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——You were arrested...

Aria said to her great grandfather.

So far... one thing is solved, right?

When Yuanshan sighed,

"Thank you for giving me such a good gift. I will take it as proof that my great-granddaughter has surpassed me, and accept it."

Sherlock said nonchalantly.

——! ?

In the air - a hoarse voice made Toyama and Aria raise their heads in a hurry.

And Izayoi was still watching from the side. After all, Sherlock had already lost to him, and there was nothing for him to do next.

Besides, whether Sherlock was arrested or not had nothing to do with him.

That was, in an ICBM - grabbing the open hatch at the top - the wound that had just been knocked down was bleeding, but smiling and waving gently -

Sherlock, who now had white hair on his head!

Izayoi. I didn't deduce the power and speed of your attack just now. If it was the younger me before, I would have deduced it immediately. Well, I still can't overcome age.

——! 27

Toyama and Aria looked at Sherlock who had fallen to the ground, and saw that his right arm - sand.

Turned into gold dust and collapsed.

And the left hand grabbed Aria's handcuffs and threw it at Sherlock on his head.


It was also expected.

After all, he was the leader of Iyou, and it was impossible for him to be caught so easily.


Sherlock, taking the opportunity when Toyama turned to Aria - used Petra's ability to make a gold dust substitute and stayed, and rushed into the ICBM himself!

Sherlock, where are you going...!

Toyama asked Sherlock.

Not going anywhere. Isn't there an old saying?"Old soldiers don't die. They just disappear." It's a graduation ceremony now. Let's add color with fireworks -

Aria and Toyama, who saw Sherlock walking into the inside of the ICBM, realized it.

Iyou's people transformed the seawater vaporization torpedo into the small submarine called Orks.

And like that, this ICBM is also based on missiles - a means of transportation...!

Great grandfather - wait!

Aria rushed out from the mountain and ran towards the ICBM through the white smoke.

Don't go...! Don't go………! I still have a lot more to say about you and my mother...!

Aria! Don't chase! The horse is about to take off! It's dangerous!

Toyama warned Aria.

Aria ignored the voices chasing behind her and pulled out two short swords.


……Great grandfather!

Dang...! Dang!

Aria climbed up the ICBM like a mountain climber, inserting her left and right swords alternately.


: Sherlock said, standing high above him, with his legs resting on the half-closed hatch.

It wasn't long, but I'm glad I didn't leave you anything. I'm sorry I can't leave you anything. I already... I have nothing left to give you.


——Then, I will give you my name. I have a common name after translating"Scarlet Ammo" into English.)』——Now this name belongs to you.

Farewell.——『Aria The Scarlet Ammo)』——

After saying that, Sherlock closed the hatch.

The vibrating ICBM slowly, slowly - lifted its huge body.

No - not good.

Aria, she is still on the ICBM.

And, she has climbed to a height where she can't jump down.


Toyama yelled beside him.

Toyama, you just reacted now.

Izayoi said speechlessly while looking at Toyama who just reacted.

Toyama Kinji ignored Izayoi's words, picked up the sword held by the fake Sherlock who turned into sand, and stabbed it with his own dagger - click! into the surface of the ICBM.

The ICBM itself seemed to have liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen fuel tanks inside. Contrary to the jet flames seen under the grid floor, it was very cold and covered with a thin layer of ice.

However, it seemed to have been modified to not freeze too much in order to carry people.

Aria! Come down quickly!

——No! Great-grandfather, he's about to leave...!

It's too late! Get down!

Above my head - water drops, falling. Is this Aria's tears? Or, is it the ice that is beginning to peel off the ICBM, the melted stuff?

While thinking.

Like Aria, he used his dagger and Sherlock's sword to climb the ICBM.

Be patient... Be patient, Kinji...! Keep your consciousness...!

Toyama said to himself.

Ziz... Ziz Ziz Ziz... The huge body of the ICBM began to climb.

Into the air, it took off.

If we go down 110 like this, we will never be able to come back!

From Iyu's back, to the outside, keep moving forward...!

How long do you plan to stay ?

Izayoi's voice came from behind them.

When they turned around and saw the impossible, Izayoi followed and climbed the ICBM and floated in the air.

You actually floated in the air.

Aria looked at Izayoi in surprise.

This kind of trivial thing, you should be able to do it now

Izayoi asked Aria back.

From Sherlock's words, we can infer that Riko can rely on the power of Sekin to float in the air.

Theoretically, you who have the Scarlet Bullet should have no problem floating in the air now.

Izayoi responded to Aria.

Besides, why do you think that I can't float in the air

? Most people can't do it. Do you think that I am an ordinary person

? Ah

, after hearing Izayoi's words, they remembered that the person in front of them was the one who killed Dracula and then defeated the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes in one go.

In short, let's leave here first. That's right. They responded to Izayoi's words.

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