The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 165: real world

Ye Ye hangs Fang Sheng’s phone, and soon someone else’s phone calls in. Almost every friend who knows Ye Hao’s entertainment circle is asking him online news. Is it true that he is really the young master of Ye Family?

Those who did not succeed in getting in the phone also sent text messages and they were all amazed.

Ye Hao did not rush back to the news, and did not answer the phone, but opened the app of the major media, and the headlines were all about their own news: Ye Hao's family was the beginning of the world, and the low-key artist was the heir to the billionaire!

The comments below each related news exploded, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands. Some people expressed shock, some said they did not believe it, and some people were sour and smeared. In short, the whole network was shocked by Ye Hao. This third-rate star has such a background.

Ye Xiaomei picked it up, some accidents, but it was not so unexpected. He was not a national secret person. There were many people who knew him, but he was not red before, and he had sister Ye Hao to help control the public opinion. I haven't exposed my identity since I was, but after all, Ye Jia can't cover the sky with one hand. Now it seems that he is really red... So even the family has been cleaned up by eight.

Because of the exposure of the family, Ye Hao suddenly stood on the cusp of the wind, he turned a little comment, mixed.

The new powders are very excited to stand on the side of Ye Hao, one by one and the same as the chicken blood, saying that the identity of Ye Hao is still used to sell, is it necessary to use Bajie Limu to find and be hidden? He was almost the same, and the blacks who had slandered Ye Hao by the unspoken rules were all beaten.

But if you think that it is so simple to defeat the sunspots, it is too small to see their fighting power. The exposure of Ye Hao’s identity has made the sunspots more. This time, it’s not the water army that others have invited, but because there are many people who care about him. Some people like nature, some people don't like it, and there are many people who don't like him. There are many judges who are jealous and picking bones in their eggs.

They can't sell their leaves, they can only blame him for their private life, homosexuality, poor character, and can't wait to use the darkest and dirtiest words to speculate on Ye Hao, describe him as a rich second generation, and then go high. Accuse him.

It’s really a group of boring people who are full of food... Ye Hao thinks like this, if nothing happens, put the phone into his pocket and look back at Cossen.

He did not forget that before this incident, Corson was preparing to ask his question. Although Cosson only interrupted a word, he was interrupted by accident, but Ye Hao knew in his heart what Cossen wanted to know. At this moment, he has made his own decision.

Ye Hao was silent for a moment, slowly opening: "I..."

But this time it was Cosson who interrupted him. Cosson’s black shackles were full of worried looks. Shen Sheng said: “Are you okay?”

Corson also figured out what happened online, and he looked at the information much faster than Ye Hao. Some of the public opinion on the Internet made him angry and powerless. The eyebrows were deeply worried and pampered. .

These things made him think of what he used to be...

Harvey bears the burden of humiliation, pays such a price for humanity, and even lives. But people on the Internet, those who live in a peaceful area, are not so unscrupulously forced to use the most malicious to force him?

In the face of malicious slander, insults, and suspicion, although Harvey’s performance never cares, but Cossen can’t turn a blind eye, thinking that Harvey really doesn’t care. He feels sad, painful, and angry for him, but he can’t do anything. Even if he is stronger, he can't control what others say, only silence.

Paradox is the most difficult thing to control.

Language can inspire others and rebuke injustice, but once it becomes a knife in people's hands, it can bring harm to others with unscrupulousness. People use language violence to force others into desperation and impose lynching judgments, but they still believe that they have mastered the truth and supported it. Justice - self-satisfaction, no regrets.

Even in this distant land, this backward world, the despicable side of humanity, is no different.

Corson remembered their most difficult time, he had to face the pressure of the whole universe, protect his lover, because once he handed Harvey out, he was facing death...

He would rather take care of all of this than himself, and he would not be faced with it by Ye Hao.

"If you are not happy, don't look at it." Cosson looked at him gently, slowly saying that for him, maybe the previous question is very important, but nothing is more important than Ye Hao's happiness.

He didn't want him to be sad, he didn't want him to think of those unpleasant memories.

Ye stunned, his eyes fell into Cossen's eyes... In Cosson's mind, whether he is happy, whether it is more difficult than anything else...

