The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 230: Oh ~ familiar plot!

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke is nothing like a battle between humans.

The battle is super scale!

One round changed the terrain of the entire battlefield, and the audience couldn't see the battle between them. They could only see two lights flashing, and then the whole scene was exploded!

The rest of the other contestants screamed and fled in panic in conjunction with the performance.

The first round of the match also ended perfectly in the match between the two.

The audience was very addicted.

There will be two games in this mid-term Ninja exam. In the final finals, personal strength was still competing.

It's a one-on-one arena.

The address is in this new large-scale venue.

In the first round, the top ten players can directly qualify for the promotion to Zhongnin.

In other words, Naruto and Sasuke, who are beyond the specifications, don't need to continue to the finals.

Muhana Saki Yashin's adjudicator work has also been completed.

One-on-one arena matches, she doesn't have much of her share.

The interval between the next matches is one month!

After all, the players have just gone through a big battle, and one month is for them to recuperate and regain their vitality.

Just like that, there is another month of free time.

Just when Muhuasaki Yaxin thought she could play happily with her family.

But Tsunade directly called the door.


Naruto Building.

Muhua Saki Yashin kicked the door open as usual, and looked at Tsunade with an unhappy expression.

"What is calling me."

Tsunade looked at this unhappy girl, but didn't care about the rude gesture, after all, she was used to it.

Tsunade sat on the chair, folded his hands in front, and looked at the girl calmly:

"It happened that you were quite free lately. I have a task here, which is very urgent."

Muhua Saki Yaxin narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and raised a small slap to stop Tsunade from speaking.

"Stop! I don't want to take a big risk now."

Tsunade also knew that the current girl did not seem to be in a mood.


Tsunade looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, pondered for a long time, and slowly raised a finger.

"I can promise you an unreasonable request!"

Muhua Saki was stunned, and blinked when she looked at Tsunade.

"An unreasonable request?"

The girl raised her head, a pair of proud samples.

"Hmph, do you think this will send me away?"

"Hmph~ let's talk about it. What is the task. If it's just a normal task, I wouldn't go."

Tsunade is not surprised that the girl is so easy to handle. The so-called not excessive request is just a very subjective evaluation method.

That is not too much, she has the final say.

what? face?

When did Tsunade care about this?

Besides, this is a voluntary principle, and it is the girl who agrees to it first, right?


Tsunade calmly walked through the piles of papers, rummaging through them.

One minute.

Tsunade frowned slightly.

The movement of turning things is obviously bigger.

five minutes!

The pile of documents became messy, and Tsunade frowned tightly, his complexion became a little irritable, and his movements became rude again.

ten minutes!

Tsunade rummaged with a grim look!

fifteen minutes!

Documents flew around the entire office, Tsunade threw various documents violently.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at this scene, a big drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, and he did not dare to interrupt Tsunade.

next moment!

There was a knock on the door.

Tsunade's violent action of flipping through the files came to an abrupt end, and his fierce eyes looked at Saki Yashin.

These pressured eyes immediately caused Muhua Saki Yexin to tremble all over, and slowly tremble.

Muhua Saki Yaxin slowly raised her hand, like mustering the courage to say, don't look at me like that.

At this moment, Tsunade instantly regained his original calm expression, and looked at the door behind Muhana Saki Yashin.

"Come in!"

Muhua Sakuya put down her hands sadly, it turned out not to be watching me...


The door opened, and Silent walked in with a pile of documents. As soon as he walked in and saw the messy documents on the floor, his face instantly became gloomy.


Tsunade was a little guilty: "That... mute, I can't find the file, so..."

Silent sighed: "I really can't stand you anymore, Tsunade-sama. Please consider the consequences before doing things, and your Naruto identity..."

With that, Silent put a stack of papers on Tsunade's desk.

Looking at Tsunade calmly: "So, what documents does Tsunade-sama look for?"

Tsunade is a little guilty, but in fact, these days, she is indeed a little sorry to be silent.

Working with silence and exhausting, and silence pays more than her...

Tsunade coughed twice: "Ahem, it was the urgent task that day."

Mute heard it, nodded, and began to search around.

Muhua Saki Yaxin scratched her head in confusion.

Can you still find it in this mess of files?

Immediately the girl said aloud.

"That... or I'll go back first..."

"found it."

Muhuasaki Yaxin's eyes suddenly widened.

Actually found it!

Silent dug out a file from the messy pile of files on the ground, handed it to Tsunade, and then quietly packed it up on the ground.

Muhua Saki looked at this scene with a daze.

So skilled...

Seeing the silent figure of Mute, she suddenly felt a little distressed...

This mother-in-law abused employees!

Tsunade looked a little guilty at the sample paper Mute.

"That mute, just wait for me to clean it up."

Silently cleaned up.

"Master Tsunade, I'm Naruto's help after all. Naturally, it's not Naruto-sama's turn to do these little things."

Tsunade paused, suddenly didn't know what to say...

Finally, she also sighed.

"Hey... this Naruto, it doesn't matter if it's improper..."

"Sure enough, I'd better give way early, Kakashi is a good choice..."

Now Hokage is really getting harder and harder.

Especially after the creation of the World Ninja League, as the leader, she has to deal with more things.


Thinking of this, Tsunade sighed again, then recovered, looked at the file in his hand, and said to Saki Yashin.

"This time, the task seems urgent.

The reason is that a huge chakra source was discovered, it is said that the chakra energy exploded.

The scale is terrifying, it is said to be even more terrifying than the Chakra of the Tail Beast.

This time, things are not small, and everyone on my side who can be responsible for such tasks is busy.

As long as you are free.

So I want to get rid of you to solve this matter. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin put her finger on her little face and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well... the huge chakra energy of the riot? It sounds quite interesting. Could it be that a demon **** broke through the seal?"

Tsunade ignored Kika Saki Yashin's curious meow~ thought, and continued.

"The huge chakra that broke out was in a desert in a former Loulan country.

It seems that four generations of Hokage have been to this country to perform missions.


As soon as these keywords came out, Muhua Saki Ye's mind suddenly poured out a lot of memories.

Ancient Loulan!

Four generations of Naruto!

Dragon veins!

Muhua Saki was thinking about it, the bright big eyes in her right eye flashed, and her small face was full of excitement.

"Interesting! It's definitely something that has been sealed, breaking the seal! Whether it's a demon **** or a demon! Humph!"

"This I agree!"

Tsunade smiled and said, "Oh~ you just need to be interested. Then I beg you, Xiaoyaxin. This time, you should be able to perform the task by yourself."

Muhua Saki Yaxin took the file and patted her small chest confidently.

"Of course I am not a child. I am the eye of death!"

After getting the file, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't miss it, and immediately turned around and took an excited step to go back and prepare.

Just as Muhua Saki was about to walk out of the office.

"And one more thing."

Muhua Saki Yashin stopped and looked back at Tsunade with a puzzled sample paper.

Tsunade smiled and raised a finger.

"Don't make too much trouble."


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