The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 124: The End of Life Guide to Survival (1)

Ye Ye looked at Yang Gan, his expression was silent, and he asked for a long time: "Is it really okay?"

Yang Gan couldn't help but smile. This smile was gentle and peaceful. He said, "It's really okay."

Ye Hao nodded and licked his lips: "Then I will leave."

Yang Gan smiled and nodded. He didn't seem to have to stay. He just looked at Ye Hao and looked quietly, sitting quietly.

When Ye Hao walked to the door step by step, he had to push the door out and suddenly turned back and walked around the table to Yang Qian! His movements were very fast, and Yang Gan did not have time to react. Or, even if he knew now, he could only watch Ye Hao come back and his face changed.

Ye Hao lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the hands of Yang Gan resting on the abdomen, and blood oozing out along the finger joints.

Ye Hao’s eyes are slowly reddening. If you are really okay, why don’t you even stand up and send me a message? Still can't stand up? Is this still okay?

If I didn't find it, would you never say it?

And from the beginning to the end, I don’t even know what kind of injury you suffered, just like...that time, I don’t know anything.

"This, is it called nothing?" Ye Hao's voice was a little choked. He held the fist tightly and seemed to tremble slightly.

Yang Qian was silent for a long time, and finally slowly said: "It was a bit of injury, but it doesn't matter, you don't..."

When Ye Hao interrupted Yang Gan’s words, his voice suddenly became a bit higher. “Don’t worry? How could you not worry! How could it be...” He said tears streaming silently.

How can you not worry about you... You don't know how sad I am when I learn about those things, and how much I hate my incompetence. I even regret it. It’s better to die with you at that time. It’s probably better than it is now... I thought it helped you, but it actually pushed you into hell.

It will make everything become what it is now.

I can't come back, except that because I can't go back, why don't I have the idea of ​​escaping because I can't face it?

Yang Gan looked at the face of Ye Hao’s tears, and some of them lost their eyes, so... Are you still worried that I care about me?

It turns out that you still care about me...

Yang Gan slowly smiled. He looked at Ye Wei and said, "Would you like me to hold me?"

Ye Hao was very angry and sad. Hearing this sentence almost laughed: "When are you still feeling the mood, you go back to rest, who makes you reluctant!"

Yang Gan’s deep eyes are obsessively watching Ye Hao, and his lips are smiling. “You hold me, I will be better soon.”

"Nonsense." Ye Hao's face was red.

"Really." Yang Gan's expression seems very serious.

Ye Hao struggled inside, finally slowly leaned down and reached out and hugged Yang Gan, but just as he approached, Yang Gan raised his hand and hugged him... He gently held the person in his arms. This moment of peace of mind is extremely satisfying.

He got what he thought he couldn't hope for in his life today, Ye Hao's care, Ye Hao's hug.

Even if they can't go back to the past, it doesn't matter.

[叮, Yang Gan blackening value -1, current blackening value 1]

"So you see, I am really okay..." Yang Gan whispered in Ye Hao's ear. The gentle and magnetic voice seemed to penetrate everything into the other's heart, diluting the haze of the world and taking away. Dark, let people know...

Even in the dark and desperate, there is still a warmth of love in this world.

Ye Hao bit his lip and said uncomfortably, "I will send you back to rest."

Yang Gan did not object. He let Ye Hao help to return to the bed. Ye Hao looked at his weak appearance and got up and went out to Zhao Jindao: "He hurts why you want him to get up, the wound is cracked again, let The doctor came over to help him revisit."

When Zhao Jinmei picked up his eyebrows, it wasn't that he forced Yang to do it. It was the boss who had to be stubborn in front of the people he liked, and he couldn't stop it. However, I did not expect that this kid is not only arrogant, let people look like they can be bullied, and actually dare to call him up, courage is not small.

Zhao Jin shook his head and looked at the doctor with a helpless look.

The doctor soon came. He helped Yang Gan to re-apply, carefully shouting: "It is best not to tamper with it. Now our conditions are simple, many operations can not move, lack of medical equipment, you really have to rest well. Otherwise, I can't help it."

