Chapter One Awakening Superpowers with Ten Years

The setting sun is sinking to the west, the sky is full of golden clouds, and the summer night is approaching.

On a bus stop near Shanhai No. 7 Middle School.

A quiet young man with a backpack looked up at the horizon.

It just so happened that in the afterglow of the setting sun, a ray of golden sun was shining on him, as if he was wearing a golden gauze.

"Today's sunset is still so beautiful."

Su Yixing sighed slightly, and continued to look at the clouds inlaid with gold rim on the horizon.

He likes to go to this bus stop to watch the sunset, and only this place has a higher terrain and a wide view can enjoy such a sky.

"Has the bus not come yet?"

Su Yixing turned his head to look at the direction of the bus. It is estimated that the time of arrival was not very good. It may have been 30 minutes.

Thinking about it, he took out two coins from his pocket, and the thief looked left and right, but found no one else approaching.

With a play mentality, open his palms, and the two coins just floated above the palms.

Yes, he is a superpower.

The superpower of awakening is thought power, a very ideal power.

He awakened ten years ago. He didn't know how he awakened. He vaguely remembered that when he was six years old, when he wanted to eat candy, suddenly a candy flew over out of thin air.

And he also found that he seemed to have an invisible hand, an invisible force controlled by his mind.

At that moment, he knew that he would not be ordinary in this life, and the late golden finger finally came.

That's right, he is still a traverser, and now the memory of his previous life has faded, only remembering that he is a traverser.

And in this world, I don’t know which parallel time and space it is, although some countries seem familiar, especially the country I’m in:


Although history has been ebb and flow, it has not been shut down, and it has not been out of touch with the world. It can even be said that it has always maintained a strong national power.

Moreover, unlike previous lives, the area of ​​this planet seems to be much larger, with eight continents.

The Heavenly Dynasty is uniquely located in the largest continental section, the most fertile land in the Asia-Europe section, and the largest land area in the world.

When he knows these messages, he knows that his identity as a traverser is useless, and the prophets of previous lives are completely useless here...

Fortunately, he has awakened superpowers, which are either special abilities, or motivational thoughts that are more common in and film and television works.

After digging, his mind power seems to grow very high.

From the beginning of moving less than ten grams of candy, to the limit of moving a bottle of 500 grams of Coke three days later.

Moreover, the excessive use of mind power has no sequelae besides causing pain in the brain and fatigue of the body.

In this way, he began to exercise his mind power, and it was a month later.

He can move a ton of heavy objects to the limit!

After three months, he could easily move two-meal trucks and invented many mind skills.

For example, mind force simulates armor, you can use mind force to completely reflect the ambient light! Come to achieve physical invisibility!

That's right, mind power can interfere with light and even electromagnetic waves!

After learning about the magical characteristics of mind power, he became ecstatic, because it means that his mind power will grow up to be an invincible existence!

Let alone omniscience and omnipotence, but becoming a **** seems not a dream!

Ever since, he began to use his thought power unscrupulously.

For example, in school, the classmates in their own class secretly prank themselves, performing cool tricks of moving objects in space.

This made him feel that this already boring student life was very happy, and he was full of expectations for the future.

However, just when he was complacent, just when he thought he could be on top of the world, he accidentally discovered the unusualness of this world!

In fact, it was not accidental, but he finally learned to use the power of mind to capture electromagnetic waves, and even use the power of mind to travel in the online world!

With the power of thinking that can interfere with electrical signals at will, he is a **** in the online world!

No one can compare!

Ever since, he began to run wild on the world's Internet, and even became an Internet judge!

There is injustice in the world, I will judge!

In this way, countless sinners with serious sins were exposed on the Internet for a while!

Among them, there are many second generations of corrupt officials and strong backgrounds who have contaminated many lives.

He also got a title


He was unhappy in Nakaji's heart, and he suddenly broke down.

As a result, he began to find criminals on the Internet from time to time for trial.

However, looking for something, something went wrong.

He found all kinds of hidden dark webs and found a lot of appalling information!

