The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 59: The world is over

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The confinement room where the fir is closed is undoubtedly filled with all kinds of spell runes and all kinds of incantation devices, because it was originally a place to monitor and imprison the conjurers.

And the fir knife, undoubtedly exerted a bit of the special power of the ice wheel pill-the spiritual power of the **** of death.

This is the power that touches the soul. If you really compare it, it can even be called the superior power of the mantra. This power just makes some mantras in the confinement room taboo and touches it!

For a moment!

The curse and runes in the confinement room light up!

The invisible force field immediately covered the entire confinement room, and the fir only felt that the power in his body was suppressed, making it difficult to move!

He gritted his teeth and barely held Binglunwan.

"I feel so heavy... I can't move..."

However, as a confinement room, there is not only the power of suppression, but also the counterattack technique!

At this time, some rune incantations will automatically burn.

Looking at the spontaneous spell, the fir felt wonderful in his heart.

"what is this?"


At the same time, the conjurer expert in charge of monitoring the enchantment immediately discovered the anomaly.

"Oops! There is movement in the closed room of the curse! The counterattack is on!"

"Someone wants to escape!"

"Is there anyone involved?"

"Why don't I remember a character was locked in?"

"Don't say so much! Notify the principal first!"

The two immediately sounded the alarm with a special curse.

In the office of the principal of the Conjurer College, Ye Mo Zhengdao looked at Wu Tiao Wu in front of him with a calm expression.

"The mission is over?"

Gojo Satoru showed a big smile: "Do you think there is a second possibility?"

Ye Mo Zhengdao didn't care about Wujo Wu's weakness, and he got used to it.

"So, you still do it for that guy?

You know, he must be responsible for that night. "

Gojo Satoru waved his hand with a kind face.

"Don't be so rigid~ That guy, if he dies, he is dead. Why not let him die in the battle with the curse spirit?

After all, we are still very scarce now. "

Nocturnal moth sternly said, "Isn't a knotty cuspidae enough? Besides, that guy doesn't seem to have any talent, right?"

Gojo holds his chest, always holding a confident smile.

"I think that guy will not be that simple.

Otherwise, the curse spirit of that level would not be dispatched for him. "

Just at this time!

A person broke into the office suddenly, with a little panic on his face, and a little hastily said: "Principal! The confinement room... The technique of the confinement room has been triggered!"


Ye Mo Zhengdao and Gojo Goku's eyes opened slightly!


The prison room is located on the ground floor of the conjurer college!

At this moment, Fir held her bleeding abdomen with a trembling hand, and leaned her back against the wall of the confinement room with a weak expression on her face.

He held the knife in his left hand and placed it weakly on the ground, looking weakly at the light charm floating in the void in front of him.

Just now, the light charm hit his abdomen with a shock, and his abdomen was pierced all at once.

He now feels that his five internal organs have received a serious impact, and he has lost too much blood. He has lost the ability to move, and if the bleeding does not stop, he will die!

At this time, the light symbol flashed again!

Sen fir looked at the flashing light talisman with a little despair in his eyes, but he was already powerless to resist... if he was hit again... he would definitely die!

He was thinking of countermeasures crazily in his mind.

"Chat group? Mutual assistance task?" He quickly communicated with the chat group in his head.

The unlucky traveler: "@ Goulive is the leader of the Zhongzhou team's Dragon Set (group owner)! Please! Let the mutual assistance mission start!"

The Dragon Set (owner) of the Zhongzhou team: "Oh? It seems that the lottery can't help you? For mutual assistance tasks, you need to pay 1,000 system points in advance. I can help you, but I will charge some interest. After all, It's not easy for me to live a life like a dragon."

However, the fir was almost dying of anxiety at the moment, so he could still care about this, he typed in his mind eagerly.

The unfortunate traverser: "Don't worry about the cost! It's too late! I'm going to die!"

At this moment, a young man with glasses in another dimensional universe showed a slight smile. In front of him was a big ball of light that looked very mysterious.

"It seems that our newcomer friend, now is the moment of life and death crisis~"

He didn't rush to post tasks in his mind.

