The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 151: Real world (1)

Zong 浚 看着 看着 看着 洺 洺 洺 洺 洺 看着 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚 浚It’s a luxury to be willing to let go of it, and to look at Ye Hao again.

He still remembers looking at the foothills of Yunfeng. He is holding this man's cold body and sitting on the sorrow and despair of his heart.

In his life, he did not hesitate to go against the sky, and suffered hardships. He was not detached, just to be able to keep up with this person, but he was willing to get people, and finally he was born and died.

Two thousand years ago, he could still face the body that did not know when he could return. He was calling for souls day after day, and he hoped that he would reunite one day. This time... Seeing Ye Hao in his arms, he was reborn and even reborn. There are no more opportunities, and all of them have finally lost their lives and have jumped down to Wang Yunfeng.

This world without you has no meaning for me. When we form a Taoist, we promise to live and die together and never give up.

Can not be born together, but seek to die together.

So, I won't let you go too fast.

I will be with you, with your partner on Huangquan Road, it is irrelevant to the infinite hell.

At that time, Zongxi did not think about it, and he could see the sky again.

The spirit is gone, that is, when Luo Luojinxian came, he could not resurrect them. How did he and Ye Hao survive? Rao is the master of the demon domain. He once stood at the top of the entire fairy cloud world. He knows countless secrets and wants to understand the reason.

But at this moment, he has already refused to think about it. He has only the person in front of his eyes.

They used to be intimate double monks, so even if they don’t have to look at their eyes, they can feel each other’s existence. The invisible shackles bind their souls together. No matter how the body changes, time passes, you can At a glance, he recognizes the person he loves.

Because it was too much surprise, Zong Yi kissed it without thinking about it. The soft lips and familiar taste made him dare not believe...

Until I saw the stunned look in Ye Hao’s eyes, Zong Yi slowly calmed down, only to notice that his lover was no longer the appearance.

The youth in the arms have a nice and beautiful face, soft short hair and a strange dress.

Although there is no similarity between the appearance of the person in front and Bai Qianhong, Zongtang will not admit his lover, he can feel the traction from the depths of the soul, and as a person who cultivates the immortal, reincarnation or reap Rebirth is a common thing, that is, I have changed my body. There are not many accidents about this. I just don’t know what kind of situation Ye Hao is now and whether he still remembers him.

Although Zongxi was very reluctant, he slowly loosened his hand and did not want to scare Ye Hao. His eyes were gentle and deep, and he slowly said: "Qianhong is me."

Ye Hao was scared, this time it was not loaded, it was really scary!

Zong Yi really recognized him, what is this **** soul binding, and even the chop number is no longer useful? ! It’s a bug! Although I really want to burst into tears, Ye Hao knows that she must be steady now!

Although Zongtang recognized his identity, he did not know what the situation was now, and he did not know whether he still had memories. The only way now is to die and not recognize it! The dead duck's mouth is hard, let's say it over the past few days.

With a decision in his heart, Ye Hao showed a confused and surprised look and said: "What are you talking about? Who is Qianhong?" He said with a hint of vigilance, looked at Zongxi with disappointment, and frowned: "... ... Are you someone outside? Treat me as someone else?!"

He said here, cold and cold to open the ancestral hall, a pair of grievances to ask the sin, as if they were green.

Oh, first to be strong, to retreat! Hit you a surprise!

Fortunately, 888 is not around Ye Hao now, otherwise he must spit out his spicy chicken, his shamelessness, but it is said that there is no one before.

Zongxi slightly narrowed his eyes, but his expression did not change much.

Just excitedly, I missed Ye Hao without much thought, but he was the magician who cultivated the millennium. He was in the devil's devil's realm, and he didn't have a small machine city. Instead, he saw a lot of knowledge and deep thoughts.

Ye Hao’s loss of memory is also expected by Zongtang. Although he has not yet figured out why they came to the world, it is possible to reincarnate if Ye Hao is a reincarnation unless it is coincidental. Otherwise, it will not awaken the memory of past life.

Then again... When the soul came back, did Ye Hao not lose his memory? Zong Yi should be quite experienced in this matter.