Superpowers organization!


He even found some video recordings.


Wait, there are a lot of videos, and they are all shot in the form of video, some of whom are explaining in detail.

He read it completely and understands it!

These videos are real!

With the power of mind, he can clearly distinguish whether the video has been edited or not.

However, he did not fully believe it, and began to frantically search for traces of some mysterious organization!

Then, he was suddenly sanctioned by a mysterious force on the Internet!

An invisible force extinguished his mind flow.

At this moment, he was finally scared.

I also understand that I am not the only one...

He began to curtail the use of his thought power, and then silently collected information on the secret side of the world.

Gradually, he understood.

The world is very deep.

On the surface, it seems calm and peaceful, and it doesn't have any waves. If he is an ordinary person, he might regard this peace as real and spend his life ordinary.

However, he is not an ordinary person, and even with the omnipotent power of thought, he can directly observe the surging dark tide under the calm lake of this society!

He found that there are more superpowers in this world than he thought!

Moreover, there are many mysterious organizations, some are official, and some are private organizations hidden in the depths.

As he continued to dig deeper, he even found aliens, even alien organizations, alien civilizations, and some unimaginable super-specific technologies!

This made him think whether he had crossed into some Marvel DC world.

Unfortunately, it is not.

There is no Iron Man he is familiar with, and there is no Superman...

There are just a variety of hidden organizations that are extremely deep.

Among them, the most active are numerous killer organizations!

And the members of each killer organization are very complicated, not only superpowers, but also ancient warriors, immortal cultivators, and even aliens.

It can be said that there are everything you did not expect.

What is even more terrifying is that the intelligence systems of these organizations are simply pervasive, as if the whole world is under their cameras. Whether it is the president of the country or the beggar on the street, it seems that they can't escape their attention.

It can be said that the hidden organization of this world is the terrorist existence that dominates the world!

After understanding the horror of these organizations, he restrained the arrogance of his traversers and did not dare to reveal the true identity of his superpowers. He had always been cautiously developing.

By now, he has developed for ten years.

Thinking of this, Su Yixing looked up at the dusk on the horizon with emotion.

"My ten-year skill, I wonder if it can be invincible in the world?"

Su Yixing shook his head and smiled.

"Forget it, I don't want to fix those troubles."

Ten years of peaceful and stable life has made him used to it.

He also wants to continue to live steadily, hoping that there will be no accidents, after all, his life is already very good, and he does not want to interfere with those troublesome things.

With movies, dramas, and even the company of countless wives, he is already satisfied.

Thinking about it, Su Yixing looked up again at the beautiful sunset: "I just want a peaceful life."

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly felt someone pat his shoulder.

Su Yixing was stunned, turning his head to look aside suspiciously.

It was discovered that a young girl appeared beside him at some unknown time.

With her hands behind her back, she bent slightly, tilted her head at a forty-five degree angle, and squinted her eyes to reveal a sweet smile.

"Hello, earthling."

The girl's voice felt very light, with a little milky voice.

Su Yixing was stunned, and replied blankly: "Oh~ hello."

Then the girl lowered her head and glanced at the floating coin in his hand, showing a smile that was not a smile.

Suddenly he was in a daze, turning his head stiffly to look at the coin floating in the palm of his hand, suddenly his complexion changed!

bad! ! !



Chapter 2 The Encounter of Destiny-First Meet the Doctor Girl

Su Yixing immediately grabbed the coin and hid his hand behind him, showing a reluctant smile: "Haha~haha~ I just... the magic looks good."

After speaking, he suddenly felt wrong!

How did this girl approach her silently!

Still have to say hello?


Su Yixing immediately took a big step back, and then looked at the girl warily.

"No! Who are you? Killer? Alien?"


The girl tilted her small head, then lowered her head to look at her clothes, lifted her clothes with both hands, and looked at Su Yixing with a puzzled look: "The doctor is a doctor? You know by looking at the clothes, right?"

what? Doctor?

Su Yixing's eyes were a little confused. Is the Doctor the girl who claims to be?

