Izayoi climbed up the ladder on the side of the bridge, jumped into the wide open pressure hatch, and reached down with his hands...

I was shocked by the scene in the hall that could be called the outer hall, which was as wide as a theater.

What is this place...

Izayoi thought as he looked at the objects around him.

The huge chandelier hanging from the high ceiling that probably went from the lowest floor to the upper deck illuminated the floor made of polished natural stone.

On the ground stood the full skeleton specimens of dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Plesiosaurus.

On the huge wooden shelves that stretched from the surrounding walls to the ceiling, probably because of academic significance, there were giant clam shells and turtle shells that were larger than humans, dugongs, dolphins, lions, tigers, wolves, and many specimens of extinct animals that had only been seen in illustrations.

Is this the inside of a submarine?

Unbelievable. The decorations alone must be worth 10 billion or 20 billion.

It's just like a museum or an art gallery... but this is not a palace. It's the Sea Demon Palace.


Walking down the hall and advancing stealthily at the foot of the fossil, Izayoi frowned.

No one... No one. No Iyou members came to fight.

Really, before dealing with Sherlock, we can't even do warm-up exercises.

This is their base.

Izayoi surveyed the surroundings and was on guard.

But, I don't have time to take care of those little things now. I would prefer if they weren't here.

Then let's go find that bastard Sherlock directly!

Izayoi looked around the wall of the hall again - and found that a door opened automatically.

——Are you waiting for me to come over?

Where is Sherlock?

He rushed down the spiral staircase inside the door and passed through the dim room full of live coelacanths and aquariums of tropical fish of various colors. In front of him was a botanical garden illuminated by dazzling solar lights. He ran past the peacocks strolling and various birds with extremely bright feathers flying around, and came to a huge specimen library that displayed all the minerals in the world, including gold, silver, gems, etc.

There was a huge library with long cloth brocades and leather-bound books, a music hall with everything from golden pianos to phonographs, a small hall with a collection of medieval weapons and armor, a vault filled with gold bricks and banknotes from various countries... He passed through all kinds of places.

However, those rooms that were so colorful gave him an illusion that they were constantly rotating in the same place. Izayoi had been rushing at full speed for several minutes.

Looking around the hall where there was no exit


In that very spacious, strange room, the front wall was covered with huge oil portraits, and in front of each portrait, there were stone tablets, crosses, hexagram tablets and the like.

The portrait on the far left was of a mighty Japanese man in an old-style military uniform, with the inscription"Commander of the Superman Division of the Imperial Japanese Navy, First Captain of the I-U Submarine, August 1949". On the right was a portrait of a German soldier wearing an inverted swastika badge. The portraits became more and more recent as one went to the right, including an African woman, a Chinese man in a wheelchair, an Arab with a mighty beard, and so on.

This might be... the cemetery of successive I-U submarine captains.

As if to confirm his thoughts, on the far right, the portrait of Sherlock, which was just half-painted, was hanging there.

——As expected. He now understood the origin of I-You.

I-You was originally established for war, to train superhuman warriors to defeat the enemy.

Judging from the date of the portrait, it should have been established during World War II.

The first and second generation captains were Japanese and German...

That is to say, it was a joint plan of the Axis powers.

Jeanne once said that Lieutenant I-You used Japanese and German as common languages, which should be to commemorate the ancestors.

After the war, I-You used his specialty of submarines to escape - based on unique values, he became a secret organization.

He replaced the title of the legion commander with"professor" and replaced the old submarines.

Now - Sherlock is in control of this place - how can we tolerate...

Let this organization like the war ghosts...

continue to exist in the world, the ghosts should disappear from this world.

Izayoi continued to move his legs, and behind Sherlock's portrait... Weiwei heard something. Izayoi walked towards the portrait and directly cut the canvas with his knife - swish, swish...!

Create a flame to illuminate the inside of the painting... and discover that there is a secret passage inside, and an escalator going down from there.

Then, Izayoi passed through the secret passage and arrived at... a church.

Inside Yiyou, there is a huge church.

All the marble floors are densely engraved with Latin and statues, and there are no chairs.

Judging from the paintings on the stone pillars and ceilings, this is a church in the style of the Old Church Gothic Revival. Although the mainstream of Ying Country should be Protestantism, the current captain Sherlock hesitated and did not make any changes. Is there a ceremony being prepared here? The white porcelain pots decorated on the walls and side corridors are filled with flowers, making this beauty even more moving. It simply feels like a sacred place.

Inside, the only light source in this space... complex stained glass, standing tall.

Below there -

Izayoi heard the voices of Yuanshan and Aria.


Aria knelt in front of Toyama with his back to her.

Aria, who was in a confession-like prayer posture, turned around and stood up when he heard Toyama's voice.


He ran over to Aria, whose pink and golden twin ponytails were fluttering. He grabbed the petite girl's shoulders under her uniform and pulled her over.

——Great. She's safe.

「Why did you come, Jinji?……」

「Is there any need to say this?"

Aria, who could only look up due to the height difference, replied to the distant mountains, and looked around.

「How long are you going to hold me?"

Izayoi's voice came from beside them.

After hearing Izayoi's voice, they finally reacted and immediately let go of each other.

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