The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 4: Ex-boyfriend who was broken up

Ye Ye wants to rest at home for a few days, but considering that he is penniless, he still sighs and goes out to find something to do, and this time he misses his experience... He Once rich in the world!

The money given by Qin Yi can only be seen and can not be used, which is even more painful for him.

It is not an easy task to find a suitable job and get a quick cash response. Ye Hao also has no intention of re-finding a stable job. Anyway, it is only a short transition period to return to the giants. It is okay to sell and sell, so he chose to send flyers.

888 expressed strong contempt for Ye Hao’s unthinking behavior.

[888: Are you so sure that Qin Yi will let you go back? I think that if you die outside, he will only pat the palm of his hand. 】

[Ye Wei: You don't understand humans. Although he looks fierce on the surface, I can't bear it if I am really dead. Human beings, it’s such a contradiction~ So entangled~ ah~ Love don’t leave resentment, you can’t wait for it~】


[Ye Wei: I can't wait to live in the house of Qin Yi in my home, let the package be more direct and more violent! 】

[888: This daydream is doing a good job, is it better to finish the flyer first? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Ye Hao stood on the street in the scorching sun for an afternoon. When he received the money in the evening, he was tired like a dead dog. He passed by a restaurant that looked delicious and finally spread out on the roadside. I bought a bowl of fried noodles for five dollars.

When I was eating noodles, I was sitting next to a couple of young couples. The little girl was holding a puppy in her arms, and she couldn’t help her. The two of them showed their love and walked happily.

Ye Hao and the dog looked at each other. The dog's fur was shiny and slippery. The wet big eyes looked at him. He enjoyed the caress and spit his tongue and smirked at him.

[Ye Wei: I am wrong, a big illusion in life is: tired like a dog - in fact, the dog is not as tired as you. 】


Ye Hao looked bleak after eating fried noodles, just getting ready to get up, suddenly the phone rang, and a familiar phone number appeared on the screen.

Ye Yimei picks one, he is not surprised that Qin Yi can know his mobile phone. He accidentally said that this number has not changed for three years... The phone bell is stubborn, but Ye Hao does not have to pick it up. meaning.

[888: Why don't you answer the phone? 】

[Ye Wei: I want to die, I am waiting for this call, etc.... But I can't let him think that I am waiting for his call, and I will pick it up when he hits the third. 】

[888: What if he doesn't fight? 】

[Ye Wei: I think he will fight, really don't fight... It doesn't matter, I will dial back and the effect will be the same. The important thing is not the result, but the painful process I struggled with ^_^]

888 thought hehe he looked.

The phone ringing stopped, and after a while, it sounded again.

Ye Hao holds the mobile phone in both hands, and when the third call is about to hang up, it is quickly connected with the speed of the lightning speed!

The phone was quiet for a moment, then came the cold voice of Qin Yi: "You don't answer the phone."

The leaves licked their lips and spit out the hard words: "I didn't hear."

Qin Yi sneered, but did not pierce this poor lie, but said: "Then you heard it now, I will wait for you in an hour, I am here. Right... I advise you not to have escape. The idea, I am afraid it is not wise."

After that, I hang up the phone directly.

Ye Hao paused, opened the map and inquired about the distance, and found that the time was sufficient, so he slowly tossed for a while before taking a taxi to the hotel.

When I arrived, it was just over an hour.

According to the room number given by Qin Yi, Ye Hao came to the eighth floor of the hotel and adjusted his expression. Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Just knocked, the door opened, Qin Yi was wearing a bathrobe, it seems that just after the shower, the hair is still dripping down the water, lined with the cold face is particularly sexy, he glanced at Ye Hao, faint opening: "come in."

Ye Hao slightly lowered her eyes and walked in without expression, and did not ask why Qin Yi wanted him to come.

Because there is only one reason, Qin Yi wants him now, and he still owes him a million, and he should be on call.

Qin Yi looked at Ye Hao, did not let go of the repressed emotions of his eyes, the lips twitched a cold arc, said: "You are ten minutes late."

