The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 154: real world

Because of this accident, Li Muxu also had no intention to stay, and left the party in advance. He returned home and quickly began to retrieve the information in the database and found himself I missed a very important message!

Luzhou, the president of Yunzhou Entertainment, is the younger brother of Lu Ting in the real world. However, it is now twenty-six years since Lu Ting died and left the real world. It is precisely because of this that no one has yet returned. I remember the existence of Lu Ting, and no one can think of it. The man who was said to be a bodyguard by Luzhou was actually a brother who died in Luzhou for many years.

Lu Ting and Xie He are reincarnation of the famous figures in the world. No one knows no one, because Li Muxun never thought that they would come back, and did not think that they might be related to this matter, so I did not think of it before. This is all.

Li Mu looked at his eyes and his eyes flicked on the keyboard. Although he came to the real world to limit his ability, as an advanced system, it is not difficult to get into the world. It is necessary to rely on manual, the efficiency is hundreds of times lower than normal.

It took three minutes for ‘low-efficiency’ to find out about the network of the information department, and quickly found out the information of Xie He.

Xie Hexing did not change his name and did not change his surname. Even his appearance was too lazy to change. He gave himself an identity and changed his hospital to be a doctor.

According to Li Muxun's understanding of Xie He, whether he is in a fantasy world or a detachment, he has no dime relationship with a doctor. Then he must have his own purpose in going to that hospital, and the answer is not difficult to guess. - Yue Ling had visited the hospital, and Xie He was just his doctor.

Xie He is rushing to Lingling, and he has not concealed this at all.

In other words, the more anomalous the abnormality of the Raiders, the fact that the exceptions of the Raiders are actually related to Xie He.

Li Mu looked for a slight frown, and things seemed to be more complicated than he had imagined. He thought that it was only the disappearance of the Lord God, and the intrusion of the Raiders target. Now it seems that there is behind the scenes.

However, even if they are stronger, how can they threaten the Lord God? In the end, it is only two hosts. The Lord God is above everything else. The more powerful, the more you know how far the Lord God is out of reach...

Li Mu sought to sink for a long time, the consciousness was transmitted back to the system space, and began to call 666.

666 is Lu Ting's system, the same as the initial advanced system, 888 and 666 have always known each other, but they used to be different from each other, not so familiar, but recently 666 and he slowly approached, nothing to invite him to play games, still Listening to his spit, the relationship is leaps and bounds.

The system space is still busy and lively. Some systems that are idle because of the host's death are not shopping. Other systems come and go, match the new host and start busy work, and some host systems. And occasionally come back to vacation to sort out the data.

After 888 had passed for a while, I waited for the reply from 666. 666 seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled and asked: "How come, do you have anything to do with me?"

888 can't directly say that he met Lu Ting in the real world, because the system arbitrarily enters the main world is a serious violation of the rules, so it is just a test of the temptation: "Nothing, just recently completed the task, idle, ask you to do What, are you free to play?"

666 said: "Sorry, sorry, I am too busy recently, I am on vacation with 444."

444 is the system of thank you, because Lu Ting and Xie He are master and servant relations, so their system is also very close, this is what everyone knows.

888 paused: "Oh? What about your host? Is he not with you?"

666 heard this attitude suddenly changed, the language said unclearly: "Hey, he and Xie He went out to play, do not know where it is now, don't talk, 444 called me -" I came, and I hang up the 888 newsletter.

888: This mmp plastic system friendship!


Ye Hao came to the hospital with the ancestral hall, and then everyone else left.

The doctor came over and checked, saying that Zongtang was stunned, no big deal, wake up and it’s okay, then look at Ye Hao with a strange look, as if they are bad social people, some people face The human model is dog-like, and I don’t know what to do in the back.

Ye Hao smiled and sent the doctor away, taking advantage of the shackles of the ancestors.

He was late at the time, did not see the process, but it must be that Zongtang was beaten against Li Mu, but Li Muxun did not necessarily play the ancestral hall, is it... and the one next to it. Is it strange to a stranger?

Although he did not know the specific process, Ye Hao was glad that he did not cause a major disaster. He decided to take the Ancestral Hall away and could not let him and Li Mu find a conflict.

Wait, I don’t know if it’s a ancestral singer after waking up... Hey, no matter who is coming this time, just let go!

Ye Hao did not dare to leave, and fell asleep on the sofa in the ward.

The dream ancestor not only discovered his identity, but also found that he was cheating on him in his back. Not only did he talk about nine male friends, but he also went to live a happy life with others, and every one loved it. To die, to live, Zong Pu suddenly blackened the value soared to 100 * 100 and put him in the small black room like this ... scared Ye Yi body.

In the dream, Ye Hao ran and ran, and as a result, the skull was severely painful, and his heart was lying in his house, so he was so willing to beat him... Then he woke up.

Ye Hao touched his skull and found himself falling face down on the floor. They all blamed the sofa for being too small. They could fall on the ground and face the ground.

Ye Hao climbed up from the ground, and the sky was already bright. It turned out to be noon the next day. He didn't expect to sleep for so long, and quickly looked up to see the bed, but the bed was empty!

