The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 154: The version update is complete, and the human lineup is strengthened.

The leader of the Dengfeng team was still a little confused about Muhua Saki Yaxin's strange words.

Most importantly, he didn't believe that the girl in front of him was the creator of the world.

In other words, the Creation God suddenly took the image of a young girl and suddenly pulled two young girls representing God-level disasters and appeared in front of them.

Then launched a devastating blow to them. Halfway through the blow, you suddenly jumped out and said that I want to negotiate...

This is really outrageous...

However, he seemed to have no choice, and even if he agreed to the young girl who claimed to be the Mother God of Creation, they themselves did not suffer any loss.

After all, they have no equal strength.

In this regard, the captain's complex expression agreed: "I may be able to represent the humans in peace talks with the Gemini, but most humans and Geminis have hatreds, and they may not be able to accept the Geminis sincerely."

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, and showed a big smile: "Of course I know you can't accept them sincerely, as long as you let them live with you, and I have a place to live."

The captain took a deep breath. He looked at the complex expressions of his team members, did not say anything, and said solemnly towards Muhua Saki Yaxin: "In this case, I have no reason to refuse, please do it under the crown of God Mother. Promise."

In response, Muhua Saki Yexin nodded, and she turned to look at the twin sisters next to her. She stretched out her little hand and rubbed her sister Mo Xiaoyan's head gently and said, "Oh, let the people in the domain come out."

However, Mo Xiaoyan shook his head: "No, they are bad guys and can't be let go."

Seeing Gemini's answer, the six members of the Dengfeng team were suddenly excited again.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin gave them a look, and let them settle down.

Then Muhua Saki Yexin continued to stroke Mo Xiaoyan's little head: "Oh, obedient, let them go, let them go, they will be better."

Mo Xiaoyan turned to look at Muhua Saki Yexin, hesitating: "Really? Can they get better?"

Muhua Sakuya touched the girl's head with a smile, and nodded: "Of course it is true, I promise, they will get better."

"Even if they become bad, you can hide them in your dreams again."

In response, Mo Xiaoyan finally nodded.

Sister Lu Muyuan blinked her big watery eyes and seemed to have no objection.

In this regard, Mo Xiaoyan thought.

The huge mental power slowly recovered.

However, the reality rewritten under the influence of spiritual power is slowly recovering.

The survivors in the **** amusement park are concentrating in the clearing, planning the tenth concentrated attack!

However, the attack had not yet proceeded, and they suddenly discovered that the entire space seemed to be collapsing.

Immediately someone cheered.

"We succeeded? Did we succeed?"

"Space collapsed! We made it!!"

"We are saved! We cracked the Gemini space!"

However, cheering sounds seem to be a lot, but in fact they only accounted for two to three percent of the crowd...

More people can rationally analyze that this space is not a collapse!

On the contrary, it is like the disintegration of the original owner let go.

Moreover, their previous attacks were simply tickling this space.

The only time to break space was to break a small white hole.

Smaller than the hole that Hao Yong broke by himself...

Many sane people know that their attacks are too scattered, far from being able to hit a point with Hao Yong's blow.

Therefore, even if their combined energy attack is far stronger than Hao Yong's, they cannot break the space.

As for the current situation, some people guessed that it was the Dengfeng team that had left before.

They knew that the Dengfeng team must have gone heads-up with the twins.

Six of them singled out two twins.

Although the Dengfeng team is a legendary team, they don't think they can perform miracles again.

After all, the difference in strength is too great.

They gathered here to attack the space barrier with energy collectively, but they were just not reconciled to die so brazenly...

However, at this moment, it seems that a miracle really happened...

They really want to know what the Dengfeng team did...

The entire space disintegrated completely in less than five minutes, and all of them returned to the real Yan Capital Golden City.

However, they did not find out.

Among the returning people, many key figures are missing.

at the same time.

There are six members of the Dengfeng squad, the commander of the Sixth Army of the Counterattack Army, the Supreme Chief, and the general staff.

Almost all the big figures on the human side were suddenly teleported into a pure white space.

Perhaps it was a sudden change in time and space, everyone was a little confused, they stared blankly at the pure white space in front of them, looked at the ground under their feet like a mirror, and rippled when they stepped on them.

In this regard, the six members of the Dengfeng squad who knew a little about the situation were also a little confused, and the space of the Gemini's spiritual realm was lifted.

However, in an instant, a mysterious and profound force caused them to be teleported to this space without resistance.

It even sent the Supreme Chief and them all in.

The Supreme Chief frowned: "What's the matter? Has the Gemini's domain been lifted?"

The general staff shook his head solemnly:

"I haven't been in the realm of Gemini since the beginning, and I have been teleported here, I hardly feel any! This ability is weird! It's also terrifying!"

The expressions of everyone who appeared again suddenly became serious.

Some people, who were still in the **** amusement park just now, were discovering that the space had collapsed, but in the next second they were teleported to this pure white space without feeling.

