The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 145: real world

Ye Ye is calling 888 in his heart, but he has no reaction. He has to admit that 888 has left him, and he can only rely on himself now!

He wants to take back the previous words, the starling is not a responsible system, and the pit is so bad... When he threw him back mercilessly, he did not tell his boyfriend that he would become a person who had been attacked before!

The more Ling, not right, now is Qin Yi frowning staring at Ye Hao, the expression looks calm, but the heart is actually over the river.

When he spoke, he found that his voice was wrong. This voice was obviously younger and different from his voice. He looked down and watched his hand caught by Ye Hao. He was thin and powerful, and his skin was smooth and delicate. There is no such thing as an old age.

When he died, he was already over sixty years old. Even his own adopted son and daughter had already established a family business. He closed his eyes without regret, ending his lonely and boring life.

I didn't want to open my eyes again, and I was in a strange place, with a stranger in front of me, looking at him with a complicated sight.

The young man is very nice, his skin is fair, his looks are handsome, and the dark eyes in his beautiful eyes seem to be talking. This is probably a blow, and he will cry out on a sunny day.

Qin Yi didn't know him, but he couldn't help but feel a glimpse of it. It was inexplicably soft for a moment, as if he was familiar and familiar with the general...

His expression was finally overwhelmed, and he did not think so much about his name directly, but actually occupied the body of others.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Fang Xiao, remembering that he had seen it countless times, and even remembered every word clearly, and he could already recite the letter.

Fang Xiao said that he hopes that he can live well, he will wait for him to meet him in another world, hope... he can replace him to see the scenery he did not see, do things that he could not do, Then, when you meet, you can tell him.

I promised that everything has been done, now I even really came to another world, so... will you be in this world?

Qin Yi thought of this, the heartbeat seems to be faster.

At this moment, the nurse of the round room pushed in and saw Qin Yi (Ying Ling) woke up, surprised loudly: "You wake up!"

Qin Yi and Ye Hao turned their heads to look at the past.

Ye Hao’s heart is not good! What he imagined at the beginning was the more lingering, so that he could easily be confused. He said that he didn’t know why he woke up. After all, no one could say that the brain was hurt, but he didn’t expect to wake up. Qin Yi, if Qin Yi does not cooperate, I am afraid that it is not easy to explain.

This is not the fantasy world, it is his real world, but it can't be messed up...

Ye Hao’s forehead cold sweat has to come down.

The nurse came over to check it out and said happily: "Congratulations to you, Xiaoye, I will call the doctor to give him a look." During this time, Ye Hao often came over, his mouth was sweet and flattering, the hospital nurses and sisters Auntie I am familiar with him, and I really feel happy for him.

Ye Wei: "..." No! Inner heart Kang hand.

Seeing the nurse aunt happy to go out, Ye Hao looked at Qin Yi sadly, and now he told him to hide his identity and still have time? But what reason did he use to conceal his identity? The performance is too obvious, is it not revealing stuffing? If Qin Yi finds himself to be Fang Xiao... Ye Hao feels his pill...

No, absolutely can't let him know!

For a time, the two faced each other.

Ye Hao worried about his identity exposure, and he was afraid that Qin Yi’s affairs would affect the real world. The brain was very confused. Qin Yi was a time when he did not know how to face Ye Hao. This person obviously has a shallow relationship with his body. He occupied this body and made him feel uneasy.

The two men are silent, and have not waited for Ye Hao to come up with a perfect strategy. Thank you for coming.

Xie He was just white, and the money came. The attitude was very calm. Seeing that Qin Yi woke up did not seem to have many accidents, but smiled at Ye Xiao: "It seems that you are right, he is Will wake up."

Ye Hao laughed and didn't know what to say.

The nurse aunt said with enthusiasm: "I know that this guy will wake up. How can it be so young? Hey, Dr. Xie, you can help him check it out and see how it is going."

Xie He smiled a little, went to the step-by-step to do some checks on Qin Yi, and then asked him: "Do you feel any discomfort? Remember what happened?"

Qin Yi licked his lips and glanced at Ye Hao, who lost his soul. He whispered: "It’s okay." I just accidentally said my name when I just woke up, but it’s best not to cross this kind of thing. Let people know as well.

Although the starting point is different, it is rare for the two to reach an agreement.

Xie He retracted his hand and re-inserted into the pocket. He smiled and said, "That's good. After two days of hospitalization, you can go back without any problems."

Ye Hao appealed a sigh of relief, and he gave the Xie He and the nurse aunt out of the hospital and returned to the ward again.

