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Izayoi easily dodged the attack by leaning sideways.

However, the one-handed sword might be made of some special metal, and it was heavier than it looked.


The handle of the dagger that I dodged hit Izayoi's chest, and then he flew sideways as if he was hit by a truck.

He broke through the fog and smoke and slammed into the steel wall.

Izayoi tried his best to suppress the blood rushing up his throat - but he still couldn't stop coughing and vomiting blood. No, that's right, this time - it seems that it is worth knocking you down.

This is the first time Izayoi has been injured in this world.

Izayoi saw from his vision under the impact that Sherlock was chasing him again.

The one-handed sword was held horizontally, and the target was still Izayoi's left chest -!!

Within a few feet - blocked!


As the western sword was about to cut off Izayoi's left arm, a faint protective film appeared on Izayoi's body. No matter how hard Sherlock tried, he couldn't break it.

It seems that he was still exposed!

Izayoi looked at the protective film that appeared on his body - and he understood that he had wanted to try his best to prevent others from discovering his ability.

Sherlock's sword was directly deflected from Izayoi's left arm by the protective film that suddenly appeared before - and Sherlock looked at Izayoi's protective film that suddenly appeared suspiciously. The defense was too strong. You know, the sword in his hand could cut iron like mud, but this time, not only did it not break, but it was deflected by the strange protective film.

If it weren't for the current state, it would be easy to avoid the fencing master's - and in an excited state - piercing through the ribs.

Well, Izayoi could clearly feel the blade stabbing close to his chest.

Although it would bounce off, Izayoi didn't want to rely too much on this ability.

So Izayoi dodged it directly sideways, and the knife nailed to the wall - think about it carefully, I haven't vomited blood for a long time!

Izayoi said casually.

Immediately, he raised his fist.

Sherlock used Izayoi's fist as a springboard and did a high backflip.

Then... sand.

He flew as if he had no weight, and landed gorgeously several meters away from Izayoi.

His sword... was still stuck in the wall. He had abandoned it.

Just at that moment, he could tell how quickly he abandoned the sword. It was really not easy.

——…Ozitt'renicht, mnliebersohn! (Oh oh, do not be afraid, my child)——

At this time, Mozart's"The Magic Flute" was playing in the room.』……


Using vibrato with superb skills, it entered a gorgeous soprano aria.

How...are you coming again?

Izayoi said to Sherlock.

It was Sherlock whose expression froze.

When the opera entered the aria——I was going to silence you. You fought longer than I deduced——I'm afraid that it was a reflex nerve that surpassed HSS. That's what disturbed my reasoning and my"logical foresight".

……Is that so?

It seems that even if Sherlock knew Izayoi's strength, he didn't think he could beat him.

In other words, for the first time in my life, my reasoning was wrong. You are a man worthy of praise.

You are not bad either. You should know that in this world, you are the first person who made me spit blood.

Izayoi shrugged and said, facing Sherlock who lost his sword - not to mention, he almost killed me.

……Why don't you continue attacking?

——You were waiting for me, were n't you? Just now, when I was attacked by water arrows and sickle-weasels in the fog - you had a chance to hit me. And several times.

But you... didn't attack before I blocked it.

You were waiting for me to counterattack.

Now, we owe each other nothing.

If you think about it calmly, now is not the time to do this.

Toyama and Aria were stunned by the battle between Izayoi and Sherlock just now. Whether it was when attacking or defending, others might have been easily defeated, but they dodged it easily. From their conversation just now, it seemed that neither of them had used all their strength, but compared to the previous chase, their strength had obviously increased several times.

········Request flowers··········

What's the matter with the protective film just now? You don't seem to want others to know.

Sherlock asked Izayoi.

That, indeed, I don't want others to know.

That thing, but it records my biggest defeat.

Have you heard of the 13th Zodiac? Sherlock, the

13th Zodiac.

In response to Izayoi's question, Aria and Toyama looked at each other. It's not the 12th Zodiac. When did it become the 13th Zodiac?............0But what does this have to do with that?

Sherlock remembered it just after he asked.

The golden bow and arrow, and the golden chain, the zodiac mentioned earlier, should be the astronomical inclusion of Ophiuchus, could it be that Yes

, I can use part of the zodiac, that is, the power of the constellations

Sagittarius bow and arrow, Ophiuchus chain, and just now it was actually Leo's ability to continue

Izayoi answered Sherlock's question and continued That's right

, the grace of continuing, regardless of whether it is man-made, star-made or divine weapons, any sharp object that penetrates or cuts can be rebounded

It's really the strongest defense, any sharp object that penetrates or cuts can be rebounded, that is to say, the only way to defeat you is with a blunt weapon or a fist

Aria and Toyama listened to the conversation between Izayoi and Sherlock, thinking in their hearts, are you kidding, isn't that the same level as invulnerability.

Sherlock - zi, zizizi - bang! Pull out the sword stuck in the wall, hold it in your hand... click, click, and walk.

Let's start the second round of battle next!

Izayoi said as he punched Sherlock.

Facing Izayoi's attack,

Sherlock also took a defensive stance.

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