The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 178: Humble Limru, play with you online

Yu Hao is a social animal who eats and waits to die. He goes to work and gets off work every day.

Life doesn't seem to see the future, there is no goal, and he doesn't know the meaning of life.

Maybe it's just to live and live.

But this kind of uproarious way of living has already bored him.

And just today, Yu Hao turned on the computer and opened the web page skillfully. Before he could do the next step, a sentence popped up on the computer screen.

"Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really... live?"

This is a bright red font, and the bright red one seems to flow into my mind, revealing a weird atmosphere.

However, Yu Hao was excited. Isn't this pop-up window the entrance to another world?

As a social animal, all kinds of cartoons are his spiritual food, used to comfort his boring life that is about to go crazy. Therefore, he naturally reads countless various animations, and there are countless illusions in his mind all the time!

Moreover, he was originally an orphan, without a father or mother, and conformed to all the laws of traversal.

Finally...Anyway, this computer is a company, even if it is poisoned, there is an excuse to change to a new one. It has been five years!

As for data loss, that is nonsense, not to mention that company data is stored separately in an independent database that is disconnected from the Internet.

Moreover, a small company is still a partial industry, so what kind of **** will be interested in this company's data?

Eliminating all obstructive thoughts, Yu Hao was excited and directly clicked on...this string of subtitles.

Yes, there is no yesoron, only this pop-up window.




The hazy consciousness was slightly awake, Yu Hao suddenly realized something, and sat up abruptly, looking around with horrified eyes, there is no doubt that this is a section of the carriage.

"Yes! You are the deadliest one among the people who came this time." A cold voice came.

Yu Hao turned his eyes and saw a black-haired man standing next to him. He was tall and sturdy, dressed in black, with sunglasses on his eyes, but with a few scars on his face. He looked like an extremely vicious character.

The man glanced at him coldly, did not say much, moved his gaze to the side.

"Time is almost up. The mission is about to begin!"

Following the gaze of the black-clothed man, Yu Hao looked at his side. Sure enough, there were a few men and women sitting beside him, all strange faces that they didn't know.

Yu Hao immediately came from his heart.

I really crossed it!

He felt something wrapped around his wrist and felt uncomfortable in his wrist, so he raised his hand and looked at it.

Seeing it was an extremely cool watch, Yu Hao's eyes lit up. Could it be that this is my plug-in!

Watching Yu Hao's action, the man in black woke up suddenly, and he also raised his watch and said to everyone.

"Almost forgot, check the watch!"

Immediately everyone raised their hands, with this watch in their wrists.

Yu Hao was sluggish for an instant.

Both... both?

The man looked at the watch and read the time: "Twenty-three and forty-five."

Everyone except Yu Hao nodded.

The black-clothed man looked at Yu Hao who was silly, with boredom in his eyes. "Hey, is your time wrong?"

Yu Hao quickly glanced at the time inside and outside, then nodded immediately.

"Yes, that's right."

"That's fine, let's get off at the next stop."

Yu Hao looked at the empty carriage, a little confused.

"What are we going to do? Kill zombies? Or save the world?"

As soon as Yu Hao said these words, several people laughed and laughed out loud on the spot.

"Hahahaha, kill zombies?"

Even the woman who seemed to be in good shape laughed a piggy, holding her belly in her arms and laughing out of anger.

"Ha Ge Ha Ge ~ I'm dead, save the world!?"

Only the man in black did not laugh, and the disgust in his eyes was even worse, with a little anger: "You are so stupid, right? Damn! This newcomer unexpectedly has you such a stupid!"

"At the juncture of the mission, you are still a dead pig. If you don't wake up, you'll probably sit and stand! I thought you had a strong mentality? I didn't think you were a fool!"

Yu Hao was stunned.

After being scolded and ridiculed by this verbal abuse and ridicule, his mind finally cleared up, thinking back to him two days ago...

At that time, he clicked on the bright red font pop-up window, but he went directly to a website.

A killer website!

At that time, there was no no-crossing incident, but he was still interested in this website.

Because the UI design of the web page is very exquisite, the registration of novices is also very friendly, and the whole website seems to be the same thing.

