The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 169: real world

Ye Ye burst into tears. He never dreamed that he would come to Li Muxun, but what he did not expect was that the old attack was so strong...

In his impression, 888 is a very powerful advanced system. From the side-by-side chat, I know that in addition to the supreme main system, probably few systems are as strong as him. In fact, he is almost omnipotent in those mission worlds. How could it be so easily suppressed? Even if there are limits in the real world, it should not be so weak.

And isn't it the target of the world's Raiders? It is reasonable to say that it is only the indigenous people of the world. Even if there are some anomalies, it is also very limited... He can completely crush the advanced system 888, which makes Ye Hao very surprised.

That's right! Ye Hao actually guessed the identity of 888. Li Mu looked for him and he was not familiar with it. He didn’t even know how good the relationship was. There were some minor contradictions. So why should he stand up for himself when he was filming? Out? Although he always shows his own coldness, he can't feel it by defending his goodwill...

Li Mu looked for a cold-hearted character, and said that he didn’t want to see him but he was not willing to suffer a bit of injury. He was similar to 888...

If Qin Yi came to this world before, Ye Hao may not dare to make this kind of conjecture easily, but since even the targets of the Raiders can come over, why can't 888 come over? He is not the first time to come to the world, but this time he has a body.

Re-association of the news that Li Mu was injured in the filming of the filming, perhaps it was at that time 888 occupied his body, and time just happened to match the time period of his return.

Ye Hao suspected the identity of Li Muxu, so he tempted him on a date and asked if he liked himself, and the reaction of Li Muzhi made Ye Hao completely confirm this.

Just as 888 is familiar with him, he is too familiar with 888.

However, Ye Hao did not debunk the identity of 888. Since 888 does not want to recognize him, then he pretends not to know, which is probably a tacit agreement between them.

The game is over, there are always separate, and the world is full of banquets.

Ye Hao even guessed the purpose of 888 to the real world. He must have discovered the abnormality of Ling Ling. He probably didn’t trust himself to come over. Ye Hao didn’t want to worry about 888. He wanted him to know that he could Very good, and he has his own choice.

So, when 888 asked him that day, whether he loved Yueling, he gave him a positive answer and said goodbye to him.

Like 888, he regretted that he didn't have a good distinction at the beginning. He didn't want to make it too sad and too lyrical. He hurried away. Since he had a chance to meet again, he would naturally say goodbye.

The only thing Ye Yi didn't think was that 888 didn't really leave. When he encountered 'dangerous', he still rushed over. In fact, he didn't have to do this... The mission is over, they are no longer It is the relationship between the host and the system. 888 has no obligation to protect him, and it is not necessary to take such risks.

He can do whatever he wants, but he doesn't do that.

Just like any previous one, I said that regardless of him, I can't do it at the end. Who do you think you are, do you think you are my father, idiots...

Ye Hao sighed and rubbed his face, and put away a pitiful expression. When 888 came over, it was not a fool of the past.

He didn't know what the real identity of Ling Ling was, and why he was stronger than 888, but he didn't want 888 to continue to worry about himself, and he didn't want Yue Ling to continue to misunderstand himself. This time, he wanted to seriously try a relationship, no matter what the outcome. It doesn't matter.

And he didn't want to, and saw that any one of them was injured.

"This is really a misunderstanding." Ye Hao looked helpless and looked at the Lord God seriously: "You haven't come over for a few days, I think you may still be angry with me, so I think if I look pitiful." You will come back, but I didn't expect... 8 brother came over, then he misunderstood, thinking that you are not good to me."

When he said this, it was a snack machine that was not played, and it was rare to be sincere and serious.

When I heard the 8th brother, Li Mu looked for a dip in the pupil, but quickly became clear. Ye Hao probably guessed his identity long ago... maybe when he first helped him with an exception. He guessed it.

In fact, Ye Hao has always been very smart and transparent. She just doesn't like to say it. She likes to cover up his true thoughts with seemingly cynical words... But it is herself. In this matter, it is not as good as Ye Hao.