Yang Gan nodded. "I know."

The doctor left after a busy life. Ye Hao had been standing aside for a while. He took out a towel and helped Yang dry his face. He whispered, "Have a good rest."

Yang Gan smiled and said nothing to rest directly.

Ye Hao took a chair and sat next to Yang Gan. If Yang Yang woke up in the middle of the night, Ye Hao would help him wipe his face and pour him a glass of water. Although he couldn’t do anything, he could not ease it. His pain, but at least let him know that there are people who are taking care of him.

He looked at Yang Gan and sighed.

[Ye Ye: It is only the last 1 blackening value. 】

[888: Yes. 】

[Ye Wei: Speaking of it, I have to leave the world again, and finally I have to get rid of those disgusting zombies. I still have a little excitement...]

[888: Oh. 】

[Ye Wei: There is only one place that makes me regret. 】

[888: What? 】

[Ye Ye: I have to go, but I haven’t felt any power, I feel that the world is white, and it’s falling! 】

[888:......] Is there any other feeling about this spicy chicken?

[888: I think this is normal. Indifference jpg

[Ye Wei: Did you detect that I have no talent for awakening? ! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~]

[888: No, anyone in this world can awaken abilities, only you won't. Because with your heart, perseverance, and enlightenment, it is normal to not wake up. After all, you are just playing games, there is no sense of crisis, and you are awakened. A crisis does not necessarily awaken, but it must not be awakened without a crisis. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei weakly said: Is the system store not still awakening pharmacy to sell? 】

[888: That is the treatment that sheet metal players can enjoy. Are you a sheet metal player? 】

[Ye Wei: QAQ] An arrow through the heart.

[888: The system store is really fair and childlike, and it is fair and just, that is, Africans can also change their fate, but do you have money? 】

[Ye Ye: Don't say... lick your chest. 】


Ye Hao experienced the baptism of poverty for a night. He felt that his body was full of the fragrance of the soil after the rain. He was simply not pretentious, and the pale face and melancholy face made me feel sorry!

Yang Gan woke up in the morning and found that Ye Hao was curled up in the chair and fell asleep. Yang Gan’s eyes showed a distressed look. He wanted to hold the leaf scorpion, but he had no strength. In the end, he could only reach out and push him gently.

Ye Hao opened his eyes in a confused way. When he saw that the sky was bright outside, he was just preparing to take a look and left. As a result, after a whole night, Xiaoyue must be worried about death. He coveted: I gotta go."

Yang Gan seems to have no accidents, just saying: "Okay."

Ye Hao looked at him again, and finally did not say anything. The reason why he had to wait until Yang Gan woke up was just that he didn't want to say nothing... But he still had to leave, and his sister was still waiting for him at home.

It is his home.

Ye Hao left Yang Gan's villa. When she went back, she found Xu Xiaoyue sitting in the living room. She didn't go out to work or eat breakfast. She saw Ye Hao come back and her eyes lit up. It seemed that the exhaustion of the whole night was swept away.

Although my heart softened to let my brother go back and have a look, I still couldn’t rest assured completely, lest I had any accidents and I didn’t fall asleep overnight.

Ye Hao walked over and touched Xu Xiaoyue's head. "Sorry, it's late, did you have a rest last night? Or don't go to work today, take a break at home."

Xu Xiaoyue shook his head. "I am fine, I just got up for a while."

Ye Hao does not seem to believe: "Really?"

Xu Xiaoyue nodded: "Well, I am relieved to see you coming back from the brother. I am going to work now."

Ye Hao hesitated for a moment or not, after all, now, unlike before, everyone has no wayward qualifications. He washed his face a bit, and after cleaning up, he went to the cleanup team to continue working. As long as he knew that Yang was fine, he was relieved. Life will continue.

After a while, Yang Gan’s injuries were much better, and he went out again. Those rumors naturally did not break, and everyone was relieved.


The days are very quiet and nothing has happened.

Under Zhao Jin’s arrangement, the base built a lot of facilities, built hydropower stations, opened up a lot of land, and more and more people came to visit them.

