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"Legalized silver bullets. These are pure silver bullets made through rituals by the emerging church that you are not familiar with. You are not used to fighting us like your father, are you?

Watson said to Hilde.

"Why are you interfering with my fight with Hilde, Watson?"

Jeanne complained to Watson who suddenly appeared. She looked at Watson and said

"It's Joan of Arc. I didn't expect you to be here. But let's talk later!

Watson said this to Joan of Arc, and then turned to Hilde.

Silver bullet. Is it the kind of thing that is ridiculously expensive and is commonly known as"silver bullet"? And it's also legalized - but it seems that it was set up by a famous temple or church to exorcise demons - silver bullet. It's a bullet to deal with people with super powers.

Yuanshan, who was listening to Watson's words, couldn't help but think of

"Third - I am angry. Hilde, you dare to hurt Aria.

Watson warned Hilde.

Hilde spread out a fan made of black ostrich feathers and covered her nose and mouth.

"They all smell disgusting. It seems to smell like silver.——"

Crunch 03...seems to be the sound of her clenching her teeth

"Although I know that it is rude for a noble to launch a surprise attack instead of following the correct duel order... But unfortunately, Miss Dracula, Hilde, I can only kill you here.

Watson looked at Hilde seriously and deeply, with his black eyes glowing with a faint blue light.

He lowered his body slightly and crossed his hands to form a cross.

Swish... Hilde, who showed obvious disgust for the boy's weapon, waved her fan briskly.

"——If you want to date a lady, you should consider the time and place, you rude guy. In such bad weather, so late... do you think the proud Miss Dracula will accept your invitation?"

Hilde rejected Watson with a subtle complaint - her feet, calves, knees in high heels... all seemed to dissolve and gradually sank into the shadow of the car.

"Goodbye. I’ll let you go for now."

Hilde, who was left with only her head and parasol, said this to Aria and disappeared completely.

With a bang, Riko, who had been terrified by

Hilde’s departure, collapsed on the asphalt road.

"Are you okay, Aria?

Watson asked Aria next to Yuanshan.

Through the conversation with Jeanne, we know that this person is a remnant of Yiyou, so Yuanshan asked her

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"——You should tell your name before asking others."

"……Toyama Kinji"

"Of course I know. I saw your photo when I did my research."

"——He is Al. Al Watson. Joan of

Arc said

"Joan of Arc, don't you know that it is very impolite to disturb others?

Watson asked Joan of Arc.

"You were the one who bothered me first."

Jeanne responded without hesitation.

Hearing the name that Jeanne said, Aria said"Eh" in surprise and looked back at the boy.


This name... is recorded in the textbooks of detective studies.

Indeed, this is the name of Sherlock Holmes, Aria's great-grandfather, the leader of the I.U., the famous detective, and his former military doctor, who was Sherlock's lifelong partner.

"Eh...! Then, then, you, you are not……"

Aria asked in a trembling voice.

She looked up at Watson.

Watson smiled at her and nodded slightly.——

"Yes, I am the great-grandson of J.H. Watson."

The next day

L·Hatson wrote her name on the blackboard in a gorgeous font. Just by doing this

, the girls in the class screamed together.

Hearing such a spirited cheer, the homeroom teacher Takamagahara Yutori walked down from the podium.

Then she smiled and said:

"Then let me introduce you to our special guest transfer student, a super handsome international student who transferred from Manchester Butei High School!"

……Although this statement seems a bit exaggerated, it is true.

(She actually transferred here... Watson...)

Toyama couldn't help but think in his heart.

Izayoi observed this transfer student named Watson. Al thought in his heart.

This guy is a girl, right?

""I'm Al Watson. Please take care of me in the future."

Watson said in a voice that was a little sharp for a boy, and when he sat down at the back seat, the bell for break rang.

At the same time, a group of screaming girls surrounded Watson's desk.

It was like an interview with a Johnny's idol.

"What major did you study in school? What do you plan to study now?"

"I studied assault in New York, detective in Manchester, and health in Tokyo—I came here to hone my martial arts skills."


The 370 girls were excited. It felt like their eyes had turned into hearts.

"Just like a prince!"

"My family is not a royal family, just a viscount."


The girls were even more excited. Looking closely, several people's eyes had turned into money symbols.

"My skin is so good! Better than girls'!"

"Is that the descendant of Watson, the partner of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes?

Watson turned around and saw Izayoi asking the question.

"It turned out to be the legendary Izayoi Sakamaki"

""Oh, you actually know me."

Izayoi asked Watson curiously. Of course, Izayoi said this just because he was bored. Besides, Izayoi knew from the beginning that Jeanne had heard the information about Watson.

"Speaking of which, Watson, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Izayoi asked Watson in front of the whole class as if on purpose.

Hearing this, Toyama and Aria were completely stunned!

"Are you kidding me?"

""Sakamaki-kun, I'm a male doll."

Even Watson was a little unprepared for Izayoi's sudden confession.

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