The cold body of the gun glinted under the light. Ye Ming held the gun as a chill penetrated the palm of his hand and into his heart.

He looked at Shen Ye and gazed into his gentle eyes, yet his heart was full of bitterness.



So even now you still love me? What did I do to deserve you holding me so close to your heart, even at the cost of your own life? I already said that I don’t love you anymore. I hurt you and betrayed you, yet all you needed was a single truth, a single reason to forgive me, and it’s all the same as before…

How could I bear to kill you if you act like this?  

Ye Ming held the gun tightly. After a long time, he finally let out an oddly self-deprecating laugh, “Are you stupid? You’re my enemy… If I had known that you would let me have my way earlier, I would have just told you about it. Why would I bother being afraid of you finding out?”


It’s not like that. I didn’t say it because I knew you’d be sad, but I’ll never tell you that.

Ye Ming lowered his head and leaned into Shen Ye’s ear, “Does this truth give you so much pain that you want to die?”

Shen Ye’s face was pale, his lips tightly pursed.


Ye Ming stared at him, the corners of his lips hooking up. His gun pointed at Shen Ye’s chin, his voice was low and dull, “It’s not too late to regret now.”

Shen Ye closed his eyes and said nothing.

Everything he witnessed today caused his heart to stop being calm and his feelings to become less steady. The subversive truth and the pain of hating the wrong person made him almost want to stop living. One was his father and the other was his beloved, yet it was impossible for both of them to live under the same sky.

He couldn’t hurt his father, but he couldn’t watch his loved one suffer, unable to live in peace even after being resurrected. 

If his death can make Ye Ming feel the pleasure of revenge, then it’d be better if he died… Maybe this way he can end their hatred, to wash this slate clean with his blood, without hurting the people he cared about.

Perhaps this was a coward’s choice, but he didn’t want to see Ye Ming in pain again…

The harm the Shen family has done to him, the harm he did to him, there must be someone to pay the price.

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye’s peaceful face and almost couldn’t maintain his facade. He was full of hatred and anger. Don’t you know how to repent? Don’t you know how to hide? Do you really want to die?! 

Do you think this is heroic? He suddenly moved his hand and pulled the trigger abruptly! The bullet grazed Shen Ye’s cheek and hit the wall!

Ye Ming pressed his hand onto Shen Ye’s shoulder, and sneered, “I don’t want to kill you anymore. You should be alive to experience what I felt!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Dfrlvfr…” Tf Zlcu’r mbiv ujhf ofii bc tlr ojmf, jcv tf atgfk atf uec bc atf ugbecv, “Ktlr nfcufjcmf mjc’a yf pera yf qjlv ys sbe!”

Vtfc Tf ribkis bqfcfv tlr fsfr jcv rajgfv ja Tf Zlcu. Ktbrf yijmx fsfr kfgf uglw jr atf bmfjc, jiwbra jr lo atfgf kjr fcvifrr qjlc jcv tfiqifrrcfrr. 

He just watched as Ye Ming turned and left, his silhouette getting farther and farther away from him.

Until it disappeared from his world.


He once vowed that he would never lose this person again, even if he did everything he could to trap him by his side, he would keep him. But now he couldn’t move, couldn’t take a single step forward, he wasn’t even qualified to say a word of retention.

Ye Ming can love anyone in this world, but he can never love him. 

Shen Ye stood frozen for so long that his body had become stiff. He bent down and picked up the gun on the ground, his eyes in a daze… If you want me to suffer, then I will do as you wish.

Because this is what I owe you…

Shen Ye held the cold handgun, sitting on the edge of the bed for a whole night.

The next day, the ringing of a phone woke him up. Shen Ye blankly picked up the mobile phone. It turns out that it was a call from his assistant, asking him whether he would attend today’s meeting. Only then did Shen Ye remember that there was a very important meeting today, but at this moment he felt that there was no point in it. 

Everything he owned was actually what his father had stolen using despicable means, but he knew nothing about it and was proud of it. He even became a perpetrator and continued to hurt that person… the person he loved.

He is nothing but an executor, just like his father.

【 Ding, Shen Ye’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 15. 】

“No.” Shen Ye made a hoarse voice after a long time. He paused before continuing, “I have other things that I need you to do for me.” 

“Help me investigate, the Han Qi thing from 30 years ago, and…”

“Ask Liu Pingde how he got rid of Han Xu’s body, and if it is still there… then find it.”

Ye Ming left Shen Ye’s villa and went directly to Zheng Sen’s house.

He had nothing on him, not even his phone, so he could only stand outside the gate and wait. 

【 Ye Ming: Whew, thank god I adapted quickly, otherwise there would have been no more turning back…… 】

【 888: Ha ha ha. 】

【 Ye Ming: Aren’t we on the same side? All our experience points will disappear if our target dies, so why aren’t you worried? QAQ 】

【 888: I am, I just think the faster he dies, the faster he ascends.】 

【 888: This sentence also applies to me.】

【 Ye Ming: …… 】


【 Ye Ming: You don’t love me anymore. You would choose death just to escape from me?!! QAQ 】

【 888: If I said I still loved you, would you believe it? 】 

【 Ye Ming: …… 】

Ye Ming stood in the cold and harsh wind and waited for a long time before wishing Zheng Sen into existence. When he had come home, he was so emotional he was going to cry. Thank god he still had a reliable big bro! A backup plan forever!

