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Izayoi held the golden spear in his hand and walked towards Hilde.

"Why are you still here!"

"If you have nothing else to do, please leave this place."

"Next, I will give special training to Hilde, the vice-captain of Constellation Arcadia."

"Do you understand?"

Izayoi said to Aria and the others who were watching the battle.

"That’s too much!"

"It's okay for us to watch the special training."

Riko said to Izayoi.

She was actually very curious about Izayoi's special training. After all, Izayoi could easily train a constellation Arcadia at the level of Iyou.

Maybe, by watching Izayoi's special training, she could get a way to improve her own strength.

Aria, drive them away immediately. What I promised you will be solved soon.

"Got it."

After hearing what Izayoi said, Aria immediately told them

"Let's leave here immediately, otherwise, I will dig a hole for you, and the same goes for Riko."

Aria threatened Riko, Toyama and the others.

Toyama didn't care. He was originally here to save Aria, so it didn't matter if he left.


"Chin-chin, Aria, aren't you curious at all?"

Riko looked at Aria and Toyama and said

"Although I am very curious, but now, everything is based on my mother's affairs, so it is better to be obedient, Riko."

Listening to Aria's words, Riko had to turn to Izayoi and ask

"Is it really not allowed to watch? Izayoi.

Looking at Riko's expression, Izayoi said

"Sure, but I won't protect you."


"This special training is for Hilde to become stronger. If the aftermath during this period kills you by mistake,"

"I'm not responsible."

"You should just forget it."

Although she was interested in Izayoi's special training, she couldn't lose her life, so Riko had to leave with Toyama and the others.

""Okay, here you go."

Hilde asked Izayoi while holding the spear Izayoi gave her.

"What's the use of this for me?"

Izayoi ignored Hilde, but came to her and tapped her forehead.

A white light appeared on her body.

Looking at the white light on her body, Hilde said in shock

"This power is"

"That's right, it's the power of your ghost. I just changed your body."

"Even in normal state, the second form can be exerted."

Izayoi explained to Hilde

"And you will try to integrate the spear that I gave you with your body."

Hilde obeyed Izayoi's words, and then a white light appeared on Hilde's body, and then disappeared, Hilde screamed


"It was so easy to transform into the third form, and how could it be so powerful."

Hilde said, and with a casual blow, he destroyed one-tenth of the second observation deck of Tokyo Sky Tree.

"What's wrong with that gun?"

Hilde, who had transformed back to her first form, said to Izayoi

"Why did the gun disappear?"

"It has not disappeared. It will appear whenever you want it to. Now, it has become one with the world."

"This gun was made using the original thunder just now. Although it only has a little bit of power, it is also the thunder of God."

Izayoi explained to Hilde

"But is this really a good thing?"

"Give me such great strength"

"This is not strong at all. Now is just the beginning of your special training. You have to enter the third form, not the form you just had, but a form that is even stronger than before."

"The members of the constellation Arcadia all have three forms. The third form you have is now only the second form."

"Next, I will teach you how to use your own power!"

"Enter the second form, Hilde."

0··Please give me flowers·········

Hilde followed Izayoi's words and entered the second form, which was the third form when he fought Izayoi before.

To be on the safe side, Izayoi made a simple barrier around him.

Hilde used the thunder to swing at Izayoi, and Izayoi blocked it with one hand and said to Hilde:

"Hild, don't disperse the power of thunder, you should concentrate the power at one point and burst it out instantly when fighting the enemy."

"Got it."

Listening to Izayoi's advice, Hilde began to gradually gather the power of thunder.

Although it was easy to say that it was easy to gather together, it was not necessarily easy to do it in reality.

The first time Hilde tried to gather, but her hands could not control the power and it dispersed..................

The second time, Hilde used his experience from the first time to concentrate a little bit of his strength and attack.

Then, he increased his strength and attacked quickly. However, due to habit, he still failed.

After dozens of failures, Hilde finally managed to control his strength.

However, at this time, the sun had already risen.

""Yes, Hilde will enter the third form next."

Izayoi said to Hilde who had already mastered the power.

In theory, the members of Constellation Arcadia mastered the third form during the summer vacation.

However, Hilde's original third form was a little different from what Izayoi had expected.

But because of this form, Hilde did not need to accept Izayoi's long-term training.

Then, Izayoi took out his mobile phone and called Jeanne.

"Hello! Joan of Arc"

"Please, gather everyone together!"

"The location is at the second observation deck of Tokyo Sky Tree."

Izayoi said to Jeanne on the other end of the phone.

"Second Observation Deck"

"It seems that Hilde has been convinced by you."

"Next, let's let Kojima Mei and the others see the strength of our Constellation Arcadia's vice-captain!"

After saying this, Izayoi hung up the phone.

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