If you use human words, it is about the authorities, but what is it?

"My brother and I are very good friends. He has always cared for me, and I am just a good friend with him. There is no other relationship... I know that you will not hurt me, but he probably misunderstood this and thought that you It will be bad for me, and I blame me for not telling him before." Ye Hao looked at the Lord God, his eyes were clear and bright, and there was no exaggeration in the past, but it was more straightforward, with some kind of power to confuse people...

The main god's eyes were slightly coagulated, and he was determined to see that Ye Hao did not speak.

It may be in your opinion that you are only friends, but in 888's opinion, is that just the case?

Immediately after he recovered, he learned of the existence of 888. Any host must bind the system to reincarnate the world to complete the task, but he is not in a hurry to deal with 888, because in his opinion, 888 is insignificant, he is only in When I was not there, I was used by Xie He.

But 888 really shouldn't be here.

If it is not for himself to deliberately release water to leave a loophole, 888 is simply impossible to invade his own field. This is an opportunity given to him and a test of him. However, 888 is a high-level system, but in the case of knowing the rules, in order to Ye Hao repeatedly risk, and even provoke his authority.

This is of course not normal and disappoints him.

The Lord God has always known that those systems are different from him. They have diverse personalities, are always with the host, and are more anthropomorphic. This is to enable them to better cooperate with the host and complete the task... but the behavior of 888 at the moment Still, his heart has raised some kind of emotion similar to anger.

Just like myself, it also becomes like a person.

None of those noisy personality appeared, and no one even discouraged him.

The main **** was cold and cold. He slowly turned his head and looked at Ye Hao, making a waveless indifferent voice. "How do you know, I will not hurt you?"

Ye Hao clenched his hand, his face was a little white, but he still held his head firmly and looked at the Lord God. He asked: "Is it not?"

The eyes of the Lord God were dark and suddenly took a step forward.

Obviously, it was only a step forward, but the overwhelming power, even Ye Hao almost felt it, and the body could not help but be faltering, and Li Muxu was the first one. His bones were squeaky and bloodless.

Ye Hao’s face changed. He didn’t know what the identity of the Lord God was. But it’s undoubted that Li Muxun is not his opponent. His cold eyes show that he definitely does not care to kill Li Muxun, realize this. Dangerous, Ye Hao finally couldn’t calm down. He refused to rush to the other to stop the Lord God. He stopped in front of Li Muxun and smiled reluctantly: "You don't impulsive, I have not explained it to you, I said All are truth, I can swear to God!"

The Lord God slowly lowered his eyes. He was silent for a few seconds and spit out two words: "Is it?"

A selfish and ruthless person like you is still willing to rush out for him regardless of danger. Speaking of it... When you deceive me in those worlds, 888 is with you. He looks at the real you in his eyes. He has spent nine worlds with you. Are you real now? ?

and I? You lied to me that year and still lie to me.

Ye Xie is facing the eyes of the Lord God, as if returning to the day when the Lord God has just returned. The wind blows everything, he can't understand his emotions. These eyes make people feel fear naturally, as if he is a **** on the top. You can look down on everything, but you are just an irrelevant ant...

"You said that you love me, are these all true?" The Lord God asked slowly, the voice was low, with a hint of laughter and laughter.

Ye Hao’s nod.

The Lord God reached out and gently stroked his cheeks. His eyes seemed to show a hint of compassion. He saw Ye Hao’s hair in his heart. He said: "You love me or not, it is not difficult to prove, and I did not want to do this. Just hope that you will retreat."

Or maybe, I don't want to see things that I already know the answer. There is no need for more than one move, but now, I have no patience to continue.

"What do you mean..." Ye Hao's face was stiff for a moment, inexplicably.

The Lord God turned his head and looked at Li Mu, who was lying on the ground, faintly ordered: "Upload your data backup."

Ye Hao’s face is arrogant, what a ghost? What data backup is uploaded? Can you prove that you love or not?

