The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Magic Phalanx

In front of Muhua Saki Yexin, there was a dense array of magic circles.

The magic circle is connected on one side, densely connected into a large area.

The tornado stood in front of the magic circle, it should be said that it was directly below.

From her perspective, these magic intensive formations almost covered the entire field of vision in front of her, like a luminous wall that opened up to the sky.

"It's coming."

Muhua Saki Yashin reminded with a smile, then lightened her fingers.

The dense magic circle began to flash with dangerous light one after another.

Tornado also tightened his spirit, and his majestic thought power was surging crazily!

next moment!

The magic circle is on fire!

Blue beams burst out from the magic array!

high speed!

Countless light beams flew continuously, forming a cone-shaped dense rain of light!

Tornado immediately increased the power of thought and formed a barrier in front of the body!

Shoo! !

Dense beams of light bombarded the invisible barrier in front of the tornado!


boom! !

The roar is continuous!

The beam exploded, forming a brilliant blue firework.

Not all beams exploded, and many of them were bombed.

For a time!

The blue beams are flying randomly on this wasteland!

Blast beautiful fireworks on the ground and in the air.

In front of the tornado invisible barrier, the blue fireworks exploded the most densely. Because the explosion was too concentrated, countless exploding lights turned into dazzling white lights.

Tornado kept his hands in front of him, gritted his teeth and persisted.

These energy beams were more difficult to deal with than she had imagined.

Logically, such an attack shouldn't be a problem for her.

Tornado clings to the barrier, gradually distracting and trying to guide and control the light beam with his mind.

However, when her mind power touched the light beam, she clearly felt that the mind power seemed to be hit by a heavy load, and it was very difficult to manipulate.

However, you can control it!

Tornado's left hand was in front of him, and his right hand waved at part of the beam!

Dozens of beams stopped in an instant, and the next moment, the stopped beam was hit by the fast flying beam behind!

Boom boom boom! !

A blue flame exploded continuously in the air...

However, this is not enough!

Tornado immediately used his full force of mind!

For a moment!

The majestic power of thought, with the tornado as the center, pushes outward three hundred and sixty degrees!

For a moment!

The approaching beams are all pushed back to the original way by this huge thought force!

But the next moment!

I was hit by the endless beam of light behind!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !

For a moment!

The entire sky was rendered blue by continuous explosions.

That's enough!

Tornado can escape from these fast beams at this moment!

She didn't hesitate, she immediately floated in the air with her mind and moved at high speed.

Muhua Saki looked at it and smiled.

"Oh, what can I do."

As she said, she snapped her fingers at any time.


All the magic arrays flashed together, and they all began to turn to launch beams of light against the tornado moving at high speed in the air.

Tornado once again used thought force to form a repulsive force field, returning most of the light beam to the original way!

In fact, doing so is much more laborious than simply maintaining the barrier.

However, this is even more powerful.

What a strong tornado is to demonstrate his strength in this way.

Boom boom boom! !

Most of the light beams close to the tornado were bounced off by her, and the light beams returning from the original path are likely to collide with the light beams bombarded from behind!

that's all.

The tornado flew all the way, leaving behind an explosion all the way.

From Muhua Saki's perspective, you could see the green figure flying at high speed, and the beam of light exploded around the figure, exploding blue flame sparks.

Muhua Saki had no surprises, and with a thought, the magic circle began to change in another way!

The tornado was moving in the air at high speed around Muhua Saki Yakina, while avoiding the flying beams, he was also planning how to attack the Kukasaki Yakina who stood motionless in the void magic circle.

However, at this time!

The magic circle stopped emitting beams.

The tornado also stopped moving, looking at the magic circle that stopped emitting light beams, and was puzzled for half a second.

As if thinking of something, Tornado laughed directly in the air with arms akimbo: "Hahaha~ Is it that way?

Will you run out of energy? "

"You don't even have the feeling of warming up, can you not do it?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled carelessly, raised her right hand and raised her fingers.

"I just want to unify the attack rhythm. After all, that attack rhythm is indeed too simple for you."

Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin slightly pressed forward with both fingers on her hand.


The densely arranged magic circle, from the outside to the inside, lights up and flickers one after another.

Very regular.

Then, to the end, the five magic circles in the middle light up and flicker.

All magic circles began to flicker at the same time in a regular pattern.

On at the same time, off at the same time.

Look at such a magic circle!

What did Tornado realize!

Muhua Saki Yexin's mouth curled slightly.

"It seems you have guessed it."

"Then, be careful."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice fell off.

The magic array lights up!

at the same time!

The beam shoots out!

Dense beams shot out at the same time, flying towards the tornado!

Tornado's complexion changed, and in the next moment, she began to increase her speed to the limit!

At the limit of speed, it just dodges the densely flying beam!

The beams emitted together will form a very thick beam densely at the distance that is about to hit the tornado!

At this time, the angle of each beam is almost horizontal!

But after crossing the intersection of tornadoes.

The beams will undoubtedly collide directly!


The green light of tornado Huawei flashed to the side in an instant!

And the moment the stout beam crossed the original location of the tornado!

The beams hit together!

The dazzling white light burst out instantly!

The blue flames, and the shock waves that vibrate the space, swept across visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, the tornado is in the scope of being affected.

Unprepared, she can only try to maintain the barrier of thought power on her body!

boom! !

The blue flame directly submerged the tornado. The shock wave also blasted the tornado.

next moment! The tornado flew out of the blue flame of the explosion, drew a parabola from the air, and fell to the ground like a doll with white smoke.

next moment. UU reading

The magic circle once again aimed at the tornado on the ground.

Tornado wriggled his body, and slowly stood up, looking at Muhua Saki in the sky and gritted his teeth.

"Those blue flames can kill my mind!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled: "Oh~ Did you just find out? But also, only when the concentration reaches a certain level can it have a greater impact on you."

"However, you have not yet time to rest."


The magic circle lights up all together again, and once again emits the speed of light at the same time!

Tornado's pupils shrank.


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