She is so energetic. It seems that Riko is indeed a nocturnal animal.

『So, who is Mr. Koyanagi on good terms with now? Who? Who?"

I don't know why, I really don't know why, when I heard Riko's question……

「Of course it's Aria. You must be happy that the new rose is named Aria."

He said this in an unusual and deliberately difficult way.

『I, I'm not happy. What are you talking about? Are you stupid?』

「Hey, Aria, you have to be careful, right? There are rumors that Xiao Yeming has bad intentions towards women.」

『I... don't think he's a bad guy? Compared to me, I think he's more interested in Kinji, and besides, Kinji is a maid now, right?

But Aria seemed to have remembered and replied angrily.

This made me inexplicably sad again, and then Aria added:

「Really? It seems to me that he is really interested in you. After all, Jinci in women's clothing is really a beauty.」

『Oh? Oh? Riko agrees with this.』

「I said," I loudly retorted to Riko who was happily interrupting.

『Well, let's decide that Xiao Jin will be in charge of taking the teacher out of the underground vault! How about that? Can you do it?』

『Are you kidding me? Besides, even if we could lure him out, he would probably go back to the basement very quickly.』

「And he seems to be awake all the time at night... It's hard to tell when he goes to bed. What is he researching?」

『I asked him about this during our previous chat... He said that they seem to be conducting some genetic engineering research to improve the breed.』

『Jin, Aria. In terms of time, how many minutes can we get the teacher out of the underground?』

「Judging from his usual rest intervals, well, it's only about 10 minutes.」

『10 minutes?——』

As Riko said this, she seemed to be in deep thought. It seemed that this was a difficult task even for the descendant of the famous thief Robin.

But it was no wonder.

This mission required them to break into the vault with numerous locks and anti-theft facilities within 10 minutes, take away the treasure, and evacuate without leaving any trace.

『Can't we find a way to delay it to 15 minutes?——』

『Like, what do you want me to do?』

『Breasts... If you don't have any, just let him touch your buttocks.』

『Bastard! You must be kidding! I'm a boy.』

「But you are wearing women's clothes now,"

Aria complained to Toyama

「I don't want to awaken any weird habits,"

Yuanshan roared

『Oh, so scary, so scary. Let Riko figure out that aspect! Well, see you tomorrow at 2 a.m.! Riko, dive in! '


Even when Riko was on the phone, she was so fast. As soon as she heard what she wanted to hear and what she had to decide, she immediately exited the three-way call.

But like this... the conference call is done. Well, we didn't discuss anything important though.

Just when I was thinking this...——


Aria, who hadn't hung up yet, called me


『I have something to ask you』

「What's up?」

『……What if, just what if? What if I look happy about the rose? Why are you so unhappy?』

「……I'm not unhappy」

『Aren't you unhappy now?"

When she said that, I couldn't help scratching my head.

What does that mean?

Why do you have to dwell on this matter ?

「That kind of thing has nothing to do with you.」


「I'm hanging up.""Wait a minute. I'll take this opportunity to ask you something."

What do you want to ask?

『That Kana... is yours... that, the one from before... that is to say,……』

——But she hesitated.

『Ex-girlfriend, like that...?"

I asked.

But even so, I could only remain silent, and Aria seemed to be waiting quietly before I answered.

……There's nothing I can do.

「She was my sister and an excellent butei, but she is no longer with us."

I replied somewhat dejectedly.

I can't help it.

Aria was silent.……

『——That's it.'

After a long while, he said, very unlike her, frankly:

『No matter who they are... they all have a past that they don't want others to know. I understand this, but just now... I went a little too far. I found your attitude when you saw Riko disguised as Kana strange... so I started to worry about it. But I won't ask again. I'm sorry for reminding you of bad memories."I apologize."

Aria's apologetic voice made me feel that she was very honest and had a noble self-esteem.

She is usually a fierce girl, but when she thinks she has done something wrong... she can still say sorry.


Aria. You are worthy of being the great-granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes.

Although it is a pity that you did not inherit his reasoning ability, your keen intuition is indeed innate.

On the other hand

『This is the anti-theft facility of Videla's underground vault. It is so strict that it makes me more curious. In addition to physical locks, there are also magnetic card locks, fingerprint locks, voiceprint locks, and retinal locks. During the preliminary investigation, there was only infrared in the vault, but now there is a pressure-sensitive floor.

Izayoi looked at the defenses in the basement and thought that even the confidential documents of the US military would not be so strictly guarded.

Now, it is probably hopeless for Toyama and others to open the door of the vault. And even if the door can be opened, it is full of infrared and cannot be entered. Even if you use ninjutsu or something to avoid the infrared network, as long as you step on the ground, the pressure will cause the alarm to sound.

I am talking about Iyou, the No. 2. It's just a cross of Riko, do you need to be so alert?

『It seems that Vidora knew about Riko's plan from the beginning, but Riko really didn't know, or she did it on purpose. But this thing is useless to me."

Izayoi said, and he turned his body into a non-physical state and entered it.


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