It is conceivable that if this person were to kill them, they would not have any resistance at all.

At this time, the captain of the Dengfeng team stood up and said with a serious expression to the crowd: "I know what happened."

As he said, he shouted into the empty space: "Come out, Mother God of Creation! I know you are here."

Everyone looked at the quick empty space.


A burst of laughter came from behind everyone: "Hip hop ha ha~ I just want to give you some time to communicate and calm down."

Listening to the naughty girl's voice, everyone turned around in a daze and looked behind.

However, there was still no one.

At this time, the girl's voice came from behind them again.

"Since I have been asked to come out, then you must have communicated clearly."

Immediately, everyone's brains burst into blue veins, and they became a little angry.

This person is obviously playing with them.

They turned around again, only to find three girls standing in front of them.

One is wearing a cheongsam, one is wearing a white dress, and the other is wearing a black Lolita dress.

The clothes of the three girls were very gorgeous, but except for the six members of the Dengfeng team, the others became nervous when they saw the twin sisters in skirts.

The commander of the counter-attack army has even begun to gather strength.

The six members of the Dengfeng team quickly stopped everyone: "Stop!"


"Don't get excited, they are not malicious!"

Everyone looked at the movements of the Dengfeng team, and then at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was smiling in front of him, and the two twin sisters who were expressionless.

They suddenly dropped their vigilance, but their eyes were full of doubts.

They actually knew that even if they tried their best, they wouldn't be able to hurt Gemini.

Therefore, it is nothing to let go of their vigilance, but they wonder why the Gemini would let them go?

What did the Dengfeng team do?

Who is this strange unknown girl in front of me?

They vaguely remembered that the captain of the Dengfeng team seemed to call her-God of Creation?

Muhua Saki smiled slightly at the confusion in everyone's eyes. She glanced at the captain of the summit team, and said casually: "Ah~ You don't seem to explain to them clearly.

This makes me a little difficult. "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.


next moment!

A long table and matching chairs appeared in front of everyone.

Muhua Saki Yaxin casually walked to the head position and sat down, and then she gave everyone a look with a smile.

Immediately, everyone understood that they did not hesitate to choose a position and sit down.

The twin sisters didn’t seem to be interested in this meeting at all. They held hands and left ten meters away, squatting on the mirror-like ground, using their mental power to turn out a pile of wooden blocks, and then the sisters began to play. A game of building blocks.

Everyone looked at the innocent scene of Gemini, and suddenly felt a little subtle.

"Ahem, then the meeting to discuss how humans and Gemini get along friendly has begun."

At this time, Muhuasaki Yaxin's words attracted everyone's attention.

However, after hearing what Muhuasaki Yaxin said clearly, everyone was stunned!

In the next second, everyone couldn't believe it, and "impossible" was written on their faces.

After a while, the supreme leader seemed to realize something, and said to Muhua Saki Yaxin with a serious face: "Judging from the enmity between the human survivors and the twins, we can't get along well with them."

The general staff also guessed that the peak team might have made any deal with this strange girl.

They will be rescued!

But getting along with Gemini?

This is impossible!

It's like someone who killed your whole family, suddenly you want to become friends with him, it's very absurd!

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't seem to hear the words of the Supreme Chief, her expression remained unchanged, with a smile, and a trace of aloof pride in her calm: "Humph~ Mortals, you think this meeting is my invitation to you. Is it?"

"The so-called friendly getting along is that you are getting along well.

Of course, if you dare to be unfriendly, I believe you also understand the consequences. "

As soon as Muhua Saki Yaxin said these words, everyone was quiet.

Indeed, they are not qualified to say no at all.

Being friendly, indeed, only being friendly...

Since the twins entered the city, they have actually been getting along with each other...

It’s just that a survivor broke this friendship...

The Supreme Chief had a serious face, but his eyes revealed a hint of helplessness: "I understand, we will get along with the Gemini friendly."

"They are not called Gemini, they have names."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed to Mo Xiaoyan who was using building blocks to build an eighteen-winged bird.

"This is my sister, Mo Xiaoyan."

Mo Xiaoyan heard Muhua Saki Yexin calling her name, and suddenly looked over, with a trace of doubt on her expressionless little face, it seemed that this girl was a bit dull and cute.

Muhua Saki Yexin didn't pay attention to Mo Xiaoyan, and once again pointed to Lu Muyuan who was lying on the ground next to Mo Xiaoyan with an unknown building block.

"This is my younger sister named Lu Muyuan."

Lu Muyuan immediately went to look over, blinking with big eyes, as if he didn't understand what Muhua Saki Yexin asked her to do?

Everyone looked at these two humans and animals harmless, and even some cute and cute girls, and suddenly felt that the image of the evil twins imagined in the past is gone forever.

And, for some reason, I suddenly felt that getting along with Gemini is not a problem.

"Listen clearly? They have names."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's words brought back everyone's thoughts.

In response, everyone sitting there nodded in unison.

"I understand, we will try to get along with them seriously."