Seeing that the question could not be produced, he decisively used the mind scan!

However, once the power of mind is swept away, the problem becomes big!

Under the scanning of his unfavorable mind power, the girl in front of him was like a mass of ordinary air, and he didn't get any information!

This makes the girl in front of her even more weird.

Su Yixing took a step back and asked vigilantly: "Who are you? How did you come here? What do you want to be close to me?"


The girl was a little stunned when she was asked. She blinked and scratched her head in a dazed manner. She turned and gestured to the diagonal sidewalk: "Doctor... where did the doctor come directly?"


The girl turned her head and stared at Su Yixing with her big pure eyes:

Moreover, the doctor just wanted to take the bus home, but found that he didn't bring any money. When he saw you standing here, the doctor came over and wanted to get some money from you. "


The corner of Su Yixing's mouth twitched slightly. Is this "take" serious? If you weren't just a girl, if you changed your tone, you would be like a robber blocking the road.

Su Yixing settled down for a moment, calmly began to look at the girl in front of him.

The girl in front of me should be a loli, right?

The small one has a waist-length blue silk, and its delicate face is like a porcelain doll; on the smart eyes, the pupils are different-colored pupils, from left to right are different colors of blue and red, blue like galaxy, red like Stars and pupils of different colors do not look out of the ordinary, on the contrary, they are extra beautiful.

The big shiny eyes, with clear and bright eyes, highlighted the innocence of the girl's heart.

Snow-white skin, small nose, pink mouth, petite body, the slight ups and downs of the collar at the bottom of the chest.

It can neither win the hearts of the people nor calm the world, but it is an aesthetic that is very in line with the golden mean.

Although the girl’s clothes are a bit strange, a white coat with a white lining and a white coat that scientists often wear.

However, this does not affect the girl's appearance.

If you ask him to score a full score of 10, he can give him 82 points.

This cute girl is not like a three-dimensional creature? Is there any?

(Although heterochromatic pupils are not common in this world, they are not uncommon.)

The girl blushed a little by Su Yixing's aggressive eyes, she seemed to be a little discouraged and closed her eyes and shouted.

"Don't look! Give the doctor two dollars! As an ordinary human, it should be a great honor to give the doctor two dollars!"

Su Yixing suddenly turned his head in a little embarrassment, then looked alert and stared back again.

"Aren't you human?"

"Doctors are of course humans."

The girl grabbed her small fist and looked at Su Yixing as if she was looking at a pervert, looking at a bad guy.

Su Yixing was a little embarrassed by this look: "Then why use this mantra?"

"Huh~ aren't you human?"

"I am."

"The doctor is not wrong."


Su Yixing was suddenly stuck and a little wondering what to say.

"Huh~ stupid humans."

The girl folded her arms and looked at Su Yixing with disdain: "Sure enough, you just can't rely on it. The doctor doesn't want your money anymore."

Su Yixing was a little bit dumbfounded, what's the matter, is this girl a human being on earth?

"What does it mean that we humans are unreliable? Your spoken language is hard for people not to doubt it."

The girl's posture remained unchanged, her little head raised high, squinting her eyes and squinting at her:

"Hmph~ The doctor thinks that you are a scum among human beings. According to the past, the doctor asked them to take money, but they gave it to them without saying a word."

Su Yixing squeezed the two coins he had just played, frowning slightly.

I don't know if it's a matter of invisibility and neutrality. Just thinking about living a peaceful life, suddenly such a weird girl came.

Don't dare to write that way, right?

Sure enough, reality is illogical, and reality is far more absurd...

Moreover, the girl in front of her is a very mysterious and troublesome character no matter how she looks.

After the exposure of his superpower status, she could tell from the look in her eyes that seemed to be accustomed to.

And from the sentence just now, he also got quite a lot of information.

The identity of this girl should be very high...

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the classic plots in the previous anime. The protagonist casually wandered around, then picked up a eldest lady who had run away from home and...

Thinking of this, Su Yixing felt a little powerless to complain.