[Ding~ The mutual aid mission is open! 】

[Locating the world coordinates! 】

【Ding! Successful positioning! 】

"It's turned on, I hope you don't die directly, otherwise I will lose."

The young man pushed his glasses, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

at the same time.

A pop-up window appeared in the mind of every member of the mutual help chat group of Ten Thousand Realms.

[The group owner initiates a mutual assistance task. 】

【Task: Rescue the new group members. 】

[Mission Difficulty: Simple]

【Task Reward: Depending on the performance of the task, one hundred to one thousand points will be earned. 】

[Whether to go to the task. 】

At this moment, a handsome white-haired guy in a red cloud and black robe was sitting on a pile of corpses on a devastated ground.

"Oh~ Is the mutual assistance mission finally going to start?"

"This reward is okay."

He clicked yes without hesitation.

One Piece World.

East China Sea.

A pirate ship sailed in the endless sea.

On the bow, a bare-chested hedgehog-headed spirit guy was sitting on the bow with a leisurely look.

He was biting a lollipop by his mouth and holding a fishing rod in one hand, as if he was hanging a fish.

At this time, he also received group mission information.

"Oh~ Mutual assistance missions, mutual assistance missions in the unknown world?"

"Is the difficulty easy? Go ahead."

With that, the spirit guy jumped off the deck from the bow, looked at the little brothers who were relaxing on the deck, and shouted.

"Little ones! Assemble!"

Shout out.

The people on the deck quickly gathered in front of the spirit guy. Many people also walked out of the cabin.

There is a mermaid and there are murlocs.

Everyone looked at the spiritual guy admiringly.

"Captain Cary!"

The spirit boy Caris raised his right hand with a natural smile.

Suddenly, the voice of the younger brother stopped.

"Well, I'm going away for a while, of course it won't be too long, you don't have to worry."


DC universe.

Earth Gotham City.

Wearing a black robe and tights, a strong man with a big S on the chest of the tights, floating quietly in the high sky of the city.

For a moment a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


I saw his figure flashed, and the white light exploded!

The man's figure disappeared without a trace.

And where the man was originally, there was a distortion of time and space visible to the naked eye.


Back to the world of spells!

Cedar gritted his teeth and stared at the light talisman in front of him, the next moment!

Sure enough, the light talisman shot a white light wave again, very fast.

Cedar's eyes widened!

"no, do not want!"

next moment!

The space fluctuates!

A man wearing a red cloud and black robe appeared in front of the fir at some unknown time.

I saw the moment the light wave hit the man!

The light wave just turned back the same way, directly bombarding the light talisman and leaving!

Not surprisingly, the light wave directly hit the light symbol, and immediately dissipated as a light spot.

The man smiled disdainfully.

"I had a gift when I first arrived, it's really good."

Then he turned and looked at the fir leaning on the wall.

"Yo~ friends, it seems that your condition is terrible. If you have points, I suggest you treat yourself."

Shan Shan looked at the man in front of him who had rescued him, his expression grateful, and when he heard that the points could still be used in this way, he immediately became more grateful to this man.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

With that said, he manipulated the chat group in his mind and directly used the group points to request the chat group to heal his injuries.

Soon, the fir felt a warm current flowing from the limbs, and the wound on his abdomen was itchy.

The points are also decreasing little by little.

In less than three seconds, he felt that he was fully recovered.

And the points, also lost 30 points.

The fir was stunned.


Just at this time!

The ripples of the space continue to emerge around.


The mental guy with naked upper body and muscles, the S man in black robe, the ordinary young man with glasses, and the white-haired kimono loli suddenly appeared in this narrow space.

At first glance, it seems very crowded here.

The man in the red cloud and black robe looked at these guys and smiled.

"You guys are late."

The spirit guy grinned broadly.

"Whether you are late or not, don't tell me whether you are late, it seems that there is a terrific boss here."

Talking about the spirit guy and the man in the red cloud and black robe looked at the white-haired kimono loli who was in a daze.

The big S man in the black robe looked at the white-haired loli and spread his hands.

"Wow~ Is there finally a guy I can't beat?"

However, Baimao Kimono Lori seemed to be thinking about something, and did not pay attention to a few people.