It is imperative to understand the current situation. Zongtang glances at where he is. His facilities are completely different from the fairyland where he is. It is said that there are thousands of small worlds outside, but no one has ever been there... He and Ye Hao’s soul are involved in the turbulence of time and space, so they came here?

I haven't waited for Zong Yi to understand, and suddenly a piecemeal memory that doesn't belong to him has poured into his mind.

Li Zezhen, emperor, crossing, acting, past life lover...

The memory belonging to Li Zemin was accepted by him intermittently. The body that he used at present was the body of Ye Hao’s boyfriend. The name was Yue Ling, but the more Ling was injured because of amnesia, but another ancient man named Li Zezhen passed over, just Li Zezhen also Suspected that Ye Hao is his former lover.

When Zongxi read this, he was finally a little scared. In the eyes, there was a trace of confusion. How could this coincidence be strange? Before him, there were still others who passed over, how did the man come over, and how did he cross into the world?

They are different people...

Or... These people were originally him, his past life? I just remembered the memory of a certain world?

In an instant, countless kinds of possibilities and guesses flashed through Zong’s mind.

Such an incredible thing... Zong’s eyes are dark and dark, determined to figure out all this. Although there are countless mysteries, there is no doubt that Ye Hao is his lover.

They are reunited in another world.

No matter whether Ye Hao remembers him or not, this world, he will certainly be guarded by his side, not letting the tragedy repeat itself.

Ye Hao was horrified and looked at Zongtang. He saw the expressions on Zong's face change, and his heart jumped to the eyes of the blind man. Although he had confidence that the Ancestral Temple would not hurt him, how the Zongxi would respond to the problem is still his concern. Can't mix it and watch it today!

At least... I can't let Zong Yi know that he is only a Raiders target, and he is cheating him from start to finish, that is the real deadly crisis! Compared with this, it’s nothing wrong with QAQ.

Ye Hao coughed and stared at Zongtang. He continued to ask in a skeptical tone: "Who is Qianhong?"

Zongxi returned to God, and the information about the world in the brain swiftly passed, and soon his expression calmed down. Naturally, he said: "I just had a nightmare, dreaming that we are in love and separation in another world. That world, you are called Qianhong..."

Lying in the trough, the devil's response is very fast! Ye Haowen even dared not take it lightly, revealing the look of disbelief: "Really?"

Zongtang looked at him deeply, his face was pampered and helpless, his voice was low and dumb and magnetic. "Really, I only like you, even if I forget everything, I will never forget you. Anyone else is for me. Pointless."

The trough is lying in the trough, this is the master of love!

What happened after crossing? How do emotional intelligence improve so much?

and many more! Why is the topic doing this? Why do you accept this reason, why not shock the accident as if you were originally a person in this world? So soon, even the lie is compiled. Do you think the world is very strange? Also adapt too fast...

Ye Hao is full of the brain wtF, but pretend not to know this at all, a curiosity can ruin him, as if a cat is trying to scratch his heart, he is about to scratch his heart, and can not directly ask Zong Yi At this time, he listened to the ancestor: "Get up, isn't it going to film today?"

Ye Hao looked at him with a sullen look: "..."

This time, he really can't keep up with the brains of the Ancestral Hall.

According to previous experience, Zongtang has come to this world to adapt to a period of time. Without the memory of the past, everything has to start again, but now the Ancestral Hall is so natural, it seems like the one that has just been sent from the heart. Hong Cai is an accident, and he accepted his identity.

Right... He also knows that he is going to film, but this is not something that Li Zezhen knows?

Didn’t the ancestral sect not only pass through, but also accepted Li’s memory? ? ?

Ye Hao finally shuddered.

The next night, the nightmare will come true.

Zongtang gently stared at Ye Hao, in his ear, "Don't I sleep too late yesterday, my spirit is not good? Do you want to take a break?"

Ye Xiaowei said: "No, no, I am fine..."

Zong Yi saw the appearance of Ye Xun’s soul and was worried. So he once again advised: "If you are uncomfortable, don't force yourself."

In any case, since he came to this world, he will not let Ye Hao work harder and grievances. The act of acting is not done. He is in this mortal world, and he cannot help even his own loved ones. ?

Ye Hao’s ‘moving’ said: “It’s okay, I can go!”

He hasn't seen any big winds and waves, even if you have Li Zezhen's memory, I can continue! Humph! He is a strong man!

