The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Cursed videotape and the 88 bridge curse

"Another beautiful day! Is the world ready to welcome me!"

One morning!

Muhua Sakiya stood fiercely on the compound, with one hand on his hips and one finger towards the sky!

"Curses! The Eye of Death will remove you all! Wait!"

"Yes, yes~ Miss Yexin is so energetic every day~"

Huzi and Fuheihui passed by, passing by, and said hello by the way.

Muhua Saki was dumbfounded, and then looked at Huzi seriously.

"Oh~ the struggling boy!"

"Follow my footsteps! Try to catch up! Although your strength is very weak! But don't give up hope!"

Huzi stayed immediately.

At this time, Ino God suddenly came behind Muhua Sakiya's mind without knowing it, she said with a dark face and sorrowfully.


Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly changed her complexion, her face was panicked, and her body trembled.

At this moment! Ino raised his head fiercely and his eyes showed red light, his right hand folded his five fingers into a knife, and he fell straight against Muhua Saki Yaxin's small head at the speed of thunder!

"Hell funeral hand knife!"

At this moment! Ino's momentum is like a demon!

From Huzi's perspective, Ino's figure seems to have become a giant tens of meters tall! The huge hand knife fell against the girl's head!

Amazing momentum!

However, at this moment!

Muhua Saki Yashin, who had been flustered, suddenly recovered her composure, and even a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.


Muhua Saki Yaxin turned around in an instant, with a confident smile on his face, while making palms with both hands and swiftly stepping up against the sword!

"Absolute engagement defense!"

This is her, she has practiced countless defensive skills in her mind!

The [absolute combined defense] that can definitely block this striker of the Dark Emperor!

However, Muhua Sakuya's thoughts in her heart and mind are completely inconsistent with reality.

The moment her palm closed!

Ino's hand knife has passed through.

Then it landed steadily on the forehead of Muhuasaki Yaxin's little head!


Muhua Saki Yaxin's triumphant smile suddenly stiffened, and his expression turned into pain in seconds.

She closed her eyes, tears falling in the corners of her eyes, and wailing in pain.


Muhua Saki Yaxin squatted halfway on the ground, covering her forehead with one hand, her eyes moist and tears, with a pitiful but unwilling expression.

"How can it be repaired~ Ino! The Dark Emperor! Next time! I will never fail!"

Ino smiled and raised his hand knife with a grinning grin.

"Oh~, isn't it?"

"No matter how many times you! This hand knife is your nightmare!"

Muhua Saki Yexin opened her eyes slightly, her face was incredulous, with a little excitement!


Dark Emperor!

The power of the eye of death, I haven't used it yet!

As long as this stock throws tiles! This unparalleled throwing tiles was lifted from the seal!

Your Dark Emperor is far from my opponent! "

Ino snorted disdainfully.

"Too naive! Ye Xin!"

"Yes! Too naive! Sister!"

at this time!

Nanako also appeared, covering her eyes with one hand, and raising her head with a slutty smile.

"The power of darkness is far beyond your imagination! Sister!"

"What's more, Yu Ke perfectly merged the two mutually exclusive powers of darkness and light!"

As he said, Nanako smiled a few times.


"This is brand new! Unprecedented! Unparalleled! Power!"



Huzi and Fuheihui were already stupid.

What's the situation in the morning?

Are these girls going to war?

At this moment, Wild Qiangwei didn't know when she came over, and slightly tossed their clothes.

Huzi and Fuheihui turned around and wanted to speak.

But Wild Rose immediately raised her finger to her mouth with excitement, making a silent motion.

Then he pointed to the three sisters Saki Yashin, who was in a fierce confrontation, and pointed to the outside.

Huzi and Fuheihui immediately understood.

The three of them just slipped away quietly.

When they arrived outside the campus, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah~ escaped~"

Wild Rose has a sigh of aftermath.

Huzi Tucao.

"It's a bit exaggerated~"

Fu Heihui looked serious.

"No, I don't think it's an exaggeration.

If we are involved in their struggle, we will die. "

The face of Polygonum cuspidatum showed black lines.

will die?

"Well, since we have escaped, let's go as soon as possible."

"It's better to complete the task as soon as possible."

Huzi paused and said with emotion.

"That's right~ If the curse is not removed in one day, maybe more people will die."

With that, Huzi shouted vigorously!

"Then! Let's go!"


This time, Miss Xintian led the way.

She is also the same as Yi Ji Jijie Gao, as a curse supervisor.

In the car, Miss Xintian and the three introduced the status of the mission.

Three men, suspected of being cursed, were killed at the entrance of their building.

The cause of death is very suspicious.

Now they need to go to the victim's home and ask for some details.



"The profession of conjurer is really busy~"

Ino sighed.

"There are so few people and so many tasks.

In this era of peace, there is a cursed alien. The curse master is really the guardian of peace~"

Yidizhi Jiegao nodded in agreement.


The same as the trio of Polygonum cuspidatum.

Sister 3 also has a new task. After the daily squabbling in the morning has passed, she will go straight to the task.

"Although I say it, the root of the curse is human beings."

Muhua Saki Yashin sat on the chair, shaking her legs restlessly (the advantage of short legs), she faintly told the cruel truth.

Yidizhi Jiegao naturally understood, and he sighed.

"Yes~ The struggle between the conjurer and the curse spirit has been going on for thousands of years... the curse will never be eradicated."

"A cursed world?"

Ino thoughtfully, Muhua Saki Yashin told her from the beginning that this world is a cursed world.

It seems that it really is.

Is the fate of the conjurer...

Yidizhi Jiegao smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these unrealistic things.

Let me talk about this mission first. "

"If you curse this time, time is very urgent!


"The cause seems to be a videotape. Anyone who has watched the videotape will be cursed.

If you don’t show the tape to a second person, you will die on the seventh day after watching the tape. "

"However, even if the video tape is shown to a second person, it seems that it can only be delayed by one day."

"Based on the intelligence analysis of a person who watched the video tape but lived for a month, it is basically certain."

"Anyone who has watched the tape will inevitably die after seven days. If you want to live longer, you can only pass the tape to more people to watch.

Every time one more person is shared, he can live an extra day! "

As he said, Yijizhijiegao's expression became serious.

"We must quickly eradicate the source of this curse!

Because the spread of the videotape, we can no longer trace it!

Someone posted the contents of the videotape online! "

Ino and Nanako immediately took a deep and said in shock.


Yi Jijie nodded solemnly.

"The victims have increased tremendously, so the curse power of the curse spirit will also grow rapidly!

More people will die!

So, this time the task. "

Yidi Zhijie solemnly said!

"It's super premium!"

Knowing the seriousness of the problem, Nanako and Ino became serious.

However, listening to this description, Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes opened slightly, and there was a hint of weirdness in her expression.

Because this setting is very interesting?

Isn't this... the midnight bell?

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