Yang Gan has established a strict system to prohibit indiscriminate killing of innocents and arbitrary looting. Therefore, the law and order of the base is very good. For many ordinary people, there is no better place than here.

Don't worry about eating, don't worry about the sudden arrival of danger, for many people...

They finally have a place where they can flourish.

Although Ye Hao did not return to Yang Gan, but occasionally he would visit him in the past, that is, he met on the road, and he could also say hello, like an ordinary friend.

Time passed quickly and I saw the Lunar New Year.

On this important day, the people in the base gathered together, and it was rare to have a good time, drink wine, and stay at home with their only remaining relatives at night to welcome the new year.

Xu Xiaoyue personally made a pot of dumplings, sprinkled some chopped green onions, although it is very simple, but steaming, watching people make the index finger move, and warm.

Ye Xie saw Xu Xiaoyue go back to work, and quickly went up to help her, smiled: "Go eat first, just two of us, and then clean up later."

Xu Xiaoyue made a move and his eyes glanced.

Ye Hao seems to realize that he has said something, and his face is a little sad. In the past Chinese New Year, there was always a family, there were fathers and mothers, and relatives and friends... and Yang Gan’s family, because they lived in a yard. It is also the New Year will meet.

However, in just a few short years, everyone was fluent, and those good memories seemed to be the things of the last life. The deaths of the dead people were scattered, and now they are left... There is also a Yang Gan, but not in By the side.

Xu Xiaoyue rubbed his eyes and smiled: "Brother, it's okay to have you." Otherwise she might, really can't keep going.

Ye Hao bowed his head and laughed. The laughter was very low, with a sense of endless feelings.

Ye Hao sat at the table and had a dumpling with Xu Xiaoyue. Because of the lack of entertainment, I could only sit and talk for a while after dinner... but I don’t know why I was a little distracted, and I thought of Yang Gan, Yang Gan is now also here. Base, there are so many brothers together, shouldn't you be lonely?

Is he thinking about him too?

When I was thinking about it, the door suddenly sounded outside, was it a neighbor?

When Ye Hao got up and went to the opening, he saw Yang Gan standing at the door. He had some food on his hand, and his expression was a little uneasy and embarrassing.

Yang Gan was hesitant to come over for a long time. He still didn't forget the last time Xu Xiaoyue cursed him and threw things on the ground. They probably didn't want to appear in front of them to disturb their lives... maybe they Come here is self-deprecating, even the door can't enter, but at this time... Ye Hao is the only person he wants to see.

For him, not a loved one is better than a loved one.

It is his only concern.

Xu Xiaoyue also saw Yang Gan, his eyes were a bit complicated, and he stared at him for a long while, and finally said to Ye: "Brother, let people come in when people come."

Yang Gan did not expect Xu Xiaoyue to accept him, showing some unexpected expressions, and then squatting in and coming in.

Xu Xiaoyue licked his mouth and whispered: "It’s just a big year, it’s not a good thing to go out." It seems to be an excuse for yourself.

Ye Hao had no choice but to smile and poured a cup of tea into Yang Gan.

Yang Gan sat there silently, although there were only three of them at the moment, and the family was quiet, but the heart was rare and satisfied, and the lips showed a little smile... At least they were still alive and still had hope.

I can see today, I don’t think he crawled out of the body. This is the real meaning of his return.

Ye Hao looked out the window, because the night was to be quiet, so that the New Year's Eve, the outside was quiet, he showed a little nostalgic look, smiled: "Before this time the firecrackers have long been put up, after a few years It’s still a little unaccustomed...”

When he was loading and loading, 888 had a hard time interrupting him.

[888: Nothing, you will soon see the fireworks. 】

[Ye Wei: Impossible? 】

[888: Huo Yizhen took the opportunity to kill it. This time, it was a desperate attempt. He wanted to ruin the base. 】

[Ye Ye: (⊙o⊙) This is really mad! It is said that he is going to ruin the base, and his manpower is not afraid at all. 】

[888: Don't worry, you will know soon. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] 888 will actually sell off, so scared.