Having said that, an hour later, Ye Hao came to the studio and licked the bread while tears in his heart.

This is a **** life. He just crossed through several times and accidentally lied to a few people. Why should he come over? I don’t want to talk about it... I’ve started to merge memories. What a suffocating operation? What is the next step?

It’s so ridiculous that you’re falling off, don’t say it, still... God, are you playing me? ? ?

888, you will come back to Xiaoye, see if I don't kill you! You are a false propaganda. Before I went, I didn’t tell me that my ex-boyfriend who was scummed by me would return to the world. Otherwise, I must be a good young man with five talks and four beautiful! Spread the beauty and love for the world!

After all, my wish is world peace.


Li Muxun came to the studio and saw Ye Hao with a pair of tired and sluggish eyes, sitting in the corner and licking the bread, could not help but feel a little sympathy.

Even he found that the more Ling is not right, Ye Hao must have found Li Zezhen to come over, and think of what happened in the world, Li Mu looked for a cough, a little worried about Ye Hao.

Of course, this is a rare compassion for a sizzling chicken under the premise that he did not know that Ye Hao still wants to kill him. If he knows what Ye Hao thinks, he will choose - kill this first. Spicy chicken.

Let me know how this spicy chicken is a man.

I don’t know how Ye Hao thought about it. Li Mu looked for the past and said: “What’s wrong, it doesn’t look very good.”

Ye Hao was still full of brains and ancestors. He did not pay attention to Li Mu’s search. He was scared and almost stunned. When he looked up, he was moved to Li Mu’s eyes, and he was so moved. How did he not find that Li Daying was a Who is so kind and friendly and cares about the younger generation? No wonder the wind is so good in the circle. He is respectful of his predecessors: "I didn't sleep well last night."

Li Mu’s heart is definitely because Li Zezheng, you have done so much, and now it’s normal to sleep well, you can understand.

Some things are known but they are not easy to break. Li Mu finds out: "Is it a matter of acting? Don't worry about it slowly, so let's make a phone call. If there is a problem with the performance, feel free to May ask me."

Of course, he is not really worried about Ye Hao’s performance. He wants to take this opportunity to contact Ye Hao and investigate the more complicated things.

The predecessors all took the initiative to provide help, not to mention such a golden thigh, who would not want to make a knot in the circle, if not willing to be too fake, Ye Hao immediately took out the mobile phone and Li Muxun exchanged the phone number, and got the inch The request was added to WeChat. Seeing that Li Muxun did not refuse, and my heart was beautiful, it seems that Li Daying is really a very friendly person!

Li Muxun is also very satisfied. He thinks that Ye Hao is very good, so they are also friends, and they will be able to make further contact later.

Although the motives are different, the two have no truth in each other, but the rare ones are very satisfied with the results. Li Muxu chatted a few words at random, and went to make up the filming. Today his drama is different from Ye Hao, and there is no rivalry. .

Ye Hao finished eating bread, sitting there bored, and staring at Li Mu to find a play, not to mention that the acting is really good, you can learn later, the people of the theater have said that he is always available to ask.

Zongtang was urging Ye Hao to eat again in the morning, but Ye Hao’s dedication to work seemed to be late. He only took the bread and rushed to the studio. Zongyi couldn’t stop it and took the initiative to help him buy milk tea.

It is said that this is a drink that Ye Hao likes to drink. It is very popular in this world. In order to understand the preferences of this world lover, Zongtang bought a cup with curiosity. It tastes weird but it is okay, and the taste seems to be Not so terrible... But yesterday, Li Zezhen’s terrible memories of eating mustard sashimi still seem to have some influence on him. When he thinks about Ye’s current taste, Zongxi is a little uneasy.

With a complicated mood, he came back with milk tea, and he saw that Li Mu was standing there and talking to Ye Hao, and Ye Hao was a respectful and adoring attitude, and his eyes suddenly cooled down.

Although Ye Hao did not reveal any other ideas to Li Mu, he only had respect for his predecessors, but Zong Yi felt that Li Mu sought to support Ye Zi not only for the younger generation.

As a superstar of the movie, the status of Li Muxu and Ye Wei in the entertainment circle can be described as heaven and earth. Why do you care about Ye Yu, who has never been masked?

