「Just fool around a little bit.」

「……"Toyama, Kinichi...! No, Kana!"

Izayoi asked as he looked at Kana who had changed into women's clothing.

「I don't plan to continue.」

「As you said, the game is over.」

「When did you find out?」

「I almost noticed it when you talked to Yuanshan.」

「What are you talking about?"

Because of Izayoi's sudden action, both sides stopped fighting temporarily, and Aria and the others took the opportunity to come around Izayoi.

「Of course, it's the reason why your brother, Toyama, joined Iyou."

Toyama Kinichi... said to Toyama in the form of Kana

「During my long sleep, I had a dream in which the"second possibility" came true.……but……」

「Why are you destroying the pyramids?"

Petra said to Kanai in women's clothing

「Because you only have unlimited magic power near the pyramid."

I really don't understand their conversation, so I have to ask Izayoi.

Seeing their appearance

「The reason why Yuanshan Jinyi joined Yiyou was actually to disintegrate it from within」

「However, because the professor designated Ariadamiyu as the next leader」

「So, he used his identity as a member of Iyu to instigate them to attack Aria."

Izayoi said, turning to Riko

「That's right, Jeanne and I attacked Aria because we followed Kana's orders for some reason.」

「If Aria is eliminated, he will most likely become the leader of Iyou.」

「"After all, why did they let Aria be the leader of Iyu!!"

As they were talking.

Kana, who was wearing the uniform of the girls from Butei High School--!

Snap, snap, snap! Kana, whose long pigtails were flying and who did a gorgeous somersault-- six points of light flashed around her almost at the same time.

Invisible bullets, yes, six consecutive shots.

Petra turned her body sharply, almost touching the ground to avoid it, but-- sand. Falling on the knees of the golden desert in a cat-like posture... two lines of blood fell.

Petra, was injured for the first time--!


In the hand of Kana who landed-- was the same type of pistol that was destroyed by Izayoi before, a silver-gray Colt Peacemaker.


After seeing his actions, Toyama understood even if he didn't say anything. Just now, she shot at Petra.

It means that he intends to use the"second possibility" he said.』……

Decided not to kill Aria and gambled on fighting I-Yu.』……

Izayoi said to Kinji Toyama who was watching nearby.

「Exodus 34:13 - But you shall tear down their altars, break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their Asherah poles.——」


Kana recited a verse from the Bible and threw six bullets into the air with one hand -


The pistol was swung from right to left towards the bullets in the air.

Click, and the Peacemaker's rotating magazine returned to its original state, and all six bullets were stored.

Reloading in the air. This magic-like technique that the brother called it was only possible when in an excited state.

That's right. Transformed into a peerless beauty? Kana's brother can stay in an excited state for a long time.

Toyama Kinji watched from the side and thought to himself.

Kana walked towards Petra with flowing steps.

「Petra. I am now - I will not show mercy even to women.」

「……Kana. Toyama Jinyi. Don't come over. I, no, will not fight with you."

Petra, blushing, sat on the ground, rustling, and retreated.

「Petra. Although you look as ferocious as a beast, you are actually a very smart girl. Just like being able to write different words with your left and right hands, you can use your mind to control several objects to act separately. However, there is a limit to your concentration.——」

Facing Kana who was approaching,

「Don't underestimate people! I am Xixi, I am happy to like someone like you!"

Petra said this with gritted teeth, and made a flying saucer-like shield around her.

There are six of them. It is obvious that they are defending against invisible bullets.

Petra, who is so aggressive, actually made a defensive item with gold dust in front of Kana.

「You can't be at this level, Petra. Use all you can,"

Kana said, and the gun flashed like a line instead of a dot, and shot at Petra.

Petra took action. Sha frowned and barely blocked the bullet with 6 round shields.

「"I, I, I hate you the most!"

Petra couldn't stop shaking her head, and she made golden eagles from the gold dust around her.

Not only were their beaks sharp, but their wings were also as sharp as blades. There were 7, no, 8 eagles. They swooped down towards Kana from different directions.

「"Hmph. 8. I thought there would be more."

Kana said this softly.

Her long braid jumped up and turned around.

Clang! Clang! She cut off all the attacking eagles instantly.

Moreover, this was completely invisible.

「"It's not over yet!"

Petra made another golden eagle. This time, there were about 20 of them at once. Some of them had no legs, some had heads as small as quails, and some were crooked... But their fighting power was the same.


Kana, who was spinning again, cut off the eagle and cut the string that tied the hair.

Salad -

Kana, whose hair was slightly loose, showed an expression of"I can't help it" for a moment.——


「Don't look away, Petra. Now, just look at me. Straight, straight——」

Aria, who was standing beside them and watching the battle, suddenly stretched out his right hand.——


The index finger pointed at Petra.

Petra shrank just because of that.

And���The face is as if surprised that it will shrink,

「What is this… this feeling…? …fear…? I, I am… afraid, afraid……?」

Petra's hands and knees were shaking.

Ziz, ziz, ziz...!

As if to prove Petra's fear, the golden floor flipped up and turned into a huge shield to protect her.


Aria's, Aria's index finger, which was raised like a pistol - in front of the fingertip - actually - actually - a crimson light shone...!

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