He licked his lips slightly, and you will make me blame myself, let me hesitate to continue to lie to you, feel self-deprecating.

The complex look in Ye Hao’s eyes swept past, sighed indifferently, and then showed a smile that didn’t care. “Nothing is unhappy.”

His eyes are shining in the night, and he can see that there is no reluctance. He really does not care about those defamation and attacks. He smiles and says, "Do you know how to make yourself happy? That is - just look at those who support me. The paradox is fine."

Cosson stunned.

"Because I will know, there are many good people, and there are many people who support me. So I will not be killed by those malicious, but I am disappointed by the sadness of those who like to support me." Mouth, smiled: "I can't control how others see me, but I can choose who I am and how I can live."

"Against..." Ye Hao smiled. "If you are a star, you can't stand it. The stars in the entertainment circle can commit suicide by half, and the remaining half will quickly retire."

Corson was silent for a while, and suddenly reached out and hugged Ye Hao, his eyes were deep love of the ocean.

Yes, you have always been like this, never changed.

No matter what others say, you will not be killed, will not change, even if you lose your memory, you lose your self, you will not forget to protect the human heart, you will not forget your persistence, the dust can't cover your light.

You will always be the one I love the most.

Ye Hao was caught in the arms of Cossen, but this moment he thought, sorry, in fact, I am not as noble as you think, my persistence is not so great, you are such a person, no matter how smashed Oh, never changed your original intention.

If you know what kind of person I am, I might not love me so much.

Ye Hao smiled a little and said: "I know what you just wanted to ask me."

Corson gave a low voice: "Yeah."

Ye Hao said: "But it is too late today, I will tell you tomorrow, okay?"

Cossen said without hesitation: "Good." His trust in Ye Hao is unconditional. Since Ye Hao explained that he told him, he could wait patiently.

Ye Hao’s eyes showed some apologies. In fact, he played a less glamorous thought. He did not want to deceive Cossen again, but he did not want to tell the truth cruelly, so he chose – procrastination.

Maybe Cosson will not be there tomorrow, then he doesn't have to tell the answer, but if Cosson is still there.

That is probably God's will.

No matter who he is facing tomorrow, he will not lie any more, he will try to face everything bravely and honestly.

"Let's go home." Ye Hao grabbed Cossen's hand and revealed a bright smile.

The two of them embraced each other this evening. Cossen and Ye Hao said a lot about what happened after he left. He also told him about the current situation of Villanica. Finally, "If she knows that you are still alive, it will be very happy."

Ye Yan sighed: "You have worked hard these years..."

Cossen shook his head and looked gentle: "There is nothing that I should do."

Ye Hao suddenly kissed his lips and looked up at the man in front of him, not wanting to listen to him.

Nothing is right, of course.

Corson gave a slight glimpse and immediately hugged Ye Hao and bowed his head to kiss him.


This night is very quiet, the breeze blows the curtains, it seems to blow away those inexplicable mourning, leaving only peace and peace.

Ye Hao fell asleep and fell asleep, and the sun came back again. He saw the man around him still asleep, didn't wake up, and Ye Hao didn't wake each other, but looked at each other. His face is dazed.

I don't know how long it took, he felt the people around him move, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The moment Ye Hao confronted the eyes, he knew that Corson was no longer there. He still didn't have to answer his question. He didn't know whether it was worthy of happiness or not.

I open my eyes and look at the people in front of me.

It’s been ten years since Han Xu died again.

He has spent another lonely decade, but this time is different from the last time. This time, he is hopeful, but extremely desperate.

Hope is because he is extravagant, Han Xu can be born again, maybe in a place he doesn't know, Han Xu has already lived... and desperate, he knows that they have completely ended, all The grievances and hatreds have vanished, this time, even if Han Xu died and resurrected, it will not appear in front of him.

They have nothing to do with it, even hate.

Forty years old, if you must say that there is only one body that has been hollowed out by love and hate, there is no difference in a decade, two decades, or even three decades.

It doesn't matter if you wait for someone who will never return.

Because as long as they are still in the same world, one day they can pass by, he should be satisfied, and this extravagant hope is the only thing that can support him.

