The white room was filled with the smell of potion and disinfectant. Two iron beds were placed in it. A bald head and a short-haired girl lay in medical clothes.

This is the medical room of the Heroes Association.

Saitama opened her eyes blankly and looked at the strange ceiling.

He actually woke up a long time ago, and for this hospitalization, he has a long-lost feeling.

Although, he didn't actually have any injuries on his body.

Thinking back to the battle with her girl teacher Saki Yashin, it ended in a bit inexplicable.

To be honest, he couldn't remember what happened in the end, but he was pretty sure that he lost.

"Hum↗ Hum → Hum↘ Hum~ Hum↘ Hum → Hum →...... Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum~~~"

The brisk footsteps came along with the girl's humming ballads.

Saitama knew that his teacher was here.


The door opened.

"My disciple~ You lost."

Muhua Saki Yashin stood by the door, with a scissor hand crossed beside her, with a proud smile on her face.

Saitama's face was expressionless, but the bottom of his eyes rolled slightly: "Okay, okay, sir, you won."

Muhua Saki Yashin shook her little hand briskly, squinted and smiled cheerfully, and jumped to the front of Saitama's bed in threes or twos.

"Hmph~ My victory is already doomed. As my disciple, although you are good enough, you are still far behind the master."

However, Saitama's eyes didn't fluctuate, and he looked at the ceiling in a daze.

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled, not paying attention, and knocked on the bed frame with her little hand.

"Hmm~ I'm very energetic, so don't bother me."

Saitama still had no expression, he was thinking about how the battle ended.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Saitama in a daze, curled her lips, turned around and prepared to leave, took a few steps, and left a sentence.

"I'm leaving now."

When Saitama heard this, his eyes opened slightly, and he suddenly recovered, and he slammed up and looked at Muhua Saki Yashin's back.

"and many more!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin stopped and turned around to reveal the usual arrogant smile.

"What's the matter? Can't you bear me?"

Saitama's complexion paused, sighed, and looked at Qianxia who was still in a coma, faintly said.

"Aren't you separate from Qianxia Dao?"

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "No, it's not that we won't meet again in the future. I will take my friends to travel in the future."

"Is that so."


Muhua Saki Yaxin said nothing, turned around again and prepared to leave, when she walked to the door.

"Teacher Yexin!"

Saitama once again called out Muhana Saki Yashin.


Muhua Saki turned around and looked at Saitama suspiciously.

Saitama sighed slightly, and finally smiled on the face that had been stiff for a long time.

"goodbye teacher."

Muhua Sakuya was stunned, and suddenly showed a sweet smile.


Muhua Saki Yaxin turned her head and opened the door and walked out, walking as briskly as she had come, humming an unknown ballad on her lips.

She knew that Saitama had changed, or that Saitama had changed since becoming her disciple.

From now on, no matter how Saitama loses her emotions, she will never forget her, and she will never forget this feeling of mentorship.


Muhuasaki Yaxin paused, then looked back at the ward, squinted and smiled.

The next moment, the space was distorted, and the girl's figure gradually disappeared.


The spell returns to the world.

In a dilapidated and disused neighborhood, several crows stood on a burnt lamp post and screamed.



The sound of footsteps on gravel is from far to near.

"Nanako, have you found anything?"

Ino looked around with the probe, and she could feel the imprint of the magic power left here.

Although it was very weak, the breath gave her a strong feeling, and this kind of curse power was only possible with a particularly powerful special-grade curse spirit.

Nanako followed Ino and shook her head.

"The Dark Emperor didn't even notice it, and I naturally didn't notice anything."

Ino nodded and continued to walk along the traces left by the curse, and soon they came to a square.

However, the scene shown in this square made Ino a bit creepy.

The entire square was filled with charred corpses. These corpses maintained a posture of kneeling and pilgrimage, and pointed at a charred ten-bracket in the center of the square. It seemed that they were worshipping the ten-bracket in the center of the square before death!

Ino quickly grabbed Nanako's little hand.

However, when she looked at Nanako, Nanako was facing her, her big jewel-like eyes revealed a firm look.

Ino was stunned, but the next moment he showed a gratified smile.

Nanako has grown up.

Ino grabbed Nanako's little hand tightly: "Nanako, let's turn on the spell chakra mode, go ahead and check it out."

Nanako nodded heavily.

"Well! The terminator of light and darkness does not fear evil!"

Nanako clenched a small fist with her right hand, her eyes resolute.

However, at this time!

A figure flew from the sky quickly!

Both Ino and Nanako looked at each other, and both knew that this breath was definitely the culprit of this time!



Nanako has cooperated with Ino many times, and she has a tacit understanding. She raised her hand and instantly gathered a half-meter energy ball, which was projected at the flying figure!

However, the visitors seemed to have realized that they were so powerful. After the distance was enough, they folded their hands together and made a peculiar handprint.

"The field is unfolding!!!"


For a moment!

The ground collapsed!

