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Reiji sense any information from the Dragunov who didn't shoot her?

She hugged the gun tightly.

Yuanshan knelt down beside her...

I saw a line of tears in Reiji's eyes


Yuanshan shouted to Leiji

"I can't hear anymore."

Lei Ji said sadly.

Her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Can't hear anything?"

Yuanshan asked Lei Ji

"The sound of the wind - I can no longer hear it"

""The wind has already said nothing."

Reki seemed to be talking to Toyama, or to herself.


She had never thought about her actions.

She just followed the orders of the wind and lived like a real robot.

And she said - that order is gone.

Maybe someone has solved the delusion that was implanted in her heart.

Toyama analyzed at this time.

He had learned in detective science that the delusion���, will be released after a strong shock.

The shock caused by the betrayal of Dragunov, whom Reki trusted from the bottom of her heart.

Perhaps it freed her from the invisible bondage.

"The wind has stopped talking——?"

"That, maybe it means to let you"think for yourself"."

Yuanshan said, putting his hand on Reiki's shoulder.

Reiki looked up at him.

"I have no idea"

"I don't know what to do next"

"From now on, I'm alone——"

Lei Ji said quietly to herself

"Don't worry."

"Wind is nothing but the movement of the atmosphere"

"And - you are not alone. I am with you. Besides, you have already applied to the school for a landing team without permission." Yuanshan said to Reiki as if to comfort her. Then, he stood up with a smile. Reiki... was silent. She supported the grip and butt of the SVD with both hands, and stood there in a daze - after a long while, a gust of wind blew across the platform, and Reiki raised her head in shock.




‘’——Celareclaiao1….tupluteurus sky——"

She began to sing.

It was hard to tell what language the lyrics were in. Some parts sounded like Japanese. The lyrics were incredible.

But... what a beautiful voice.

The melody made everyone present feel.

And, Reki's voice was so beautiful.

Although the volume was not loud, she sang with the correct scale of a real singer.

Everyone present was speechless for the song.

Reki stood up and continued singing.

Singing this beautiful and peaceful song that reminded people of a bird leaving its nest - along with this melody, the wind blowing on the platform gradually became stronger.

The wind seemed to be singing too.

Ah, this is probably - a farewell song between the wind and Reki.

"——Celareclaiao1….tupluteurus sky——"

When the song progressed to the second part, a strong wind like a storm brought a bouquet of flowers for the travelers from the vending machine that was just destroyed.

The countless petals scattered in the air, under the control of the wind, floated in the air.

In this colorful rain of flowers, Reki walked.

Towards the other end of the empty platform


The increasingly strong wind made it impossible for Yuanshan and the others to speak.

When Yuanshan closed his eyes, the last thing he saw was——


At the moment when the lyrics returned to the beginning and the end, Reki turned around as if she was reborn, with a refreshing and upright face.

Although she could only make a slight expression on her face... but Toyama felt that Reki was smiling.

The wind stopped - Toyama opened his eyes again.

He found that Reki was gone.

Aria was panicked by Reki's sudden disappearance.

0··Please give me flowers·········

Isn't this good? For the first time, Reki began to move forward with her own will.

She no longer lived according to the orders of others, but walked freely like a brand new wind with her own will.

So, today is like Reki's second birthday.

On the contrary, I want to send her blessings.

I want to say to her - Happy birthday, Reki.

Yuanshan said silently to Reki who had already left.

"You guys are too slow."

Izayoi said to Jeanne and the others who had arrived.


"And Joan of Arc"

"Why are you here?"

Yuanshan asked Jeanne who appeared here

"We were called here by someone."................

Jeanne looked at Izayoi while she was speaking.


"Why did you ask them to come over?"

Yuanshan asked Shizaiya

"This one"

"No, next"

"We're going to form a Butei team."

"So, I'm here to introduce you"

"My Team"

"Constellation Arcadia"

"By the way, Izayoi"

"I don't think you will leave this school in a few months."

"Do you still need a team?"

Yuanshan asked Izayoi in confusion.

"Of course I don't need a team."

"But how strong is this team?"

"I still need your help."

Izayoi replied to Yuanshan

"Our help"

Seeing that they didn't understand,

Izayoi explained

"Just let your team fight with my team."

"Don't forget."

Izayoi said, and left the station with Jeanne and the others.

Fighting with Izayoi's team


They all had question marks on their faces.

When Toyama and the others walked out of the Marunouchi Central Exit, there were already several dark military reconnaissance vehicles parked there.

I don't know if it was a special favor for Aria, an elite from the Assault Division, but Lan Bao and her got into one...

Toyama and Riko each got into the back seat of another vehicle driven by a first-year student from the Vehicle Division.

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