Indulge in such a day-to-day life, living a walking dead, his world is like a pool of stagnant water, a little bit numb.

So suddenly encountered such a situation, there is no first reaction.

After sinking for a while, I began to think about the situation at hand. I clearly should be at home. Why did it suddenly appear in a strange place and be with a stranger?

What is even more strange is why the people in front of you, the inexplicable people feel peace of mind, the eyes, inexplicably make him feel familiar.

Even if Shen has never said a word, Ye Hao knows who he is.

Because he is the last one.

It is not necessary to guess at all.

Ye Hao couldn't help but think of the day when he left. On the first day of his separation, he brushed his last good feelings and realized that he had already gained enough experience and was about to leave the world.

He knew that he would never come back, so he sent a ‘gifting’.

Just when Shen Hao said to him that he loved him, he gave him a shot. At that time, Ye Hao thought that no one would still love such a person. When he left, Shen Yan would not love him.

He is like a speculative liar, and he has the advantage of pretending to give someone else's life back to him, but it is a bit despicable.

Because he actually understands that no one can really forget all of this, but don't try it... How do you know that you can't start again? If I really don’t go back later, can you live a little easier?

I used to think that there is nothing that can't be smoothed out, but I shouldn't go back to that world.

But even if I don't know, I will go back because I don't want to return empty-handed. Even if I am a stalker who plunders my feelings, I am not willing to take a bucket of water.

When I fired that shot, I thought it was the end, but I didn't expect it to be the beginning... Now, is it the end or the beginning?

I do not know.

Ye Hao sighed and suddenly felt that he was stupid. Why should he be stupid enough to promise to play such a game. Is the human heart really fooling and throwing away things?

Maybe someone can do it, it is more sensible and ruthless than him, but he is not qualified enough.

Ye Hao said to Shen Yu: "You are awake." He felt that his younger brother was still screaming at this moment, so he kindly reminded him.

Sinking at Ye Hao, listening to his familiar tone, looking at the familiar eyes, there seems to be something in his heart, just like... At the hotel, he first saw the resurrection of Han Xu The same, even if there is a completely different face, but just a glance, it is enough to make his heart move.

It’s been another ten years...

Once again, he saw a person who touched his heart like this, as if he appeared in front of him.

Shen Yan almost wants to blurt out the name, but he doesn't dare. He feels that he is not so lucky, and he is not worthy of fate. How can he wait until the person returns again?

But if you don't ask, will you regret it for a lifetime? Still ask, even if it is not right, it is just a disappointment.

He has long been used to being disappointed.

So Shen Shen opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and low, "Han Xu?"

Ye Hao paused for a few seconds and slowly nodded. In the eyes of Shen Xiao’s unbelievable words, he said, "It’s me."

I promised you yesterday that you will never lie to you. No matter who you are today, no matter what you ask me today, I will answer you and give you the answer you want.

The sinking lips shivered a little, and he felt that he was probably dreaming, but how could there be such a real dream, his lips moving, "Where am I, here is..."

Ye Hao smiled, and his bright eyes looked at him: "Here is my home, you are with me, right... this world is not the same as your world. You can look at it as a completely different world. It must be said, just like crossing, but - I am still me, you are still you."

The eyes of Shen Yan were shocked and I couldn’t speak for a while.

How is this going? Although Ye Hao said it was very simple and clear, it made him even more confused. If everything is really like Ye Hao, then why Ye Hao will be in this world, and it seems that he is taken for granted.

Numerous questions filled the indulging brain, so that I didn't know what to ask, and then Ye Hao took the first step.

He put on his shirt directly in front of Shen Hao, smashed the broken hair in front of his forehead, and picked up his eyebrows: "Get up and eat, it’s almost noon, I am going to starve."

Indulging in Ye Hao, I am going out, even if it is a dream, I don’t want the people in front of me to disappear. The instinct is going to get out of bed, but when I first came together, I felt a sharp pain in my forehead. It seemed to be bursting, countless Information poured into his mind...

Ye Hao is really hungry. She plans to brush her teeth first. I didn’t expect Shen Yu to suddenly show a painful expression. She quickly turned around and helped Shen Shen, and said: "What happened to you?"