When Ye Hao guessed how Huo Yi had to turn over, suddenly there was a loud noise in the direction of the gate in front of the base. A burst of fire lit up, instantly tearing the night sky, followed by the sound of blasting again and again!

Yang Gan’s face changed awkwardly!

Today is because of the New Year, everyone is at home, the power of patrol is also slightly weaker, it is inevitable that some people are slack, but what is the situation? !

"Xiaofei, you and Xiaoyue hurry to hide, if you are not right, leave here from behind! Go to Shiyang them! Let them protect you." Yang Gan immediately arbitrarily ordered, and then did not hesitate to get up and rushed out!

Xu Xiaoyue looked at the outside, this gorgeous fireworks and sound, like a huge light splitting this boundless night, so dazzling, shocking people, but at the moment... This light brings not hope, but despair.

Everyone rushed out, looking at the scene in front of them, and their faces were all scared. This is... what happened!

The solid door was bombarded by rockets, the bombs were thrown in, the scattered guards were caught off guard, and Huo Yi rode on a black motorcycle, roaring and rushing in!

His men followed him, the sound of the engine brought a burst of roar, and just behind them... it was the overwhelming zombie tide!

I don't know how many zombies they have attracted. I can't see them at first sight, like the ocean... The zombies are walking around, they see the light, they hear the sound, they smell the food, they are hungry. The sound of the sound is desperately moving forward, and the door is flooded into the base!

The base was screaming and panicking for a moment.

The people who ran slowly were drowned by countless zombies. After a while, only the bone **** was left, and more people fled back to their homes, closing the door tightly, but the zombies were too many, smashing the door and The windows, the screams come and go, like Shura Purgatory.

The moment was quiet and the base of heaven was waiting for the arrival of the new year. When I was full of hope... I fell into **** in a flash.

There is only horror and despair.

Ye Hao looked at all of this, his face pale, his lips trembling, no... Why is this, is there really no place for this world to live in?

Hope, will it be shattered?

Xu Xiaoyue also wants to live. She sees people who have been killed by zombies in the street. There are people she knows, a very kind neighbor, and a pair of old people. They run slower and are directly drowned by zombies... There is no sound.

Those who are alive and well, who are still laughing and laughing yesterday, know the people... just died. She thought that she could give her a solid and reliable base for her life, and it was so easy to destroy.

This world, it is so difficult to live, but wants to destroy... but it is so simple.

"We are running away!" Xu Xiaoyue pulled up Ye Hao and fled. This house will soon be drowned by zombies. When they are staying at home, they are also dead. You should listen to Yang Gan and leave here! This base is no longer there!

Ye Hao and Xu Xiaoyue flew all the way. He was a man. Of course, he could not always protect his sister. He held a machete in his hand and hacked a zombie with a knife. The two fled hard!

However, there were more and more zombies. On several occasions, the two men were almost caught. It was hard to get around an alley. There were many zombies coming in front of them. Both brothers and sisters had a desperate look on their faces.

Xu Xiaoyue is desperate for them to go, and Ye Hao is desperate for his task.

[Ye Wei: Lying in the trough, is this the fireworks you said? This is really a surprise! 】

[888: Is it? 】

[Ye Wei: Brother, I have left the last blackening value not finished! And my sister is still around, so the dog band is not suitable? Or do you give me an ability to use? 】

[888 Silence for a while: Ok, let me think about it, wait for me to see if there is anything cheaper. 】

[Ye Wei: ... When is it cheaper, I am going to die! 】

When Ye Hao was panicking, the miracle happened!

Xu Xiaoyue saw the zombies approaching in front, suddenly his eyes were red, and the hurricane was blowing up, her hands violently ignited the flames! The fierce flame spread along her body, burning the approaching zombies into ash!

[Ye Wei: ...]

[888: Hey, Xu Xiaoyue awakened the power, and sure enough, the crisis is the best way to promote human awakening. It seems that my money can be saved. 】

[Ye Wei: Hey...]

[Ye Ye: How cool it is, this ability is very bully at first glance...]