One person is inexplicable to another person, and there must be no picture.

Zongtang did not rush to the past, but waited for Li Mu to leave, and then walked over to bring the tea to Ye Hao, saying: "Your."

Ye Hao likes milk tea. Milk tea is too common in the modern world. There is no such thing as ancient times. Even if I like to drink a sacred scorpion, I won’t find anything strange. So I screamed and sipped, and when I was half-drinking, I heard Zongtang say, “Slow, still There are... drinking milk tea is easy to gain weight, or drink less."

Ye Hao almost sprayed the milk tea in her mouth!

Do you know that you know this? ! Do you want this?

However, nothing can stop me!

Ye Hao said with a straw ambiguous, "I am good, I don't want to drink anything, don't worry!"

Zongxi couldn't help but smile. Looking at the gangsters that Ye Hao had whipped up, the bottom of my heart was soft. I couldn't help but want to poke it. I didn't expect that the cold and arrogant people like Zhu Xian, after the reincarnation, turned out to be This looks, but does not feel annoying at all, as long as the soul is this person, he likes it.

Although Ye Hao has no heart and lungs, he is still a bit embarrassed. Now he is too unpredictable, and he does not dare to look at him. He just concentrates on seeing Li Mu looking for acting.

Zongtang did not ask again, but his eyes turned to Li Muxun, and he was slightly cold, but he did not say anything.

Li Mu's performance was very smooth. He did not finish ng several times, waiting for Ye Hao to be ready.

This is his last scene in this movie. The church is unstable and partially chaotic. He has already seen his unreasonable Queen Mother to find a chance to die, and the emperor will see his body when he returns, and then he will Furious, he can retire.

Ye Hao stepped forward and prepared. He didn't see the face of the Queen Mother for several days, because the last time he had torn his face, this time even the smirk was too lazy to laugh. She raised an eyebrow to reveal a provocation that she could only see. Eyes, the resentment of the temperament can not tear the little monk.

A long time ago, the Queen Mother was ridiculed by Ye Hao for trying to sneak into the rules. The last time she was stunned by Ye Hao, she was blocked by Li Mu. The bitterness was still dissatisfied with the director. I dare not be brazen enough to target Ye Hao, but it is very wrong.

Although I can't overdo it against Ye Hao, I can't help it if I don't like Ye Hao. It's very lifeless to hate it.

The director shouted and the shooting began.

Ye Hao’s clothes were not carried by the guards and brought to the Queen’s face.

The Queen Mother looked at him coldly and said: "It is you who seduce the emperor, fornicating the harem, you can know sin."

Ye Hao shivered on the ground. These are not what he can choose, but he is just an eunuch. How can he face the Queen Mother? I only hope that the emperor can come back to save his life, his eyes are sorrowful and powerless, and he trembles: "Slaves... slaves know sin."

The Queen Mother deliberately said that the emperor was not coming over. Where would the opportunity for the **** to escape from birth, he immediately sneered: "Come, come and fight me!"

Ye Hao was dragged out.

Zong Yi looked at all this and looked cold.

He knows that this is just acting. The people in this world have a lot of shooting skills. They are not really playing, they are played for others, but... this woman’s dislike of Ye Hao is true.

As a demon-minded deity, the two sides of the fairy-tale world have been dealing with the evil demon outside the road. Is it difficult to see a human woman in the district? As long as she gave her a chance, she would definitely give her a slap in the face and retaliate against him. This kind of guilty man is not too much.

He sneered, his lips smashed into a cold arc. When the Lord of the Devils in the celestial world was not a savvy name, he was not a hypocritical person. Even murders were looking for countless excuses. There are countless ways to die in his right hand, and anyone who offends him, or who wants to offend him, will die under his hand... and those who dare to offend Ye Hao are even more damn.

Since this person is malicious to Ye Hao, of course, he can't wait until the injury is caused. It is time to kill her, so as to suffer from the problem.

After Zong Pu came to this world, he soon found himself repaired as a loss, and the world was apocalyptic, and it was not suitable for cultivation at all. However, fortunately, his soul was still strong, and he used his various magical techniques to barely drive small magic. Solving a weak human being is no problem at all.

