The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 103: The devil is always the devil, it's a pity that the big brother who drives

Poros also felt Saitama's impatience, he felt Saitama's contempt for him!

He also knows that Saitama has always been defending!

However, he can obviously attack!

Once he severed his hand, Poros didn't care to think that his attack was so fast that Saitama couldn't respond, and he received so many attacks from him in succession, and there was no trace of injury on the surface!

This also means that his attack will not make Saitama overwhelmed!

Is this guy really testing me?

That being the case, Poros decided to become Saitama!

He wants to open the final mode!

Meteor burst mode!

Poros' complexion became serious, his body bowed slightly, and he made movements similar to the starting position.

"Very good! Saitama! Worthy of being my long-awaited opponent! Next, I will fully liberate my body's energy! Let the body enter a burst mode!"

However, Saitama still looked boring: "Okay, okay. Hurry up."

Poros squeezed his fist, and the energy in his body began to boil! The cell energy of the whole body is fully activated!

"Meteor burst!!!"

Bang! ! !

The terrifying energy arrogance erupted from Poros' body, forming a semi-circular energy dispersion domain!

The terrifying energy squeezed the air and exploded a burst of air. The ground under Poros's feet melted directly, and the surrounding ground began to be overwhelmed and began to crack.

The wind and waves rolled up by energy centered on Poros, spreading outwards layer by layer!

Tong Di and the others hurriedly shielded the sand from the wind and waves with their hands.

In order to watch the battle, Tong Di put on analysis glasses early, and slightly measured the energy level of Poros at this time, his little face was full of shock:

"What a terrifying energy response!"


Saitama put his arms around his chest and looked at Poros who seemed to be getting very powerful, and raised a little interest.

At this moment, Poros's body turned white, enveloping his entire body with energy and arrogance, igniting thunder arcs, and spitting hot white smoke.

He looked at Saitama sharply,

Bang! ! !

Poros stepped on the ground, and the ground burst again. In an instant, his speed reached the extreme!

Compared with the previous one, his speed at this moment has increased several times more!

I saw him flying out like a meteor, blinking in front of Saitama's body in a blink of an eye, and blasting Saitama's face with terrifying energy with a punch!

"Meteor burst!!!"

boom! ! !

With a terrifying flow of energy on his fist, it exploded on Saitama's face!

The resulting effect is that a torrent of terrifying energy, with one Saitama's face as the center point, erupting backwards in a fan shape!

In just a moment, the fan-shaped area behind Saitama was directly destroyed by the torrent of white light energy!

Saitama also flew out directly in the flood of diffuse energy!

Poros exploded with energy arrogance, just like a beam of light, flashing at Saitama's side in an instant, and began to hit Saitama like a suppressive raindrop!

In one second, Poros slammed thousands of punches, and his figure flickered in various positions beside Saitama!

Every punch hit Saitama's face fiercely!

Saitama was like a ball, flying in the air when he was hit by Poros!

In the eyes of others, it is as if two lights flicker back and forth in the sky, leaping, and leaping!

At this moment, they have completely lost the qualification to watch the battle, and no one can see the movements between them.

Of course, in addition to the flashing light spots, there is also a continuous roar!

Wherever they fought, there was terrifying energy diffused. This is the aftermath of Poros' attack on Saitama!

And how terrifying the aftermath is, only when they pass through some sceneries, can they show a little bit.

I saw that the two figures were like two beams of light, flying over a hundred meters close to the ground in the blink of an eye!

next moment!

The ground, which was almost a few hundred meters in radius, burst directly, and the solid ground was instantly melted into magma...

Poros followed Saitama again, grabbed one of Saitama's legs with both hands, and then shook it wildly. When the speed reached a critical point, he immediately let go! !

Saitama was thrown into the air, like a light smashing directly at the spaceship in the sky!

During the flight, we could see that Saitama lowered her head slightly, her eyes closed tightly, and the clothes on her body were already in tatters.

boom! ! !

The outer shell of the spaceship was easily torn like tofu, and Saitama smashed into the spaceship!

From the outside, it looked like a terrifying shell hit the spacecraft, causing a huge explosion, smashing a huge hole, and the edge of the shell showed signs of high temperature melting!

At this moment, Saitama has fallen into the middle of the spacecraft, and his whole body is embedded in a wall, and the wall is full of cobweb-like cracks he smashed out.

Saitama opened his big eyes blankly and looked forward indifferently, as if this attack didn't even feel the slightest to him.

Just an instant!

Poros immediately followed, with energy ripples along the way, and the energy dispersed by moving his body at high speed had already melted the material of the surrounding spacecraft!

He shot in like a beam of light, and kicked Saitama's chest!

boom! ! !