Ye Hao’s hand on his side clenched and said, “The traffic jam.”

Qin Yi held his index finger in front of his lips and shook it gently. The deep eyes were a playful look. "The reason is not important. The important thing is that you are late."

Ye Hao decided to look at Qin Yi. After a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and smiled: "What do you want?"

Qin Yi’s eyes were cold and he held Ye Hao’s shoulder in one hand and pressed him heavily on the wall! The upper body leaned forward slightly, close to his ear, and the voice was cold: "It seems that you have not learned the lesson and have not recognized your identity."

Ye Hao closed her eyes and was thrown to the ground the next moment, and the clothes were torn off!


Ye Hao fainted and woke up in the past, the pain of tearing the body could not compare with the pain in his heart. His consciousness drifted a bit, as if he had returned to the past... This was the intimate lover he shared with the bed, and the stranger at the moment was like a complete stranger.

The possession of no pity, and more real let him realize that Qin Yi’s change.

In the past three years, what kind of painful choices his lover has experienced has become what it is today, and all these Ye Hao are not willing to think about it. It is his own hands... Turn his lover into this way.

All this is suffering from his heart, tortured his soul - is your original decision really correct?

However, you can’t look back...

Even if you are sad again, you must stick to it.

Qin Yi stood up, he looked at the appearance of Ye Hao, and dismissed his mouth. He turned and walked to the side, took out a roll of money, and then grabbed Ye Hao's ankle and violently pulled him over and stuffed the money in.

Then he patted his face and said with a smile: "Get it, your hard work."

The eyelashes twitched and slowly opened their eyes. The black pupil was a sad and sad look, but did not speak again, as if it were treated no matter what. It’s like... I still love each other deeply, so I can live with it all...

Qin Yi’s eyes on this kind of eyes, for a moment, the feelings of distressed and unbearable flashed away, and then the eyes were covered by irritability. How could he still feel bad about this person? At that time, he was deceived by his innocent appearance. Now that he has already seen his true face, how could he be deceived by him? !

The slightly distressed emotion just now reminds Qin Yi, don't forget the shame that this person once brought him!

I think that I have been a liar to this man for countless times, saying that I love him... To say love to this person is to tarnish the word 'love'.

And this person, how did he see himself as silly as a clown and pulled out his heart for him to trample!

Qin Yi’s fist creaked, he thought he could control his emotions, but maybe he overestimated himself, because sometimes he really really...want to kill him!

"Roll." Qin Yi looked at Ye Xie, a word of words: "Now roll!"

Ye Xie looked at Qin Yi's red eyes, and for a moment, he didn't seem to understand Qin Yi, who was still humiliating him. Why did he suddenly look like another anger? Isn't it just enough for him? ?

Ye Hao lowered his eyes and climbed up from the bed, but as soon as he moved, his brows picked up slightly. The pain and shame made him almost unable to maintain his expression. He grabbed the clothes and put them on casually. He left the place without returning. .

Qin Yi looked at the back of Ye Hao's departure, and suddenly he punched the wall and left a trace of blood.

He obviously wants to retaliate against him, but why is it still affected by this person? He can't care about him at all! Yes... he just hates him.

Those once sweet experiences, uncovering the beautiful shell, wrapped in the poison of the intestines.

A little... Corrupted his heart.


Since that day, Qin Yi has not called Ye Hao for another whole week.

[888: Qin Yi does not seem to want to see you. 】

[Ye Wei: He just remembered that he had a little self-esteem and hurts in the past. After waiting for a while, he will continue to look for me. After all, he is a very long-lasting and persistent person. He can see from his three years without changing his mobile phone number. Come out ^_^]

If Qin Yi really wants to say goodbye to the past and the unfortunate past, it is time to change the mobile phone number because the mobile phone number... is chosen by them together, and contains too many memories of their together.

If Ye Hao’s eyes are thoughtful, Qin Yi really hates him, but I am afraid that he himself does not realize that his attachment to him contains more than just hate.

But his reason tells himself that he should not love him any more, so he will deliberately use hate to explain his actions.

