The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 217: Spring in the country of snow

Fenghua Xiaoxue stood on the balcony where the royal family was, overlooking the unchanging ice and snow in the Snow Country.

The cold wind blows, blowing the wind and the little hair between Xiaoxue's eyebrows.

Kihana Saki Yashin held Nanako with one hand, and accompanied Ino to Fenghua Koyuki's side.

"Oh~Aren't you busy today? I'm free to watch the scenery here."

Fenghua Koyuki pulled back some messy hair that was blown, and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a sweet smile.

"It's early Ye Xin sauce~ I was busy the day before yesterday and I just wanted to make some time to go out today."

With that, Fenghua Xiaoxue lifted the crystal necklace on her chest, and her smile gradually became mischievous.

"Then, Ye Xinjiang will go on a treasure hunt with me?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't know why, she would unconsciously be naughty with a little childishness when she talked to Xiao Yexin.

"Treasure hunt!?"

Both Saki Yaxin and Nanako's eyes lit up, and the two sisters said in unison!

"Definitely go!" x2

She knew that these two sisters must have been fooled by Ino. She said helplessly.

"His Royal Highness, no, it should be called Your Majesty the Queen. Do you want to go hunting for treasure after you have become a Queen?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Ino with a smile, and revealed the crystal necklace she had been holding in her hand.

"This is the last gift my father left for me. It is said to be a key to open the treasure house. This key is one of the important reasons for the pursuit of me by the wind, flowers and raging waves."

Ino was stunned, facing Fenghua Xiaoxue's smiling face, stubbornly, she knew that she seemed to have touched Fenghua Xiaoxue's sad point. .

"sorry, I……"

"No need to apologize, it's not your fault."

Fenghua Xiaoxue mischievously showed a grimace, then turned around and walked outside the door lightly.

"Then, let's go hunting for treasures together."

Muhua Saki Yashin and Nanako raised a small fist together.


Followed and walked out.

Looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue's back, Ino felt an inexplicable distress.

"Really are……"


The four people were walking slowly along the snowy road, and the citizens of the Snow Country were enthusiastically beckoning and greeting.

"Your Majesty!"

"Morning, Your Majesty!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue smiled back.

There were many guards in the palace, but Fenghua Xiaoxue did not let them follow.

With Xiao Yexin's accompanying, guards are not necessary.

Therefore, there are only Fuuka Koyuki, Sakuya Yaxin sisters, and Ino hanging out.

Soon, they were walking along the road, and suddenly they saw Sakura in an open place.

Fenghua Koyuki was a little surprised: "Isn't that Kozakura?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned her head and looked over: "Oh~ yeah."

Nanako also nodded.

Where did Sakura seem to build a snowman, a strange-looking snowman was built, and it should be said that it hasn't formed yet.

Looking at the serious Sakura pile of snowmen, Ino was a little surprised, then a little funny, and shouted at it.


When Kozakura heard this, she immediately turned her head and looked over. Seeing Ino and Saki Yashin's group, she stopped and her face gradually flushed, and said hello to Ino.

"Ino... Yashin... Nanako and Koyuki..."

Ino leaned over and bumped Kozakura with a smile on his face.

"Oh~ snowman~ alone~ too lonely..."

Sakura clenched her fist and yelled at Ino, "I want you to take care of it! I really hate Ino!"

Muhua Saki Yexin stood in front of the snowman, with her small chin in her small hand, and a small adult nodded seriously.

"Yeah, it's not finished, but it looks pretty good. Next time we have a match for ten!"

Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Sakura with a serious look in his right eye.

Kozakura's cheeks flushed and she shook her head immediately.

"No, I just pile up and play."

Ino grinned and made up the knife. "Hehehe~ Sakura is shy..."

"You have to take care of it! You really hate it! Ino!"


Fenghua Xiaoxue covered her mouth and laughed.

Nanako also looked serious.

"I can also compete together."

"All said no!"

In this way, the crowd watched and teased a wave of Sakura, and planned to invite her to hunt for treasure, but Sakura was still shy and had no interest in coming over.

So Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others continued on their treasure hunt.

Soon after I left, I felt that there seemed to be a big movement not far away, and the explosion roared loudly.

The curious Muhua Saki Yashin and the others leaned forward like this.

It was only after the past that a lot of people had gathered here.

What they were looking at was a very empty basin in front of it resembling an arena.

Inside, a golden light and thunder light will flicker and collide with each other from time to time!

Every collision will make a huge noise, bringing up violent air waves!

At the same time, from time to time there are still aftermaths, such as sword light with thunder arcs, such as a spiral pill bombarding the ground.

The entire battlefield is in a mess.

"Naruto and Sasuke's battle."

Ino knew it at a glance, with some envy in his eyes, envious of the strength of the two.

"Both of them are so fast, you can't see the movement at all."

Fenghua Xiaoxue also nodded in surprise.

"It's really amazing."

Nanako's eyes were also shining, and the eyes were full of envy.

Muhua Saki Yaxin rubbed Nanako's little head, and said proudly.

"Don't mind, these mortals can only have this degree, you are different, you are my sister of the Eye of Death!

Future achievements must be better than them! "

Nanako looked at her big sister's bright eyes and nodded seriously.

I really look forward to myself after Zhang Da.

"I will definitely be better than them in the future!"

Nanako squeezed a small fist.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also gestured out a small fist, cheering for Nanako.

"Yeah! Become stronger! Nanako!"

There seemed to be Shikamaru and Dingci among the onlookers. They greeted them remotely and set off for the treasure hunt.

It took a long time to walk, but they also came to the destination as they wished.

In front of them, said a crystal rainbow wall!

There is a keyhole on it, just symmetrical with the necklace on Fenghua Xiaoxue—the hexagonal ice crystal.

Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't say anything, she silently removed the necklace, picked up the hexagonal crystal, and slowly inserted it into the hole.

However, she stopped at the last moment, seeming to be slow, and she took a deep breath.

Then her eyes condensed, and she thrust in!

next moment!

The entire crystal wall began to bloom with iridescent light!

Then, nothing seems to happen...

Fenghua Xiaoxue was a little lost.

"Could it be...this treasure..."

"Xiaoxue look!"

Ino exclaimed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head and found that the surrounding ice and snow was slowly melting.

"this is……"

"This is the wisdom of mortals! A good device."

Muhuasaki answered eagerly, and nodded in praise for this scene.

Looking at the melting ice and snow, Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes were moist, and she would remember what her father once said to her.

"Xiaoxue, one day, the Snow Congress will exchange the green and gloomy color of you believe me?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed to transcend time and space, responding to his father, choked up.

"Well, I believe..."

Crystal tears kept dripping from Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes to the ground.

It turned out that the treasure left by her father was the hope of the Snow Country-spring!

This is an unparalleled gem.

A gem belonging to the country of snow!

An ultra-level floor heating system.

Ino also understood what such a country needs.

She was a little envious, but also felt the value of the gift bestowed by Fenghua Xiaoxue's father.

"Really a great father..."


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