Indulging his fingers into his own hair, his eyes closed, his fingertips forced to whiten, and countless memories almost blew his brain. The terrible pain made him shudder, cold sweat, but at the same time... bring He is countless information he has never touched, and other memories.

He wants some questions, but he really has no need to ask again, because he just knew it.

Corson's tenderness, Lu Xiuwen's inference, Yang Qian's remembrance, Zongxi's obsession... All the memories of the people poured into his mind. For a moment, he almost forgot who he was, but still did not forget.

He is indulged, not anyone else.

But they have one thing in common. They are all a game of Ye Hao, and they are not real.

Ye Hao should have guessed his identity in the first place, and he was used to it, so he was not surprised at all, did not panic, and even explained the status quo with him.

However, Ye Hao treats him differently from others. Ye Hao has been disdainful.

At the beginning, Ye Hao will try to pretend, try not to expose his identity, but since he just shouted the name of Han Xu, Ye Hao admittedly admitted, Shen Shen knows that Ye Hao is too lazy to play that role-playing again. The game is gone.

You are not Han Xu, Han Xu is you.

Ye Hao stared at Shen Yan for a while, watching his painful white face slowly calm down, and his mind gradually thought about it. After all, this scene is really not because he doesn’t think much...

Ye Hao looked at him deeply, and his tone slowed down. If you pointed out, "Are you alright?"

Shen Yu did not answer immediately. After a while, he opened his eyes again. He could not see any emotions in his eyes. His voice was calm. "Nothing, I am fine."

Ye Hao was really surprised. If he looked at Shen Shen thoughtfully, he finally remembered: "That's good."

Shen Yan revealed a faint smile and said, "You are busy first, I will go out later."

Ye Hao sees that Shen Yu is really okay, let him go out.

Shen Yu looked at the back of Ye Hao's departure, and the deep pain and self-deprecating color appeared in the eyes. He knew that if he had just questioned Ye Hao directly, Ye Hao would not lie to him any more, he would tell him all the truth... But he did not ask.

Because he knows that once he asks the question, even the illusion in front of him can no longer be possessed. Like a coward, he is deceiving himself to pretend that he does not know the truth.

He didn't even dare to ask, did you really love me?


Ye Hao didn't see the time early, and it was not appropriate to have breakfast now. He simply went to lunch and went out for lunch.

When Shen Yu came out again, he accepted a good appearance and seemed to be completely accustomed to the world. It can be said that it is the most natural one accepted by all. This is due to the fact that he came at the latest, so Many predecessors paved the way, not wanting to get used to it.

It stands to reason that when a person crosses and meets his dead lover, the shock that should be manifested is more in line with common sense, but it is not consistent with common sense, and Ye Hao accepts it well, as if it is taken for granted.

The two people who are not normal have formed a strange tacit understanding.

Ye Hao went to his favorite restaurant with Shen Shen, ordered his favorite dishes, and ordered a few indulgent dishes. This meal was much more comfortable. At this time, I couldn't help but think of the time when he used to hide his identity and took Li Zezhen to eat the sashimi with mustard. It was a bit embarrassing in his heart. Then he remembered that when he was eating with Yang, he was distressed that he had not eaten well. He ordered a few favorite dishes to be like a thief, could not help but sigh, looking at the sinking eyes is a little pity.

Hey brother, you are really lucky, and it’s time to catch my conscience.

The life of man and man is different.

Sinking obviously knows that his treatment is different. He sits opposite his beloved, like eating many years ago. The dishes in front of him are very delicate and they all like them, but they can’t help but break. The feeling of head rice...

Generally speaking, before the prisoner is executed, he can eat a good meal. When you think about Ye Hao’s frankness today, there is nothing wrong with the analogy.

At the thought of this, Shen Yan was a little bit dying.

But this is what Ye Hao gave him. People are also such a conscience. If they don’t eat, they will look bad. If they break their heads, it’s better than even this. If it’s said, this is not to say that Ye Hao is still A little care about him?

So Shen Yan slowly had an appetite, and finally could not help but smile.

Ye Hao looked at Shen Wei for a while, and looked a little deep. After a while, he was so painful that he finally laughed. The child said that this child should not accept too much memory. It is crazy to be stimulated. It is not good... The madman kills Not criminally responsible.