No wonder it's so familiar.

Is it possible that I am the protagonist of the harem fan?

Aside, looking at the young man who was in deep thought, the doctor girl was also in deep thought. After a while, she suddenly raised her head and said with surprise on her face:

"Oh! The doctor knows! The doctor knows! The communication method of the doctor is wrong! The doctor remembered!"

Su Yixing looked up at the girl when he heard the words, and three question marks popped out of his forehead.


What do you know?

After thinking about that, the girl's expression changed immediately after she had finished speaking.

She straightened her head up aggressively, just like an arrogant little brain axe, and came directly to him in two steps. She stretched out her white and tender little hand, straightened her small chest up straight and spread her palms and handed it over. .

"Me! Doctor! Make money!"

Su Yixing was immediately stunned.

No, what's the situation?

Who taught you how to take money?

Did Emperor Qin Shihuang teach it?

During this movement, Su Yixing suddenly felt a little weak to complain.

The girl looked at the stunned boy, her mouth suddenly bulged, knowing that this move seemed to have failed.

She also seemed a little impatient, she raised her head and looked at the sky, and fell into deep thought again. The next moment her eyes lit up.

"Let's do it, the doctor will give you a divination."

Su Yixing was completely confused now.

Doctor? Fortune telling?

Scientific fortune-telling or a doctor of metaphysics?

The girl looked up and down Su Yixing, then nodded, and said with scorching eyes: "Well... the doctor sees that Ru Yintang is dark, the hit must be a catastrophe! Therefore, the doctor must be given two yuan to eliminate the disaster!"

In the next second, immediately return to the subject.

Su Yixing was a little bit dumbfounded, and quickly said:

"Well, I'm afraid of you. It's only two yuan. If there is no strange purpose, I will give it to you directly."

"Is that so?"

The girl was a little surprised: "The Doctor has just returned to Earth, is he still a little stranger to this place?"

"Are you really an alien?"

Su Yixing was unable to complain.

"No, the doctor is an earthling. I didn't go to play outside for a while. I just came back and didn't bring a wallet."

The girl answered without thinking.

Su Yixing's face was slightly stiff, and an awkward smile appeared: "Are you telling a cold joke?"


The girl blinked ignorantly and looked at Su Yixing with her big pure eyes.

Su Yixing sighed suddenly.



He couldn't see the reality of this young girl.

Moreover, he didn't want to pull too much, and passed the two coins that he had just played directly to the girl.

The girl was not polite, took it directly, and smiled sweetly at Su Yixing.

"Hmph~ Yes, although you will have some calamities now, but with a doctor, I will cover you!"

Su Yixing touched his head, a little puzzled: "Cover me?"

At this time, a bus labeled 537 came over.

The girl also noticed it, and ignoring the conversation with Su Yixing, she hurriedly stretched out her little hand to stop her.

Su Yixing was stunned.

It seems that this bus is the one that the girl is riding.

The car slowed down and stopped in front of the station, and the whole car seemed to be empty.

There is not even a driver.

Su Yixing was stunned for a moment. He suddenly remembered that this car seems to be a test model of a driverless bus, right?

Is it operational now?

At this moment, the girl had already got on the bus, she walked to the bus door, stopped suddenly, turned to look at Su Yixing, two beautiful red and blue pupils, staring at Su Yixing.

"The man of calamity!"

Su Yixing was stunned for a moment and looked at the girl, wondering what the girl wanted to do.

The girl took out a dark thing from the pocket of her white coat, smiled at Su Yixing, and threw it directly.

Su Yixing looked dazed, and quickly reached out to catch it.

However, in the face of emergencies, he was a little slower, and there was no time to take it.

The finger was barely able to touch the object, but what was strange was that the object seemed to pause in the air before Su Yixing took it in his hand.

Su Yixing was still not in a hurry, looked at the girl angrily, and shouted angrily: "Hey, don't throw things around? What is this?"

However, the bus doors are already closing.

The girl showed a bright smile and looked at Su Yixing proudly.

