The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Weirdo Carnival!

   Chaos! confusion!

   Chaos! confusion!

   The entire human world has become a doomsday scene filled with war and smoke!

  Professional heroes, all have set out to rescue.

   But in the face of disasters all over the world!

   What can a professional hero with a small number of people do?


  U City!

   There are two ghost-levels here, and one weird close to the dragon-level!

I saw an octopus that was as tall as a skyscraper. On its head, there were countless eyes, and countless octopus tentacles that were more than a hundred meters long wandered around the sky. After a while, it jumped directly to a building. Put it on top of a huge building, and then use its suction cup to hug a building tightly!

   The building was squeezed by a huge force, the side bottom was deformed, and then a terrifying scene happened!

The    building seems to be slowly being absorbed by it, and the octopus is gradually getting bigger!

   [Disaster Level: Ghost! Hundred Eye Octopus]

   Looking at the surrounding ruins, you can know that this octopus has absorbed more than one building!

   Let it absorb it again, I believe it will soon grow from a ghost-level disaster to a dragon-level disaster!

   Regrettably, this city is relatively remote. It can be said that Qianxia alone is stationed!

   and the rest are newcomers! At this moment, the newcomer contestant has already been embarrassed by this big octopus!

   Where can I dare to fight the Hundred Eye Octopus?

   And Qianxia, ​​at this moment, is also fighting against other weirdos, and can't get out of it at all!


   I saw, in front of Qianxia, ​​there were two weird people standing, blocking her way!

   One is a pig-headed human body, holding a blood-stained bone crusher in his hand, and an indescribable **** breath is exuding all over his body!

   [Disaster Level: Ghost! Crazy pighead! 】

   The other is a mummy covered in bandages, three bandages floating around it, and a black death breath is wrapped around it at the same time!

   [Disaster Level: Ghost! The mummy of the gods for three thousand years! 】

   Qianxia was panting, and looked at the two weird people in front of her with a headache.

   Actually, if it were an ordinary weirdo, she would have died in her hands long ago, but these two weirdos are different!

   They are very resistant to fights, and their physical recovery capabilities are simply outrageous. As long as she doesn’t burst the two things in an instant, they can all recover!

Roar! ! !

   The mummy was facing Qianxia's opening black hole, roaring with black air, and at the same time the three bandages floating beside it galloped out like sharp arrows, attacking Qianxia from three directions!

   However, Qianxia did not choose the defense, but directly attacked!

   stepped out in three or two steps, and the whole person crossed more than ten meters as if flying, directly ignoring the bandage that fell.

   And the moment she approached the mummy, a blood-stained bone **** suddenly appeared in front of her and chopped it!

   Qianxia's eyes condensed, and she flexibly tapped on the ground, and immediately moved her whole person a short distance to the right, which was more than enough to avoid this knife.

   And the mummy also reacted, and immediately spit a turbid black gas at Qianxia!

   Qianxia knows that this black energy is very difficult to deal with, it can quickly corrode human flesh and blood, and it cannot be touched!

   Qianxia's direct luck, his hands swept lightly like a dragon, and the air currents were instantly moved by Qianxia's hands.

   The black air was wrapped in the air flow induced by Qianxia, ​​and the gradual black air was condensed into a ball by Qianxia's air flow and directly compressed into a spherical shape.

   Next, Qianxia led the airflow and pushed it towards the pig-headed man!

   At the same time, Qianxia quickly gathered her palms and slapped the mummy!

   "Bagua·Yin Yang Chong!"

   The illusory gossip pattern flashed in front of Qianxia's double palms!

   Then, an unparalleled momentum was directly printed on the mummy!

  嘭! ! !

   The mummy was shocked all over, and the bandages all over his body were loosened. It looked at Qianxia with an eyeless face, and Qianxia could feel its confused expression.

   The next moment, the mummy burst into pieces and exploded.

   Qianxia also turned around safely, and faced the pig-headed man with a machete on the right.

   I saw that the pig-headed man was enveloped in black air, and his whole body was corroded completely. Perhaps because the distance was too close, the pig-headed man had no time to escape and was hit directly. The black air immediately enveloped his entire body.

   However, the pig head is not dead yet, its pig head is actually intact under the erosion of the black air!

   In this way, except for the pig's head, the pig head's body suddenly turned into a skeleton of blood and flesh, which looked weird.