Sure enough, after a few days, Qin Yi once again sent a text message to summon Ye Hao in the past, this time he changed a hotel, and then it was a **** life and money color transaction, but Qin Yi did not feel emotionally out of control, it seems to have completely calmed down.

Although he has not yet lived in a mansion, but Ye Hao has also lived in a fostered life in advance. Qin Yi usually summons Ye Hao once in two or three days, and will give money every time, more or less to see the mood.

A month later, Ye Hao counted the money and found that he had tens of thousands of unconsciously. Although he was still far away from a million, he was quite a lot. He guarded the huge sum of money every day, but lived the hard days of eating choking, and finally decided to change the status quo, and he felt that the timing is almost the same.

On this day, Ye Hao came back from work outside, and it rained down. He didn't bring an umbrella. He was drenched with a soup, and he went home to start a fever.

[888: Your body temperature is rising, this body is a little weaker, I obviously let you stop the rain and go. 】

[Ye Wei: What I want is the effect of fever. After all, there is no progress in this way. It is impossible to reduce the blackening value of Qin Yi. He needs a little other stimulation. 】

[888: For example? 】

[Ye Wei: For example, how am I going to die? By the way, if you leave me alone, let me burn. 】

[888: ... what is it, it seems like I will take care of you. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Ye: You are cold, you are ruthless, you are unreasonable, obviously you are still taking care of me! 】

[888: You got it wrong. 】

Ye Hao was saddened by the grief of 888, and he did not eat the medicine and slept like this.

The next day, I had already burned and stunned. At this time, Qin Yi’s phone came over again, but Ye Hao didn’t really hear it. He didn’t even see dozens of missed calls on his mobile phone.


Qin Yi was irritated by the phone on the table, his eyes were cold, and he thought that Ye Hao had been honest. He didn't expect it to be so short, he dared not pick up his phone. Does he think that he can get rid of himself? !

In order not to let Ye Hao disappear again, from the first day he saw him, Qin Yi sent people to follow him, so it is clear where Ye Hao lives.

Qin Yi finger tapped on the table, picked up the jacket and went out.

After a while, I came to the downstairs of Ye Hao’s residence. He looked up at the dilapidated three-story building. Although she knew that Ye Hao lived here, the sight in front of him made him frown.

There is uncleaned **** on the corridor, and I don’t know which drowning water falls on the ground, giving off a disgusting taste.

Qin Yi face sinking into the water, stepping up the steps step by step, knocking on the door of Ye Hao's door, but after a long time, there was no reaction inside. Qin Yi’s eyes were dark, and suddenly he slammed on the door! ‘Dangdang’ a wooden door rang out!

There was only one room in this room, and it was very shabby. Qin Yi saw the leafhopper lying on the bed at a glance, sneer at the corner of his mouth, striding over and grabbing Ye Hao’s hand and pulling it hard. “You—”

However, when I just said a word, my face changed, because at the moment I caught Ye Hao’s wrist, Qin Yi felt the abnormal hot temperature, and Ye Hao was pulled by him, and the whole person fell to the ground. But still have no reaction at all...

Qin Yi looked at his hand and squatted for a few seconds. Finally, he reacted and reached for his hand on the forehead of Ye Hao.

The youth's body is hot and the breathing is weak. Obviously it has long been comatose.

If you didn’t find it today... or just a few days, I’ll think of him...

What will happen?

This person will die in a dirty corner that no one knows... When he thinks of it, I am afraid that the body is stinking.

Qin Yi thought of this, a fear of never-before emerged, he did not even have time to think about why he was afraid of this... He took Ye Hao and drove to the hospital!

Because of the timely treatment, Ye Hao is not at risk of illness, but he has not yet recovered.

Qin Yi settled everything, and this was sitting in front of Ye Hao’s bed, hating, distressed, and disgusted with all kinds of complicated looks.

The young man was lying in the hospital bed, the thin body was almost trapped, the water was hanging on the back of his hand, and the skin was almost transparent, and he could see the blue blood vessels. He closed his eyes tightly, seemed to be a bit painful, and he slept very unsteadily.