Ye Hao was a little embarrassed and asked: "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Shen Yu looked at Ye Hao's uneasy look, and wanted to scare him, but he was afraid of playing off. In the end, he said truthfully: "I think we can still sit together and eat like this, very happy..."

The sinking paused, the voice was low and dumb: "I didn't dare to think like this before."

Ye Hao’s expression was silent for a while and said, “Then you know it now, we can still do this.”

Shen Yan smiled and nodded: "Yeah, can do this, you can."

Both of them said that they didn't understand so much, but everyone understood what the other party really wanted to say.

It’s undoubtedly shameful and unfair to have such a thing as a silly person, but both sides know that the foolishness is a very harmonious and friendly thing.

It’s like Ye Hao and Shen Yu are now.

No one is willing to poke the window paper, the world of adults, to be hypocritical, but in fact, is it not a kind of protection for yourself?

The two are really like a couple who have never reunited. They are tired of being together every day, going out to buy food and cooking together, going shopping together to watch movies, doing all the things that lovers will do together, and they all have a tacit understanding and are not willing to waste any time.

Sometimes indulgence can even create an illusion, just as Ye Hao really loves him. They are really unique lovers of each other. They reunited in another world and regained their lives.

In fact, people are a little confused, not a bad thing.

If there is really no way to be confused, you can still be confused.

Instead of wasting your own time, it’s better to be so good. After all, an illusory, dying person, who is not self-sufficient, wants to expect something that he can’t get, but he is not looking for it.

Two days are fleeting.

On this day, Shen Yu and Ye Hao went to the supermarket to buy food. On the way back, they were recognized. Since Ye Hao participated in the program and exposed his identity, it was red and purple overnight, and the limelight exceeded any entertainment circle. A star, fans skyrocketing, even if the package is strictly and honestly, it is still difficult to escape the sharp eyes of the masses.

Ye Hao was taken around with some photos, and then fled back home with Shen Yu, the two breathless, and finally looked at each other, Ye Hao sighed and said: "Good food is still there, almost busy It is."

Shen Yu helped him to bring the dishes to the kitchen, and smiled: "Who makes the big star so red now, the name is big, and the responsibility is naturally increased."

Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders and screamed at the corner of his mouth. He said: "I don't want to be exposed by my identity. I am planning to rely on my own strength." What is the sense of accomplishment of the full-scale equipment to play the mobs? Others will only say that you are well equipped, RMB players.

Sinking eyes helpless, "right."

Ye Hao said that these have been relieved, and he entered the kitchen with enthusiasm. He was not really unhappy. He just complained about it at random. He decided to stew a soup tonight, make a few more dishes, and let Shen sink. I haven’t made any progress in trying my own craft.

After several attempts to help, Shen was blocked by Ye Hao. In the end, he could only helplessly stand behind the door and watch Ye Hao busy. Some greedy looked at the back.

Ye Hao was busy with the heat, he was wearing an apron. Here he prepared the food almost. The soup was also stewed. He took a spoon and blew it to his mouth. Hey... it seems a little light. It is better to add some salt.

But before he turned around, he suddenly felt indulged and hugged him from behind. The tall body shrouded from behind and the warm breath fell on his neck.

Ye Hao’s movement suddenly stopped, and the hand holding the spoon also stopped in the air. His expression solidified for a moment, and when he was controlled by some kind of anxiety, he wanted to turn around and heard the sinking in him. Whispered in your ear: "Don't look back."

Sinking tightly clinging to Ye Hao, staring at his white and smooth earlobe, his eyes fell into his slender neck, and his eyes gradually emerged.

He knew that he didn't have much time, so he didn't want to waste it every minute and one. He wanted to see this person again.

He made up his mind not to ask Ye Hao, the question that should not be asked, and wanted to leave the world with a hint of fantasy, but he did not think that such a simple thing was so difficult.

Ye Hao’s performance, Ye Hao’s companionship, gave him greed in his heart, or, in life, he has a self-sufficient side.

Every second, every second is in the chest.

The indulgent arm slowly tightened, his lips were lightly printed on the top of the leaf, closed his eyes and opened, saying: "If I can stay, will you still be like this?" >

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