Friends Su, thank you for staying with me till now.

I can see the current book friends, I really love you so much.

I have received all the claws you left.


In fact, this book should be finished at half a million words, ending with Hokage.

I originally planned it that way, but in fact, I didn’t expect to be able to write so long, and I feel I admire myself a little bit (laughs)

In fact, the main thing is to promise some book friends to write about other worlds, and do what they say.

I haven't written the light-tone linkage that a book friend wanted.

I will fill up these one by one, but I don't know what it will look like.

Seeing it now, you should all feel it. What I wrote later was terrible. Well, I actually don’t know why it was written like this.

Probably too casual.

Now the protagonist is too powerful, he can kill all the monsters in seconds, and then I suddenly don’t know how to write.

The current plot is basically, writing that the other supporting characters struggled and couldn't beat the BOSS, and the pig's feet came out and finished.

Writing like this is very boring.

Originally, my thoughts were not in this mode, and I don't know why the writing was deviated.

So is the spell, and so is the eschatological world.

In fact, I have prepared a lot of plots, but suddenly when I write, I feel a bit unable to write, the pig's feet are too strong...

Now the more I write, the more irritating I get, so I will quickly end the punch recently.

Then go back to the everyday world and write about everyday life, just like Dragon Maid and Qingyin.

However, my idea is to write a super entertainment stream.

I don't know if I can write that taste. It may be difficult, or it may be as boring as it is now. I can't guarantee it.

Now, I always feel like I don’t dare to face you when I write things. It feels too ridiculous.

Can't write the point.

So, I am not surprised that you left that day.

After all, it's all my pot.

Here, I also advise those book friends, if you want to quit, just quit, don't hesitate.

What I have written recently is indeed not good, and I am very satisfied with being able to accompany me up to now.

What I write later, I guess I will let myself go even more, the kind of writing that I want to write. (Haha)

Hurry up if you want to run away.

(Nonsense, haha??)

Let me talk about it first, I didn't think about the eunuch.

No matter what, I will write it completely, after all, it is my first book in the true sense of the word!

However, I am busy at work and I have limited updates, and sometimes I can barely change it every day.

If the update is late, it means I have worked overtime.

Hiring workers, I have codewords in my free time...

I've been too tired recently.

So, on May 1st, I want to take a leave of absence for two days...

(In fact, I want to post the words of the writer, there are too many words)

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