The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 66: In distress

It was as if an earthquake of magnitude 7 or higher had occurred, and the ground was like a giant dragon tumbling, roaring from the depths of the ground, and the ground was shaking violently!

In addition, Fu Yining can hear a special sound, which is a very special high-frequency sound, and only he can hear it, because his awakening ability is related to sound waves!

For various special sound frequency bands emitted or fed back by various monsters!

He can quickly identify the monsters that come based on experience!

This is obviously a rotting dragon, shaped like a lizard, with a single horn on its head, yellow rotten gas on its body, and a terrifying monster of Tier 3 in its juvenile body!

【Climbing Dragon on the Rotting Ground】

The juvenile body can reach about 14 meters in length.

If it is an adult body, the body length will become more than one hundred, and it will automatically be promoted to the legendary rank!

It usually crawls underground and infects the ground with its own breath. Generally, the rotting dragon will infect the land within dozens of miles to a hundred miles into a rotten land. The creatures in this field cannot resist. Can hold this rotten breath.

Therefore, once the Corrupted Climbing Dragon appears, it means that this place will become its territory, and all creatures in the territory will be killed by it! Maybe be infested with rotten breath and die!

This is a very scary and very rare existence!

Hearing Fu Yining said that it was a dragon crawling on a rotten land, Qianxia and the others suddenly raised their vigilance.

Qianxia has never encountered Corrupt Dragon Climbing, but looking at the cautious look of the captain, he knows that this monster is definitely not easy!

Fu Yining calmly said the countermeasures: "Climbing the dragon while the rot hasn't noticed us! Now, let's make various arrangements first!

Because we have no way to escape the corrupted dragon-climbing, once we run, it will discover our existence!

You can only prepare in advance and have a life and death battle with it! "

He Yong, Qianxia and Liang Shangwei nodded seriously.

"He Yong, you set up the formation first! Focus on purifying the rotten qi, and suppress the action of climbing the dragon!"

He Yong: "Yes!"

"Liang Shangwei, you can start to charge your aura to attack! Attention, you are the most important burst of damage, you can't lose! Aim and hit!"

Liang Shangwei nodded: "I understand!"

"Qianxia, ​​you are the most flexible, responsible for containing the enemy!"

Qianxia solemnly made a gesture to obey the command: "Understood!"

"It's me in the end. I am responsible for remote support and command."

The ground shakes more and more fiercely, it seems that something is coming out of the ground!

Captain Fu Lunning took a deep breath:

"Everyone! Don't hide the means, get ready if you have anything! The enemy this time is likely to be Legendary!"

The captain's sigh suddenly made the atmosphere a little serious.

Qianxia's heart lied, secretly frightened.

The legendary rank in this world, even the weakest legendary rank is the most weird dragon in the world of One Punch Man!

If it is a powerful legendary rank, it is basically infinitely close to the god-level, or even a powerful existence that is comparable to the god-level!

Just like the legendary zerg, Xinghai mayfly, this kind of rare and powerful zerg, the strength is completely comparable to that of the gods!

Climbing the dragon on the rotten ground is undoubtedly a very powerful existence!

And a legendary-level rotting dragon crawling is equivalent to infinitely close to a god-level disaster!

This is indeed not an enemy she can deal with!

Just when Qianxia was thinking about it, a ground hundreds of meters away suddenly exploded like a volcano!

A huge figure rushed into the sky from the ground!

Rottenly crawling the dragon's body for a hundred meters, volleyed up. , The surrounding rubble was brought to the sky by the impulse!

This scene happened to make Qianxia completely see the complete appearance of this monster!

The dark-brown skin, the thick, cold limbs, and the long mouth like a crocodile with a single horn on the head! In addition, the most noticeable thing is the yellow unidentified gas entangled on its body!

After a while, she smelled a rancid smell.

He Yong immediately put his hands together, and shouted at the same time: "Heaven! Earth! People! Talent! Left-handed! Thick soil!"

Gradually, the void of magic circle began to shroud in a radius of ten miles!

"Sancai Huasheng Array!"


It seems to be a heavy hammer!

The ground was shaken!

The talents of heaven and earth, the harmony of law and humanity, all kinds of mysterious runes began to be set in the surrounding void!

For a while, Qianxia felt that rancid smell disappeared.

And the Corrupted Climbing Dragon was also very angry, it fell heavily to the ground, and opened its blood basin and roared to the sky!

At the same time, a burst of violent spiritual voice came into the minds of Qianxia and others.


Dare to ambush me in my territory!

Are you ants not fast enough to die? "

However, the intimidation of the Corrupted Climbing Dragon is completely ineffective for their battle-hardened survivor team!