The surrounding world suddenly changed, and the volcanic rock surrounded the two girls like a wall. Magma gushed from the ground, and the air visible to the naked eye became distorted due to the scorching heat.

Ino's face was solemn, and Nanako was like an enemy.

Just an instant, the scene changed, the curse spirit in front of him was already standing on the ground, his head was in the shape of a volcano, and it was spraying heat, with a big eye on his face showing a little smile.

"Field! Cover the coffin and iron the mountain!"

"You are really strong. If you are an ordinary conjurer, you will be burned to death as soon as you enter my domain."

Ino and Nanako looked at each other, and looked at this super-class curse spirit who could only speak human language.

Ino: "It seems that you have a certain amount of information about us, and you can start the field when you meet!"

However, the volcanic head curse spirit smiled: "Haha, you humans don't have a saying, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, is it wrong for me to do this?"

Ino frowned even more, and the intelligence of this curse was clearly beyond her imagination.

To be honest, she seemed to have encountered such a curse for the first time.

"The Dark Emperor! We don't need to discuss with this evil existence! Let's just purify it!"

Nanako had already set up a running posture, and the majestic energy in his body was running fiercely.

Looking at the serious Nanako, Ino nodded, indeed, there is no need to talk nonsense with this guy.

"Quick battle! Nanako!"

"it is good!"

next moment!

The two girls started to separate and ran!

Nanako once again gathered an energy ball, this time the energy ball gathered is even more terrifying, a small vitality bullet with a diameter of several meters!

But the volcano head smiled disdainfully: "Haha, in my field! Do you still want to struggle!?"

"Next blow! Burn you to ashes!"

With that said, both palms of the volcano head hit the ground heavily!

boom! !

The magma land on the ground suddenly cracked!

A wave of magma swept towards Nanako and Ino!

In the field!

The technique is a must-have effect!

In this regard, the volcano head is 100% confident that it can solve the sudden change of two people in one fell swoop!

Ino felt the terrifying temperature of this magma burning wave, and it seemed that it would be possible to be hard, but there is no guarantee that it will not be injured. Sure enough, the domain still has to use the domain to fight?

no solution anymore.

Ino closed his eyes, and the curse power and Chakra brewing in his heart burst out loudly.

Domain, the highest state of the conjurer.

What is needed is a certain talent, more spell power, and a little imagination.

Ino can feel that she is building a world of her own!

The moment the scorching magma waves came to the eyes.

Ino opened his eyes, and her sharp eyes revealed a sharpness that pierced the soul!

"The field unfolds!"

"Ming Mei Soul Spooky Territory!"

For a moment!

Ino's domain is unfolding, and the terrifying fluctuations cover the entire space, and the two domains are fighting each other!

However, the result came out instantly!

The head of the volcano felt that his domain was defeated in an instant.

A burst of light flashed, changing the sky and the ground, in an instant!

When the volcano head turned around, he found that he was already in a new space.

Look up.

This is a blue-purple sky, with a gloomy feeling that is not overcast and rainy.

There is a huge whirlpool in the sky, and wisps of transparent purple light are sucked into the huge whirlpool from all over the space, which is very strange.

The ground is a dark, dark soil, just standing on it, you can feel a trace of chill penetrating under your feet.

The volcano head looked around cautiously, and he found that the two conjurers had disappeared!

Moreover, there is a thin mist around it, and the scenery in the distance can hardly be seen.

It feels that it should be planted.

"Although it was expected, I didn't expect that these two conjurers who didn't know where they came from were actually so strong!"

The head of the volcano thought of the real person and the advice of the "fake summer oil", showing a trace of helplessness on his face.

"Soul pumping!"

A cold female voice came from nowhere.

next moment!

The head of the volcano only felt that his brain was like a needle, and his soul seemed to be torn apart!

It unbearably clutched its head and screamed in pain, and high lava was ejected from the volcano's head.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, its scream stopped!

A white soul visible to the naked eye separated from its body, and flew to the sky, towards the huge vortex!

Just a moment.

This emptiness soul disappeared directly in that whirlpool!

In a pure white space!

Ino and Nanako stood among them.

Nanako is obviously very curious about these: "Oh~ Ino! The Dark Emperor deserves to be the Dark Emperor! Actually, he has mastered the highest profundity so quickly!"

Ino smiled and shook her head. In fact, she knew that Nanako should be about the same. After all, the knot was taught by Saki Yashin, and it was difficult to learn it or not.

"Nanako, you should be able to expand the domain too."

Nanako shook his head: "I feel almost like it, but it should be soon."

Just at this time.

A small ball of light appeared in the Ino looked at the ball of light and touched it without hesitation. This is the purified soul. In this unique soul, she can Easily read the information you want.

Looking at the memory of this curse, she gradually frowned.

Just at the moment of contact, she knew all the plans of the curse squad that intended to destroy mankind!

Seal Gojo Satoru!

The spy of the conjurer family!


Ino's eyes lit up.

"Maybe you can catch it all at once!"



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