The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 105: True or false

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The event reversed too suddenly.

No one can react.

Even Dashemaru, suddenly faced with a high-speed arrow that was less than three meters away, could hardly respond.

I can only watch the arrow pierce me through my eyes.

Then the bone spear also arrived, and a big one was directly inserted into Dashewan's body, and it flew out with him upside down.

Because he flew upside down for a certain distance, this made him escape the boulder above his head.

Finally, Dashemaru got up and looked at a hole in his body and a huge bone spear inserted. He also touched the blood flowing out and muttered to himself.

"Space Ninjutsu?"

On the other side, Junmaro and them all were dumbfounded.

Why did Lord Oshemaru appear in that position!

What have we done?

The scene fell into silence.

Suddenly, Oshemaru laughed.

"Haha, hahahaha. It's really interesting."

"Interesting technique!"

The next moment, Da She Wan's body trembled, Yang Tian opened his mouth wide, and made a vomiting sound.


Suddenly, two hands came out of his mouth, and his mouth was torn apart at once, and a brand new Dashewan covered with mucus appeared in front of everyone.

This is exactly the famous Dashewanrui substitute technique!

At this moment, a voice came from the horizon.

"Huh! You disgusting snake evil demon! My eye of death will seal you today! Under the light of the spirited star of my great demon mountain, you have no chance of escape!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Da She Maru looked around with great interest, and immediately found something was wrong.

They seem to be locked down, and Konoha's people are also gone.

Oshamaru frowned, and he also found that his perception of Chakra seemed to be weakened.

And it's useless to see where the person who is Saki Yaxin Muhana is.

"They disappeared!"

"Those Konoha ninjas are all gone!"

This is the sound of horror from the sound of Ninja Dragon.

They just found out.

But it has awakened Junmaro and the others.

They turned their heads and looked, and sure enough, the Konoha Ninja who was on the opposite side had disappeared.

And now they are like in a cage, with a big ball of light hanging in the sky like the sun. Next to the big ball of light is shrouded a huge magic circle, like the roof of the cage, and they are enclosed on all sides. Light wall.

They are completely trapped inside.

"When was the barrier opened?"

Oshemaru was thinking about this, and sure enough, at first, she didn't notice Muhua Saki's chakra fluctuations, because the chakra perception was blocked.

Da She Maru walked slowly toward the light wall, only to find that the light wall was not as close as he could see with his naked eyes.

Oshe Maru immediately shouted.


Junmaro heard it, and immediately ran over to Oshemaru.

"Master Oshemaru!"

Da She Wan looked at the light wall that seemed far and near, and ordered.

"You run against that light wall, the more..."

Dashewan felt a little bit heartbroken before he finished speaking.

He looked down and saw that Jun Maro took a bone spur and pierced his heart.

The cool kind...

Junmaro in front of him looked terrified at the bone spur in his hand.

"Master Oshemaru!!? Why are you?"

As soon as the words came out, Da She Maru's complexion changed.

"What did you just see?"

Jun Maru tremblingly released his hand and said.

"I saw that girl, she was right here, and Master Oshemaru asked me to kill her."

Da She Wan's complexion was a bit ugly.

"Are we all seeing different pictures?"

He looked at the bright ball of light in the sky, and thought about it a little bit.

Make a decisive move.

"Shulking Snake Hand!!!"

The arms turned into densely entangled groups of snakes, leaping towards the ball of light above the sky.

However, the snakes spread to the extreme distance, but still could not touch the ball of light.

On the other side, the five members of Yinnin and Yao Shidou started fighting with each other.

Even Otonin's dragon ninjas began to kill each other.

Junmaro looked like he wanted to stop, but was stopped by Oshemaru.

Da She Wan said solemnly.

"Don't go! If you go, you will only fight with them."

"This is an illusion enchantment. The people in the enchantment will be weakened, even blocked, whether they have five senses or their perception of Chakra."

"Remember, don't believe in anything, not even me."

Junmaro nodded seriously.

In the next moment, he took out the bone spurs and stabbed him directly in front of Da She Wan.

Da She Maru was a little confused, he looked at the bleeding wound he was stabbed, and looked at Junmaro.

"You stabbed me?"

Junmaro nodded, and stabbed again in front of Oshemaru, pulled out a bit of blood, and looked at Oshemaru with the **** bone spurs and said.

"Just stabbing you, isn't it obvious?"

Oshemaru was a little angry, and raised his hand with a shulker's hand that directly bound Junmaro.

In the contact between the snake and Junmaro, Oshemaru could still feel the chakra on his body.

You can confirm that this is Junmaro!

"So, why are you stabbing me?"

Junmaro struggled and said.

"Oshemaru-sama what are you talking about? I didn't stab you?"

Da She Wan was shocked!

What he has caught now is the real Junmaro, the one who stabbed him just now is definitely not!

In an instant, he turned away from sight!

It was as if he exchanged positions with that girl!

However, it didn't take long for Oshemaru to think before Junmaro began to resist.

