Regarding the stance taken by Izayoi, Shido and Nada looked at each other, and Shido rushed forward and punched Izayoi directly on the head. Through the previous battle, Shido knew very well that the boy in front of him was not someone he could deal with casually, and he did not think he could hurt him.

Just as Shido thought, in response to his attack, Izayoi used his left hand to use his strength to deflect his fist from Izayoi, and then Izayoi used his right hand to grab his clothes and directly carried him out.

Seeing Shido being thrown out, Nada did not say a word and fired three shots at Izayoi,"bang bang bang", and after seeing Izayoi dodge, he kicked Izayoi with his leg.

"By the way, your body seems to be a little different from that of ordinary people!"


While Izayoi was talking, Shidou and Nada stopped to guard Izayoi and replied

"I am the one, Mancheng, do you understand?"

"Mancheng, what is that?

Izayoi is still very interested in things he hasn't heard of.

"Although this thing won't do much for you, I'll still explain it to you."

Izayoi listened carefully to Shido's explanation. The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be to deal with the same characters later.

"Mancheng, that is, a superman born into this world because of God's playful slip of the hand"

"You may not understand what I'm saying."

"To put it simply"

"I am a muscle fiber series. It is called congenital myomorphism.ADHD, huh?"

"Normal muscle fibers can contract once, so they can exert two points of strength. If they can contract eight times, they can exert five hundred and twelve points of strength. In other words, my muscles can exert two hundred and fifty-six times the strength of ordinary people. These are the original words of the doctors."

Shido showed Izayoi his muscles, and then looked at him.


"In other words, I am more durable than ordinary people."

I admitted with a wry smile to what Izayoi said.

"In other words, it doesn't matter if I increase my strength a little bit."

As he said that, Izayoi's body burst out with an even more powerful aura than before.

Faced with Izayoi's sudden momentum, Shido and Nada immediately tensed their nerves.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. It felt like a storm in the yard, and the surroundings were almost in a vacuum.

That was Izayoi's punch at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and each punch was three times the speed of sound, and the sonic boom produced made the surrounding air roar.

Shido clenched his left fist and hit Izayoi, and at the same time, Nada pointed his pistol at Izayoi and pulled the trigger. Izayoi dodged Shido's attack by turning sideways, and kicked Shido's lower body with his right leg, and at the same time, he used his hand to grasp the bullet shot at him.

In the yard, because of the superb fighting skills of the three people, those who wanted to support could only stand there stupidly, not daring to intervene easily.

"Not bad"

"This kind of passionate battle is what I want."

While saying these words, Ishiya did not forget to avoid the joint attack of the two.

"What a monster!"

Nada kicked Izayoi with his right leg, and then shot Izayoi twice with his pistol.

The Prime Minister watched the fight between the three of them, which was far beyond that of ordinary people, and couldn't help but think of what the boy said just now.

It didn't seem to be directed at him. As long as the boy's request was not too excessive, he would agree to it. Besides, there were less than 30 minutes before the meeting started.

What was in his mind, the Prime Minister stopped the fight between the three of them and asked Izayoi :

"Since you are not here to kill me, what on earth do you want to do here?"

"As long as you let me leave, I will agree to your request as much as possible."

"Prime Minister"

Shido and Tan were about to say something to the Prime Minister, but they had to give up when they saw the gesture.


"If you don't ask,"

"I almost forgot"

"I was too excited to fight with them.

Because Ishiya just remembered that now was not the time for him to fight with them.

Ishiya then said

"Because, for some reason, I am an illegal resident in this world."

"So, I mainly ask you to help me get an ID"

"By the way, please help me apply for a United Nations passport"

"This way, I won't have to go through so much trouble when I go to other countries."

After hearing Izayoi's request, everyone present was very upset.

You come here to attack the Prime Minister just because of this little thing, you are really bored, and then everyone present complained in their hearts.

Shido asked about what Izayoi mentioned.

"Can't you get your identity verified at the police station?"

"Why do you still want to come here, Prime Minister?"

"It's very troublesome to go to the police station, and I don't have the time to wait there."

Izayoi replied to Shido's question with disdain.

"Just these two things, right? I'll help you right away."

The Prime Minister said as he took out his phone and dialed the number.

"Don't play tricks on me, or else."

Shizaye raised his right hand, and then a golden bow appeared in Shizaye's hand. He pulled the bow, and a beam of light turned into an arrow. Shizaye shot the arrow directly. A roar was heard in the distance. In the direction where the arrow was shot, a mountain was directly destroyed. After seeing this scene, the Prime Minister nodded in fear.


Izayoi said as if he had thought of something.

"By the way, let me go to some martial arts school for a year."

"Got it."

Shidou asked, not understanding Izayoi's request.


"Because, I feel that year will be very interesting."

"Forget it, you are free to do whatever you want. This is my business card. If you are interested in my work, you are welcome to contact me at any time."

Shitang then went with Tan to escort the Prime Minister to the meeting.


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