Everyone had a clear division of labor. Qianxia was already at the forefront. She stretched out her five fingers. The next moment the crystal clear ice condensed in the palm of her hand. After a while, the ice quickly extended and condensed into a piece of ice filled with white smoke and cold air. bow!

Without any hesitation, she used her left hand to condense the ice arrows with magic power, draw a bow, aim and shoot!

call out!

An ice arrow is like a stern cold light, quickly flying towards the rotten ground to climb the dragon!

He Yong didn't stop the formation, his gestures changed again and again, doing various mudra!

The next moment he shouted!

"Thick Earth Sealing Demon Array!"


Layers of light yellow apertures immediately enveloped the ground for dozens of miles!

And the Corrupted Dragon Climbing felt that his body was suddenly pressed by a force of gravity, and his limbs immediately pressed deeply into the ground!


The ground is sinking too!

It is even more angry!


Frostbolt came afterwards!

call out!

Puff, the arrow immediately sank into the body of the Corrupted Climbing Dragon, and a piece of ice crystals even froze around it.

However, Corrupted Climbing Dragon didn't care at all, it raised its head and began to gather psychic energy!

Layers of terrifying psychic energy fluctuations are permeating its corner!

"It's now! Liang Shangwei!"

The captain shouted!

Liang Shangwei suddenly understood that he had also reached the limit at this moment, and he could only see it in an instant!

A crystal clear white ball of light appeared between Liang Shangwei's hands and arms.

The space around the white ball of light seems to be distorted!

Liang Shangwei did not hesitate, and pushed out with both hands against the rotted dragon!

"Psionic super explosive! Bai Yaoguang!"

The captain is also finished, his hands are shaking, pushing forward!

"Super Xuan Zhenbo!"

I saw, a white light flashed!

The small white ball of light instantly bombarded the rotting dragon!

At the moment when he climbed the dragon rottenly, the pupils of his eyes shrank.

next moment!

It exploded!

The white light immediately covered the entire body of the rotting dragon!

White light instantly covered an area of ​​500 meters in radius, and saw a terrifying white light column soaring up into the sky!

Layers of ring-shaped smoke clouds are on top of that sky-reaching beam of light!

The clouds above the head are swept away!

At the same time, the captain's ultimate move has arrived!

I saw in the air, a shock wave that twisted the air, reclaiming a long ravine on the ground towards the impact of the rotting dragon!

The shock wave instantly blasted a point of the white beam of light into a vacuum, exposing a scorched and black rotting dragon body inside, and then the terrifying sound wave shock hit the rotting dragon directly!

If you are at the other end of the white light column, you can see that the terrifying sound wave shock attack has passed through the body of the rotting dragon, continuing to cultivate the land behind, leaving a deep ravine! !

He Yong shouted: "Don't be careless, that guy is still alive!"

Liang Shangwei once again gathered his strength and looked firm.

"I naturally know that such an enemy is not so easy to solve at all!"

No one relaxes their vigilance.

Qianxia was holding the samurai sword and was vigilant. With just one arrow, she fully understood the thickness of the monster's skin. If she had guessed correctly, her arrow was just just enough to pierce a layer of skin.

It doesn't even hurt it at all!

And now, they closely want to know how much damage they can cause to the monster with these two veritable super attacks!

If the effect is big enough, then their odds of winning are big enough!

That magnificent white beam of light began to gradually dissipate at this time, and at the same time thick smoke covered the place!

Looking at the silent front, Qianxia faintly felt something wrong.

next moment!

Rumble! !

The ground on which He Yong and Liang Shangwei stood suddenly broke open like a volcanic eruption!

He Yong and Liang Shangwei were suddenly thrown into the sky by this sudden shock!

Then, a huge blood basin that swallowed the sky and the earth flew out from the ground with a yellow rotten gas erupting from his mouth!

! ! !

The captain was shocked.

Qianxia was also shocked.

How did this guy crawl into the ground silently and silently! ?

Could it be that!

The moment when Brother Liang’s attack hit it, did it cover its burrowing movement with the big movement of the explosion?

Although the incident happened suddenly, He Yong and Liang Shangwei did not panic. They both waved their hands at each other tacitly!

"Formation! Crush!"

"Psionic! Simulated! Super impact!"


Both of them hit each other with the technique, and the moment of impact caused them to fly to both sides!

In this way, they succeeded in getting out of the mouth of the rotten dragon crawling blood in a very thrilling manner!

Qianxia breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran towards the two who were falling!

Corrupted Climbing Dragon did not eat two humans, naturally a little angry, and now its skin is a little scorched!

