The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Little pets have appeared!

It's another day, wake up in the morning.

Saitama routinely went to the bathroom, washed his face in front of the mirror, and then looked at himself in the mirror in a daze.

One second...two seconds...

"Who is this..."

The next moment, Saitama realized something, his eyes widened, and his originally confused consciousness instantly woke up!

"No! This is...this is..."

"This is me!!!"



Saitama sat on the chair with eyes blankly.

Muhua Saki Yashin also came to Saitama's house at this moment.

She looked at the scarce hair volume on Saitama's head and couldn't help smiling.

"Apprentice Saitama~ Seeing that your hair is so small, it's better to just cut it all. Such a hair volume is too ugly.

At this moment, Saitama is like a middle-aged man suffering from a baldness crisis, with very sparse hair on his head.

With a slight swipe, you can see the smooth scalp inside.

Saitama's will is a little depressed, and his face is full of despair.

"Why... I'm... I'm only 23 years old..."

Kihana Saki Yashin smiled, walked to Saitama, and touched her little lips with her little finger.

"Hmm... I think you have overworked. Recently, have you felt that your physique has improved very quickly, and your hair is no longer as strong as your body."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and faced Saitama: "Then, my big apprentice, do you want to give up exercising? Do you give up getting stronger?"

Saitama was silent.

The next moment, he squeezed his fist!

"Do not!"

His eyes were firm, as if he was about to abandon something precious, his face was a little distorted!

"Even if you want to bet on your hair! I won't give up!!!"


The training continued, and Saitama's fighting spirit was raised again at this moment.

Practice boxing!

Practice legs!

Daily devil exercise!


Go home to watch TV...

That's right, watching TV and listening to the radio is a big way for him to learn about weird people and disasters.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin left here as early as when she was exercising in Saitama.

Saitama has long been accustomed to Kihana Saki Yashin's fascination.

Sometimes, Muhua Saki Yaxin would suddenly appear, taking him through the space in an instant, to the city thousands of kilometers apart to fight the weird.

Every battle is almost a narrow victory!

But today, he also feels that he has become a lot stronger, and he doesn't know how strong he is.

Now he, if he met the car geek he faced when he met Kawasaki Yashin.

Probably it can be solved with one easy punch.


Muhuasaki Yaxin disappeared instantly, purely because of the call of the Heroes' Association, and it was an urgent call.

The Heroes Association has long known Muhuasaki Yaxin's time and space teleportation ability.

Moreover, after these days of crusades, Kawasaki Yashin has also been promoted to the S-level, the third in the S-level, behind Blasting and Tornado.

There are still many S-level candidates to be selected, such as the Police Dogman of Q City, Bangu of the Boxing Association, Yasuo of the Swordsmanship Association (Yasuo crossed)... By mistake, it should be said that it is the Atomic Warrior of the Swordsmanship Association.

Etc., etc.

The strength and achievements of these people are quite good.

The Heroes Association is already investigating.


Heroes’ Association Headquarters.

Central Command!

Indoors, red exclamation points from the alarm system filled the main screen. And the location of the alarm is U City!

City U is a coastal city like City Z, and it is on the westernmost edge of the supercontinent.

Because the distance is too far, the Heroes Association currently wants to support, in terms of time, far too late.

The disasters in U City were particularly serious.

Visually inspect the ghost level and above.

Minister Xiqi walked back and forth in the control room, his face full of anxiety and sweat.

At this time, a staff member in a suit came over and hurried over.

"Minister!!! We have contacted the Eye of Death! She said to come right away!"

Xiqi's complexion must be certain, and finally he has some joy.

Then the next moment!

In the room, layers of magic circles suddenly appeared.

The magnificent light and busy dyed the entire room in color in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Xiqi's eyes lit up and he knew who was here!


In an instant, the light flashed!

Muhua Saki Yaxin appeared out of thin air, floating above the magic circle with her eyes closed, slowly falling to the ground.

Then, he opened his eyes to Cic, and the red pupil of his right eye that was like a ruby ​​flashed with a ray of light, and his mouth was like a high god, with echoes.

"Look for my help again?

Human beings in this world are really useless. "

The agile voice of a little girl expresses a high sense of majesty.

With this weird sense of disobedience, Xiqi was a little weak to complain, but he also knew that it was not the time to care about it now.

"Now is not the time to play the meaningless S2 game! Eye of Death!"

Muhua Saki Yexin's expression was dumbfounded: "Uh... eh..."

Nickey didn't care about Kihana Saki Yaxin's face, and continued to explain the situation.

"A major disaster has occurred in U City! The current rating is Dragon Rank! However, we guess it is very likely to be the highest in Dragon Rank! The army stationed in U City has been wiped out."