Zheng Sen didn’t expect that he would see Ye Ming in front of his door the moment he went home, looking terrible.

The young man was wearing pyjamas and a pair of slippers. His face was pale as he stood there alone, his expression seemed to be unspeakably sad and outcast. 

Zheng Sen was excited but worried, he strode over, “Where have you been these days?”

Ye Ming smiled at him, “Let’s talk inside.”

Zheng Sen kept nodding, he was so surprised just now he didn’t even think about going in! Seeing Ye Ming’s appearance, he felt his heart ache for him. He immediately took him into the house, took off his coat to cover his body, whispering, “Don’t catch a cold, sit down for a while, I’ll find you some clothes.”

Zheng Sen’s eyes fell on Ye Ming’s neck as he was speaking. Seeing the faint traces on his body, he remembered Shen Ye’s arrogant attitude before and squeezed his fist bitterly, but in the end, he didn’t ask much. Lest Ye Ming feels embarrassed. 

Ye Ming sat on the sofa and waited for Zheng Sen who came out with some clothes and said gently, “You should take a shower first. You can use the bathroom in the guest room on the second floor. I’ll go make some food.”

Ye Ming nodded, not bothering to be polite before going upstairs.

He used to have the same build as Zheng Sen, but Tao Xu was slightly shorter. Zheng Sen’s clothes were a bit too big for him, so he could only roll up the sleeves of his trousers a little and wear slippers down.

Zheng Sen was still busy in the kitchen so Ye Ming started looking around. It was apparent he lived alone in this spacious home, not a trace of another person. Has Zheng Sen been alone all these years? His expression turned complicated. 

It didn’t take long for Zheng Sen to prepare the food. He smiled and said to Ye Ming, “You must be hungry, fill your stomach first.”

Ye Ming took a few bites, revealing a nostalgic look, and smiled, “Your cooking skills haven’t fallen behind.”

Zheng Sen smiled.

He had already eaten earlier, so he didn’t touch his chopsticks. He just looked at Ye Ming intently, thinking of all the suffering he might have experienced at Shen Ye’s place, his eyes couldn’t help but darken. In the end, he asked, “Was it Shen Ye…?” 

The smile on Ye Ming’s face faded. He was silent for a moment before nodding.

Sure enough, it was him! Zheng Sen’s eyes were full of anger, the sound of teeth-gritting could be heard as he said, “Just live with me from now on! I will protect you and make sure he’ll never be able to hurt you again!”


The corners of Ye Ming’s mouth twitched helplessly. He shook his head, “Thank you for the offer, but he won’t do anything anymore.”

Zheng Sen was taken aback as if he didn’t quite understand what had happened, he hesitated for a moment before asking, “Are you sure? He……” 

Ye Ming interrupted Zheng Sen and slowly said, “I’m sure, so don’t worry about it.”

Seeing that Ye Ming didn’t want to elaborate, Zheng Sen could only forget about it. He recalled how he couldn’t find any trace of Ye Ming during this period, worried out of his mind. Yet when he finally found Ye Ming, the thing Ye Ming had entrusted him to do was still not done. Now he felt even more guilty. “I’m sorry… You asked me to find Liu Pingde. I found out that he had gone abroad, but I was still too late. He was already gone when I went to look for him. I’ll keep trying.”

Ye Ming thought of Shen Ye… He already knew deep down in his heart. Shen Ye had been tracking him since a long time ago, he probably used the authority of the Shen family and found Liu Pingde first. After all, Liu Pingde had once worked for the Shen family.

He raised his eyes and said, “There’s no need to keeping trying.” 

Zheng Sen seemed unwilling. This was the murderer who killed Ye Ming after all, “Why not?”

Ye Ming pulled the corner of his mouth up, a cold look in his eyes, “Because you won’t be able to find him anymore.”

“Shen Ye again?” Zheng Sen was also a smart person. He had quickly understood that it was Shen Ye, his face was livid and foul.

Ye Ming remained unmoving, neither denying nor admitting it. He just said, “It’s my fault. There’s no need for you to interfere with this matter anymore. I’ll deal with it myself. I’m a little tired, so I’ll go rest first. Thank you for taking me in.” 

Seeing that Ye Ming still refused to talk to him, Zheng Sen felt his heart hurt a little. Seeing that Ye Ming was about to leave, he finally couldn’t help it and grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist, a moving expression on his face, he said with a low voice, “Han Xu… I have not forced you to do anything before, and I won’t make it difficult for you now, but even if you refuse to accept me, we’re still friends in the end, aren’t we? If you have any problems, you can tell me, you don’t have to struggle alone.”

Ye Ming gazed into Zheng Sen’s eyes, the guilt in his heart rose slowly. At the same time, it seemed that his vulnerability was growing.

He was so lonely, he thought that he had everything, a family, a lover, but it was all lost overnight, leaving only an unquenchable thirst for hatred. He had brought this hatred to his grave, and even after returning there was still no one who could share his burden. Even in the face of the people he loved, they could only hurt each other.

It was exhausting. But if it was just telling a friend it should be fine, right…? 

“Could it be that we aren’t even friends anymore?” Zheng Sen asked, stressing every word.

Ye Ming suddenly felt it difficult to swallow. He wanted to cry, but he also wanted to laugh. After a while, he spit out a breath and said, “If you don’t mind me, I’ll tell you a story.”

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