Li Mu looked for a drastic change in his face. Even if he had been under the pressure of almost broken bones, he did not show such an expression. At this moment, he showed an unprecedented resistance. His hands clenched the ground and lowered his head to the Lord God. Sending a tough voice: "Please don't blame him. These are my self-assertions. It is also me who violates the rules. Ye Hao is completing tasks according to the rules from beginning to end. He does not know your identity, not intentional. ......"

Li Muxu is not the same as Ye Hao. He knows more about the Lord God. The main **** in front of him is what he is familiar with, so he will not be blindly optimistic like Ye Hao.

The Lord God asked him to upload data backups. It was his most fearful thing. He didn't know what the Lord God would see, but he would not forgive Ye Hao, and might even choose to obliterate this he absolutely The data backup cannot be handed over to the main god. Only in this case, in the case that Ye Hao has no violations, the main **** may put him in a path of life. The most important thing he cares about is the rules.

As for yourself, when you come to the main world from adventure and continue to do such behavior, you have made the worst plan, and when you are discovered by the Lord God, you should not be lucky.

The Lord God narrowed his eyes, his expression was calm, but the anger of the sky at the moment made him born with a sense of killing.

Now, Li Muxuan is still trying to defy him.

There are thousands of hosts in the world of reincarnation, there are thousands of systems, each host has a matching system as an aid, and those systems are both the assistants of the host and the tools that he uses to control the host.

Any system is created by him, and when he needs it, he can freely retrieve any system data backup, manipulate them, and punish those hosts to determine their life and death.

Reporting to any one of the host's intelligence is the responsibility of those systems. Their highest sequence is to obey their own orders, but now, Li Muxuan is still trying to defy him.

The Lord God thought of it here, his eyes were dangerous and cold, but his lips showed a smile. He said faintly: "You really disappoint me, but do you think that you can resist me?"

When he said that he reached out, he would take Li Mu to look up the air!

Ye Hao still doesn't know what is going on now. It seems that the Lord God does not seem to do anything, but Li Muxu in the midair has made a scream of screams, and his eyes are bleeding from his mouth and ears. He seems to be trying to resist. What, but it does not help...

Ye Hao’s face changed dramatically, and he was anxious. He tried to stop the behavior of the Lord God when he rushed through it. He said, “What are you doing! You let him go!”

However, the Lord God did not pay attention to him. Ye Hao was not close to the Lord God, and he was bounced off by the invisible force. He rushed again and was bounced off. He could not even get close to the Lord God, and the breath of Li Muxun The weaker it came, it lasted for about three minutes. The main **** suddenly had a loose hand, and Li Mu searched and fell to the ground, motionless and dying.

Ye Hao’s eyes are red, and he rushes to pick up Li Mu, his hands are shaking, how can this be...

He actually worked very hard and has been avoiding contradictions between them, but how did things develop to this point? Why are you coming, who will let you come!

The main **** stood still in his face indifferent, and there seemed to be countless data flowing through his eyes. He was quickly reading the data information of Li Mu.

As for Li Muxuan, he doesn't care at all. A system is nothing but his creation. He is a low-level incarnation of countless worlds. He wants to be a blink of an eye. If Li Muxun actively uploads data, he does not have to force it to read it, and he will naturally pay for it if he resists himself.

However, in a blink of an eye, the Lord God read the information, and then he turned his head and looked at the red eyes of the upper leaf, as if he hated him.

The Lord God raised his mouth, so little, you will not continue to pretend that you love me? Combined with the information he just saw, the scene is more funny and interesting, and some things are always ugly before they are seen.

And I actually have extra emotions for such a person, like a human being, with joys and sorrows...

Is that the most ridiculous thing?

"Are you angry?" The Lord God gave a soft laugh.

Ye Hao looked at such a god, and it was cold. Suddenly, this person was so terrible. Isn’t his concern for him not obvious enough? Isn’t it enough to explain himself? He has been trying very hard to save him...