Obviously it was still injured just now, although the injury is not serious!

It stayed in the air for a short time, rotating its body, and flicking its tail at the two who fell!

With a huge body, every move can bring about a very terrifying effect, not to mention such a violent attack, the air began to be disturbed by riots!

With the huge claws like a hill, the thick tail like this small building, and the amazing power of climbing a rotting dragon, if they were photographed, it would be impossible for the two of them to live!

At this moment, the two people are in the air, and it is difficult for them to move flexibly, let alone the swift and violent attacks that do not want to talk!

They basically have no chance to dodge.

Can only head-to-head!

He Yong and Liang Shangwei's surprisingly consistent thoughts are both brewing, their own assassin!

"Psionic! Burning blood!"

The blue flame immediately enveloped Liang Shangwei's body, and his eyes were firm.

"This is what I paid for with my life! Interpreting the brilliant blow of life!"

"Song praise! Bai Yueguang!"

He hugged his hands together, he looked like a tortoise school qigong wave, and the crystal white psychic energy gathered between his hands, forming a white light wave!

The moment the claw hits the front!

He pushed out his hands heavily and yelled!

"Bloom! Bai Yueguang!!!"

A pure moonlight beam hit the huge beast claws immediately!

On the other side, He Yong also exploded his potential, exploding the heavy formations recorded in his body!

"Ten phases open the sky!"

"Four Spirits!"

He Yong turned his back to the ground, and he was facing the giant tail that came from the beating!

He lunged out in the void, with his right hand closed to his waist, his eyes sharp.

"This punch of mine is a collection of fourteen spiritual formations! It has the ability to open up the world!

Come to Bibi! Is your tail hard, or my fists hard! "


The giant tail slams down!

He Yong punched out!

The little fist meets the giant tail!

Bang! ! !

The two forces clash, the air oscillates, and the waves of air churn away!

Bang bang~

However, He Yong was still invincible, and his whole body burst into a cloud of blood, and he was directly pumped into the ground like a rocket!


He smashed to the ground swiftly and directly smashed a huge pit.

Naturally, Liang Shangwei could not resist it, just like being slapped by a mosquito, being slapped flying by that huge claw! The whole person fell to the ground fiercely!


It's another big pit!

Qianxia looked at the canthus and pointed her hair, and shouted angrily: "Asshole!"

Corrupted Climbing Dragon fell heavily to the ground, with a scornful smile on his mouth.

"A bug is a bug!"

Qianxia's figure quickly approached, and she wanted to save these respectable seniors!

The fight between the two of them just now wasn't without effect. The powerful moves slowed down the strength of that blow.

However, even so, the mobility of the two of them may have been lost!

Captain Fu Yunning frowned, and through sound wave surveys, he found that He and Liang Shangwei were seriously injured and infected by rotten gas! If they are not dealt with in time, they will really die!

"There is no way, I can only trust you! Qianxia!"

He has also begun to grow into Qianxia, ​​and he is responsible for remote assistance!

But if the distance is too far, his remote assistance will be a step slower!

Corrupted Climbing Dragon looked at Qianxia who was running, and laughed even more mockingly.

"Hahahaha! Human! Are you going to die?"

I saw the rotten gas on the body of the Corrupted Climbing Dragon again, with a sneer on its face, and its limbs pressed hard against the ground!

boom! ! !

The yellow corrosive gas began to quickly spread to the surrounding area with it as the center!

Qian Xia's face was solemn, just now these rotten qi was purified and suppressed by the formation, but He Yong was already in a coma at the moment!

The formation is invalid!

The rotten gas has spread again, this kind of thing is very scary, if it is contaminated, it is basically death!

Qianxia wants to save people, so she must enter the yellow mist in front of her!

Just when Qianxia was thinking anxiously!


A burst of supersonic shock waves flew from behind her, and the rotten air in front swayed away in an instant, opening a channel in the place full of rotten air!

Qianxia was stunned, then turned to look at the captain Fu Xunning.

Fu Longning noticed that Qianxia was looking He nodded to Qianxia with a serious expression.

Qianxia's confidence suddenly increased, and her eyes became firm!

"Fortunately, the captain is okay! With the captain, I feel much more relieved!"

Qianxia murmured to herself, staring straight ahead.

"Bet on your lives! Save them too!"


Suddenly, a familiar loud noise came from behind her!

Qianxia's pupils shrank, then turned and looked back.

Sure enough, the ground where the captain was standing broke like a volcanic eruption, and the familiar mouth of the blood basin was aimed at Fu Xunning!

Qianxia's eye canthus cracked.


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