The supreme leader said with a serious face.

"It should have been like this long ago."

Muhua Saki Yexin said cruelly: "Actually, I said, you humans are really dead brains.

Originally, they couldn't attack you at will, that is to say, your human beings radiated malice to them time and time again, only then will they arouse their counterattack.

From the very beginning, their sisters are actually human beings, still children, longing for family love, longing for delicious food, longing for beautiful and gorgeous clothes, and longing for friends! And what about you guys? Treat them as monsters? "

"You were wrong from the beginning, you thought you divided them into disasters.

Have you ever thought that if they stood in your human lineup from the beginning, would you be so sad? "

As Muhua Sakuya's heart crackled, let's talk about it.

Everyone fell silent.

According to the records of multiple crusades, they actually discovered long ago that Gemini's external performance was not clearly offensive.

It can be said that as long as they do not actively provoke the Gemini, it is impossible to be attacked by the Gemini.

However, there is no way.

From the beginning, after the first mistake.

The hatred continued.

To this day, it is impossible to save...

In the Gemini crusade, they lost millions of people...

Among them, there are many soldiers, families, wives and children...

The husband is dead, and the father is dead.

All died in the hands of Gemini...

For this reason, the war caused human beings to be dominated by hatred, and later they launched several completely irrational crusades...

Then, died again...

The Crusaders were almost wiped out...

This kind of hatred has accumulated, and it is impossible to recover between them...

Who doesn’t know that Gemini is a human being, and who doesn’t know, Gemini is actually two underage children, just possessing power comparable to gods...

Muhua Saki looked at the silent people and curled his lips: "Forget it, anyway, I measure how you play, and I don't dare to be unfriendly to them, and I originally intended to strengthen your human race."

"So I will give your human race a plug-in.

One is called the Hall of Heroes and the other is called Pure Heaven. "

Immediately, everyone was stunned again.

What does it mean to give them a plug-in for humans?

Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a grin: "Huh, don't you understand."

She explained: "I am your mother goddess after all. Seeing that your human race is weak, I intend to give you some compensation."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and pointed at the pure white space.

next moment!

In the space, a golden and glorious palace instantly rises from the ground.

Muhua Saki Yaxin introduced: "From now on, this space will belong to the Hall of Valor.

"I will introduce you to the Hall of Valor.

The Hall of Heroes, the Hall of Heroes, as the name implies, is the hall where the souls of heroes and heroes are located!

Some of your human heroes who have made a significant contribution to the race will board the Hall of Valor after death.

After entering the Hall of Heroes, the souls of the heroes will be specialized and will become a peculiar existence, and the heroes after the heroism will be much stronger than before.

Moreover, your human beings in the sun world can also summon them to come by some special means. "

After hearing the setting of the Hall of Valor, everyone was shocked.

They all can't believe it.

Is it possible for something like the Hall of Valor to exist?

Could it be said that this girl is really the goddess of creation?

However, Kihana Saki Yashin ignored people's shock and started to introduce the second one.

"As for the second gift, pure heaven, it is actually their ability."

With that, Muhuasaki Yaxin pointed to the two girls who were graffiti in the void.

"Those of you who were killed, the souls are still there."

Speaking, Muhua Saki Yexin waved a small hand.

Suddenly, a strange picture unfolded in the void.

It shows the pure souls of tens of millions in the inner "heaven" space of the twin sisters.

"I will let them evolve into a pure heaven in this space, and the pure souls in them will all become pure angels.

It can be for you to drive the battle, or to disperse them and return them to the world.

In the future, if the human beings of your human race die, you can choose to return to the heavens and the earth, or you can choose to enter the pure heaven. "

After hearing Muhuasaki Yaxin's words, everyone was shocked again.

In this way, wouldn't their human beings be equivalent to not dying?

They all know that the so-called return to heaven and earth actually means that the soul automatically dissipates and turns into soul energy floating between the heaven and the earth.

There is no legend of soul reincarnation, after all, many of them have awakened soul power.

Nature has a very thorough understanding of where the soul returns after the death of human beings.

With the two plug-ins of the Hall of Valor and Pure Heaven!

The Supreme Chief suddenly imagined the future life.

He seems to be able to feel that in the future their children and grandchildren will live on a peaceful and peaceful planet, and they will live happily...

Immediately, everyone had no idea what to do with the Gemini.

It is true that even if they plan to live in peace with the Gemini, there is no guarantee that someone will be driven by hatred. makes irrational impulsive behavior, and then causes war! After all, Gemini is a existence with the power of gods, put in their city, it is like a nuclear bomb that does not know when to explode, once it explodes, it may be the end of their humanity!

However, this moment is different!

They have the Hall of Valor and the Pure Heaven, they will not die completely after death!

Therefore, they do not need to be afraid of death in the future!

Just be reckless, just rush!

Still a good soul after death!

We can fight again!

In response, everyone began to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin with their eyes flooded.

"Under the crown of the Mother of God! We must obey your will!"


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