The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 192: "Li" is too big to bear

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Step out of Madara! Pupil power bursts! Chakra fluctuated violently!

next moment!

A blue flame ignited out of thin air next to Madan, and then a huge blue transparent skeleton was formed out of thin air!

The huge skeleton grows quickly and climbs!

In a short while, it became tens of meters, hundreds of meters!

And at the moment!

The star wheel that exudes golden red brilliance is approaching!

As the light fell on Madara's shell of Suzuo, a little bit of blue smoke appeared.

And the land under the feet of the spots was ignited and melted. In an instant, an area of ​​several hundred meters turned into a **** of red lotus, half magma and half rock!

Madara is also working hard to gather the complete Susano!

He clenched his fists.

"Give me gel!!!"

Chakra hurriedly turned up!

Susanenhu's huge bones stretched in various contexts quickly, in less than a second!

The entire body became hundreds of meters, and Madara quickly floated in the air, and then came to the diamond-shaped cockpit of Susanou's skull!


The armor attached to the bone instantly condensed, and it was embedded in the huge body!

this moment!

Hundreds of meters high, a huge warrior like a **** of war, standing between the world!

Madara didn't hesitate, and the complete body that he controlled immediately was Zanoh drew his sword!

The huge samurai sword that is hundreds of meters long pierced the air!

It was not dulled by being huge at all!

Rather, it is like a sharp and quick slash, sending out the brilliant light of a single blow, and slashing precisely on that star wheel!

collapse! ! !

The air made a dull sound!

The ground was chopped open by the sword air, and a huge crack appeared!

The mountains in the distance were all divided in half!

However, Madara failed to cut off this star!

Even the samurai sword just got in a little bit and couldn't cut it down.


It's going to explode!

That's right!

The girl's star of the Buddha's Creation and Extinguishing Light Wheel is extremely unstable!

Touch it and explode!

Muhua Saki Yexin's mouth was slightly tilted, and she shouted loudly:

"Bloom the light of this red lotus of extinction! The star of the Buddha created the wheel of extinction!"

With the space shocked!

The small star at the junction of the huge Suzano Katana began to shine.

next moment!

It exploded!

In this moment!

The violent shock wave broke out for the first time!

Seeing the shock wave that shook the air swept across the samurai sword, it was as if space was distorted!

The blade of the katana is obviously distorted and disordered!

next moment!

The blade shattered instantly!

Followed by a burst of golden red light like the light of extinction!

The speed of light instantly surpassed the shock wave shining on the unbroken second half of the samurai sword! It's like the ice and snow meet the blazing sun, and it melts in an instant, it shouldn't be said to be gasified!

And Madara can only watch as the light floods the entire Susano!

In an instant, Madara felt that Suzuo Nenghu collapsed and melted quickly, just like this! It seems that Susano can't hold on for a few seconds!

However, the next moment!

The violent shock wave is coming! !

These hundreds of meters must have been weakened by the light of extinction!

The moment this powerful shock wave arrived, the entire Suzuo Neng was touched and collapsed!

Madara was swept in by the shock wave, and there were countless pieces of Susano Naka floating around.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

"How can it be!!!"

next moment.

The light of extinction has overwhelmed Madara!

Even the entire body of Suzuo Nenghu could not bear the light of extinction, the filthy reincarnated body of Madara turned into scum in an instant!

Do not! It should be said that there is no scum left!

After being completely gasified, then gasified again!

The one that disappeared is completely gone.

With soil, he had learned his lesson long ago and ran to the distance!

After running away, he looked back at Madara, only to see the scene where Madara's Suzano was defeated, and then exposed to a terrifying light, and was instantly annihilated.

The corners of his mouth twitched, feeling that you guy is still caught in a trick.

It seems that you can't be counted on.

Speaking, the speed of running under the feet accelerated a little.

Fortunately, the scale of this outbreak is not particularly exaggerated!

The red clouds of smoke and dust from the explosion only included the atmosphere of a few kilometers!

The feet with soil quickly ran out of this distance, and ran one more kilometer before daring to touch the blur.

He looked back at the area in the center of the explosion, which was covered by a strange red cloud of smoke.

It is not a mushroom cloud, it is shaped like a blooming flower, which is similar to a semi-conical shape.

Moreover, generally speaking, at this distance, the soil should be able to feel the temperature rise due to the explosion.

However, standing here with soil does not feel at all, and the air is as cool as ever.

"if it is like this?"

The soiled eyes looked straight at the red smoke cloud-covered area.

"Does it confine the terrifying temperature to that area? Is it troublesome?"

Madara's filthy soil reincarnated under this high temperature burning, and it was almost impossible to recover.

Suddenly, a small red light drew across from the horizon towards the soil!

Like a laser, it marks a distance of hundreds of meters on the ground.

next moment!

Along the scars of the red light, the ground exploded!

In the flames and smoke of the earth-bearing figure drowning and exploding, the face hidden in the mask was cold and sweaty.

so close……

Fortunately, my power is fast!

This red light is too fast!

Moreover, if he is hit, he will never survive.

Bring the soil and look towards the horizon, where is the place where the red glow just flew out.

Sure enough, he saw the first-class star in the sky draw a band of light flying towards here at extreme speed!

In a blink of an eye, it came before me.


A wave of air exploded in the air, and the girl stopped in the air in front of him.

She was wrapped in a red flame coat like a fairy, and she was floating in the void.

Muhua Saki smiled, her red and blue eyes curled up with a crescent.

"Humph~ arrogant person, I didn't send him back to the Hades, just let him reflect on that side."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin stared at Daito with a smile: "If you say that, would you be a little happier?"

Silence with soil.

He was thinking how to solve the current situation.

Facing the girl, he dared not relax a bit, the blur must be maintained for a long time.

If the girl keeps attacking, then he has almost no chance to resist.

Once five minutes arrive, he will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, Dai Tu stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin closely, and hit him with incomparable attention!

In unnecessary time! I want to use blurring intermittently!

And then looking for that slim chance!

In desperate situation, bringing the soil did not give up the idea!

At this moment, the blur was lifted with soil!

Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to have noticed something, the corners of her mouth were raised, her smile was weird.

Looking at this watch with the soil, I feel inexplicably what I have remembered.

Sure enough, Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and snapped his fingers in the next moment.


In the next moment, countless tadpole-like runes spread across the entire space.

Bringing soil actually reacted immediately, just like entering the blur mode.


He can't get in!

It seems that he has lost contact with Shenwei completely unable to turn on Shenwei Blind!

However, he seems to be able to sense the existence of the divine power space.

The face after wearing the earth mask was very green.

"what have you done?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little finger and swiped across the void, seemingly happy, and said casually: "Huh~huh~ of course this space is blocked."

"At the moment of my death, it is just a simple ordinary operation."

The mood at the moment of the soil fell to the bottom...

"Am I going to end here?"



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