly throwing Ye Hao violently on the ground.

Ye Hao looked painful. When she struggled, she wanted to get up. She was stepped on his wrist by Yang Gan. The clothes on her body were torn off coldly, and then the cold water dripped down the face!

Ye Hao was sore and cold, and humiliation and shame made him only curl up and get drenched.

Yang Gan looked coldly at the man on the ground. The man curled up and curled up. The slender back was curved and curved. The legs were straight and slender. The white skin was like silk. His hands and his feet were delicate and beautiful. As a man, he has a body and looks that make men feel.

There is nothing in his body, but the black iron collar on his neck indicates his current identity, and his skin is paler, and the cold water runs down his cheeks, making it fragile and attractive. .

Once they were the most loved couples, Yang Gan would not forget that before the end of the last days, they would be together, not forgetting the smile that this person showed to him, the words spoken in his mouth... I will not forget the end of the day. After that, they fled all the way, looking at each other in the moment of life and death.

At that time, he was naive to think that their feelings were the most indestructible thing in the world. Even if the world is so desperate and dark, there is only this person. His heart still has hope. Living is not a meaningless one. He struggled for their future and dreamed that a beautiful day would come.

But all this ended up being a joke.

When he looked at Ye Hao’s ruthless face, listening to the ruthless words... Finally, in the dark forest filled with zombies, he dragged his broken legs, the blood of his hands dripping from the full of stinking corpses When the block is crawling out a little...

When he was in a dark cave, it was no different from those corpses, and he had to live by eating rats.

He found that he lost everything, persistence, hope, and love.

There is nothing in this world worthy of his nostalgia... The only thing that supports him to survive is nothing but hatred.

Yang Gan bent down and grabbed Ye Hao's hair and lifted his head, revealing a cruel smile. "How do you usually please Huo Yi? Is he satisfied with your body? Does he know me?"

Ye Hao closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes trembled, her lips were white, and she seemed to want to refute anything, but eventually she couldn’t say anything.

Yang Gan released his hand and picked up Ye Hao and threw it on the bed. Ye Hao realized Yang Gan’s behavior and bite his teeth and wanted to escape, but he was caught ruthlessly by his ankle.

Yang Gan bowed his head and laughed in his ear: "But since I have followed me now, it is better to forget him earlier."


This ruthless plunder lasted for a long time. Yang Gan seemed to use this way to mark his own prey, to burn his own marks on his body, and to smother the smell of others.

I don't know if it is the pain of the body, or the sadness of my heart. Ye Hao’s tears keep flowing.

The man who tortured him at the moment is his favorite person. They met at a very young age... He loved him for many years, and fortunately, this person also loves him. They originally had glorious future.

But the moment of change in the world has made everything a bubble.

Just because you are not strong enough, you can't protect the people you love, you must be forced to separate and hurt each other.

When he said the words that made Yang Gan leave here, no one knew how painful and desperate he was in his heart. If he sacrificed himself, he would let Yang go alive, and he would not hesitate to do so. Unfortunately, it is useless. Huo Yi wants to kill Yang Gan. The only thing he can do is pretend not to know, and then let Huo Yi drive him out.

Far away from here...

Leaving here, there is still a living hope...

He dreamed of a day of ecstasy. A man walking in the dead usually lives here, imagining that this person will return from the sky and save him from this hell.

He finally waited for this person to come back, but he did not come to save him, but to trample him deeper.

Eventually fell into a deeper hell.

Even the thoughts of the bottom of my heart, extravagant hope, are not left to him.

Ye Hao fainted and woke up in the past. He squinted and looked at his head. He thought he could bear anything, but when the person who hurts becomes the person he loves, he knows that How hard it is.

It’s even harder than before.

Yang Gan rubbed the neck of Ye Hao, licked the blood on the wound, and made a low laugh: "I don't like it? You are not trying to live a good life, can you do anything? Do you think I can't give you what you want?" ”

Ye Hao closed his eyes in pain.

Yang Gan looked at him like this, his face slowly disappeared, his eyes turned cold again, it was really irritating... You can choose Huo Yi, why I don’t even want to please.

Do you think I am not as good as Huo Yi? I will kill him for you!

Yang Gan held his fist, half a slap, and made a chilly and piercing voice: "Go down."

He paused and added: "As a slave, I am not qualified to go to bed. If I finish, I will go down."

Ye Hao’s chest was weak and undulating. He didn’t mean to resist. He climbed up hard. The pain in his body and the stickiness between his legs made his brow wrinkle, but he still got out of bed and wanted to find clothes to wear.

However, Yang Gan suddenly pulled the chain and directly locked one end to the bedpost.

Ye Hao’s face finally changed, making a hoarse and painful voice: “Not you... let me go...”

Yang Gan’s lips are hooked and his eyes are cold. “Are you already down?”

There were too many things happening today. The previous torture made Ye Hao’s reaction somewhat slow. After a long while, he understood the meaning of Yang Gan, his face was shy and angry, his lips trembled.

However, Yang Gan did not care about him at all, turned off the lights directly, lying on the bed.

Ye Hao had been invaded once. It was not easy to stand up. It seemed that Yang Gan was hanging here, and he couldn’t stand it for a while. He insisted on sticking his teeth, but the brain was dizzy. It was sore, and finally the foot fell to the ground, and the chain on the neck was squeaky.

Ye Hao fell to the ground, because the cold could only shrink into a group, his fingers clutched the chain, and his eyes looked sad.

You are coming back to avenge me... is it...

You blame me for choosing Huo Yi to leave you. I didn't think you hated me like this...