He was silent for a while, brewing a mood, tearful to Qin Yi said: "What happened to you? Dear, your brain has been broken? You even forgot me?! What did you say nonsense?"

This tearful complaint can be said to be tearful and very unbearable!

Qin Yi: "..." He was a bit embarrassed, but I don't know why he couldn't pick it up when he looked at Ye Hao, and his mouth twitched.

After a while, Qin Yicai spit out two words: "Sorry."

Ye Hao reveals that although you have forgotten me, I will never leave your face and will not care about your expression. He said to him, "Forget it, you should go back with me first."

Qin Yi paused and said, "Thank you, but you don't have to." The world looks like his world is not much different. He can survive independently and find a way to find Fang Xiao.

Ye Hao immediately blinked and said, "Are you going to abandon me?"

This time bomb must be brought by your side! How can he rest assured that Qin Yi will run around, if he is aware of anything, doubt the structure of the world or his existence, or... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no !

The people in front of him are so heartbroken. Qin Yi has no way to say that the export is not good. "But..."

"Nothing, I will not care about you!" Ye Hao said firmly!

Qin Yi: "..."

In this way, Ye Hao did not care, He just said that Qin Yi still had to be hospitalized, and immediately took Qin Yi back home! He is not at ease to continue to keep Qin Yi in the hospital, too dangerous, or less contact with others!

Ye Hao lived in a high-end apartment in the city center. Although the area was small, it was more than enough for two people to live. It was not cleaned up. The dirty feet were thrown at the foot of the bed. The bowl in the sink was still unwashed. It can be said that Very bad.

Of course, the image of Fang Xiao, who he once played, is even more beautiful. Ye Hao is a little blushing. He pretends to be ignorant. He hastily pulled a moment in the second bedroom and made a place where he can sleep. Easy to say: "You live here, rest assured, although you have a problem with your brain, but I will not care about you! Psychosis occasionally feels that you are someone else."

Qin Yi: "..." I feel that my mind is no problem, and the problem may be you.

He silently glanced at the house that was almost difficult to settle down. He looked at Ye Hao, who was looking at him eagerly, spit out a sigh of relief and said a low voice: "Thank you, then I will stay temporarily."

He is very strange to the world. If he doesn't understand anything, don't refuse Ye Hao's kindness, but he is not the original person after all, so he is embarrassed to eat white, immediately roll up his sleeves and start. clean up the room.

The handsome man's sleeves were rolled up to the wrist, and the long legs were straight and slender. He bent over and picked up the dirty clothes on the floor and threw them into the washing machine. Then he went to the kitchen to wash the dirty moldy bowl and dragged the ground again. Sweeping the snacks on the table into the trash can, and soon the house was clean and there was only a strip.

Ye Hao looked at the tears... both happy and scared.

I am happy that since the injury and coma, the family has no one to clean up. He misses the time when he was at home. Now, the back movement of Qin Yi... is exactly the same as before, making him happy and happy. What is the difference between Qin Yi and Yue Ling who are silent and do housework?

But what scared him was... He suddenly had a very terrible conjecture. Why did he become Qin Yi after he woke up? Why is it so similar?

In general, even if an amnesia person thinks of something after being hit, it should be remembering his identity. How can it become another person? Isn't Qin Yi more lingering, hehe... Is there any relationship between Qin Yi and Yue Ling?

This must be the conspiracy of the system! And 888 did not tell him anything, he misread him!

After Qin Yi packed it up, seeing Ye Hao still looking at him with such a complex look and nostalgia, could not help but sigh, look a little gentle: "It is very late, you should rest early."

He didn't know what to say, he turned and went back to his room.

Ye Hao looked at the second bedroom door closed in front of him, and suddenly wanted to hold him to sleep and ah, especially since the weather was cold recently, it was not cool to sleep alone. But the more Ling became Qin Yi, he had to restrain himself, hehe...

Oh my god!

This evening, Ye Hao was lying in bed, and she was insomnia. When she closed her eyes, she began to have a nightmare. The old attackers who had been attacked by him all went to the door. They took turns and then found themselves cheating them... Can not help but hit a chill, more and more awake.

It wasn't until the morning that I couldn't help but sleepy, and I was woken up by a phone call that was chasing the soul!

Ye Hao stumbled into the phone, and there was a roar from his agent, Fang Sheng: "Hey! Where did you die?! You can't make a call, there is no one at home, are you still alive!"

Ye Hao said with a smile: "I still live well..."

