The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 98: Luxury treatment

The sky is dim, and the misty village seems to have always been enveloped by a faint mist, which makes people feel damp, but also gives people a dark and dark atmosphere. Breathing carefully, you can even feel the faint smell of the sea. Contains a faint smell of blood.

   In the dark part of this **** and dark village, there is a ghost like a shadow wandering around.

   That is Kakashi!

  He lurked and walked in this hidden misty village, and visited almost all of the hidden misty village. For the information of Wuyin Village, I can finally feel it clearly enough.

   Now the fog is hidden, he can only say two words-decay!

   Extreme decline!

   It seems that the whole village is already at the last moment of destruction.

   Some of the guarded low-level ninjas have no sense of dependence on the village at all, and can only feel a zombie-like numbness in them.

  Although he knows the situation of Misty Village in general, Kakashi actually has a secret mission.

   That is to find a person who is speaking in Wuyin Village to communicate and match.

   But before that, if you want to ensure safety. You have to bring Muhua Saki Yaxin.

   As he said, Kakashi immediately went back to look for Muhuasaki Yaxin.

   And when he found Muhua Saki Yaxin, he was dumbfounded.

   The roofs, alleys, dark harbors, and even the ground are all filled with fog.

   Their sight is all only the girl!

   This makes Kakashi stupid, do you want to be so exaggerated!

  What did she do?

   Now Kakashi doesn't dare to touch Muhua Saki Yashin casually.

   can only wait and see from a distance.

   As everyone knows, the misty Shinobu who monitors Muhua Saki Yaxin also feels that what he is doing is a bit silly.

   What the **** did this lovely girl in front of me do...

   They followed all the way, but Muhua Saki Yaxin ate all the way.

   Until now, I basically ate the whole street.

   They are impatient, you know, they are all ninjas from the village of blood mist!

   cold! No feelings! Kill without blinking!

   Now you actually asked us to monitor a cute girl eating goods!

   eh, don't say it!

   It looks cute and pleasing to the eye.

   But, I am a ruthless ninja!

How can    be here and be cute!

   Okay, the old man is kind of cute.

   Monitoring this kind of thing is actually nothing.

   It doesn’t matter if you monitor for ten or eight years.


   Just like that, Kawasaki Yashin wandered into the evening.

  I think Muhana Saki Yaxin is like this, I feel that I am alone and wandering around. There are really few fog hidden villages.

   So there is an indescribable feeling of weirdness, but the unique temperament of Saki Yashin is very strange.

   Everyone can see at a glance that Saki Yashin is not from the village.

   Kakashi also understands this truth, but he has reason to believe that Muhua Saki Yaxin can protect herself.

   Besides, the group of mists are like surveillance, but when you look closely, they look more like a kind of protection.

   After all, there don’t need to be so many people watching.

   Just when Muhuasaki Yaxin felt bored and wanted to start the holographic projection technique and ran away.

   Terumi Mei is here again.

   She twisted her enchanting posture, came to Muhua Saki Yexin, and said with a smile.

   "Little sister, do you miss me?"

   Kihana Saki Yashin cast a glance at Terumi Mei, and put his hands on his chest.

   "I won't miss you! You guy who almost destroyed the world!"

   Terumi Mei smiled.

   "I dare not recite the crime of destroying the world, what is your name."

   Kihana Saki Yata froze for a moment, and then his complexion turned triumphant, her face raised.

   was suppressed by her body, no matter how she raised her head, she just looked up at Terumi Mei.

  Kihanasaki Yashin feels bad.

   Under Terumi Mei's confused eyes.

   She directly pushed back a few steps, and then gestured the distance between the two, feeling almost the same.

   Kihanasaki Yashin raised his head again, and said proudly.

   "Hmph, when asking someone's real name, don't you have to report your real name first!"

   Terumi Mei was stunned, then turned his lips up. This little guy is really getting more and more interesting.

   "My real name? My name is Terumi Mei. The little one is here for you."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin nodded after listening, then took out his paintbrushes and materials, and began to work on the ground.

   Terumi Ming looked at a complicated pattern gradually forming on the ground, a little puzzled.

   However, the misterin next to him became vigilant.

   Kihana Saki Yashin finished drawing the magic circle, stood in the center, and began to dance.

   "I am the bearer of the eye of death! The founder of the death contract! Traveler of the pan-dimensional universe! Sealer of the infinite demon god! Deathwalker who maintains dimensional peace!"

   As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a box of matches from his arms and struck the fire directly.

   It may be that the air is humid and it hasn't been lit for a long time.

   Terumi stretched out a finger silently and clicked on the Muhua Saki Yaxin match.

   got it!

   Kihanasaki Yashin happily threw the match into the magic circle ignition ring.

   Immediately after, he stamped his little feet and drew a big apple in the air with both hands.

   "Real name! Kihana Saki Yashin!"


   Gunpowder brought up a circle of white smoke powder and burned a circle, making the entire magic circle cool.

   Terumi Mei squinted her eyes, smiled and applauded.

   "Not bad, Xiao Ye Xin."

   Although she doesn't understand, she feels very powerful.

   Terumi Mei smiled happily, and grabbed Muhua Saki Yaxin's hand.

   "Hey, go to my house to sleep tonight. You don't have a place to sleep yet."

   At this time, Qing came out, a little anxious.

   "Isn't this inappropriate? Terumi-sama."

   Terumi Ming waved his hand.

   "It's okay."

   In this way, Kihana Saki Yashin was arranged to enter Terumi Mei's house.

   Use a bunch of snacks to tempt him to leave Saki Yashin in the house.

   Terumi Ming walked out.

The smile on her face disappeared as soon as    went outside.

  青 came over immediately.

   "Master Terumi Mei, we are going to act tonight. Take an unknown source..."

   Terumi Ming shook his head.

"Needless to say, just because Xiao Yexin dared to appear alone, and because of her innocent smile, I have reason to believe that she won't be those spies. Besides, if she really has a problem, I will bear all the consequences. "

   Qing stood aside, and said nothing.

  You are the boss, do whatever you, they have been preparing for a long time.

  Water shadow meeting room.

   Terumi Ming and some of her elders sat aside.

   The four generations of Shui Ying sit on the main seat.

   Yakura glanced at the rest of the crowd blankly.

   "What? Looking for me to discuss the meeting at night?"

   "Are you trying to rebel?"

  No one in the room answered.

   But, this is precisely the best answer!

   Haaki Kakashi had already secretly followed Terumi to this water shadow building.

   Just thinking, can I get more information.



   A big hole burst on the top floor of the building.

   Yakura jumped out of the hole.

   is followed by Terumi Mei.

   There are also many family elders and elite ninjas like Qing.

  青 yelled.

   "Quick! Control him! He is controlled by illusion!"

   Some elders understood that since they immediately surrounded Yakura, they began to attack him.

   "Water escape! Rush rush!"

   "Water escape! The technique of mad water dragon!"

   "Water escape! The technique of suppressing the waves!"

   "Water escape! Rapids rushing waves!"

   Four high-level water escapes instantly surrounded Yakura.

   He was inevitable, so he immediately chose the tail animalization!

   Suddenly, a huge chakra wrapped around him, and the strong wind and waves in an instant rushed away all the water.

   green face with cold sweat.


   Terumi Ming's face is also not good.

   "The most worrying thing happened!"


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