The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 108: The joy of reunion

After Ino unlocked the domain, Ino took Nanako's little hand and returned to the real world.

Ino looked at the scorched corpse in the square in front of him, frowning.

"These extra-class magic spirits with wisdom must be cleared quickly!"

These civilians are traps set by the curse to attract them.

Ino and Nanako felt unusually heavy.

After all, it can be said to some extent that these civilians were killed by them.

Ino also sighed and grasped Nanako's small hand tightly, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Let's go!"

Nanako turned around and no longer looked at the cruel scene in the square, her eyes also revealed determination.


However, what they didn't know was that it was on a high tower in this ruined town.

A peculiar curse spirit wrapped in a white cloth in his left hand saw this scene in his eyes.

It's Hua Yu, one of the Super Magic Spirit Squad!

Seeing Ino and Nanako coming out of the domain, but not seeing them, it understood!

Lost the coral!

They lost a partner!

Hua Yu's right hand clenched his fist, his chest was raging.

But it has no impulse, and the Leaking Coral can be said to be the strongest of them!

Even if it loses, it is even more unlikely to be an opponent!

Hua Yu turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly saw a human girl wearing a strange costume and a pink eye patch, who seemed to have lost her way and wandered through the ruins.

Hua Yu looked at Ino and Nanako in the distance, and then at the human girl below, a look of hatred suddenly appeared!

It decided to kill this human!

Those two conjurers are still a long way from where they are. They want to kill this human being and let those human conjurers feel it!

The feeling that a companion was killed, but there was nothing he could do!


Let her wailing as much as possible!

Let them hear her wailing but powerless!

Thinking like this, Hua Yu rushed directly at the figure below!

And among the wandering and ruins, the girl who seemed to be looking for something with the left and right probes suddenly looked up to the sky!

At this time, Hua Yu fell in front of her like a cannonball.

boom! !


Hua Yu's non-human face showed a cold expression, and the cold eyes revealed killing intent.

If it is an ordinary human girl, it is estimated that she will scream directly.

This is also the script in Huayu's imagination.

However, the human girl in front of her put her finger on her pink lips, looking at it curiously.

"Oh! The evil spirit sent to the door~"

Hua Yu was stunned, and then she showed a look of horror!


She was careless!

The death of Ouhu made her die the sanity of the past!

The human girl in front of her, at first glance, was indeed an ordinary human without any curse power!

But here is the problem!

It is impossible for humans to have no curse power, but their curse power is so weak that it can be completely ignored!

The more Hua Yu thought about it, the more he felt how wrong with the human girl in front of her.


Why is she scared! She has no reason to be afraid!

Thinking like this, she shot her hand, raised her hand, and a large number of seeds shot out like bullets!

However, the human girl in front of her still didn't have the slightest fear, instead she showed a faint smile.

This smile makes Hua Yu feel the creeps!

I saw that the seed bullet was directly set in the air within half a meter of the girl's body.

The girl kept a dangerous smile, and slowly said, "Little Curse Spirit, I really don't know what to do. Facing me, I dare to keep my hand."

open eyes!

Hua Yu only saw a touch of red light passing by the girl's eyes!

Immediately afterwards, the seeds set in front of the girl exploded directly!

Hua Yu seemed to feel something too, staring down and looking down at his body, his body surface had completely turned into a piece of coke, and a burning tingling sensation from the inside out began to surge. Heart.

In pain, she couldn't help wailing loudly!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

This wailing sound is not at all like humans, and even less like animals. It is very weird and very loud.

Ino and Nanako in the distance paused when they heard the wailing sound.

The two looked at each other, then nodded together.

Although this roar is not like a human being, it is still weird!

However, they could still hear the pain expressed in that voice.

Moreover, the two were also bold and daring, and rushed directly in the direction of the voice.

Ino and Nanako jumped several ninjas in a row, flying over the walls between the ruined buildings, prancing like birds, and within a minute, they came to the vicinity of the scene.

They jumped in the air, before they were completely close, they saw a familiar figure.

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat on the magic circle seat that had been transformed, beside him was a comatose curse Linghua Yu.

She beckoned to Ino and Nanako who were in the air, smiling and bending her eyes into crescent moons.

"Long time no see, Dark Emperor Ino, my sister Light and Dark Terminator!"

Listening to this girl who was sternly shouting hello to the second name, Ino was instantly excited.

Nanako directly screamed in surprise.


Nanako directly speeded up in the air and rushed towards Kawasaki Yashin.

Kihana Saki Yashin was obviously caught off guard, shaking hurriedly, but was directly thrown by Nanako.

She hugged Nanako and flew directly backwards, leaping three meters and falling to the ground.

Lying on the dusty and gravel ground, Muhua Saki squirmed her body in pain, looked at Nanako in her arms, and rubbed her head angrily.

"Really, Nanako, is it necessary to be so excited."

Nanako didn't care, and her little head arched into Muhana Sakiya's heart, tears squeezed out of her eyes with joy.

"Sister! Sister! Miss you so much, miss you so much, where have you been these days."

Kihana Saki Yashin stood up holding Nanako and rubbed her little head.

"I just went to save my disciples, because the situation was urgent, so I hurried over."