[888: Nothing, don't be sad, don't be jealous, mentality should learn to be peaceful. Although you are useless, you always need protection. People are also spicy chickens, and their mouths are awkward. There is no advantage in your body, but you have your own pets. Attack and sister, you are the real winner of life. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Xu Xiaoyue was also a little dazed, she looked at the flame in her hand, and then showed a ecstatic look!

She is still not very good at controlling her abilities, but with the ability, the hope of running away with her brother is mostly. She said to Ye Hao: "Let's hurry, it will soon be occupied by zombies!" ”

However, at this time, Ye Hao suddenly stopped, and he firmly said to Xu Xiaoyue: "I want to go to Yang Gan."

Just kidding, what time to run, such a good opportunity, of course, is to finish the blackening value to leave!

He doesn't like this malicious world full of discrimination!


Yang Gan told his men to **** people to try to escape. They killed the zombies all the way to clean the road. The place where he passed was full of zombies! Finally he came to Huo Yi’s face, showing cold and cold in his eyes. The voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth: “It’s you.”

Huo Yi smiled and said, "It's me."

After he fled last time, he knew that he was not an opponent of Yang Gan, and his own men were almost dead and wounded. Only a few people could not recapture his territory! Since you can't take it back, just ruin it! No one can take anything away from his hands!

"But, it’s you who are going to die today." Huo Yi smiled softly and turned his head to the side: "Zuo He, I helped him kill him. Half of the things in this base are for you."

A man came out of the shadows. It was the last time he and Yang Qian grabbed resources and concealed his abilities. He smiled at Yang Gan and said, "You are very powerful, but today we are two people, you are A person."

Dead, it will only be you!

In an instant, the two powerful abilities have come up with their own cards and tried their best to attack Yang Gan!

The space around Yang Gan seems to be distorted, and the light of the power confrontation illuminates the world!

Many people who escaped couldn't help but look back in that direction, but they couldn't see anything. They only saw one person and two people fighting. The man... must be Yang Gan, he is blocking the enemy for them. One block two, fight for time for them.


This night is destined to be horrible and dark...

Many people were silently swallowed and swallowed, and even the bones were not able to stay, and a few people were killed from the back channel under the cover of the abilities.

Ye Hao and Xu Xiaoyue went against the flow. Xu Xiaoyue's ability was very strong. There was no zombie to get close to them, but despite this, they also went very hard.

I don't know how long it took, the battle ahead seems to have finally ended, but what is worrying is that the three people have no sound at the same time, and no one can win the game.

Yang Gan fell to the ground. He killed Zuo He. Zuo He’s eyes were pierced by a wind blade. The body fell on the ground and was quickly swallowed up by the zombies. One of Huo’s hands was cut off and blood was dripping. He fell to the ground, and he watched Yang Gan come over, spit out a blood, hate and said: "Only a little, I will kill you."

Yang Gan slowly said: "Yes, only a little."

Yang Gan solved Huo Yi with a knife. His eyes are extremely painful, even if he killed this person? All this is impossible to recover, and this base is destroyed.

He wants to give Ye Hao’s home no more, and Ye Hao and Xu Xiaoyue have no abilities. How dangerous it is now...

Yang Qian spit out a blood. He was all wounded and his strength was exhausted. A trace of power could not be made anymore. He turned and wanted to leave here to find Ye Hao... but there were too many zombies.

Yang Gan was running hard. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. A zombie chased him from behind and bit his shoulder and bit a piece of flesh and blood. Yang Gan took out the knife on his leg and killed the zombie with a knife. At this time he saw a door in front.

This is the villa where he lives. He has a thick iron gate. At this moment, the iron gate is wide open, and the people inside have already escaped, and it is desolate.

Yang Gan rushed in and locked the door from it, blocking the zombies outside, and the zombies who walked in the villa heard the sound coming to him. Yang Gan cleaned the zombies one by one and finally came to the hall. Closing the door, sitting on the ground with powerlessness.

There are many injuries on his body, but the most deadly is the wound on the shoulder, which is bitten by the zombies.

