The light was dim, and only a few people in the room could be seen in the room. On the desktop, there was a little red light, and there seemed to be the sound of boiling water, plus a weird buzzing sound.

Everything is so weird.

At this time, one of the figures made a low female voice.

"what would you like?"

open eyes!

The figure in the middle opened one eye, the red eye, the eyes showed a strange light, her voice was ethereal and her tone was low.

"Solidified blood, tangled tentacles, twisted plants, shriveled limbs, scarlet fruits, and all kinds of flesh and blood! Rolling in the opposition of red and white, silent in the blending of yellow and brown..."

One tall and one short two shadows are silent



"I do not want to play."

The tall figure stood up, walked aside, and pressed a button.


The lighting returned to normal in an instant!

The three figures of Muhua Saki Yaxin were instantly illuminated.

It turned out that they were just playing hot pot.

On the table is an induction cooker and a pot. The ingredients are all around.

Nanako's eyes sparkled.

"Sister, sister! What did you just say?"

Ino picked up a banana and pointed it at Muhua Saki Yashin, with a blank expression on his face: "Okay, now I can speak human words."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's complexion became stiff, and her little face was a little panicked.

"That... I..."

Nanako stood up, carefully observed the wave of ingredients, and suddenly her eyes widened.

"I know!"

Ino Kawasaki Yashin looked at Nanako.

Nanako triumphantly pointed out everything that Saki Yashin was referring to.

"It's blood tofu, squid silk, kelp knots, marinated pork, tomatoes, and various meats. At the same time, the hot pot is separated, one side is spicy and the other side is a combination of clear soup into a mandarin duck pot! Then drink It's sour plum soup with lemon slices."

Kihana Sakiya looked at Nanako with a surprised expression, then laughed and gave Nanako a thumbs up.

Nanako triumphantly raised her head and laughed, as if I was very good, please praise me quickly.

Ino watched the interaction between the two sisters and sighed.


Now, she felt that she couldn't translate Muhua Saki Yaxin's strange quotations.

Yes, on this day, Muhua Saki had a whim to eat hot pot.

In any case, have Ino and Nanako tried this thing?

Then, when the ingredients are bought, the hot pot is ready.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suggested that turning off the lights would have the best effect.

As a result, it was clear that the light turned off.

The room is dark, and the food is not visible...


Now, the three of them don't care about anything, throwing all their favorite ingredients into the hot pot.

Then, holding the bowl of ingredients that you have adjusted.

Beautifully waiting for the food to be cooked.

Just at this time!

Ding Dong~

Doorbell rang.

The three of them were stunned.

Because at this point, there shouldn't be anyone looking for them?

Is it the naive classmate next door?

Thinking about it, Ino got up and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Ino didn't seem to see anyone until she lowered her head.

Then I saw... a loli?

The Lolita in front of her was very strange, wearing white Gothic clothing, with horns on her head, and a fluffy tail behind her.

Connor was a little disappointed after seeing the person who opened the door, but she still didn't give up and asked directly, looking at Ino with two smart eyes.

"Is Thor here?"

Ino scratched his head: "Tor?"

"Sorry, we don't seem to know Thor."

At this time, Muhua Saki came over curiously, still holding a piece of meat in his mouth.


Kihana Saki Yashin poked her head out from behind Ino, and then she saw Connor.

Connor also felt that there was no Thor's breath in this room, and he turned around in disappointment.

When Muhua Saki Yaxin saw Connor, she was surprised: "Oh~ it's dragon."

Ino was also a little surprised when he heard Saki Yashin's words.


Connor also looked back at Muhua Saki Yashin with some surprise: "Humans!? Have you ever seen other dragons?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "No, but you seem to be hungry."

"It's so late now, it's not good to be outside, do you want to come and have something to eat together."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin put on a sweet smile.

Ino, however, felt that Saki Kihana was a little strange.

How does it feel that Ye Xin is lying to the child.

Connor looked at Nanako, who was happily eating inside, and the hot pot, and she swallowed.

"May I?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin walked out from behind Ino, touched Connor's head with one hand, raised her head slightly, and said with a smile.

"That's natural!"

In this way, Muhua Saki Yashin took Connor's little hand and walked in.

Ino looked at Connor, who was obediently held by Saki Yaxin, the little tail behind him was still wagging up and down.

"This... shouldn't be considered abduction..."

In this way, the hot pot feast has one more mouth.

Muhua Saki enthusiastically helped Connor adjust the condiments.

"This is my secret hot pot! No matter what the ingredients! Cook it in this prepared soup, and then dip it with my carefully prepared sacred condiment! That is the ultimate delicious!"

Connor's heart was moved, his eyes gleamed when he saw the hot pot.

Muhua Saki enthusiastically put the cooked pork slices in the Conner bowl.

Connor immediately dipped a piece of meat with the well-dipped condiments, and then looked at Muhua Saki Yashin inquiring with his chopsticks.

"Is that right?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Connor got the confirmation and immediately stuffed the meat slices into his mouth.

After chewing, the gravy mixed with fragrant condiments broke out in the mouth.

Immediately, Connor's eyes widened, and the stars flowed in his eyes.

"It's delicious~"


Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head proudly.

Nanako was also very curious about the little girl.

"Are you really a dragon?"

Connor nodded: "Hmm."

"Is the dragon very strong? Are you a young dragon?"

Connor put a few pieces of meat into his mouth again.


"Wow~ the characters in this world are so strange."


"The legendary creature like the dragon is different from what I thought in my mind."


Ino picked up a piece of tofu and looked at the conversation between the two, feeling a little weak to complain.


This hot pot feast is over.

Most of the ingredients have entered Connor's Ino and Nanako looked at Connor's belly with no signs of bulging curiously.

"Wow~ Is Connor Sauce full?"

Connor nodded: "Yeah~"

Ino: "..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin: "^(?????????

After eating and drinking, the three invited Connor to stay here for one night.

After all, going out too late is very dangerous for that little loli.

Connor agreed.

Finally, while packing the tableware, Ino found that Connor’s chopsticks were short...


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