   At this moment, the pighead has lost the ability to move, but Qianxia is hesitating how to attack.

   Heiqi thing, she also dare not touch it.

   After the air attack, she was afraid that the strength was not enough. After all, the pig head's main body pig head can be said to be very tough.

at this time!

   The ground suddenly began to vibrate violently.

   Qianxia felt the source of the shock and turned to look.

   Sure enough, when I saw the sky not far away, several octopus tentacles that were as thick as ordinary buildings were raging, and the small buildings were flattened almost instantly under the sweep of the tentacles.

   And the octopus head in the center directly broke through the sky, and the height was not less than 600 meters!

   Chika suddenly became serious, and looked at the pig head in front of him, his expression became extremely serious!

   "It looks like it's going to be a quick fight!"

   Just in time, the black energy on the pig head also began to dissipate, and the flesh and blood on the pig head was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   And Qianxia, ​​directly pausing with both feet, the next moment the whole person turned into a black shadow and moved in front of the pig head instantly.

   The pig head reacted very quickly, and he slashed it off when he raised his hand!

However, it is impossible for Qianxia to be agile at all. Qianxia is still the same, turning around flexibly in the air, and while avoiding the knife by a small margin, the body keeps rotating, like a small whirlwind, with both palms facing the pig's head. People slapped it fiercely!

   Pigheads relied on the hardness of their heads, and chose to fight Qianxia head-on, directly facing a head hammer!

  嘭! ! !

   Head hammer collided with both palms!

   The air burst into a ring of shock waves!

   The pighead remained motionless, but the ground under his feet burst open like a spider's web.

   And Qianxia, ​​with the recoil force, turned lightly and fell to the ground, looking at the pig head in front of him with some surprise.

   This guy actually fought her directly with a pig head!

   However, Qianxia suddenly realized that the pig-headed man in front of him seemed to be stunned. The pig's head was swaying unconsciously, and his footsteps were even more unstable.

   "Haha, the brains are all photographed into a ball of paste, right? A pig's head is a pig's head!"

   said, Qianxia made a Tai Chi gesture to boost her luck, stepped on her foot, and broke out again, and suddenly passed a row of afterimages, came to the pig head, and slapped the pig's head fiercely!

next moment!


   The whole pig's brain exploded suddenly!

   Lost the body of the pig's brain, and fell weakly.

   And Qianxia still didn't dare to relax his vigilance, staring at the pig head monster's body, after two minutes of careful inspection, no abnormalities were found, and immediately turned to the center of the city, chasing the huge hundred-eye octopus!


  S city!

   A huge long centipede is raging.

   Its huge centipede body has spread almost half of the city. With such a huge size, it has not done any extra work, and just moved, it has destroyed more than half of the city!

   Xiqi, who is at the headquarters of the Heroes Association, now counts the disasters in various regions.

   Several dragon-level disasters need to be dealt with urgently!

   At present, the most eye-catching thing is the huge centipede in City S!

   This weird person, he is deeply impressed!

   [Disaster Level: Dragon! Elder Centipede! 】

   If the dragon level is subdivided into the upper, middle and lower levels!

Elder    Centipede is undoubtedly a superior dragon-level weirdo!

   At the beginning, the appearance of this centipede elder caused great damage to major cities. At that time, the Hero Association had no way to do it!

   is still an S-rank hero blasting shot, defeating the centipede elder!

   That's right, just defeated!

   At that time, the blast knocked the centipede elder half to death, and he fled directly!

   is now making a comeback again, and its threat level can be put in the first place!

   "Lord of the Eye of Death!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin was pinching the face of a teddy bear in the form of a body, and was suddenly called to turn his head to look at Xi Qi: "Huh?"

   Xiqi looked serious: "Now all parts of the world need support! I can only trouble you! Although S city is stationed by Mr. King!

   But Elder Centipede is not a simple weirdo!

   Please also the Eye of Death, please go to S City to cooperate with Mr. King to wipe out the centipede elders of the dragon-level disaster first! Then, both Mr. King and you can support other cities separately. At that time, please keep in touch with you, Lord Eye of Death, and I will notify you of various news on the contact device! "

   Kihanasaki Yashin looked casual: "Okay."

   Then, she took the teddy bear's hand: "Bear, we will save the world together."

   Teddy bear suddenly looked reluctant.

   But I couldn't help it, Sakiya Muhana thought.

