The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 48: Resolutely

In front of the huge Cthulhu, Wujou was completely inconspicuous!

And he didn't put the five enlightenment in his eyes.

However, it is indeed annoying for the little bugs to come in front of you.

Therefore, he also had a little action on Wujo Satoru!

His hands holding the Buddha seal in the center flicked slightly!

swing! ! !

The blood-red light swayed away with the air ripples visible to the naked eye!

The first to bear the brunt is naturally to rely on the getting closer and closer to Wujo Enlightenment!

He pinched the seal with one hand, and the technique was reversed!

Hey! ! !

A luminous red energy light ball appeared on his finger!

next moment!

The red energy ball burst! The red light burst out with infinite repulsion!

This is the reversal of Gojo Satoru's technique!

In theory, the maximum output can reach positive infinity, forming a small supernova!

The huge repulsive force instantly rippled towards the scarlet energy air!


Boom! ! !

It can be seen that Cthulhu's offensive has been resisted!

And the Cthulhu Curse Spirit paid a little more attention to the bug of Wu Tiao Wu.

next moment!

One of the thousand **** hands behind him suddenly burst out!

Shoot at Gojo Gogai!

However, to Cthulhu's ordinary blood hand, in front of Wu Tiao Wu, it is like a five-fingered mountain, very huge!

Of course, Wuzhi Dashan is a bit exaggerated, but this hand is as big as a small building!

The speed of Wujo enlightenment is unabated, and the two techniques of Cang and He are instantly combined!

"Imaginary number! Long!"

The **** hole is formed instantly!

The destructive power of the material energy ball that does not exist in the fantasy is very powerful!

The black hole ball instantly opened a big hole in the huge palm of the shot!

Wujou followed the big hole and continued to march toward the evil god!

But the Cthulhu Curse Spirit looked at Wu Tiao Wu Ling.

This bug does not seem to be a simple bug, but an annoying mosquito!

Li (black hole ball), who had pierced the palm of his blood, came to the evil god. Among the countless eyes on his face, one of them opened!

For a moment!

Scarlet rays erupted from the eyes!

The scarlet light shone on the black hole destruction ball.

The black hole ball exploded instantly!

In the air caused a shock of spatial ripples.

However, the scarlet light does not want ordinary light!

The speed of the light is far from the real light!

However, it is not that it is not fast!

After the black hole ball [茈] was destroyed, the scarlet light fell on Gojo Satoru at an unabated speed!

Theoretically, there are five enlightenment techniques with no lower limit, and one of them is using the technique called "infinity"!

It's as if the reflection of one side is passive.

His [infinite] technique is also passive, close attacks, or objects will be recognized and defensive or spread out!

Touching a surgical object or attack, one will be in a state of extreme closeness!

However, infinite approach means no approach.

Just a little distance can be called infinite!


This is one of Gojo Satoru's invincible technique!

However, scarlet rays are different from other attack media!

It directly ignored the no lower limit technique!

For a moment!

Gojo Satoru was hit directly!

The tigers on the ground were very worried when they saw this scene.

However, the light passed, and Gojo Satoru seemed to have nothing.

But, in fact, it's just Huzi and they have seen nothing on the surface!

But Gojo Satoru himself felt that he had seen an indescribable portrait!

What kind of information is felt!

The vision before his eyes turned into a strange scarlet world!

Crazy chattering like an evil Buddha chanting in his head!

His whole person's spirit seemed to be contaminated into red!

He couldn't tell what this state was.

Is it a curse through the soul?

Is it super-information that pollutes the spirit?

He felt like he was going crazy! ?

And the knotweed Yuren and others on the ground also saw something wrong with Gojo Satoru!

On the surface, Wujo Wu's body began to mutate, and a **** arm suddenly grew out of his back and in front of his body!

And Gojo Satoru was biting frantically, the **** arm he grew out of!

This situation is too terrifying.

"Teacher Gojo Go!!!"

Huzi shouted.

"We have to find a way to help Teacher Wu Tiao!"

Bang! !

Bang! ! !

In an instant, a few huge **** tentacles appeared on the ground like a small building, surrounding the three of them.

Fu Heihui said gravely at these **** hands that appeared vigilantly.

"I'm afraid, we are not free."

Wild Qiangwei had already taken out her own charm hammer.

Polygonum cuspidatum Yuren gritted his teeth while looking at Gojo Goku in the sky, which was getting crazy.



With the current Five Enlightenment, in one's own conscious space, the self's spiritual body is increasingly being infested.

Although self-awareness has been struggling to resist, but

so far.

Gojo Satoru still doesn't know what this is.

Is it really a super-cognitive infection?

Since it is an information war!


I'm not bad either! ! ! !

this moment!

Gojo Satoru's mental body opened his eyes fiercely!

The field unfolds! ! !

Boundless space! ! !

For a moment!

Gojo Satoru opened up the boundless void again!

The chaotic space of nothingness opened up the realm of the evil **** curse!

A hole was torn in this huge Cthulhu realm!

When he came to his own field, Gojo Satoru finally got a respite.

The power of the super-information infestation just now has disappeared!

This can prove that it is under the blood moon domain of the evil **** curse spirit!

There must be some unknown change!

That is the key to this field!

Thinking at high speed, Wujou followed the open space, looking at the evil **** from his boundless void.

However, this moment!

He only realized that his vision had changed again!

Originally, the huge evil **** in the sky was like an evil Buddha with a thousand hands, carrying some weird and evil scarlet Buddha light.

However, look at Gojo Enlightenment who is now in the realm of immeasurable void.

The Cthulhu turned into a small one, with black-red skin all over his body, scarlet eyes all over his body, and his eyes kept opening and closing!

Very weird!

this moment!

Wu Tiao Wu's expression was solemn again.


In which huge field, something has affected their spiritual body!

Even the soul!

Perhaps, from the beginning, they were wrong!

There is no great evil **** to cover the sky and the sun!

Although the evil spirit curse in front of you is huge, it is only five meters tall!

So, what are they doing just now?

Gojo Satoru suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly looked at the ground of the trio of Polygonum Cuspidatum!

I saw the sight of my three students.

Gojo Satoru showed anger, his fists clenched!


On the ground, there are no tentacles at all!

The ground did not crack or collapse!


Just crazy and mutant people!

At high altitude, Wujo Satoru with six eyes can see clearly!

The ground has become a **** on earth!

Countless people are going crazy, they have all turned into monsters!

Some were covered with tentacles, some had countless branches on their hands and feet, and some even turned into a tuft of sarcoma...

The monsters that humans have turned into seem to have no consciousness, some are just crazy!

All monsters are self-mutilating or killing each other!

Even the trio of Polygonum cuspidatum is not surprised!

The three of them were covered with **** arms, and they were madly grabbing the **** arms that grew out of their bodies and biting them wildly!

For a time, flesh and blood fly!

All humans have become monsters!

It can be said that the real geographical scene is nothing more than that.

Just at this time!

Gojo Satoru suddenly saw a guy who was extremely conspicuous!

A young girl strolls leisurely among a bunch of terrifying!

That girl! ?

and many more!

That girl is okay!


Yes, in his eyes!

A **** of all monsters on the ground, the girl who wanders leisurely!

Very conspicuous!

Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to have noticed Gojo Satoru's sight, and she raised her head and beckoned to Gojo Satoru.

It's like saying hello on weekdays...


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