Because another Osamaru appeared next to him, he said to Junmaro.

"Don't believe anything, including me, have you forgotten? That's the enemy!"

Only when Junmaro woke up, it's no wonder that Lord Oshemaru suddenly attacked him and asked inexplicable things?

This illusion is too bad! The imitation doesn't have the charm of Lord Oshemaru at all! Master Oshemaru would never attack me like this without reason.

"Dance of Larch!"

Junmaru gritted his teeth, and several sharp bones grew out of his body that directly pierced the giant snake entwined with him.

Then the body twisted hard.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff

All the pythons broke apart.

Junmaro resumed his actions.

He was about to rush over.

But I found that the curse imprinted a bit hot.

On seeing Junmaro's gesture, Oh She Maru knew that this guy must have been recruited.

He immediately controlled the curse mark and gave Junmaro a little feeling.

Junmaro felt it.

He looked at the Oshe Maru in front of him suspiciously, and the next...


The big snake pill next to it is gone.

Da She Maru pinched a seal and barely controlled the three holes where his body was stabbed, otherwise they would bleed.

Looking at Junmaro with a headache.

"Remember, it's the real me who can make your curse mark throb!"

Junmaro showed apology and bowed to Oshemaru.

"Sorry, Lord Oshemaru!"

"No need to apologize, just let me poke back."

Junmaru was stunned. He lifted up and saw Oshe Maru walking towards him, still holding Kunai in his hand.

At this moment, Junmaro confirmed, how could Oshamaru-sama recall using kunai.

And it is absolutely impossible for him to say such things as let me poke back!

Seeing Dashewan walking slowly with Kuwu, a bone spur stretched out of Junmaru's palm in front of him, and he stabbed Dashewan through in a flash.

"Why are you stabbing me again."

This time Dashewan was really angry.

Junmaro felt the burning sensation of the curse mark on his body, and immediately pulled the bone spurs out.

Also brought out a little blood.

He stared at the Dashewan in front of him in a daze, and found that he did not hold kunai in his hand.

"Master Oshemaru, did you say anything just now?"

Da She Wan understood, somewhat helpless.

"I didn't say anything!"

Junmaro looked apologetic and looked at Oshemaru whose face was twitching.

"Master Oshemaru...I..."

"Needless to say!"

Oshemaru stopped Junmaro from continuing to apologize meaninglessly, knowing that it must be an illusion.

But he felt that Junmaro couldn't lead him to fly.

Oshemaru moved away from Junmaro, and said solemnly.

"Kimmaro! I understand! I understand! It's not your fault! But for your safety, stay away from me now, and don't just attack the enemy you think!"

After Oshamaru finished speaking, Junmaro walked away without regard to himself.

Junmaro looked at Oshemaru's back, looked at the bleeding hole he stabbed out, opened his mouth wide, and wanted to say something.

In the end, he didn't say anything.

Da She Maru was alone, planning to break this illusion barrier on his own.

Teammates are not reliable...

After confirming that he was far away from Junmaro, he began to observe this barrier carefully.

In fact, he has released a lot of small snakes long ago, in the scope of investigation.

No other anomalies were found, nor did Kohana Saki Yashin and those Konoha ninjas.

The most important thing is when he shares his vision with the snake.

The little snake ran towards the light wall, but it went five kilometers in a straight line and still couldn't touch it.

The light wall still seemed to be far away, and it was hard to see.

"Is even my psychic beast affected? But the most direct perception of Chakra interconnection, can she not block it?"

If even this can be blocked, Dashewan will probably run away directly.

Yes, run away.

It is precisely because it can run away that Dashewan is so calm and composed.

at this time.

After all, it was the little snake that was affected by the illusion, and the straight lines everyone ran were actually straight lines that the little snake thought.

It's true that it actually turns in circles.

If you think so...


Da She Wan felt a pain in her body, and when she looked down, a kunai stuck on her body.

Oshe Maru was trapped.

He is also a character no matter what, Kakuno is such a thing, he hasn't been hit for many years.

After all, with his ability to react and perceive...

But also, this Kuwu Wu flew over, and he couldn't even perceive even the most basic sounds and air currents.

If you don’t see it with the naked eye, how can you dodge...

Da She Maru looked in the direction where Kuwu was projected.

Where are the Otonin people fighting in groups again.

Basically no one can know who lost it.

But Oshemaru was upset, he was plugged into a for no reason, after all, he was his capable subordinate.

But this scum!

Da She Wan pulled out the kunai, and used Fengyun Chakra in her hand to cover the kunai with the change of nature.

Then he threw it to the Yin Ninzhong who was fighting in the group.

Then Jieyin came with a wave of shuriken shadow avatar, adding a few more kunai.

He was not so stingy, just copied a few.

A few kunai, of course the one that flew the fastest was the kunai blessed by the wind, and instantly took away a few lucky Otonin.

The other kunai almost took one away.


Da She Wan felt much better in my heart.


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