The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Oh~ this is great!

The god-like beam of light did not last long, and after a minute it began to gradually shrink until it disappeared.

The huge magic circle that enveloped U City was still circling.

Some people who have fallen will find that when they are trampled, they will not feel the slightest pain. It seems that there is something defending against this attack.

Now, most people know that this gorgeous magic circle is to protect them.

Some people who paid attention to it discovered that the beam of light was the first to be drawn out by the magic circle.

That's it.

Muhua Saki was in the void, stepping on the magic circle, step by step towards the sky above the fugitives in U City.

With his hands on his hips, his head slightly raised, a small tiger tooth was revealed with a smile.

"Humph~ the civilians of U City!"

"My eye of death! The enemy snake has been wiped out!"

"You don't need to worry! You don't have to run away anymore! Because I'm here!"

The voice fell, and the citizens of U City seemed to fall into a weird silence.

Because this **** seems a little cute.

Or is it because the gods are cute girls?

Or is it because the image of the salvation **** is so different from the one in his mind?

Or both.

However, they all know.

This cute and excessive girl in front of me saved them!

Everyone shouted and cheered!

"Oh Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo!!!"

"Master God!"

"Lovely Lord God!!!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin's smile solidified.

"God... Lord God?"

Muhua Saki Yexin stepped on the magic circle in the void, opening her teeth and dancing claws at the people, waving her two small claws randomly!

"Asshole! I am the eye of death!!! The eye of death!!!"

"God or something! Isn't it just comparing me with the snake!!"

Seeing the desperate girl, the citizens of U City were a little happy.

Then I don't know who called!

"The Eye of Death is high!"

Then, the voices came in bursts.

"The Eye of Death is high!!!"

"Sai Gao! Sai Gao! Eye of Death!"

Hearing the cry of the Eye of Death, Muhua Saki was satisfied, and her little head was raised proudly again, her eyes smiling like crescents.

"Hmm~ this is right~"


People from the Association of Heroes watched the cheers of the people in the city on the screen.

At the same time, I saw that piece of land engraved by the beam of light.

That piece of land has become a scorched earth pit.

The pit was filled with heat, and the bones of the giant python were faintly buried in it.

Xiqi only stared at the **** the screen in front of him.

"This god-like much power did you use?"

At this moment, Xiqi was extremely convinced of the girl's invincible power, just like that invincible blasting!

Why is blasting the first place in the S-level? That is because blasting has saved the world, and even the Heroes Association many times.

The experimental base where Tornado was once, and the Ninja Village...

All kinds of crises were all crises that the Heroes Association could not face at that time.

But the mysterious man who blasted it out appeared mysteriously and settled all these crises one by one.

Then left mysteriously.

Out of tribute to this hero, the Heroes Association will list Blasting as the first in the S-level!

Of course blasting is too mysterious, and the Heroes' Association has no method of contacting blasting.

All I know is that blasting will occur every time there is a crisis.


After this U-city battle, Saki Yaxin Muhua became completely famous.

Everyone in the Heroes' Association recognized the strength of this girl.

The survivors of U City even regarded Muhua Saki Yashin as their patron saint.

In an instant, Muhua Saki Yaxin's fame surpassed that of the big star who was the lead singer of the band, the masked sweetheart.

Currently, Kamen Sweetheart is the first in the A-level.

That's right, the super high popularity and the super strength made Kamen Sweetheart enter the first place in the A level early.

If it weren't for the wishes of Kamen Sweetheart, I'm afraid she would have entered the S rank earlier than Muhua Saki Yaxin.


Qianxia, ​​yes, she is the traveler.

I crossed over to a fifteen-year-old girl.

At this moment, she has short hair cut, a sad look on her delicate face, and she is wearing a special combat uniform, which is quite high-tech combat uniform.

The defense is very strong, and it is also equipped with a variety of high-tech weapons.

This is the equipment given to her by her mother, she has never thought that her family is so rich...

There is nothing money to do, she frowns, purely because of the recent heroic activities, which are not ideal.

It was the first time to defeat a tiger-level weird, and as a result, his level suddenly increased and he became a ghost-level.

There seemed to be a **** with a baseball bat to help, but that person was also very good.

He knocked the ghost-level weird to death in a few consecutive clicks.

The second time, when I was in Q City, I encountered strange group activities.

Before she could show her skills, a white puppy suddenly appeared, killing all the weird people in an instant.

She was stunned.

As a result, I learned that this dog-like person is the patron saint of Q City.

Police Dogman!

The current A-level fifth place!

Under Qianxia's data eye analysis, the three-dimensional height of Police Dogman is terrifying!

The agility attribute of the comprehensive evaluation is the highest!

It's as high as ten thousand!

The system once said that the numerical value of the three comprehensive evaluations of strength, intelligence, and sensitivity is not a simple calculation relationship!

Every tenth value, the gap will increase accordingly!

The algorithm is very complicated. Qianxia only knows that if the value differs by ten, then it means that the enemy is much stronger than you!

If the difference is one hundred, it is not an ordinary ten-fold relationship.

If the difference is a thousand...

Then don't think too much, you are an ant in front of him!

You can crush to death with just one kick!

Qianxia finally saw such a big man!

But the third time I met the weirdo, I was beaten to death by an unknown person wearing a yellow tights.

She didn't have time to check the value this time, because the strange guy was talking about the supermarket sale day, and then he disappeared in front of her in an instant.

For the fourth time, I met an agile grandpa who seemed to be a martial arts grandpa.

It was also very powerful, accurately saving Qianxia from the hands of a tiger-level monster.

And killed the weirdo...

As for the fifth time...

She messed up and was headed by strong people many times. She was anxious to eliminate the weirdo, but she was too impatient to catch the weirdo...

Fortunately, there are other c-rank heroes around him, but because of Qianxia's carelessness, he was caught by the weirdo, and the c-rank hero was thrown into a rat, and many people were injured as a result.

Although they didn't mean to blame Qianxia, ​​she herself felt very upset.

To be honest, this series of accidents, the system is a little overwhelming.

It doesn't know what happened to the host it chose?

Is luck so bad?

As a last resort, it had to post a task.

This is also the task it wants Qianxia to accomplish.

"Master, in view of the unsuccessful performance of your missions many times, the system determines that you are a super low-level player and will reduce the difficulty of the game for the master.

Qianxia was a little surprised at this sudden voice.


In the subtitles appearing in his head, the words for super low-level players are marked in red letters.

As curious as Qianxia, ​​he clicked on the subtitles of the super low-level players in his mind.

In an instant, the explanation was transferred.

[Ultra low-level players]

Generally refers to players with unsound physical function development, physical disabilities; or intellectually disabled players, or...

Qianxia closed the explanation instantly, her small face became extremely angry and her cheeks flushed.

"Damn it! The system is absolutely intentional!"

The mechanical and ruthless voice continued.

"Does the owner want to give up the system's choice to reduce the difficulty of the game?"

Without even thinking about it, Qianxia blushed and shouted, "I won't give up! Bastard!"

"That is to admit the super low-level..."

Qianxia was excited and interrupted the system prompt with a shout: "Don't say bastard! Tell me what it is to reduce the difficulty of the game!!"

Ding Dong!

A prompt box popped up in Qianxia's mind.

[System task: worship the eye of death as a teacher. 】

Qianxia's eyes widened.

She naturally knows Muhua Saki Yashin's record in Q city, and she is also a big boss whose system can't detect the value!

Tell her to go to apprentice?

Is this really called lowering the difficulty of the game?

Isn't this changing the game to **** difficulty?


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