Qin Yi always knew that Ye Hao had not been good. He knew that Ye Hao lived in a dirty low-rent housing. He knew that Ye Hao was working hard outside every day to survive. He knew that he was very tired... but he also deliberately humiliated him to torture him. I want to see him more miserable and more painful.

Even so, Ye Hao could not understand his desperate pain at the time.

He even thought that if one day Ye Hao was really dead, it would be his own self-sufficiency, and he would only feel happy.

But now Ye Hao is almost dead, he is tossing himself to death... Are you really happy?

[叮, Qin Yi blackening value -5, the current blackening value of 70]

Qin Yi’s hand was tightly closed, and the bones creaked. What happened to him? Can't you still put this despicable liar?

No, he just doesn't want to be cheap. He is so simple to die. Isn't it cheaper for him?


After treatment, Ye Hao’s burning quickly retired, but it was just a cold. He came quickly and quickly, and soon woke up.

He felt hungry when he was lying in the hospital bed. He just got ready to get up and find something to eat. He heard 888 notice that Qin Yi had come over again, so he quickly dismissed his idea and lay in bed to make a weak shackle.

Qin Yi had just finished a meeting. Today, he was a little absent-minded all day. Even when he was listening to the report, it was the pale appearance of Ye Hao lying on the hospital bed, so he went straight to the hospital.

As soon as he walked into the door, he found that Ye Hao had already woken up.

Ye Hao also discovered Qin Yi, who passed a complicated look in the black scorpion and did not speak.

Qin Yi looked at Ye Xie. His eyes fell on his dry lips. He poured a glass of water from the side and helped him to sit up and hand the water to his lips.

Ye Hao’s eyes shook slightly, and there seemed to be any emotions that could not be controlled and cracked. He took a sip of water in silence. After a while, a hoarse voice was heard: "Thank you."

Qin Yi put down the water cup and heard a faint smile. "No, it's just a matter of hand. After all, you still owe me one million."

Ye Hao’s eyes are a glimpse.

"If you are sick, you will be discharged soon. I will help you with the money for medical treatment. These are all to be returned to me." Qin Yi pinched the chin of Ye Hao, his eyes were cold. "And... live after leaving the hospital. When I come to my house, other things that are messy are not allowed. Your current job is to serve me well, but don't put the cart before the horse."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. “I have done everything you requested. These are not necessary.”

Qin Yi did not let go of Ye Hao’s eyes in the blink of an eye, but it strengthened his thoughts. Since you are so afraid to stay with me, I will not let you escape! When you betrayed me to leave, I didn’t think that one day, would you still fall into my hands?

"Who said that it is unnecessary?" Qin Yi smirked with a sly smile. "In case you try to take care of me to avoid me? After all, I spend money to enjoy yours, how can the noisy moths in three or two days?" If you have sold it out, you have to be a little conscious."

Ye Hao couldn't help but say: "I didn't --"

"I don't want to?" Qin Yi smiled with a smile on his lips, but his eyes were extremely cold. "Do you have anything you like? If you live in Qin, isn't it your dream? Didn't you look at me in the first place? I let you What's wrong with getting what you want?"

He reached over the neck of Ye Hao, and his voice was cold: "You can rest assured, what you want... I will give it to you."

I used to put you in the heart and love it, but you are abandoning it. Now you are just a low-lying plaything. These are all your own choices.

The cold voice of Qin Yi flowed through the body of Ye Hao, as if he had frozen his body, and the whisper of hate reminded him of what he had done.

Everything he is now bearing is nothing but a causal cycle.

Or, if this makes you happy, what am I doing with ridiculous persistence? Moreover, this is the only thing I can compensate you.

And if I can stay with you for a limited time, I will be satisfied.

Even if it is so unbearable in your eyes... at least I am still by your side.

Ye Hao closed her eyes and looked very tired. He spit out a word: "Okay."

The author has something to say: Ye Wei: I finally lived a life as a wish, I dreamed of this day QAQ

888: Rolling

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