"Hmm~ That's something for you to solve the catastrophe. I originally wanted to throw it into the river as a waste product, but I'll give it to you. I think it's a return."

The girl's inexplicable words immediately made Su Yixing a little stunned.

"Throw the waste in the river and solve the catastrophe for me!?"

Is this getting more and more weird?

Moreover, this thing is definitely not here to frame me?

Moreover, the calamity or something, this definitely shows that you are in trouble, right?

Su Yixing looked at the thing in his hand a little bit dumbfounded.

However, I didn't know it, and I was shocked at first glance.

The dark metal texture, the metal appearance like pineapple scales, and the pull ring on the head!

This is actually a grenade!

And this thing, the heavy feeling of holding it in the hand, and the texture of this real metal all tell him that this is true!

In addition to this grenade, there is also something similar to a bracelet on the grenade.

Su Yixing's face suddenly became serious, and he picked up the handle ring first, turned it upside down and took a closer look.

The bracelet looks like the inferior led bracelet for a few dollars. It can only be used to check the time. It is very common.

He didn't think much about putting it directly into his pocket, and then he continued to take the grenade in his hand and flip it around to watch.

He found that the texture of the grenade was very strong, and for a while, he was not sure whether the grenade was a handicraft.

Until he reversed to the ground of the grenade, he found a rubber plug made of rubber-like material.

Look at the shape, it is a usb interface.

Pulling out the rubber plug, I saw a very satisfactory usb interface.

His serious face suddenly changed, and he was a little bit dumbfounded, and under the scanning of his mind, there seemed to be only an ordinary battery in the interior.

"Well, it seems I really think too much."

He took out the phone and checked the battery level on the phone. It was 51% and it was indeed time to charge.

Take a thread and connect it.

Ding dong.

Seeing the phone enter the charging mode, Su Yixing sighed secretly, the faint sense of something wrong in her heart finally disappeared.

"Sure enough, it is a handicraft, but the texture is quite strong."

Su Yixing flipped the grenade-shaped power bank in his hand and looked at the lead on the grenade.

"I wonder if it can be unplugged?"

It just so happened that at this point in time, the bus he was riding in came.

Su Yixing also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore the grenade charging treasure, and immediately reached out to intercept it.

Under the familiar skills of the driver, the bus steadily stopped in front of Su Yixing.

Su Yixing straightened his face, as usual, entered the bus, scanned the code and boarded the bus.

There were not many people in the car, and they were all grandpas and aunts. They had a loud voice, and they were talking about all kinds of trivial matters in life, such as the price increase of vegetables.

He didn't care, as usual, walked straight to the last row of the bus and sat down by the window, and then quietly looked at the fast-moving scenery by the window.

In this way, the bus stopped at a relatively remote platform after 10 minutes of normal operation.

However, at this time!

On the bus, three very strange guys came up, one with a headgear, one with a stockings headgear, and one directly pulled up his clothes and wrapped his head as a headgear.

Su Yixing noticed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"No? This bus is robbed? Or is it just a funny performance art cos?"

Obviously, he didn't guess wrong, these three strange flowers really came to robbery.

One or two, holding a fruit knife directly threatened the aunts in the front row, asking them to hand over their belongings.

The aunt and grandpa didn't want to cause trouble, so they handed out all the money that they used to buy vegetables, a dozen or twenty yuan.

As a result, after collecting all the money from grandpa and aunt, it is estimated that it was less than three hundred yuan.

The robber with a balaclava took a bunch of "huge money" of change and stuffed it into his bag, and then the three of them looked at Su Yixing in the last row.

Qi Qi walked towards Su Yixing.

The three of them seem to be dominated by the stockings and hood robbers in the middle.

The robber in the silk stockings hood stretched out his hand with a vicious tone.

"Boy! Hurry up, don't know what is good or bad!"

Su Yixing sighed, showing a reluctant expression.

"Yes, I know I understand."

With that said, he took out his wallet and handed it to the robber with silk stockings and headgear.

The robber suddenly opened his wallet with a look of excitement.