He was very interested in the registration information, of course, even if it was not the required ID information or something, he also filled it out.

Of course, he filled in with his colleague.

A colleague he hates very much.

After registering, he then received an email.

However, Yu Hao couldn't be happy when he saw this email.

Because the e-mail address is his personal e-mail address, not a temporary registered e-mail address he wrote when filling in his personal information.

He kept calm and opened the e-mail, which contained an introduction to the details and how to access the website.

At the same time, there was a bright red warning that frightened Yu Hao!

"The registered newcomer will receive a courier within three to five days, which contains the equipment that the newcomer can receive."


After registering the newcomer, a task must be completed within one year! The conditions have been clarified in the registration agreement, I believe there is no need to say more!

(Note: The delivery time required for foreign parcels will increase by one to two days.)

Seeing this warning, Yu Hao was dumbfounded. He hurriedly opened the registration agreement on the website.

It does have such a rule written in it, and there is a consequence attached to it.

[If the newcomer fails to complete the task, it will be cleared! ! ! 】

Clear! ! !

These two characters are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Yu Hao could even see the monstrous killing intent from the cracks, as if blood was oozing out, and the two fonts were dyed red from the inside to the outside.

Yu Hao felt it, a horror, a tremor, from the inside to the outside, from toe to head.

The whole person is like falling into an abyss, and the soul is screaming!

will die! Really will die!

"Task! Yes! Task!"

The word "death" was engraved in his mind, and Yu Hao suddenly woke up, he knew that mission was his only life-saving straw!

He quickly entered the mysterious code he had just obtained into the website, and immediately entered a bright red page.

There are all kinds of tasks inside.

The first task at the top of the list is a terrorist with a turban on his head.

Open the introduction, sure enough!

This person is a terrorist!

He is also the head of a world-famous terrorist organization!

Can't afford it.

Yu Hao gave up decisively and looked for the next goal.

President of the Free State of Arran?

Only ranked fifth?

The world's largest drug lord?

Can't afford it.

The first list is almost all characters that can't be offended, and it seems that some people have been hanging here for a long time!

Think about it, even the killer organization is powerless.

Just as he was thinking about it, a big special effect appeared on the web page, which was a killer word.

The bright red killing characters seemed to penetrate deeply into the screen in front of them, and they looked very textured and very permeating.

Then a barrage message is displayed, just like someone has swiped a huge reward on some platforms.

This message is broadcast on all platforms.

"Killer Ye Xiao! Completed the third Sss-level task of the sky list!"

This information shocked Yu Hao instantly.

Third on the top list! ?

He quickly turned to the top of the list and found the third mission on the list, killing the leader of the Ouya Extremist Organization!

Completed is displayed next to it.

Yu Hao panicked.

You know that the President of the Arran Free State is fifth...

Arran Free State is one of the top five powers in the world!

He gritted his teeth, cleared away distracting thoughts, and continued to seriously flip through the task list, and began to look for the tasks he could do!

He even ignored his work, went home and flipped through the task list overnight.

After two days of endless searching, he finally found the most suitable task from the task list filtered out of tens of thousands of tasks.

A task that does not violate his only little goodwill and is not too difficult.

That is, it feels like this task is a bit tricky.

The photo shown on the list is of a girl in a white robe wearing a doctor-like costume. She gestured with a scissor hand and showed a big smile, looking very innocent and romantic.

[Assassination target: the most dangerous scientist in the infinite dimension! A human doctor! 】


Sell ​​war weapons!

She is the destroyer of cosmic civilization! Warmongers! The persecuted creatures are countless! Heavily sinful!


Once sold planetary orbital guns to space war mongers, causing countless civilized tragedies!

Sell ​​the Big Crack Generator to Mutaqi civilization, causing several galaxies to be swallowed by the collapse of time and space!

Sell ​​the black hole through train to Potatadu civilization...

Take a six-year-old child's lollipop and eat it, and then tell the child that the lollipop is poisonous, but she just ate it!

Play with the generator of parallel universes wantonly, creating countless parallel universes indiscriminately!