The terrifying torrent of energy erupted again, all the surrounding matter was melted in an instant, and a powerful stream of energy erupted again behind Saitama!

However, Saitama is still expressionless.


The back of the spaceship melted instantly, and a torrent of energy erupted, and Saitama bent his body and flew out of it!

However, Poros was faster. He was like a spot of light. He shot in the air and instantly passed the inverted Saitama, then turned behind him, and threw a whip to Saitama's back!


Energy erupts in the air, squeezing the air away to form a circular wave of air diffusion!

Saitama was knocked into the air again, passing across the horizon like a meteor!

As for Poros, he took a big turn and flew below Saitama!

One knee hit Saitama's stomach heavily!

Bang! ! !

This blow was very heavy. When it fell, the diffused terrorist force and energy directly dissolved and ionized all the matter within hundreds of meters.

You can see from the outside, an arc of ions, enveloping the two people, Poros and Saitama.


next moment!

Power burst!

Saitama is like a laser beam, breaking through the air and lasing towards the sky!

In a blink of an eye, Saitama flew into space.

In the empty space, Saitama, who was flying upside down, was very conscious. He wanted to stabilize his figure when he suddenly saw a little starlight coming out of the blue star!

I saw Poros rushing out of the Blue Star atmosphere, full of energy and arrogance, at an extremely fast speed, at least twice as fast as him, and went directly behind him.

Poros held the hammer in both hands and slammed Saitama's back fiercely!

boom! ! !

A little light blooms in the universe!

Saitama once again flew towards the blue star, but Poros speeded up to keep up again!

Chase after Saitama and punch again!

boom! ! !

Saitama, who was attacked again, seemed to have gained a second stage of acceleration, breaking through the atmosphere, and speeding up again!

However, Poros had no intention of letting go of Saitama, and once again accelerated to the limit!

He arched his feet at the extreme speed and kicked Saitama's back fiercely!

Bang! ! !

A storm of energy bursts, tearing the atmosphere apart, and smashing the clouds open!

Saitama is like a bullet piercing a blue star, falling from the sky with a long streamer tail flame!

This time, the speed of Saitama's fall has reached the extreme.

Poros can no longer keep up with the pursuit!

Tong Di and the others can see the meteor that smashes through the clouds, it looks very beautiful.

However, at the speed of Saitama, when they saw this light, the meteor was not far away from them!

It's almost the next moment!

"Meteor" flashed and landed not far away!

boom! ! !

It's as if Mother Earth is roaring, the voice is loud!

The sky collapses! Land sinks!

The impact center is like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the terrifying impact of destroying light and eroding everything is swept around!

For an instant, Tong Di even thought that heaven and earth were about to turn upside down.

That kind of horrible vibration!

That kind of shock wave that destroys the world!

He believed that this shock could kill all of them.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin would not allow it. She summoned a circle of magic circles to cover the explosion location with only one hand, and isolated the shock wave within 20 kilometers of the explosion location.


The aftermath of the roar stopped...

Poros landed slowly on the edge of an abyss.


Thousands of meters deep underground.

Saitama is lying in the rock formation, his head is deeply caught in the center of the rock, his eyes are still open and his face is expressionless.

He stayed for a second, then immediately began to move, stirring the hard rock with ease with both hands, and then pulled out his head.

In this small space that can only accommodate one person, he turned hard and squeezed the rock to expand the space, then turned his head to look at the sky.

He only discovered that the top hole was blocked. It should be when he smashed it down, the aftermath shattered the rock beside the hole and blocked the hole.

Saitama is still a face with no emotion. He squeezed a rock, but he was thinking of Poros's strength in his heart.

He hasn't fight back, because Poros's strength has given him a little hope.

He hopes Poros can hurt him, even a little!

Even if it can only give him a little feeling, it's good!


it is a pity.

He didn't feel any pain...

Even the pain like itching...

Saitama looked at his arms stained with smoke. Although he had gone through a lot of battles, Saitama knew.

Actually, it's just a little bit sticky.

He didn't suffer any injuries at all...

Saitama sighed. He felt that it was time to end the battle, and that was the strength of Poros.

"Invincible... It's really boring."

Saitama crushed the rock easily, looked up at the hole in the sky, bent his feet slightly, and jumped!

Bang! ! !

The rock layer beneath his feet suddenly burst into pieces.

Like a rocket, Saitama pierced countless gravel directly with his face, and went straight to the ground!


A huge pit in the abyss braving the heat.

Poros was standing on the edge, his chest rising and falling slightly, he was gasping for breath, while his eyes were fixed on the dark abyss hole underneath.

Because of the meteor burst mode, although the energy in the body can be exploded to the greatest extent, it will bring a huge burden to the body like anaerobic respiration, and this form will drastically reduce the life span.