Ye Hao suddenly panicked. When he fell asleep, Zong Yi woke up? But where did the people go?

He put on his shoes and rushed out. When he was about to go out, he suddenly found that the bathroom door of the ward was half open, the lights were on, and Ye Hao stepped forward, turned and gently pushed the door open, and the people inside turned his head to look at him. The black eyes look calm like the sea, don't talk, don't leave, as if you are in him, but a stranger you have never seen before.

Ye Hao was not easy to make himself happy!

Finally changed again!

He really wants to hold the demon statue, and the damage is too great. God bless you to a law-abiding!

Ming Chong actually just woke up. He noticed the leafhopper sleeping on the sofa, but he didn't care. He was more concerned about his current situation, so he got up and went to the bathroom.

Ming Chong looked at the completely strange man in the mirror. After several confirmations, he finally had to believe that he was probably reviving himself. I don't know if this world is still the world before...

But, in fact, it doesn't matter?

Because no matter where he is, there is no one he has to wait for, so what is the relationship between the world and the world?

After more than ten years, he thought that he might be like many people, gradually forgetting, making memories obscure, because people are always fickle, he is very scared, he does not have so much confidence in himself, he can be without that person. The world has been holding on for so long...

But in fact, he has never forgotten.

Some people, who lived in his heart, melted into his blood, and later he couldn’t even say why he liked it, but he couldn’t forget it.

Ming Chong looked at the young man in front of him. Although he is now wearing a young and handsome face, there is no life in the eyes. It is like a pool of dead water. For more than ten years, life has passed away. Time has passed. The ability to lose mood swings.

No matter what kind of situation, no one can face his heart.

At this time, the young man who saw the door at Ming Chong rushed over and hugged him, and he choked: "Dear, you finally woke up, I am worried about you!"

The head of the youth was buried on his shoulders, and his hands were holding him, seeming to still tremble slightly. This trembling was like true feelings.

However, Ming Chong still looks calm. When he woke up, he saw Ye Hao. Ye Hao was sleeping on the sofa in the ward. It seems that he is not a relative or a lover... It seems that the latter is the body. Boyfriend.

However, he is no longer the one he loves.

Ming Chong's eyes fell on the top of Ye Hao's head, and the color of mercy faded. He didn't know why the body was hurt, and why he became his own... but his own act, for the original lover. In the end, it is a cruel thing.

It’s a pity that cruelty is cruel. I can’t because I can’t bear this, I can continue to be the other’s lover instead of the original. He can’t do this, and he’s not willing to do it.

Some things are broken when they are broken.

Ming Chong gently pushed open Ye Hao and said calmly: "Sorry, I don't remember you."

Oh, don't remember that I am so wonderful! This shows that you have at least not integrated the memories of Qin Yi, Li Zezhen and Zong Yi!

In a short sentence, let Ye Hao figure out the status quo, no matter who is coming, don’t remember to say it, not listening to me.

Ye Hao’s moving joy burst into tears. In Ming Chong’s eyes, it seems to be a shocking and sad way to cry.

Ye Yan’s eyes were red, staring at the ancestral hall, who seemed to believe it: “Do you really remember me a little?”

Ming Chong nodded and suppressed the incomprehensible emotion in his heart. He said coldly: "Yes."

Ye Hao turned and walked away: "I will call the doctor to come and see!"

Ming Chong grabbed his wrist and said: "No need."

Ye Hao continued to install, anxiously said: "Why do you want to do it, you have to let the doctor come over and see it! It was clear that there was no problem when I checked yesterday."

Ming Chong's look was slightly cold and frowning. He grabbed Ye Hao's wrist and pressed him to the wall. He bowed slightly, and the black pupil was indifferent to the cold light. He slowly said: "I have no memory loss."

Ye Yiyi said, "How can you not remember me without loss of memory?" When ordinary people come to strange worlds, aren't they all worthy of memory? It’s not a mistake to follow the routine! This is the experience that thousands of people have summed up!

Ming Chong's thin lips twitched, faintly said: "Because I am not the one you know."

Is this the meaning of a direct showdown? ! Ye Hao was shocked, and finally a little panicked. Sometimes it is not necessary to be so frank. You can also play the game of amnesia... How do you play after the showdown? ? ?

Ming Chong did not care about Ye Hao’s panic, and he said: “No matter what relationship you have with me, but it’s all gone, from now on, we have nothing to do with it.”

Ye Hao only feared that Ming Chong would go on and make a push. The tears turned around again and he smiled. "What are you talking about? What is the person I don't know, what is it? It doesn't matter if I don't even have my boyfriend." do you know it?"

Ming Chong see Ye Hao is so persistent and refuses to believe, seems to be helpless, sighed softly, but nevertheless, will not shake his heart.

Some things should be clear from the beginning.

Make it clear to everyone.

"I mean, your boyfriend is dead." Ming Chong's voice was calm and indifferent, looking at Ye Hao's eyes, saying: "Although sorry, I am not the one you like, but completely It’s another person, say this – do you understand?”

Ye Hao was finally dumbfounded, and the flustered words made by the full belly were smashed back. What is this called? Is this called a bottom-up salary? If you have thousands of lies and tactics, I will not play with you?


Not as good as the demon!

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