Zongtang stood in the inconspicuous corner, his fingers hanging on his side were slightly moving, and his mouth was silently silent. This is the sorcerer he once had in a ghost, just now he can barely use it, can be planted in humans. Cursing, it will be violent for a few days.

Seeing that the spell was about to form, suddenly Zong Yi felt that his body was changing in the air. One person slammed into his field and pressed one hand on his shoulder. It seemed to be somewhat unexpected: "How are you here? Come with Ye Hao. of?"

Zong Yi’s body was awkward, and the last step was interrupted, which made him quite unhappy. On the other hand, his brow was wrinkled and his voice was cold: “Yes.”

Li Mu looked for a relaxed expression, but actually put a cold sweat in his heart.

Because he had doubts about Yue Ling, so others did not pay attention to the ancestral hall standing in the corner. Li Muxu always paid attention to him. Then he discovered a terrible thing. He felt that the Ancestral Hall was actually ignoring the heavens and the earth. And his subtle movements are obviously an evil spell!

Li Muxun immediately mobilized the database, and quickly found out the role of the spell. This time he even had some stability... Before that, he just thought that Li Zemin’s appearance was very unexpected, but if Zongtang was killed in the real world, That would be bad, it will cause confusion in the main world and cause very bad effects. It is imperative to stop Zongtang’s behavior, so he pretends to interrupt the Ancestral Hall.

More importantly, he calculated his identity through Zongxi’s behavior, and it was clear that Li Zezhen was yesterday, and today he became a ancestral sect.

Zongxi looked at Li Muxun coldly, and his heart was not happy. I temporarily let you go with magnanimity, but you came to break my business.

Li Muxu was a little nervous, but his face was never revealed. Instead, he smiled and asked casually: "I haven't seen you before, how long have you been together?"

Zong squatted at him, and his lips twitched. "It has been a long time." He did not intend to waste his tongue with such ant-like mortals, but he did not want to seek the idea of ​​Ye Hao, and wanted him to retreat.

Li Mu searched with a smile, and he could see that Zongxi had some sorrow on him. I am afraid that he could not ask anything. It was just that he was on the scene, so he and Zong Yu left.

Zong Yi looked at the back of Li Muxu, his finger was moving, but he did not shoot again. His action was interrupted just now, and because Li Mu found himself here and was noticed, he had lost the best time. But there is no need to worry about it... Although this time I could not solve the woman, but he is kept by Ye Hao, it will not give people a chance to be awkward.

God blocked the gods and stopped the Buddha.

The Queen Mother did not know that she had walked in front of the ghost gate, and knew nothing about it.

Although Li Muxun also dislikes the Queen Mother, it is indeed that she is not right. Otherwise, it will not provoke Zongxi’s killing, but he can’t let Zongtang’s chaos in the main world... but he just did it. Blocking it, I can't stay in the main world for a long time. She will still be resigned in the future. I don't know if convergence will cause trouble sooner or later.

Li Muxu did not agree with the Queen Mother, and he did not like it very much. He also played a bit of a true appearance when he was acting. He looked very dissatisfied with the look of the Queen Mother, and slandered the Queen Mother to send it out.

I only hope that this person will not appear in front of Zongtang in the future and provoke him to be unhappy, otherwise he will not save her next time.

Ye Hao lay on the ground and loaded the body, and finally finished the play. When he came out to see Zongtang, he was no different. He was still waiting for him outside, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, when Zong Pu came, he still had some worries. Zong Yi was a devil. After suffering and suffering from the jungle of the weak and the strong, the world view of life is different from the real world. He is the most worried of all of them. The real bloodthirsty devil! Can not be used to the common sense.

But it seems to be okay now, and it can adapt to modern society.

Of course, if Ye Hao knows the episode just now, he probably won’t think so... I will cry and cry, and I will swear that no one can hurt him. He is hard in the background!


Li Muxun had never found a chance to talk to Ye Hao. As for Zong Yi, it is more difficult to get news from his mouth.

When Li Mu looked home and looked at his mobile phone, he looked a little absent-minded and his brows were slightly twisted.

At this time, I found out that there was a hint on my WeChat. Li Muxun did not intend to send a circle of friends like those who were boring. The so-called WeChat was also because the work had to do as the Romans do, and casually opened it, but found that Ye Hao gave him before. That is to say, every circle of friends left by the original Li Muxun deity has been praised, and the dog’s legs can’t bear to look straight...