Fang Sheng sneered and said: "If you live well, just let me roll over and film. Is it easy for me to pick you up? This is a rare opportunity to find a movie with the film singer, but don't mess up again. You know the outside. How are you yelling at you? It’s almost out of the universe. Can you afford your face? Others are not acting, this face can be red, how do you mix so badly?!” The more you get to the back, the more you feel.

Ye Wei: "...I want to know too."

Fang Sheng took a deep breath and was afraid of being killed by this guy. He said coldly: "Come to the studio before 9:00, otherwise you will go back to inherit the family business, I can't help you!"

After talking about it, I hung up the phone.

Ye Wei: "..."

He suddenly remembered the time of crossing, and returned to the real world. How could everyone roar like 888?

However, Fang Sheng said that he is very right. If he is not good at acting, he will go back to inherit the family business, so even if he is very sleepy, he still has to go out!

Here is his identity.

Ye Hao’s father is the country’s largest real estate developer. His homes are all over the world. His assets are countless. Ye’s father is very dissatisfied with his son’s behavior of acting in the industry. Every time he sees his nose, his nose is not his eyes, not his eyes. I hope that he will go home early to help him, otherwise who will manage the company in a hundred years? But Ye Hao is not willing to inherit the family business.

Ye Hao’s mother is the president of a famous cosmetics company and jewellery company. She is gentle, beautiful, temperament and talented. Now she is old, no longer how to intervene in the company, and she is a charity. It can be said to be a model of a lady. Ms. Ye is particularly fond of her son. She feels that as long as her son is happy to do anything, it is a matter of worrying about his son’s not being red. He has repeatedly asked to buy an entertainment company to fully support Ye Hao, who has been rejected by Ye Hao. He relies on his own strength. People! What does the RMB player mean?

Ye Hao’s sister, Ye Hao, is a shareholder of a billion-dollar shopping website. She is a very visionary woman, but she is absolutely very fond of her brother. Every time she is jealous, she will help to discourage.

Does it sound like the story of Marie Su's novel of sleeping on the 500-meter bed, but the reality is so cruel, and there is no way to make it happen. People and people are born so differently! Some people are the winners of life when they are born, standing at the peak of the world.

Ye Shaoye has always regarded money as dirt, but he is interested in acting. He has to go to the entertainment circle. Fortunately, Ye Dao’s mother has protected him from childhood, so that his identity is almost unknown, except for his agent. Fang Sheng, this can successfully experience life.

In order to cross the vacation that I have been waiting for for several days, I can’t drag on any more.

Ye Hao quickly put on his clothes and took out a loaf of bread from the refrigerator and planned to rush out. But looking at the clean and tidy home, I suddenly remembered that there was a very big uncertainty. I hesitated and beat the Qin. Easy door.

There was a deep voice inside: "Please come in."

Ye Hao pushed open the door and walked in. Qin Yi had already got up, dressed in a casual and decent dress. He turned his head and looked like it seemed that there were endless sorrows in the black shackles.

Ye Hao’s footsteps slammed.

For him, leaving the world is to leave, never thought about going back, but for Qin Yi, that is his whole, the only one, and there is no chance to come back.

Ye Hao never asked 888. After he left, he was not completely unconcerned. He just didn't want to bear too much for the unchangeable result. This decision may be selfish, but in the end, he can't fight against the main system. .

There is no such thing as a change of life.

He is a person who is willing to do something that he can do. Occasionally, his mind will also take the wind, he will do wrong things, and he will also fight for hope. But... For things that have no hope at all, it is always quick to give up.

Or, I haven’t encountered anything that would allow him to do whatever he wants.

If you are destined to leave, you may wish to give up a little bit, the real world is where he wants to stay, here is his family and lover.

Ye Hao didn't care too much, and coughed out: "I have something to go out, maybe I will come back at night, I have money at home, you can take it for food, but don't go far! Wait for me to come back and know." ?"

Qin Yi looked at him silently. It seemed that some did not want to agree, but in the end he nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Hao called out a sigh of relief. He was more reassured to Qin Yi. He was not a man who had turned his back. He smiled and said: "Then I am leaving."

Qin Yi looked at Ye Hao’s back and his eyes were complicated.

Ye Hao and his body in the end what is the relationship, he probably guessed, but did not dare to ask, afraid of being difficult to come from ... and he could actually be more determined to leave, why is it easy to be discouraged by Ye Hao, stay in Here? Why are you not worried about this person?

If Fang Xiao is also in this world, what would it look like?

Is it the same as his soul, or reincarnation, Ye Hao... Will it be him? Didn't he promise him to reunite in this world...?

Qin Yi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ye Hao’s hand, hoarsely: “Wait--”

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