After this mode is turned on, the enemy must be resolved quickly.

Just at this time!

Poros felt the ground shaking!

His eyes condensed, and he stared at the bottom of the abyss!

next moment!

boom! ! !

A burst of smoke exploded underneath, and a figure soared out, bending in the air and falling to a short distance behind Poros.

When Boroston turned around, he looked at Saitama seriously.

At the moment, Saitama's tights looked tattered, and there was a little smoke on his face and arms.

However, there is still no emotional fluctuations in his face.

Seeing the appearance of Saitama, Poros felt shocked in his heart. He seemed to realize something, and he clenched his fist again.

"Saitama! This man! It's worth fighting for me with all my strength!!!"

Poros roared and burst into Saitama once again. He was like a streamer, rushing to Saitama's side in an instant, and then tossing around Saitama, sending continuous blows like raindrops on Saitama's whole body!

And Saitama just put his hands slightly above the head!

After receiving hundreds of punches from Poros in an instant, the time was right, when Poros wanted to punch him in the cheek!

An unremarkable but extremely fast punch directly hit Poros on his chest with one step!


For a moment, Poros' body turned back, his eyes were full of scarlet blood, and his mouth opened to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then, the whole body flew out directly!

This punch, if it were an ordinary weird person, would have died. Poros also felt his broken body. Although very embarrassed, his mouth showed an excited and crazy smile.

"That's it! That's it! Saitama!"

After he flew upside down for hundreds of meters, the burst of energy barely stabilized his figure, and his eyes were about to lock on Saitama!

Suddenly he saw that Saitama was already close to him, and Poros had no time to react.

Saitama, who was expressionless, had already clenched fists with both hands and quickly swung out.

"Continuous normal punches!"

The speed of his fists was extremely fast, and Saitama threw tens of thousands of punches almost instantly, and the entire space in front of him was covered by the shadow of the actual fist!

For a moment!

The dense fists are like being crushed by a molecular-level meat grinder, instantly crushing Poros!

The whole body was blasted into a pool of liquid scattered in the air in an instant!

At the same time, there were many large ravines on the ground behind Poros, all of which were caused by the strength of Saitama's fist, and Saitama also hit the sky as much as possible.

Saitama stopped moving as he watched the blood floating in the sky and some flesh and blood.

He didn't know whether Poros had died, he was waiting for Poros' results now.

In fact, Poros did not die so easily. Although the injuries he received were indeed very serious, they did not cause him to die.

Among the liquid scattered in the sky, the only thing that is still a little intact is the half eye with traces of flesh and tissue glued together!

With this weird half of the eye, he suddenly turned his angle to look at Saitama!

The blood scattered in the air, and some body tissue particles that were crushed into mist, were suddenly driven by a force, and suddenly became one again!

In just a moment, Poros's mutilated body was spliced ​​again, and he was attacked by this blow, and he understood the power of Saitama!

However, in any case, he has to use his last move!

Poros was floating in the air, his hands and feet flexed and opened, and his chest was puffed up toward Saitama.

"I want to release all my energy at once!

Blast you and the surface of this planet! ! ! "

Poros roared, driving every cell in the body to completely release energy!

At this moment!

Poros was enveloped by terrifying energy, as if it had become a blue light spot, the diffused energy agitated, and thunder arcs several meters thick jumped out of him!

The moment the thunder arc stuck to the ground, the ground was instantly melted into a pool of lava.


The energy core of Poros made the last sound, just like the last time a human heart beat.

Without any hesitation, he poured out all his energy towards the man on the ground!

"Bengxing Roaring Cannon!!!"

Bang! ! !

In an instant, the world faded, and it seemed that the entire world was left with this terrifying torrent of energy!

Facing the torrent of world-destroying energy, Saitama showed no expression at all, "Then, I'll be a little more serious."

As he said, his legs bowed slightly, and his left hand wrapped his right fist to his waist.

At this moment, the torrent of world-destroying energy has come to him!

Saitama, punch out without hesitation!

"Sure! A serious punch!!!"

boom! ! !

Fist is thrown instantly!

An invisible force of terror erupted I saw the torrent of annihilating the world, and was instantly bombarded to collapse and turn upside down.

In just an instant, the terrifying energy was dissipated and part of it returned to the sky, and Poros was also penetrated by his own energy and an invisible force. At this moment, he was unguarded and was hit by a double blow!

The energy core inside the body "clicks" to shatter!

This terrifying invisible force was invincible and directly shook the blue star's atmosphere and flew directly into the depths of the universe.

If someone can look at the blue star from space at this moment, he can see that the blue star is "combined" by the mysterious existence at this moment.



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