He knew that he had something wrong, but he was trying to make up for it.

But until now, he realized that he underestimated this person and knew where he could be cold.

Ye Hao’s lips trembled. He guarded Li Mu’s front and said in a word: “Why do you do this, I said it’s just a misunderstanding, and I have nothing at all...”

The Lord God smiled, and the eyes were chilling and cold, as if he had heard a funny joke. He said, "No, you are the one who misunderstood."

Ye Yiyi.

"I punish him, it has nothing to do with you. As a system, you must be punished for making mistakes." The Lord turned his head and looked at Li Mu, faintly said: "Do you know what mistakes you made?"

Li Mu looked like a dead gray, did not speak.

The Lord God did not care at all, and continued, "You have violated three rules. First, you violated the second paragraph of the System Punishment Regulations, and entered the main world without permission. Second, you violated the system. Punishment Article 2, Article 8 arbitrarily controls the human body of the main world and interferes with the process of the main world. Third, you violated Article 9 of the System Punishment Regulations and defy my orders. You know what punishment you have to face. ?"

Li Mu looked at the blood red, and the mouth was bloody. This is the reaction that the human body brought to him. This body will soon die. For a high-level system, the death of a carrier does not matter, but he Knowing the punishment you are about to face is a real disaster.

When he came here, he had already made such psychological preparations.

Li Mu sought silence for a long time, and he finally opened his mouth and made a difficult voice: "I know."

The Lord God said, "What is it."

Ye Hao was angry and angry, but the dialogue between the two made him very stunned. Li Mu and the dialogue with the Lord God were like the superiors and the subordinates. No... even more terrible than that. He could not help tightening Li. Mu Xu’s hand always felt that the next answer was what he did not want.

Li Mu closed his eyes and closed his eyes. He felt very sorry that he could not help Ye Hao and brought trouble to him. He said: "Return to the factory to reset."

Yes, the mistake he made was enough to expose him to the most severe punishment of being slain, but he did not want to be unwilling, because this is the rule, the rule set by the Lord God.

Every once in a while, the system was smothered by mistakes, and then restored to a blank system for use. He once dismissed the system that made mistakes and thought that they were not professional and sensible. What he did not expect was that he also Will face such a day.

Then he finally understood why some systems would rather risk being smothered and make mistakes.

Even if Ye Hao didn’t know anything, he guessed that for Li Muxu, the return to the factory was equivalent to death. His heart was falling, and the authorities were so bad that he calmed down and looked at him. The Lord God, the voice is hoarse: "Who are you?"

Then he let go of Li Muxu and slowly stood up, so he was between them, as if he couldn't let him go, no matter what he said, "I won't let you kill him."

"Oh?" The Lord God raised his eyebrows slightly, and the cold scorpion looked at him, and his heart was boiling.

Ah, it’s really good feelings. One is for the host to defy me. One is for the system to stop me. It’s really touching. It’s the words you said to me. It’s ridiculous to touch them.

"What identity do you use, and what qualifications do you stand here and say this to me?" The Lord God is squatting at him, his lips are picking up, his right hand is volleying, his voice is faint: "Who do you think you are?" ”

As his voice fell, a scene appeared in the air, and Ye Hao looked up and listened to the sound falling into his ear. His face was white and his eyes finally stunned.

In the first world, he stood alone in the airport.

[Ye Wei: To be honest, I really can't wait to go back to see my dear Qin Yi, he is super rich now! Unplug a leg and I don't have to eat instant noodles for the rest of my life. 】

[888: I think he is not willing to give you a leg. 】

In the ninth world, he and Shen Shen are in the hospital.

[Ye Wei: Well... Although I think of it, I don’t have to be so direct. Can I pretend that I didn’t think about it? Now is a good time for me to eliminate the blackening value! In order to complete the task, I am also very hard! 】


In the seventh world, he and Zongtang are at the top of Wangyun Peak.