He was so alone sitting on the ground against the wall, some tired eyes closed, he could not walk, he was going to die, there is no way to find Ye Hao.

But Shiyang should try their best to protect them...

As long as you escape from here, there is hope.

Yang Gan feels that his body is gradually getting cold. After being bitten by a zombie, the average person may insist on a corpse in less than a few hours, but he is a versatile person and should be able to hold on for a longer time, one or two days.

But no matter how long, the results are no different. No one can escape this destined ending. He will become like the zombies outside, losing his senses and craving blood and flesh.

The tight iron door makes the rare quiet here, but it is particularly deserted, and the outside should have been surrounded by zombies. There are no more living people here, and soon... he will not be a living person.

Yang Gan didn't know how long he had been sitting. He struggled to stand up, went to the drawer next to him, and took out a gun.

He does not want to be alone here, to be a living dead in the dark, no one knows his existence, no one knows his identity, he will be alone forever, until one day is a stranger Solve it... At least until then, he can end his life by himself.

Yang Gan slowly, put the bullet up, gently stroked the black cold gun body.

This time, no more miracles will happen.

Not anymore.

Yang Gan looked at the gun in his hand, smiled a little, and lifted it up to his temple, but at the moment he had to pull the trigger, he suddenly seemed to hear someone calling him outside.

The voice is anxious, flustered, familiar...

It is the voice of Ye Hao.

"Are you inside? Are you there? Yang Gan?!" Ye Hao shouted and slammed the iron gate. He was looking for it along the blood, but maybe Yang Gan was not there, fled to another place. In the chaos, it is too difficult to find someone.

Xu Xiaoyue burned the zombie next to him and said anxiously: "Brother, let's go! Maybe Yang Gan has already escaped. We can still meet him outside. You are not the way."

Ye Hao said anxiously: "No, if he is fine, he will come to me!"

When he said this sentence, his eyes were extremely bright and persistent in the darkness. He was so convinced that if Yang did nothing, he would definitely come to him! If he can't find it, it must be an accident...

Ye Hao’s eyes were red and continued to shout: “Are you inside?!”

But the villa is empty and there is no sound.

Ye Hao finally showed disappointing eyes and turned to look elsewhere. At this moment, he heard Xu Xiaoyue shouting: "Brother, look!"

When he turned around, he saw a man coming out of the house and looking at him from the iron gate. This look is like a world.

Ye Hao’s eyes showed an ecstatic look, and he and Xu Xiaoyue turned over the iron gate! Rushed to the front of Yang Gan! Anxiously said: "How are you doing, how so much blood on your body!"

Yang Gan looked at Ye Hao with some disappointment. The blood stayed behind his hand holding the gun, and the ticking fell on the floor, but he could not feel the pain of his body... He looked at Ye Wei’s worried look and suddenly exposed. A gentle smile, it seems that some regrets are sad.

He was very happy to see Ye Hao appear before he died. In this lonely and abandoned night... his loved one descended from the sky, appeared in front of him like a dream... He did not give up.

However, he regrets it very much. He prefers to die alone in a place unknown to anyone. He is not willing to let Ye Hao see his death scene, and he is even more reluctant to let Ye Hao suffer for him.

Ye Hao should not come.

Ye Hao carefully looked at Yang Gan, pulled him into the room, quickly found the first aid kit, while helping Yang dry the wound, while complaining: "You don't know how to stop bleeding first? You will be bleeding like this. dead!"

Yang Gan let Ye Hao move, sitting there with a smile, sighing softly: "No need to be busy, no need."

"You are saying -" What nonsense? Ye Hao’s eyes fell on Yang Gan’s shoulders, and the remaining half of the words were stuck in his throat and could not be said.

The wound that was wiped showed a shape, and Xu Xiaoyue screamed: "He was bitten!"

Ye Hao blinked, and a tear fell involuntarily. Even he didn't realize it. He looked at the wound and looked at Yang Gan. His eyes were blank and there was despair.

Yang Gandao: "So I said, don't be busy..." He sounded very light and seemed to be helpless.