With that said, Cic asked someone to call up the satellite surveillance video.

This is the coast of U City, and you can see a huge python crawling ashore from the beach!

The body of the python is extremely large, and the head is surrounded by a layer of bone with horns. It's like a bony helmet.

At first, I only felt that the size of the python was huge, but after the python entered the coast, it was compared with humans.

They discovered that human beings are like a little ant in the size of a python!

The torso of the python is at least 50 meters thick by visual inspection!

The length of the body feels terrible, at least two kilometers of torso length!

What is this concept...

This is unbelievable. By the time some of the original data were obtained, Sic and the others were already numb.

In the current satellite image, the giant python has turned upside down half of the U city.

As for the weapons of the human army, it is impossible to tickle it.

Muhua Saki Yexin was also a little surprised when she saw this picture.

"What an exaggerated size. If this guy is used as a psychic beast, it should be cool."

Xiqi was stunned for a moment, and then said anxiously: "What psychic beast? This is a monster! There is no doubt that it is definitely a dragon-level monster!"

"As a person who maintains the peace of the dimensional world, you shouldn't ignore it!"

Muhua Saki was dumbfounded and looked at Xi Qi a little angry: "Don't use words to agitate me! Of course this guy will go back and wipe out! That's why you told me what you were doing here?"

"Don't you just ask me to kill this guy in the past!?"

Xiqi's expression remained the same, with a serious expression: "Because of the assessment of combat power, this monster is also the first time we have encountered! In order to avoid unnecessary losses, we will first call you to discuss tactics."

"The purpose is to tell you the analysis of some of the enemy's characteristics and weaknesses, and then..."

Xi Qi fixedly looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's only exposed right eye, the beautiful ruby-like pupil that seemed to be shining.

"Then, please be sure to limit the monster to the half city!"

With that, Sic nodded to the staff on the side.

A circled terrain appeared on the virtual big screen, where was the area where the pythons were active.

"The tornadoes have already set off! You just need to drag them until they arrive!"

Xiqi's tone was firm, and through previous battle videos, the assessment of Saki Yashin's combat power was actually weaker than Tornado.

But in terms of overall combat power, Muhuasaki Yaxin may be stronger.

It's like some strange attacks that touch the soul, let Tornado resist it, and it's not clear what will happen.

The worst guess is that it cannot be resisted...

Therefore, Kihana Sakuya's combat power is very fascinating...

Muhua Saki Yashin can usually eliminate the weird people while protecting the residents and most of the buildings.

On the contrary, these tornadoes have amazing destructive power, and the cost of eliminating weirdos is very high.

Often a block, a town, or even a small half of the city will be wiped out along with the weird people.

At this moment, when dealing with this astonishing giant python, Xiqi didn't know whether the girl in front of him could have this strength!

However, hearing Xiqi's strategy and hearing Xiqi's request is to let her drag the python and hold on until the reinforcements arrive!

Muhua Saki smiled heartily.

Muhua Saki Yexin raised her head and smiled arrogantly.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Like a sick Jiao, her right eye was glowing with red light, her small paw pressed against her face, and she laughed loudly.


Throughout the room, everyone was stunned, everyone was staring at the girl who laughed loudly.

They don't know what Muhuasaki Yaxin is laughing at...

After smiling for more than 30 seconds, Muhua Saki Yaxin returned to his normal expression, looking at Xi Qi, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

"It's so funny!"

The corner of Siqi's mouth moved, and suddenly he showed an angry face with a serious face, shouting: "Is there anything funny!? The Eye of Death! Don't you dare to go to war!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin gently shook her head, with a contemptuous expression on her face.

"No, I'm just laughing at your perception of me!


Muhua Saki Yaxin increased her tone.

"It's so ignorant!"

"I've said it since the beginning!

I am the eye of death! The Supreme Demon's Eye of Death!

Bring all things to an end! The world is also moving towards the final eye of death! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed her little finger at the python on the big screen.

"I exist like this! You actually think that such a small pet! I can't beat it?"

"That's ridiculous!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her little hand with an angry expression on her face.

Xiqi was a little He had no idea whether what Muhuasaki Yaxin said was true or not, so he said softly and weakly: " can't help the eye of death first? Ah, now the python may break into the main city."

Muhua Saki Yexin's face was dumbfounded, and she put her arms around her chest and turned her head away.

"Huh! Ignorant humans! I don't care about you now! Go and destroy this little pet first!"

With that, the magical light flashed under Muhua Saki Yaxin's feet!

The whole person disappeared again.

Xiqi looked at the empty front, a little stunned...

After a long time, he said something.

"She probably... won't run away."



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