[Ye Ye: Mom, I am so scared, I can’t hear it too quiet! All the flashes in my head are all kinds of ghost films 5555. Why do I have to watch so many ghost films! ! ! 】

[Ye Ye: I feel flustered everywhere. Every step is afraid of stepping on the air. You don’t know how hard it is for me to install it. As a new scorpion, I am really difficult to calm down. I need time to adapt. QAQ 】

[Ye Wei: 5555, why don't you talk to me, talk to me? 】


[888: I am not your mother. 】

[Ye Wei: I am wrong, you are my father QAQ]

"You, you..." Ye Hao’s hand was shaking, and he couldn’t believe it in front of him. The confusion, fear, and insecurity in his head were mixed.

The main **** continued to play a scene, watching Ye Hao's superb performance, listening to his heart, watching Ye Hao in the system space, one after another without any reluctance to continue the next task, smiled and commented on himself.

His lips are slightly open, the tone is low and meaningful: "This is what you said to me, you are very sad and sad, can't bear to leave?"

Li Mu sighed and he looked at Ye Hao with a sad look. He said: "He is the Lord God."

He is the Lord God...

This sentence falls into Ye Hao’s ear, as if a certain kind of fireworks exploded, and lost the ability to think at a time, how is it possible? Yue Ling, Qin Yi, Li Zezhen... How could they be the Lord God?

This is not logical, what is necessary for the Lord God, and why is it done? !

The indifferent eyes of the Lord God looked at Ye Hao, and seemed to explain to him kindly. "Any system is my eyes, my ears... I can always pick up everything they know as long as I want. You look Very unexpected, I did not expect that I can see this, is it?"

This is what you call love, the so-called care...

The Lord God knew for the first time, what is the painful taste. He thought that he would never understand this and would not understand it, but now he suddenly understood it, just like those people stayed in his database. Like memories, it is like the countless lives of other images that are dead... He once looked down on everything, but this moment...

He seems to be one of them, and he really feels the emotion and brings him the pain.

Ye Hao stood there with his head down and his body shivering slightly. After a long time, he looked up, his voice was low, his eyes were complicated: "You really, is the Lord God?"

The Lord God nodded.

Ye Hao asked: "The rules are also made by you?"

The Lord God nodded again.

Ye Hao was pale, he closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, there was alienation and coldness in his eyes. "If that is the case, I will not owe you anything... although I lied to you, but the rules It’s what you made, and you let me do it. I just do it as you wish. I don’t know why you are doing it, but what good is it, but since you can always know everything, I just follow The road you set is going... So, I don't owe you anything."

At that time, I didn't know the truth... but the Lord God did not refute, and he disdain to argue against a human being who deceived him.

Ye Hao sneered: "Why don't I complete the task perfectly, if you wish, isn't it what you want?"

The Lord God stretched his jaw tightly and looked at Ye Hao coldly.

Ye Hao laughed and said: "I am self-disciplined. The existence like you can make the existence of such a rule. How can you love someone? In your eyes, let alone one person’s death is a planet. Destruction, it doesn't matter, you care about the task. You don't love me at all, and you don't believe that I love you. In your eyes, love doesn't exist."

He stepped forward and looked up and said, "You remember, let me lie to you, you, let me leave, or you!"

"Right, now, are you still going to wipe me out!" Ye Hao looked at him sarcastically.

The main god's pupil contracted, and the painful and angry emotions in the chest surged. The word fell into his ear. One word is heavier than a word. The word 'is you' is like a thunder, making him almost impossible to maintain. Live your expression.

Yes, the rules are made by him, but is he making the wrong rules? If he does not care about these reincarnations, does not make rules, everything will be chaotic, these derivative worlds will become stronger and more chaotic, everything will lose control, and ultimately the energy will be stronger than the main world, everyone will die together. .

His rules may be too cold, but cruelty is better than a world without rules. He is just doing what he should do, is it wrong?