Nanako hugged him for a long time, finally willing to let go of Saki Saki Yakina, and looked at Saki Yakina with tearful eyes.

"Sister, you can't leave us that way in the future."

Ino fell three meters in front of Muhua Saki's body, looking at this familiar face, looking at this dear sister, his emotions were complicated for a while.

However, the complex mood is complicated, but it can't prevent her from knocking Muhuasaki Yaxin on the head.

She went straight to Muhua Sakuya's mind.

Muhua Saki Yashin also looked up at her best friend, the dark emperor Ino, with a smile on her face.

Did not wait for her to speak.

Ino hit the knife directly on the head of Muhua Saki Yaxin.


Familiar feel, familiar voice.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately covered her head and looked at Ino with tears.


However, Ino was expressionless, with a hint of anger and joy in his eyes.

"Just run away without saying a word! Ye Xin! Do you know how much we worry about you these past few days!"

Muhua Saki heard it heartily, and was a little touched.

They are not afraid that they will not be able to escape from this world, they are more worried about her safety.

Muhua Saki Yashin's complexion immediately returned to the old arrogance, and his head was raised.

"Stay for a long time! I am the eye of death! The most apex existence in the infinite-dimensional world! There is absolutely no possibility of accidents!"

Ino sighed as he looked at the arrogant girl who was playing the treasure.

"It is not allowed to leave without saying a word in the future."

"Hmm~ I am the eye of death!"



Muhua Saki Yaxin held her head again.

Ino expressionlessly put away the smoking hand knife.

"Say it again."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked aggrieved and nodded weakly.

"I see, I won't be anymore..."

Nanako looked at this familiar scene, couldn't help but looked at her sister's head, then stretched out her palm, her head thinking divergent.

Could this be the stunt of the Dark Emperor!

Hand of Darkness!

Absolutely restrain the move of the eye of death!

Nanako also gestured a few hand knives.

"This trick, you have to consult the Dark Emperor!"

After all, she is determined to surpass her sister!

"Since Ye Xin, you are back, then the matter should be resolved, right."

Muhua Saki put down her little hand holding her head, and nodded with a serious expression: "The matter is a bit complicated. My disciple was accidentally traversed into a different world not far from the anchor point of this world, so I will accept it. She sent a distress signal. But now the matter has been completely resolved."

Ino nodded: "By the way, when did Ye Xin accept another apprentice?"

Muhua Saki said proudly: "I already have two apprentices."


Nanako was a little surprised.

"Will anyone actually worship my sister as a teacher?"

As soon as he said this, Muhua Saki Yaxin's face turned black, and a somewhat angry paw was placed on Nanako's head and scratched.

"Nanako! What do you mean! I am the eye of death!"

Nanako's hair was torn apart, her face wrinkled in anguish, her little hand grasped Muhua Saki Yashin's messy little hand: "I was wrong, sister."


Muhua Saki put down his hands and raised his head again.

Ino saw it and smiled: "Indeed, Ye Xin is a small genius, and his strength is so strong, I don't think it's strange that someone apprentices."


Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head was taller again, proudly.

"The Dark Emperor really understands me."

"Well, since Yashin is back, let's go to have a meal. Nanako and I found a very delicious dessert shop."

Hearing Inno's words, Nanako's eyes brightened, flushing with excitement, and said excitedly to Kawasaki Yashin.

"The pudding there is super cute and delicious! Sister, you definitely want to try it!"

Speaking of eating, Muhua Saki Yaxin was immediately excited, her crystal clear eyes shining with stars.

"Ino! Then let's go eat pudding!"

Ino looked at the excited Sakuya Yashin sisters, and suddenly smiled.

Sure enough, they are sisters.

Speaking of eating, have you forgotten the catchphrase?

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin sealed the seal imperially, and rushed to the sweetheart shop non-stop.

Sure enough, the pudding in that dessert shop, with its ultimate taste and excellent delicacy, conquered Muhua Saki Yaxin in an instant.

The three girls, in this sweet snack, passionately played the joy of reunion.

Muhua Saki Yaxin put two cherries into her mouth, and asked, "By the way, I have been away for a few days."

Nanako ate the pudding and answered sweetly, "Three days."

Muhuasaki ate at night, and suddenly stopped.

"Only three days?"


Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Nanako who was suspicious and Ino who was intoxicated while enjoying the food.

Seeing how excited you are, I thought it was a long time...

"Let's go back after we have dealt with some things."

Ino and Nanako, who were eating the food, paused, and looked at Saki Yashin together.

"Are you not practicing in this world?"

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "No need, UU Reading www.uukā My Eye of Death has completely analyzed the curse power, and we may be able to travel in the future without having to stay for so long.

Ino and Nanako nodded.

They are actually a little tired and homesick.

Before leaving, Muhua Saki Yaxin threw Feng Zhenyu to Gojo Satoru.

Ino, on the other hand, carefully informed Gojo Satoru about the conspiracy of the super curse spirit and the "fake summer oil", as well as other information.

After dealing with these matters, they left.

Believe that, with this information, the invincible Wu Tiao Wu will directly give all the special curse spirits combined by the "fake summer oil" to a nest.

Next time, you should be able to see a more peaceful spell returning to the world.


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