The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 228: Battle situation

"Earth escape!"

The hands are printed on the black soil, and the hand speed is very fast!

but! Tsuchiya Tsukigami was faster than her, and immediately raised his hand and burst into a fireball!

The fireball flies extremely fast, like a fast flying meteor!

This kind of speed will inevitably hit her before her Jieyin is completed, and the black soil has no choice but to give up Jieyin immediately, and Chakra gathers at her feet!

Immediately stepped on the foot, turned to the rear, and turned back and jumped.

The fireball hit the ground where the black soil originally stood and exploded instantly!

The flame slammed on the face of the black soil with the heat wave, making her feel super uncomfortable.

The red light of the explosion also reflected the ugly face of the black soil.

"Prompt technique! Actually the power is still so great, and the speed is so fast!"

The mud in the bombed hole on the ground has become scorched earth emitting heat waves.

Just this power...

Black Earth's eyes were solemn.

Once she hits the serve, she will completely lose her resistance!

It's time to just think about it!

She also has a countermeasure, and must use a quick release technique to fight against this Konoha ninja!

And Tsuchiya Moonshang, for this strong-looking young lady Iwanobu, it was not surprising that she could dodge his first burst of fireball.

The first time he attacked, he was mainly to test the opponent's strength.

Looking at it now, it really wasn't easy, the speed of the formation, as well as this flexibility, and the calmness when he saw his technique!

These are the characteristics of a strong person!

In his current state, it's actually not good.

After the battle was here, his chakra was used to make up, and now only less than half is left.

Calculating the burst fireball just now, he can still use thirteen rounds!

And his overdue is!

Within ten shots!

Hei Tu and Tsuchiya Moon looked at each other, and the two calculated this in their hearts.

Just the next moment!

The black soil moved, withdraw one, put your hands together, and make a seal!

She held the seal with both hands and placed it in front of her mouth, her mouth suddenly bulged, and she opened her mouth at Tsuchiya Yueshang!

"Melting! The Lime Condensation Technique!"

Puff puff!

Several clusters of lime sticks flew away at Tsuchiya Moon!

Tsuchiya Tsukigami did not hesitate, raising his hand was a burst of fireball!

The fireball flashed!

Instantly hit the lime slime flying out of the sky.

boom! ! !

Blast a ball of flame in the air!

The flying lime masses quickly condensed by the high temperature.

It turned powdery in the air, suddenly covering up Tsuchiya's vision.

Seeing the black soil where the tactics worked, he grinned and Kieyin again.

【Earth Escape·The Art of Hidden Earth Dragon】

The mud under the black soil instantly loosened, and the whole person, as if stepping on the surface of the water, slowly merged into the ground until it disappeared.

And Tsuchiya Tsukigami was also alert to the dusty and smoke-covered area in front.

In the next moment, the black soil broke out from under his feet, clenched a fist with one hand, his fist was covered with rocks, and waved straight to the face of Tsuchiya Yueshang!

"Soil Escape·Fist Rock Technique!"

Suddenly, Tsuchiya Yueshang had no time to make extra moves. He just reluctantly responded by keeping his hands in front.

The next moment, the rock-covered fist directly hit Tsuchiya Yueshang's arm, only a click was heard!


Tsuchiya flew upside down on the moon and fell a few meters away.

The black earth chased after him and rushed over again with his fist enchanted by the rock.

And even though Tsuchiya Yueshang felt that the bones of his arms had been hit, he did not give up either, struggling to get up slightly, and raised his hand to the black soil!

"Burst Fireball!!! Three in a row!"

Bang bang bang! ! !

The three fireballs showed good character, which blocked the dodge range of the black soil to the utmost extent.

at this moment!

Save Jieyin on the black soil and quickly shoot to the ground!

[Soil escape! Diliubi! 】

A wall of soil quickly rises from the ground!

Three fireballs immediately bombarded the dirt wall!

Puff puff!

Three holes were blasted out of the earth wall!

Hei Tu looked at these three holes, his eyes brightened.

And Tsuchiya Yueshang took this opportunity to stand up straight from the ground.

It was just that his hands were trembling constantly. It was obvious that the hands with broken bones, especially the most serious right hand, made it difficult for him to continue fighting.

As for the black soil, the drop of an attack will definitely not give the enemy much chance to rest, unless she wants to hold back the big move.

The black soil quickly seals.

next moment!

Press with both hands on the ground!

"Earth escape! Earth stalagmites"

Tsuchiya Moonshang felt bad in his heart!

There was a roar on the ground in a radius of 100 meters, and then, like a bamboo shoot, many stone thorns suddenly appeared!


Such a large-scale attack will fly Tsuchiya up to the sky in one fell swoop!

Tsuchiya Tsuki feels pain all over his body.

The next moment, as the Tsuchiya fell to the ground on the moon.

A circle of light appeared above his head.

A sentence also appeared in my mind: "eliminated! You have been eliminated!"

Tsuchiya Yueshang lay on the ground, turned himself over, facing the sky, his face was full of sorrow.

"I still lost..."

Da da da……

With the sound of slow footsteps, the tired figure of Hei Tu appeared in Tsuchiya Moon's line of sight.

Hei Tu looked at Tsuchiya Moonshang, did not say much, passed by Tsuchiya Moonshang directly, and continued to move forward.

Tsuchiya Moonlight sighed and didn't care much.

"Hey~ I'm still far behind..."


Naruto confronted the large force that Yun Ren's several teams united, and said that the large force actually only had less than ten people.

These ten people are all very good, and they cooperate perfectly.

However, for Shang Naruto, it was not enough.


Naruto turned into a golden flash, jumping back and forth in this scene.

Three Yun Ren, jointly release ninjutsu!

"Lei Dun! Go Razer!"

The three of them released Lei Dun, electric wires on the ground, and the Razer spread quickly.

Wrap a large part of it.

In fact, this technique is not used to attack.

It is only used to protect their own people, because if they don't take some protective measures, even if they are dead, it will be difficult to touch Naruto.

Yunren Longdom looked at Naruto's speed with cold sweat on his brows.

"I know how difficult it is to deal with people like Raikage-sama."

Naruto used the Nine-Tailed Chakra pattern, and became more proficient with it, looking at the Yunnin who were protected by the Razer that covers the ground.

Naruto immediately let the Nine-Tailed Chakra extend three red Chakra arms from a long distance, and the arms stretched quickly, carrying the Helix Maru on it and directly bombarding the Yunnins.

"Hurry up!"

Yun Ren had no idea that Naruto could still attack from a distance like this!

Therefore, three Yunren who were evasive were directly bombarded by Chakra's arm with a spiral! ! !

Sanyun Ren was eliminated directly again!

Ground Razer also dispersed because of the knockdown of two Yunren who maintained the technique.

In the next moment, Naruto turned into a golden light and slaughtered directly in front of Yun Ren!

Yun Ren is very brave, so he will go with the knife!

However, Naruto just broke out of the Nine-Tailed Chakra, and the red chakra energy burst out and exploded directly at the center of the Yunnin team!

Almost all Yunren flew out and fell to the ground.

Just in this gap, Naruto turned into a golden light, taking the name of Kuwu one by one!

Yun Ren was all defeated...

As for Ino Sakura, although the enemies encountered are difficult to deal with, they still have the advantage in strength. It takes a lot of time to sing to accompany you to destroy the enemy.

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