  A magic circle suddenly unfolded under the feet, and the light of the magic circle immediately covered Muhua Saki Yaxin and the teddy bear!

next moment!

   immediately disappeared in place, leaving only a magic circle that was still shimmering!


  S city!

  The hero stationed in S City is the seventh-ranked King of S-level!


   The human being is rumored to be the strongest. It is said that no one has ever seen him make a move. No matter how terrifying, how amazing the weird person is, he can't do a single trick!

   He can kill weird people directly even standing still!

   Moreover, once he enters a combat state, a sound like the roar of an engine will sound. This sound sounds very oppressive, so people call it the "Emperor Engine"!

   It is said that once the imperial engine is activated, King’s invisible aura will lock the enemy, suppress it, and kill the enemy directly in the next second!

  With such a powerful combat power, the Heroes Association has made detailed considerations. They deployed KING in cities in the middle of the mainland. In this way, if a major disaster occurs in other cities, it will not take him more time to rush to support.

   However, such a powerful King is like a fool, standing on the ruins, looking directly at the centipede elder who is violently destroying the city and shivering.

The "Emperor Engine" on    is also booming!

   King has a bitter face, he hates his weakness.

   He Chang doesn't want to stop the centipede elder, and He Chang doesn't want to be a real hero.

   But, he can’t do...

  Because he actually has no power at all.

  He is just an ordinary person, and ordinary can no longer be ordinary ordinary people.

   It's just a coincidence that he has experienced many weird disasters.

   Then he survived so many accidents by coincidence.

   Every time he experiences an accident, he wakes up at a coincident place at a coincident time.

   Then, by coincidence, it was thought that he was the hero who killed these weird people!

   Then by coincidence, he directly became the seventh in the S rank.

   More coincidentally, he actually got into the inhumane S-class hero group for a long time without revealing his stuff...

   And the so-called "Emperor Engine" is actually just the sound of his nervousness and fear, and his heartbeat speeding up...

   After all, he is just an ordinary person...

   He can't save the city at all. After this incident, he probably will be exposed directly, and then ruined.

   King looked a little desperate, his ruin is not important, but this city, the civilians in the city are more important!

  He was a little guilty, he was thinking that if other S-rank heroes came to garrison, then the situation would definitely not be so bad...

  Although he also knows that other cities are not much better than S City, and other people can't tell...

   "It's all my fault...

   God... If you can hear me, please help me.

   Kill that weird man!

   For this, I am willing to sacrifice my life. "

  King prayed and begged in his heart, but he knew that he was just a dream...

   There are no gods in the world...

Just at this time!

   Above the sky of City S, a circle of light suddenly lit up.

   Then King saw the magic circle that appeared like a miracle!

next moment!

   He saw that the incredible giant centipede was trapped in the air by the magic circle.

   Centipede elder is like a little loach in front of this city-sized magic circle. The whole body was rolling and struggling, trying to resist the mighty power of the magic circle.

   But it didn't help, there was no way to break free.

next moment!

   The magic circle radiated wide, white light shining on the huge centipede body, like an insect-killing flash, the body of the centipede elder suddenly turned into a black mist and gradually collapsed and dissipated.

   Only after three or two seconds, the centipede elder disappeared directly between the heaven and the earth.

   I can see how strong the insect-killing flash is.

   However, King looked at the miracle in the sky, remembered the vow he had just said, and was a little scared, and whispered to the magic circle in the sky.

   "That god, can my life be paid in installments? In 30 installments, one installment a two years every two years?"

   "My Lord God? Don't you agree? Or should it be divided into ten installments, once a year, ten years each?"

   "Hello!? Lord God?"

   drop mile mile mile...

   The sudden noise made King tremble for a while. After a while, he came back to his senses. This is the contact device of the Heroes Association.

   He took out the contact device, feeling complicated, he didn't know whether to answer it or not.


   And just after the speed of light has solved the centipede elder Muhua Saki Yaxin, is riding a teddy bear in the sky, flying fast, how fast that flying, it seems to others like a beam of light.

   From one end of the sky to the other end of the sky, it was almost a blink of an eye.

   Teddy bear is going crazy at this moment, if this terrifying speed is directly hit!

   Where can it survive? !

what? You thought it was my speed, how could it be possible! ? With this speed, I still can't go to heaven!

   Kihanasaki Yaxin opened his hands in the sky and shouted excitedly: "Wuhu~!!! Next stop! Y City!"





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