Yang Gan gave a uniform breathing sound, and it seemed to fall asleep very quickly, but in fact he did not fall asleep at all. His attention was always concentrated on the person next to the ground. He was worried that Ye Hao’s body would not be affected. He will not get sick, after all, Ye Hao is not a versatile person, just an ordinary person.

However, Yang Gan could not forget everything that was two years ago, and he could not forget the betrayal of this person.

Do you still hold him as he used to, holding him? He can't do it.

Even if you are suffering again, let him try the pain he has suffered! Although he may not realize it at all... one thousandth of what he bears...

You don't even know what I experienced, but even if you know, probably won't care.

You only care about yourself.

After Yang’s awakening, Yang’s five senses are sharp. He can hear Ye Hao’s breathing and can see the scene in the dark. He feels that Ye Hao should have slept, and then he gently sits up and turns his head to look. The man at the foot of the bed.

Yang Qian’s eyes struggled for a long time, revealing the painful and depressed look, and finally took out a blanket and gently covered it on Ye Hao’s body.

After a while, forced himself to take back the hand that was in midair.


Although there was a thick carpet on the ground, Ye Hao still said that it was not very comfortable to sleep at night. When he woke up, he found the blanket on his body. The mind Yang Yang was even softer than he expected.

[Ye Wei: Am I sick? Why didn't you feel it? 】

[888: Not sick, very good. 】

[Ye Ye: This is not sick! Am I not an ordinary person? 】

[888: You are an ordinary man, not a petite girl who blows down the wind, who said that he must be sick? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: How can I get sick, people don't want to sleep on the carpet? QAQ]

[888: Then you cheer up, I believe you can. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Ye Hao’s hungry roar opened his eyes.

But there was no one in the house. Yang Gan went out in the morning. Ye Xin’s heart was too much. He left him alone at home and had to wrap his blanket to make it sad.

When Yang Gan came back, it was almost noon, and there was a strong **** suffocation on his body. As he came back from the Shura field, he did not know how much blood was on his hands.

Ye Hao looked up at him and turned his head slightly, not to look over his eyes.

Yang Gan walked up to him, looked at him condescendingly, took out a set of clothes and threw them in front of him, untied the chain and said, "Dirty, go and wash."

Ye Hao listened to the words of humiliation in Yang Gankou's mouth. His face was white and red, and he was red and white. Finally, he humiliated and picked up his clothes. He couldn't stand the clothes of his own cover even if he was humiliated by Yang Gan.

When the leafhoppers were cleaned and dressed, Yang Gan sat at the table with rich food on the table.

Ye Hao was almost hungry for a day and night, watching the instinct of food insatiable, but he did not immediately pass, because today's Yang Gan makes him feel strange and uneasy, he does not know what he will do.

He hates him like this.

Yang Gan’s black scorpion stared deeply at Ye Hao and smiled: “Come here.”

Ye Haoben didn't want to go, but hesitated and finally walked over.

Yang Gan’s finger tapped on the table and his lips smirked: “Hungry?”

Ye Xuan throat swallowed, but did not answer.

Although the food on the table is not particularly large, it is just some ordinary ingredients, but for the end of the world, it is the most extravagant. When countless people eat simple and rough food to fill their stomachs, this table food Many people can't even think about it, and there is even a bottle of red wine next to it.

Yang Gan smiled and said slowly: "You said to me at the time, you can live better with Huo Yi, you see ... in fact, the same with me, he can give you, I can give you now. ”

Ye Hao’s eyes were complicated and painful. He remembered the ruthlessness of Yang Gan’s yesterday, and looked at his face at the moment. He had been silent for a long time and finally got the courage to say: “I said that, there is no way...”

Yang Gan does not seem to be angry, just faintly said: "I understand you, after all, many people are like this now, as long as they can live well, what is wrong with choosing a better way out?"

When Ye Hao heard this, he knew that Yang Gan did not believe him. He still thought that he chose Huo Yi for a better life, but how can he prove himself? I did abandon Yang Gan and gave up everything to be with Huo Yi. The truth is here... The argument of speech is pale and powerless.

And some words, even if you say it yourself, Yang Gan will believe it?

Yang Gan picked up a piece of bread with ham and vegetables and handed it to the front of Ye Hao. There seemed to be a flash of tenderness in his eyes. "Since you are my person, I will not treat you badly."

Ye Hao looked at Yang Gan, he was a little confused, and he was a little vigilant. Isn't Yang Gan hating himself? Why is it suddenly better for him? What does it mean?

Ye Hao’s inner pain and struggle, he felt that he should not accept Yang Gan’s show. After all, he was so humiliated and hurt him, but Yang Gan hated him for a reason. He himself betrayed him... and this is cruel. The end of the world is no longer the world they once knew... Everyone here has no means to survive, and people have lost the capital of pride.

If you want to live, you have to lose a lot of things.

Finally, the instinct of hunger took the upper hand. Ye Hao slowly reached out and asked to pick up the bread in the hands of Yang Gan. But before he met, Yang Gan’s hand was loose, the bread fell on the ground, and the ham sandwiched inside. And the vegetables were scattered and covered with dust.

In the last days, food is the most precious thing. People can even kill others for a piece of bread, and Yang Gan actually throws it like this.

Yang Gan hangs a strange smile on his lips and slowly opens: "Eat, I was very satisfied last night. This is the expensive food you exchanged for your body. Don't waste it."

When he said the last sentence, the tone was dangerous and cold.

Ye Hao’s face changed and her body shook slightly.

[Ye Ye: It’s too wasteful to waste! Anything else, waste food can't stand it! My meat, ah, ah?


[Ye Ye: I am going to starve to death.]

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