「He probably wants to capture you alive. Because he is a collector of noble blood."

Izayoi suddenly interrupted

「——I'm not a cat or dog with a pedigree certificate」

「By the way, what are you doing here?"

Aria asked Izayoi

「It's time to exchange players."

Izayoi said as he walked towards Willard.

「……Aria. Willard has four weaknesses."

Izayoi told Aria what Jeanne had said.

「You mean...weakness?」

「Yes. If we can attack all four weaknesses at the same time, we will definitely defeat him. I-you's No. 1 seems to be the one who made him surrender.」

「This... Where did you hear this from?"

This is what I heard from Jeanne.

Izayoi said to Aria behind him.

「But, I don’t need those things, so you guys can just watch my performance like Riko!」

「What are you going to do?」

「Rather than defeating him through his weakness, I prefer to fight him with my fists."

Izayoi looked at Willard, who was tugging at the giant antenna.

Among the tattoos that appeared on his body, there were three"eyeball patterns" in total, including the one just now.

On the left and right shoulders, and the right side of the abdomen. This was the same position as what Jeanne told me.

「That's the one with the eyeball-like pattern.……!」

Izayoi said to Aria who noticed this.

「But, there are only 3」

「Where the fourth one is... I don't know. I can only look for it while fighting. When attacking at the same time - Aria will take care of the eyes on the shoulders. I'll find a way to deal with the flank and the fourth one."

After hearing the conversation between Aria and Toyama, Izayoi turned around and said to him.

「Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you make another move, I will get rid of you first."

After hearing what Izayoi said and feeling the murderous intent from Izayoi, Toyama and Aria had no choice but to give up and walked towards Riko.


Suddenly a loud noise made Izayoi stop thinking and look over there, only to see Willard on the opposite side had pulled up the nearly 15-meter-high mobile phone base antenna from the roof.

Boom, Willard poked it at his feet like a gun, and the vibration caused it came straight over.

It seemed to weigh several tons.

What an arrogant statement.

It didn't hit me through my weakness but from the front.

Even you underestimate the recovery ability of vampires.

In response, Izayoi just stretched out his index finger and shook it.

It's not underestimation, but even for vampires, when they suffer fatal injuries, their self-recovery will slow down.

Izayoi then added

「Oh, this is unexpected. I didn't expect that he was so strong.」

「Is this the time to praise the other party?"

Yuan Shan complained from a distance.

Although it was an antenna, it has become a weapon of the ghost. It is a big hammer that can even destroy a bus.

「……It's been a while since I pierced anyone, so I'll use this as a piercer. Kids, have you agreed? It doesn't matter if it's silver or garlic. I've been increasing my genes over the past few decades, and I've overcome everything. Well... you still don't like it, right?"

Guha, Willard opened his mouth with fangs like sharp blades and laughed.

「How can I be so arrogant? Be prepared, Willard」

「You are planning to join us, so let me see how strong you are.!」

「Your genes should be good.」

「……So what? Genetics, you are a genetics fanatic. It seems that bloodline map lunatics like you will occasionally appear. Let me tell you. Although you seem to have become very powerful because of constantly rewriting your genes, humans are by no means determined by genes alone!"

Izayoi said while clenching his fist and warily said to Willard

「Innate inheritance does determine a person's ability to a certain extent. But in addition to that, humans can also improve themselves through hard work and training! ——Since you said that Riko did not inherit any talents, then she is the living proof!」

「——I am also one of the many people who succeeded through hard work!"

Hearing this, Izayoi Willard waved the base station antenna in his hand.

「——Is that just your naive idea?"

The antenna weighing several tons looked as light as a branch in his hand.

——The golden eyes looked at Izayoi

「Get dizzy with the magic flute of Wallachia——!」

After saying this, Willard leaned back with his body wide open.————

It made a loud noise like a jet engine, sucking air into its body. Its chest swelled up like a balloon.


「Dracula, he can actually roar... I've never heard of that!"

Aria, who was frightened by Dracula's roar and fell to the ground, tried to stand up on her shaking knees.


Seeing Willard smiling with his fangs bared, he waved the 15-meter antenna in his hand towards Izayoi.


Toyama and Aria wanted to warn Izayoi, but they were so scared by the scene in front of them that they couldn't speak.

With Dracula's strength, swinging a weight of several tons, it can be said that almost nothing can stop it, but Izayoi just stretched out his right hand and easily blocked it. That's it, he also said

「Dracula, did you not eat? Why are you so much weaker than I expected?」


Before Dracula could react, Izayoi directly held the other end of the antenna with both hands and said

The antenna and Dracula on the other side of the antenna were like rags, being thrown from one side to the other by Izayoi. This was repeated more than ten times.


Dracula was repeatedly thrown to both sides by Izayoi's strength, and was forced to let go of the antenna. The reaction threw him against the wall and spit out blood.

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