In the face of such a terrible Lord God, Ye Hao has not stepped back. He has always stood in front of Li Muxun. He said slowly and firmly: "In your eyes, rules are more important than everything else, but not in my eyes."

"Cough, don't say it..." Li Mu did not want Ye Hao to continue to anger the Lord God, and the difficult opening to discourage.

Ye Hao looked back at him and whispered, "Do you always know the identity of the Lord God? Are you lying to me?"

Li Mu looked and shook his head: "I am also today to confirm his identity."

Ye Hao finally smiled, and the smile was fleeting. At least 888 did not lie to him. He turned back and looked at the eyes of the Lord God.

"888 is my best friend and partner. When I choose to exchange the so-called returning soul Dan and go to those worlds to do the task, he always stays with me. When I feel sad and want to give up, it is He is talking to me. When I am in trouble, he helps me solve the problem. When I am embarrassed because the experience value is frozen, he spends money to help me exchange the item. If there is no him... maybe I am very I have already given up, or one day I suddenly lost in those worlds, I can’t come back... I will try my best to come back to see you, earning experience and reluctant to buy food, buy and drink, all smashed up. I don’t want to waste, it’s for you.” Ye Hao didn’t know what he thought, his face was a little sad, it seemed to be a little sad, and later the voice became lighter and lighter. “The result... you don’t need me to save.”

Although Ye Hao’s expression tends to be calm and the voice is calm, the Lord God feels that he is determined to obliterate Li Muxun today, and Ye Hao will never forgive him.

He will, lose this person.

But if you lose, you lose it, a liar with different looks, but why do you feel that your heart is empty, do you have this kind of thing? How can he have such feelings?

It’s like a terrible virus, raging in his body, as if returning to the original, the moment of being beaten, every piece of data is screaming because of pain... On that day, he died, he has no feel.

But today, he looked at Ye Hao, but he knew what was scared and afraid of the departure of this person.

According to regulations, he should kill 888, but he did not do that.

At this moment, he had a clear understanding of what he had never seen before. He had to admit that for him, the importance of this human being had even passed the rules.

He is his weakness.

[Li Zezhen: You finally found this. 】

[Zong Yi: Is it our bitterness to play a role? 】

[Lu Xiuwen: Admit that you have weaknesses, it is not a scandal. 】

[Ming Chong: Humanity may make you weaker, but it may also make you stronger. 】

is it?

The Lord God lowered his eyes. He looked at Ye Hao deeply, and suddenly he took a step back... The space was distorted, and the figure of Li Muxun disappeared into the room.


The Lord God took Li Mu’s teleport and left, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to make a decision immediately, so he chose to leave and did not want to make things that he regretted. More importantly... there are other grievances that are waiting for him to solve. Just now, he noticed the signal belonging to someone, and the signal is so obvious that it is not so much discovered by him, but rather an invitation. .

He has been waiting for this day.

Li Mu looked dizzy, his body was weaker, and he closed his eyes to death. He knew that the Lord God would not let him go. It was just to defy the Lord God, which would be enough to destroy him.

But he waited for a long time, only waiting for a light words: "Let's go."

Li Mu looked at his mistake and opened his eyes, but the Lord God was gone, and his eyes disappeared into his sight.

The Lord God, let him go? Not even any punishment?

Is this still... the **** he knows?

The Lord God does not care about how Li Mu seeks to think. He knows that Li Muxu will leave soon, and he will not make mistakes easily, and will not go to Ye Hao again... these don’t require him to worry anymore, another trouble. It is something he cares more about.

It is also the beginning of everything.

There are always things that must be resolved.

The Lord God walked into a manor step by step, and there was a beautiful villa in the manor. The main entrance of the villa was wide open, like welcoming guests.

When the Lord God walked in, he saw a man sitting in the living room, and was sipping himself with tea. He saw the Lord God coming in, and put down the teacup in his hand. The phoenix smiled and said: "You have finally come, I have been waiting for you."

"Just just now, I am betting with Lu Ting, how long will it take you to come over."

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