Shan Shan looked at the unfamiliar bosses in front of him, feeling a little flustered. He didn't expect so many people to come, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?

"Yo~ newcomer."

The indifferent young man approached him, his expression gentle.

"This world, do you know anything about it?"

The fir was stunned.

"To understanding?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know very well, but there are conjurers and the like in this world, as well as this very terrifying curse spirit and so on..."

The plain young man thought, he thought for a while and asked directly: "Do you know Hokage?"


The fir shook his head.

"do not know."

"The king of heaven covers the tiger?"


The unremarkable young man shook his head, and he confirmed one thing.

"Where did you travel through?"

"My words are from Tokyo, Japan, and it seems that I was hit by a large truck before crossing here."


The youth understands that this guy may have crossed over in some parallel universes.

Because, even in Tokyo, Japan, it is impossible not to know Hokage.

He doesn't pay attention to the issue of age.

The young man stretched out his palm and smiled.

"Then meet again, my name is Yan Nian, and I am also the owner of the chat group."

Shan Shan's eyes widened, and he quickly handed it over and held it tightly.

"Is it the lord of the group? I'm disrespectful!"

Yan Nian shook his hand and then let go, with a gentle expression on his face.

"You are welcome, we will all be group friends in the future. Groups of friends are all brothers and friends, and it is all right to help each other."

After speaking, Yan Nian yelled to the group of friends who chatted on the sidelines.

"Come here, everyone introduce yourself."

"After all, new talents join the group and nobody knows them."


The spirit guy came over and said with a big grin: "This is a real new let, it's too rare."

Talking about the spirit guy also stretched out his hand.

"Caris D. Doragon. I'm a good captain in Pirate World."

The fir shook hands quickly.

"Thank you~ thank you so much for coming to save me."

The man in the red cloud and black robe also came over and stretched out his hand: "Uchiha Kirito."

"Thank you~ savior!"

Shanmu is most grateful to this boss, after all, he is the one who saved his life.

Uchiha Kirito smiled.

"Just do whatever you want, no thanks."

A big S man in a black robe, he has a European and American face, and his body looks the strongest among the crowd.

"Cratton, an ordinary Kryptonian."

"You are still ordinary!?"

Uchiha Kirito's eyes widened.

"The guy who can get stronger by basking in the sun, you are too lucky!"

Craton spread his hands: "I can't help it, God's will."

Karis looked at the corners of his mouth twitching, he was very sour.

"What you said, I really want to kill you. You must know that I was only a captain after nine deaths."

Watching a few people began to quarrel and chat again.

The fir was unable to shake hands with this Mr. Clapton, and he didn't care, but said gratefully.

"Thank you so much!"

Everyone stopped fighting, and they all looked at the fir.

Yan Nian said mildly: "You are welcome, mutual assistance among group friends is necessary."

"Well, now that we have all introduced, it's up to you."

Shan Shan paused, then quickly introduced himself in the next second.

"I... My name is Shan Shan. Now, I should be considered a high school student.

No special skills, I really appreciate your help. "

Speaking of the fir, he bowed to everyone.

"Oh oh oh~ Don't be so polite."

Caris helped the fir up.

The fir said seriously: "I want it!"

at this time.

A girl's voice came.

"It's really interesting, isn't the universe under observation?"

Everyone immediately looked at the Lori who was in a daze.

Lori Baimao smiled and greeted everyone's gazes: "If you want me, you can call me Baiyasha."

As soon as Bai Yasha said this.

Karis, Uchiha Kirito, and Kraton glanced at each other, and they all showed mysterious smiles.

[Yes, she is the original one. 】


at the same time.

A group of conjurers and Wujou are rushing towards the confinement room.

Gojo Satoru was still thinking about fir.

"That? Is there something hidden? It actually triggered the technique?"


At this moment, Kawasaki Yashin, who was drawing the magic circle with Nanako in the dormitory of the Conjurer Academy, suddenly sensed something abnormal, and she stood up and turned her head to look into the distance.

"Oh~ what kind of breath is that? Why is there a familiar feeling and some very special existence?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin did not hesitate, and immediately opened the sight of the root cause.