He shed a lot of blood, and his strength was exhausted. Even if he was a powerful abilities, in the face of this world, he would only be an ant. The arrival of this day is about a matter of time... just a little regret, he can’t Protecting Ye Hao can't give him a world he wants.

He promised that he had not done anything yet, and he had to leave first.

"I'm sorry," said Yang Gan.

Ye Hao slowly raised his head and looked at him with red eyes. He said, "What are you sorry for me?"

Yang Gan said slowly: "I can't accompany you."

[Ye Ye: This is a play-off, brother, you have to stop shooting, Yang Gan is going to die, he can't die, right? He is the protagonist! 】

[888: There is no such rule that the protagonist cannot die. 】

[Ye Wei: But my blackening value has not been finished yet! 】

[888: This should not be difficult, hurry up and say that you love him before he dies, it is estimated that it will be finished. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: Why are you so cold and ruthless, this is not what I know! 】

[888: I just give you a suggestion to eliminate the blackening value, and what is the relationship with ruthlessness? 】

[Ye Ye: Cough, or is this the case, the cheapest sensation awakening agent to me? I used it to save Yang, to ensure that the blackening value is eliminated 100%, and then you can go to death heroically. 】

[888: The cheapest is also a thousand experience points. 】

[Ye Ye: Just that!) I really need it, ah, this is foolproof. What if the method you said doesn't work? It’s a bit worse, and the investment is definitely not a loss! 】

[888: Yes, I have to get used to three times the fee. You should be used to it. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[888: Do you want? Don't worry about it. 】

[Ye Wei: You have to! 】

When Ye Hao’s voice fell, he felt a cold current flowing through the body, and he felt a chill, and immediately felt that he had an ability!

[Ye Ye: I also have a power, this is also a death without regrets, death and attention! 】

[888:......] Rub, how does he think this is the real purpose of this spicy chicken, is to feel the cool feeling of possession?

Ye Hao holds Yang Gan's hand tightly, and her eyes are filled with tears because of her excitement. Although it is the cheapest one-time power awakening agent to change her life, it is also an ability!

The place where he and Yang dry skin touched slowly and softly white light.

Yang Gan was ready to die, and suddenly saw the light on Ye Hao’s hand, revealing an unbelievable look, Ye Hao also awakened the power! He is gratified and happy. He has always worried that Ye Hao is an ordinary person. It will be too difficult in this world, but if Ye Hao has an abilities, it will be different. Their brothers and sisters now have the ability to protect themselves. Then he Even if you are dead, you can feel at ease.

Yang Gan’s lips showed a smile, just want to ask Ye Hao’s abilities, but soon his appearance was so different that his smile suddenly solidified, and looked down at himself with shock.

The wounds on his body healed quickly, and even the bite on his shoulders disappeared a little bit... and only the smooth skin was left.

In contrast, Ye Hao's intact body, the wound appeared in the same way, and finally the bite of the cockroach appeared on his shoulder, the blood penetrated the clothes... turned him into a blood man.

"No..." Yang Gan screamed with sorrow and screamed, "You give me a hand!"

But he couldn't move. The constant mysterious power in Ye Hao's hands made him unable to move. He could only watch Ye Hao transfer all the wounds to his own body!

Xu Xiaoyue also noticed that a fiercely pushed Ye Hao, angry swearing: "What are you doing!"

But it was already late. Ye Yan was bloody. He fell to the ground with a slight push. He coughed up a bite of blood and smiled apologetically. He smiled: "I'm sorry..."

Xu Xiaoyue screamed angrily. She wanted to go to Ye Hao, but Ye Hao’s appearance made her unable to go. She couldn’t help but cry: “Whoever allowed you like this, you bastard! How can you do this, How can this be! How can I leave me"

She was crying out of breath.

Yang Gan slowly stood up, he felt that his wounds had healed, and the horrible injury that had occurred before, at this moment, appeared on Ye Hao's body, his favorite person...

At the last moment, the miracle still happened, but he would rather not have a miracle.

He would rather not happen...

Yang Gan gently held Ye Hao in his arms, his face was sore and desperate, his hand was shaking,

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