Glancing at the wallet, the robber's hideous and excited face suddenly stiffened while wrapped in silk stockings.

With a twitching corner of his mouth, with an expression of irritation, he took out a few cents of coins from his wallet.

Spreading the coin in his hand, facing Su Yixing, a mischievous look: "Are you trying to send the beggar?"

"This little money, I hate sending beggars!"

Su Yixing spread his hands, with an expression that I can't help but: "Please, brother robber, who still brings so much cash these years?"

"However, brother robber, if you want, I can give you more by scanning the code with prestige."

The hooded robber immediately patted the stocking robber on the shoulder.

"Yes, boss! Scan the code for prestige!"

However, the stocking robber boss directly slapped his head on the head of the robber.

Snapped! There was a thief.

"You're so stupid! Haven't we all exposed the prestige by scanning the code!"

The hooded robber suddenly shrank his head in pain.

"Sorry, boss."

At this time, the robber in clothes and headgear stood up and shouted at the stocking robber in an excited tone: "Boss! I have a way!"

"As long as we scan the code and collect the money, can we just uninstall the prestige!"

The words came out.

Everyone in the car was stunned.

Su Yixing's silk stockings robbers headgear robbers immediately looked at the clothes and headgear robbers with a foolish expression.

"You are really... genius!!!"

The stocking robber boss immediately slapped the robber's forehead with a slap in the clothes and headgear.

Snapped! ! !

The robber in the clothes and headgear took his head in pain and took three steps back and forth.

The robber in the silk stockings hood yelled fiercely: "Are you silly! You! Unload after receiving the money. How can I get the money! Let's transfer the money to the bank card and then unload it! Stupid!!!"

Su Yixing and the headgear robber suddenly looked at the stocking robber boss in amazement.

However, the stocking headgear robber boss gave Su Yixing a vicious look.

"What do you look at! Don't hurry up and scan my code with your phone!"

At this time, the hooded robber wanted to stop, he stretched out his hand and said hesitantly: "Boss?"


The stockings robber boss had another slap printed on the back of the headgear robber's head and he staggered twice and almost fell.

"What's the old man! Keep your mind more eye-catching in the future! Whenever you can be half as smart as I am, you can be a teacher!"

Watching this scene, Su Yixing was a little bit powerless to complain. Is there really such a foolish person in this world?

Thinking about this, he took out the phone honestly, but he accidentally pulled the charging cable and dropped the grenade power bank.

Immediately afterwards, the power bank in the shape of a grenade rolled directly onto the ground, making a clanging sound of metal collision.

At this moment, the three robbers were stunned.

Su Yixing smiled shyly at the three robbers a little embarrassed, and immediately got up and reached out to pick up the grenade charger, but he moved a little bit and accidentally kicked the grenade charger.

Immediately afterwards, there were two clanging sounds, and the grenade charging treasure rolled directly on the car, rolling all the way to the front step of the car.

At this moment, everyone in the car was quiet, looking at the grenade quietly.

Looking at the real metal texture, the clanging sound of the iron plate on the steps of the bus front, the slightly loose pull ring.

All the people in the car were thinking about it.

The driver sitting in the front of the car, as well as some acquaintances, couldn't help swallowing in fear.

Su Yixing smiled at everyone embarrassedly: "Haha, as a friendly citizen, it is reasonable for me to carry a power bank in the shape of a grenade with me."

" beaver!"

The silk stocking robber nodded heavily, and then stretched out his hand to Su Yixing.

"Big brother, your last name."

Su Yixing handed it out and shook his head with the stocking robber boss, scratching his head awkwardly with one hand.

"That, it's actually from the power bank."

The stocking robber boss shook Su Yixing's hand politely.

"You don't need to say much, I know. I'll spare you this one, so I'll make friends with you."

With that said, the stocking robbers stared at his two brothers, and suddenly retreated, leaving from the front door of the bus.

Just when Su Yixing thought the matter was over, the robber boss suddenly turned back, picked up the grenade charging treasure under the car platform, and ran away again.




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