The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 181: vehicle

A huge sky island is suspended in the sky, covering a large area of ​​the Jura forest. In this hot summer, it provides a large area of ​​shade.

Limru took Zhu Cai and others, and followed Muhua Saki Yaxin to the sky island two kilometers away from Turnpest.

Limru looked at the magnificent island in the sky and sighed: "How powerful is it to lift such a huge island into the air."

The great sage suddenly jumped out, and a mechanical, emotional female voice rang in Limru's mind.

"Report! Fifty plans have been listed!"

Hearing this, Limru was taken aback, and began to communicate with the Great Sage in his head: "Fifty plans? In other words, I can do this too?"

"Report! As long as the magic element is sufficient, the island can be raised and kept in operation! But the difference between the expenditure and the income is too large! It is not recommended!"

"That's right, only those who are so strong that they can raise an island later, will they do this."

While communicating with the Great Sage, Limru looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also returned a bright smile to Limru: "Hehe, are you ready to go up?"

Limru was taken aback for a moment, and asked: "Are we going to fly up?"

"No, no, this is a vehicle! Naturally, it has its unique posture!"

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin moved forward with ease!

Numerous golden space vortex doors lit up behind Muhua Saki's heart, and then disappeared, leaving only one space vortex door.

A golden sword hilt slowly floated out of the space vortex gate.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly grabbed the hilt of the sword and pumped it out!


The golden light flashed!

A sword full of gold color and countless mysterious runes appeared in Muhua Saki Yaxin's hands!

Seeing Muhua Saki Yexin pulling out a golden sword so cool, everyone sighed involuntarily.


Limru is too, he even feels that the soul of Nakaji who has passed away is about to burst.

Muhua Saki Yaxin held the golden sword in one hand, pointed at the island in the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and said proudly: "This is the key to the vehicle! This sword is necessary for the posture vehicle!"

"Oh~ So this cool golden sword is the key."

Limru sighed slightly and said, "Can others use this sword?"

In response to this question, Muhua Saki Yaxin blinked mischievously at Limru, and smiled: "What do you think? You know, when we came here, we didn't have this golden sword?"

"What's the meaning……"

Limru replied subconsciously, and then suddenly woke up.

This means that!

This golden sword key was made by the girl casually! ?

Limru was a little shocked at once, did the girls want to let him play with the sky island? For a drive?

He immediately looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Looking at her crescent-shaped eyes and smile, he immediately confirmed.

Sure enough, with the playful nature of a girl, she would do this kind of thing.

Limru settled for a moment, and asked Muhuasaki Yaxin: "Then, how are we going to get up?"

"It's easy!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin held the golden sword in both hands, and thrust it straight down toward the ground!

Suddenly half of the sword was inserted into the ground.

Suddenly, a magic circle radiating blue light and filled with countless mysterious runes surrounded Muhua Saki Yexin's 20-meter area.

Saki Yashin held the sword in both hands and smiled and said: "This is how to get into the vehicle! As long as you insert the key into the ground and think of riding the vehicle in your mind, a teleportation magic circle will appear.

The range of the enveloped atmosphere of the teleportation magic circle can also be determined by one's own thoughts. Of course, infinity is impossible, and there are limits no matter what. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin proudly gave a detailed introduction.

The tone of this introduction made Limru feel strange.

Why is there such a detailed introduction?

In order for me to wait and drive to play?

No, is it because you want to stop at Turnpest for a long time! ?

Then he can get a key to control the island?

Just when Limru was thinking crazy.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly opened the teleportation array!

"We're going to fuck!"

At this time, the magic array lit up, flashing with white light!

All the people in the teleportation magic circle disappeared suddenly.

However, here comes the fun.

Hong Maru was just on the edge of the team, and his position happened to be on the edge of the teleportation magic circle. He only had one foot into the magic circle.

Therefore, he was not judged by the magic circle.

Therefore, he was left in place.

Hong Wan was dazed, looking at the empty ground around him.



"I haven't gotten in the car yet!!!"


But Muhua Saki Yaxin and Limru and the others experienced the power of teleporting magic circles. In the blink of an eye, they came to the island a few kilometers above the sky.

This gave them an invisible shock in their hearts.

"This teleportation magic is so powerful!"

Zhu Cai looked around the island, thinking inside.

"If it were used for war! What a terrifying force it would be!"

Limru also thought of this plant. If this island is used well, it is simply a war artifact!

If the island is developed into a war weapon, then this is not equivalent to a giant aerospace aircraft carrier!

The more terrible he thought about it, Limru couldn't help shaking his head.

He also knew that the girl shouldn't be this kind of person, and according to her strength, she doesn't need any islands.

You can go through everything directly.

However, if the island is handed over to him, the effect will be great!

"However, this island is not as good as I imagined..."

When they came to the island, they discovered that the island did not have as many trees and forests as the Jura Great Forest and even rich in various animal and plant resources.

On this island, there are only beaches, rocks and sea water...

The plant has only a fairly small part.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally understood that this was originally the island she picked from the coast, although it has now changed.

But the essence is still the coastal beach area.

There are very few plants in nature.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yashin bluntly said: "This vehicle was made by me from the coast. Originally, my purpose was to experience the feeling of playing in the sky and the sea."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin casually spread his hands: "So, that's it. Anyway, it's easy to remodel in the future, and the materials are everywhere."

Limru and the others immediately felt a lot of pressure on Muhua Saki Yaxin's gangster pretending to speak.

The huge sky island of affection is the girl who dug a piece of soil on the ground at will, and then ascends to the simple, so simple...

What a ghost!

Limru complained loudly in his heart.

This kind of power is foul, right?

However, it is not incomprehensible to think of Muhua Saki Yashin as a character who can travel through the world alone, and he feels such power again...

"Okay, next, let me tell you how to start this vehicle and how to drive it!"

Muhua Saki Yexin held up this golden sword, and wanted to wave it forward.

next moment!


Everyone felt the ground under their feet shaking.

Soon, the whole island began to move.

However, the speed is not very ridiculous, but it is moving very slowly.

In the process of moving the shop at a constant speed, the vibration disappeared.

"Feel it, yes, I am controlling the speed of the island!

Just like me, hold the golden sword and wave forward! The island will move according to your wishes. Speed ​​or anything can be controlled! "

Then, Kihana Saki Yaxin began to wield the golden sword and slash down!


The island suddenly fell a distance!

Ahhhhh! !

Everyone screamed. Girls like Zhu Cai couldn't grasp the center even more, and fell to the ground by accident.

In response, Muhua Saki Yashin spoke out apologetically, then pointed his sword towards the sky!


The whole island suddenly rises suddenly, just like a rocket lifts up into the sky!

Limru even felt that he would be pressured to lie on the ground.

After all, this momentary punch is still a bit scary!

However, it didn't take a long time for such a rapid rise, it just lasted for three or two seconds, and then stopped suddenly!

The sudden braking really made many people unable to withstand the inertial force and lay directly on the ground.

Muhua Saki Yashin continued to proudly introduce: "Look, my vehicle can be controlled by the golden sword at will. As long as you are in which direction, no matter it is."

Muhua Saki's head was held up, as if showing off her proud toy, she introduced it to everyone in detail.

On the side, Limru, who felt the novelty, immediately asked Muhua Saki Yashin: "Oh~ great... But here comes the question. Can ordinary people control the island of the sky with this golden sword?"

"Naturally not, this requires my permission."

Muhuasaki Yaxin directly replied proudly.

"Permissions, this is easy to handle."

Limru nodded, if anyone could control it, it would really be a self-destructive item.


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