Use all kinds of illegal weapons wantonly, and even modify the basic concept of the entire universe!

Etc., etc!

Heavily sinful! ! ! The crimes are simply countless.

Yu Hao is dazzled by this list of crimes, and it seems that there is no way to pull it to the end.

But Yu Hao didn't have so much curiosity, so he immediately grabbed this task. The number of this task seemed to be limited. Now three people have signed up and won't grab it.

He was afraid that the task would suddenly disappear.

After all, these are obviously trivial crimes, who can believe it?

No no no.

Yu Hao said that he believed it.

He is going to kill this heinous guy and maintain the peace of the universe.

Although the task bounty is only 60,000 yuan.

Half of the platform will be deducted, and that's how newcomers are divided.

At this time, Yu Hao had a stable mind.

He is an orphan, alone, and he doesn't really need to think about it.

It seems that being a killer is also good, looking for a little excitement for the rest of your life.

After finding the task and successfully signing up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly thought of that pop-up window title, I want to understand the meaning of life, I want to really live...

It's really alive!

Yu Hao gritted his teeth: "It's good to be alive! Especially those who are real! Really alive!"

Then, after two days and two nights, he couldn't sleep on the third day because he received the express package from the killer organization on that day.

It was a package that suddenly appeared in his hall without even noticing it.

The arrival of the package instantly erased the trace of luck that he had imagined in his heart.

This thing is absolutely true.

No kidding!

Facing the coming life of a killer, he was a little nervous and a little excited.

He was excited and nervous, even if he didn't sleep for three days, he still didn't sleep!

He even watched it and played the game while still thinking of his bizarre experience.

The illusion in the brain resurfaced.

Maybe... I'm the protagonist...

As a result, when the mission started the next day.

When he arrived at the mission location, he fell asleep without even listening to the boss in black clarifying the details of the mission.

Sleep as a dead pig, sleep fragments.

Dreaming about crossing by myself.


Back to reality.

Yu Hao looked at the black man in front of him, and he finally remembered that this man was the leader of the newcomer this time.

In fact, they are also newcomers, but the newcomers cultivated within the killer organization are different from their full-time players, and this task...

Yu Hao smiled, and as expected, everyone would take advantage of the loopholes.

The man in black looked at Yu Hao's expression and turned his head in disdain.

"It looks like you idiot finally woke up, and it happened to be at the spot, get out of the car."

Ding Ding Ding...

At this time, the subway prompt sounded an arrival prompt.

The black man walked out first, and Yu Hao walked out with the others.

However, Yu Hao wanted to complain.

The killer takes the subway to perform the mission?

At this time, the man in black seemed to understand Yu Hao's doubts.

"Although this mission is like a prank, the mission information is still complete."

At this time, some people are tapping the cool watch on their wrist.

Yu Haochu held his head, took a closer look, and found that it was the details of the mission.

He also learned how to operate, and the tasks were listed out when the task was opened at one point.

Sure enough, in the task details, the target information was described very carefully.

It's still the picture of the girl in the white doctor suit gesturing with scissors hands.

Chinese name: Suyiyi

English name: Coco Lina

Universe name::-:ヾ=ε

Gender: Fan

Hobbies: snacks, coke...playing with civilization...



and many more

Residence: Linglong Province-Tianyuan City-Haixingkong Avenue-Linlangtian Community No. 10086

At **** station, you can take Metro Line 4 and get there directly.

Note: Every Thursday night, the most subway train is almost empty, and the monitoring will be shut down in advance. The executor can choose this time to go.

Yu Hao is a little It's really very detailed, and there are all combat plans. "

"But is it too shabby to take the subway?"

The woman on the side looks like she should be about thirty years old, still young. She glanced at Yu Hao and said coldly, "Who do you think we are? Newcomer? How much is this mission?"

The brother on the side complained directly. "Cost-saving. You know, we have to pay the subway fare ourselves."

Yu Hao was stunned, and in his heart he turned into a groundhog and roared to the sky!

This is not the killer in my mind! ! !

Don't be too shabby...

Yu Hao is even a little confused. Are all industries so difficult now?

Sure enough, being a social animal is actually not bad.



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