I thought that this guy still had the mood to do this kind of thing, and suddenly felt that there was no need to worry about him.

When Li Mu sought to turn off his mobile phone and smashed his forehead, the appearance of Li Zezhen and Zong Yi broke the rules again and again. As the most respecting rule, he was obviously unacceptable and less clueless.

But when you think about it carefully, since the beginning of this task, the ‘the Lord God’ has been making an exception. These Raiders goals, are there any specialities in these worlds?

Li Mu sighed and prepared to rest, his eyes fell on the phone, and suddenly a thought came up.


Ye Hao and Zong Yi sat face to face to eat, because they knew that Zongtang had the memory of Li Zemin, and that Zongtang continued to play the original role. Ye Hao had to accompany him. In order to carry out the acting in the end, he and Zong Yi came here again. At the Japanese restaurant, I ordered the dish again...

A little bit untouchable.

Ye Hao didn't have an appetite and didn't dare to look at the ancestral scorpion, lest he should be seen, and Zong's eyes made him feel a little bored...

In the order, Ming Zongxi is not in front, but why is it that Zongtang came first... Zongxi is not the third, and Li Zezhen is not the second one, but they are coming earlier, what is the law?

He didn't know when Li Zezhen died, but Zong Yi was who died with him.

The so-called co-death, from beginning to end...

Only one person is true.

Ye Hao lowered his eyes and tried to throw out some uncomfortable feelings that should not be thrown out of his mind. He gave his eyes to every friend circle that Li Mu looked for. After the praise, he continued to brush down and gave Fang Sheng every One also praised, and the avatar robot praised the madman.

When Ye Hao was uneasy, suddenly the phone shook a bit and received a message from Li Muxun: Do you have time now?

Ye Hao’s expression is stiff, he just really just messed up! Do you think that I am very hypocritical? ! Can this attract your attention? ? ?

Ye Hao was originally in no mood. At this time, Tianwang Laozi didn't want to see it, but when he thought of the opposite ancestor, he gave birth to a sense of escape.

He replied: There is time in a while.

Li Muxun replied very quickly: Ok, I have time to send a message to me, I will pick you up.

Ye Hao thought about it, or asked: Is there anything?

Li Muxun: acting acting.

Business affairs... Ye Hao feels relaxed and returns a good one.

Zong Yi did not know what Ye Hao was doing. From this angle, he could only see Ye Hao's bright forehead and straight nose. The human beings in this world seem to be addicted to this kind of communication tool called mobile phone.

Zongtang had countless words to say, but when he spoke to his mouth, he couldn’t say it. He just looked at the people in front of him.

This meal is very unpalatable, but Zongtang is still finished, because Ye Hao likes it, he wants to do what Ye Hao likes, and lives like him, even his hobby is the same.

The bits and pieces that can get along now are carefully cherished by him.

The food called mustard is really hot and pungent, it is really difficult to eat, but he is not the emperor of the jade food. When the magic domain is difficult to survive, what has not been eaten? Compared with everything he has suffered, the food that is difficult to eat in the district is not even a problem. Besides, Zong Yi remembers that when Ye Hao left, he lost all his feelings and clearly had no taste, but he still lied to him to say that he did The things are delicious...

When Zongxi thought of it, it seemed that there was a huge stone in his heart and could not breathe. He had already had enough endless waiting, and had enough pain without hope...

The hate and love that went deep into the bone marrow afflicted him for thousands of years.

Finally ushered in a helpless ending.

Therefore, no matter what the world is like, no matter what Ye Hao becomes... He just wants to grasp everything in front of him, no longer lose the people in front of him, and make up for all the regrets he once had.

After Ye Hao finished eating, she found that Zongtang had eaten all the dishes he ordered as usual, and smiled softly at him. Suddenly his throat was hardened.

He stood up and said, "Even for two days, we will change places to eat tomorrow."

Zongxi smiled and looked at him: "Don't you like it here?"

Ye Hao sighed with enthusiasm and said: "Because I like it, I can't come often. What if I don't like it? I want to like it for a while."

In fact, he probably only feels that his behavior is very boring, and he does not want to see Zong Yi if nothing happens, for him to eat something he does not like.