For a moment!

She saw all the people coming from the chat group!

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Nanako~ Ino~ The power you need to advance, there is no problem~"

Nanako and Ino were strange about Kika Saki Yashin's movements, when Kika Saki Yashin suddenly said that, they were a little confused.

"I will go back."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers directly.


The magic circle flashed!

Muhuasaki Yaxin disappeared suddenly.

Ino and Nanako were stunned, they stared at each other.


at the same time.

Because of the increase in the number of visitors from outside the chat group, the planet is starting to go crazy again!

Even nature's resentment towards humans can give birth to a curse spirit.

So, what about the planet itself?

The essence of mantra power is the biological energy of the planet itself.

So, what if the planet itself exercises this power in order to drive out visitors from the outside world?

Then, return to the birth of a curse spirit that resembles the evil **** of the scarlet moon, and is as terrifying as the evil god!

Not to mention, the last time the planetary protection mechanism failed!

This time, its countermeasures were even more mad!

This time the curse spirit must be stronger than the Scarlet Moon Cthulhu!

And there are more people coming from the outside world, which will further stimulate the planet's own defense mechanism!

Perhaps more than one came here this time!

Muhua Saki Yaxin had already observed some subtle changes in energy at the end.

Just like the planet's virus defense mechanism is general, the curse energy is quickly mobilized, and it begins to accumulate and transform!


boom! ! !

The ground exploded!

The fir and the gang suddenly jumped up from the ground.

Because the confinement room has been sealed by some kind of surgery.

They had to resort to a bit of violence.

The fir wanted to let them wait, but did not persuade them.

When everyone came to the ground, they immediately saw the various buildings of the Conjurer Academy.

Of course, there is also Gojo Satoru who has come before him! And two conjurers!

Gojo Satoru smiled and raised his hand to say hello to the fir group.


"Fir!? You seem to have a lot of friends." Gojo Satoru smiled, with a little killing intent.

"Just, I don't know you... why did you smash my house?"

The killing intent suddenly raged!

And Uchiha Kirito, Karis, Shiroyasha, and Klatten all smile confidently with indifferent faces.

"Fir? Is this guy an enemy?"

The fir complexion stiffened, and he quickly explained.

"No, no, he is not!"

Gojo Goku was stunned, frowning slightly.

"Fir!? Where did your friends come from? You'd better explain clearly. If you don't explain it, don't want to leave?"

"Want to fight?"

Caris rubbed his fists, his face eager to try.

Bai Yacha put his arms around his chest.

"It's boring and boring~"

Uchiha Kirito's eyes have opened the three-god jade, and the aura of the whole person suddenly becomes cold.

"I will accompany you in the fight."

Craton smiled.

"I can't leave the army either."

that's all.

The atmosphere froze suddenly.

And the magic circle appeared from the middle of the two groups of people at this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly jumped out of the magic circle.

The small body just stepped on the magic circle, standing in the void half a meter above the ground, she looked at Bai Yasha and the others with surprise, her small face was full of excitement.

"Wow~ It seems to be very interesting! Quite interesting! It's an invincible and interesting thing!"


Shan Shan looked at the familiar girl in a daze.

And Bai Yacha and the others were also a little stunned.

Uchiha Kirito: "Space teleportation? It looks like it's difficult to get around. Is it a guy?"

Caris: "Looks like I can't afford it..."

Craton: "Another interesting girl appeared."

Bai Yasha: "Oh~ I can't see through it? And..."

Bai Yasha looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face and showed a hey smile.

Muhuasaki Yashin looked at Gojo Satoru and showed a mischievous smile: "Gojo Satoru~ They should be good people.

However, good people do not mean that there will be good things.

Remember the curse caused by the fir?

This time, I am afraid it is even more exciting. "

Gojo Goku is is even more amazing! ? "

next moment!

His pupils shrank slightly: "You mean!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and looked at Shiroyasha.

"Yes, they are all visitors from another world."

Muhua Saki Yexin sensed the rapid surge of curse power, and looked thoughtfully at the curse spirit that was about to take shape in the north.

"The scale of this time, I am afraid that the world is about to end~"

! ! !


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