Even yesterday’s own behavior is naive and ridiculous.

Zongtang did not know what Ye Hao thought and thought. He said, "It’s good."

Ye Hao spit out a breath and restored the look of cheerfulness: "Go home, ah, after the show, I can finally relax for a while, or do we go out to travel?"

Zong Yi still nods, a good look when you are happy.

Ye Haoxing’s plan was a bit of a rush. When he got home, he said to Zongtang: "Yes, I suddenly remembered something. You should go back first. I will come back after a while."

Zong Yi stared at Ye Hao, his eyes were thoughtful, but he quickly smiled and said: "Good."

Ye Hao then took a taxi and left. When she found that she was lying, the vest was sweaty. I don't blame him for being nervous. It is really terrible!

Inexplicably there is a feeling of being a guilty conscience.

Ye Hao confirmed that Zong Yi did not know his whereabouts, and this sent a message to Li Mu.

Li Muxu came soon, and he drove to the cafe where Ye Hao was.

He was a casual suit and tall, in order to avoid being recognized with sunglasses, but fortunately there was no one here, and the place was quite remote. He walked in and sat down in front of Ye Hao, taking off his sunglasses to reveal a handsome and calm face. "Isn't that if I come to pick you up, why don't you wait for me."

Ye Hao gently stirred the coffee in front of him and smiled. "How do you bother Li Ge? Then I think the coffee here is good, the environment is also very good, so I will come here if you don't like us." Just change one?"

Of course, Li Muxun didn't mind the location. He only minded the anomaly of the world. He shook his head and said: "No, it's good."

Ye Hao smiled and looked at Li Mu with his dog's legs and smiled. "What is going to tell me about Li Ge?"

Li Mu looked for a business to tell him, but he still sipped one by one, faintly said: "I think your performance in this show is very good, so I want to talk to you, my next play, you wish I am willing to audition, I think we should cooperate happily."

Grand Master invited him on his own initiative! Ye Shao, who is determined to make a difference in the entertainment industry, feels that he is finally going to be in the first place! Excited: "I am willing to be willing!"

Li Mu looked helplessly, and he coughed: "Well, I will let my agent contact you."

Ye Hao nodded like a garlic, and said: "Thank you, Li Ge!"

Li Mu looked for the foreplay almost, and began to test into the topic, seemingly unintentionally asked: "Right, how long have you known with your boyfriend? Looks like a good relationship."

Ye Hao’s eyes moved slightly and did not answer.

When Li Mu looked for a picture, he smiled: "We are also friends. Isn't it? The emotional problems of artists are very sensitive. There are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future... I just want to know, there is no other meaning. It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it."

Ye Hao looked like this and smiled. "It doesn't take long, a few months."

Li Mu searched for a moment, it seems that before the main **** was abnormal, his brow slightly wrinkled, and soon loosened, and he said: "Where is he, how do you know? I see him... Very nice look."

Ye Hao's black cockroaches flashed, and the evasiveness was light and modest: "Occasionally, I know, I am a general player."

Li Muxu said again: "Is it? His skill is not simple. Now the actors are relying on special effects. They can't fight or suffer. It's hard to get him."

Ye Hao was silent for a while, looked up at Li Muxun, and the expression seemed a bit strange. Suddenly said: "Lie Ge, you seem to care about him."

Is Li Mu looking for his own performance too obvious? He didn't want to be so impatient. He just didn't feel relieved. He wanted to inquire about the relationship between Ye Hao and Zong Yi. He rushed to Ye Hao, and when he thought about how to be round, he suddenly heard Ye Hao said. In a word, I almost didn't hold my expression.

"Rigo, are you more interested in my family? So I pretend to care about me?" Ye Hao looked at him with a complaint, and seemed to be shocked and angry about this truth! I did not expect his Li Ge to be such a human face! I have to slap him in the corner!

Li Mu looked at the corner of his mouth and twitched, his expression was stiff. The spicy chicken was still normal for three minutes. He just thought that Ye Hao had returned to the real world. He was so ignorant and ignorant that he was not so ill, and would not be chaotic... …The results of it? The face was beaten.

What is the illusion that he is still looking forward to this spicy chicken?

Li Muzhi tells

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