The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 188: New songs and games

   After three days of rehearsal in the light sound department, the song [Vientiane Shuangtian] was finally recorded.

There are three versions of   , one is the dragon language version of Muhua Saki Yexin's lead singer, the other is Muhua Saki Yexin's lead vocal Qihua language version, and the last one is the Qihua language version of Mianjiang lead singer.

  Kihanasaki Yashin posted various versions of songs on major music platforms on the same day, and uploaded the group performance MV on station B.


this day.

   As the reviewer Du Qiuqiu of station B, she is also conducting daily review work, which is very noisy work and may be hurt by the soul.

  Ghost knows what weird videos can be seen.

   The most annoying thing is the kind of supernatural video, which scares her every time.

   The kind of ghost that directly protrudes, she really has no resistance at all.

   Let alone some disgusting videos of mental pollution, blood horror, or intensive phobia made by some people.

   Seeing too much of that kind of thing, she must suspect that she will receive severe trauma.

   But today, it seems okay.

   Except for a few videos of playing Sheqin wiping the ball, she didn't see any out-of-the-ordinary videos.

   Just like that, she accidentally caught a [Wanxiang Shuangtian] video.

   Click on the familiar video file and play it.

   After a second of black and white appeared on the screen directly, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the six light-sounding girls stood on a small stage.

   Seeing this scene, Du Qiuqiu quickly clicked to pause, looking at the six young girls in the picture with surprise.

   "It's actually a video of a soft voice girl?"

   She quickly found the user who posted the video.

   Sure enough, it is the total account of the Qingyin Girl!

   The person who marked the video production has already written the names of the six light-tone girls!

  Du Qiuqiu was immediately excited, she is a fan of the light-tone girl, and this video looks like a MV for a new song no matter what!

   "Finally let me find a treasure!"

   She started to sit tightly, put on earphones, and then solemnly clicked on the video.

   As soon as the game started, I heard Muhua Saki Yashin's very recognizable ethereal voice singing a clear voice.

   Too easy in the beginning, invisible and invisible

   Don't know the turbidity is heavy, the one who distinguishes the light

   was born in chaos, divided into faint

  The sky is healthy, the earth is peaceful

   If it's lingering, it doesn't work diligently

  Ritual and music are made, benevolence and righteousness are prosperous

   I have this, the door to all wonderful things

   Ten thousand kinds of salty listen!

   Hearing this, the song went round and round to join a small climax, and sang with the high false accent of Yashin Kihana!

   Du Qiuqiu suddenly felt that his soul had been sublimated, and his heart was full of shock.

  This song! Good atmosphere! Majestic!

   And the lyrics are so charming!

   She stared at the screen without squinting, not letting go of a lyrics, a little detail, a tone!

   Harmony (Four Datong Flow)

   He is a fisherman's ballad


   Ups and downs in the stone, hit a flame


  The rise and fall of Wanhua are a mirror image

   (moving in the sky)

  Zhao Shuangtian

   I only feel that at the end, the tone of this song is getting higher and higher!

   The last sentence was illuminating Shuangtian, as if she was going to shake her soul out!

   gave her a great shock.

   The video is over.

   But she hasn't come over yet, looking at the black screen for a long time without words.

for a long time.

   Du Qiuqiu vomited: "This is not soft at all."

   However, her decisive speed of light passed the review.

After    passed the review, she discovered this video MV, which actually has a 2P Dragon language version.

   Du Qiuqiu's eyes lit up, she found the video MV sent by Muhua Saki Yaxin on the platform at the speed of light, and then typed on the public screen:

   "I'm coming! Number one!"

   then also grabbed the first place in the comment area.

After    grabbed, she also laughed proudly at the comment area and the rapidly increasing barrage.

   "Hehe~ I want to get the first place with the reviewer, how is it possible!"

   After saying this, she suddenly saw a barrage flying by.

   "After the review, the reviewer who immediately grabs the first place is a scrap."

   After reading this sentence, Du Qiuqiu felt messed up.

   "This is definitely the guy Xiaoli!"

   also only she knows her B station account and she is auditing this matter.


  【The up master you are paying special attention to has been updated】

   Zhou Zonghui, who visits station B on a daily basis, suddenly saw such a prompt.

   He raised his brows and thought to himself.

   It's the corpse that went up in that year in the end.

   After all, what he pays special attention to is basically some video quality reports, but he is more up-and-coming.

   When he opened the dynamics, he directly found the dynamics hanging above his head.

   He was suddenly surprised.

   "The Light Music Team? New song by the Light Music Girls Band? How long has it been? Actually released a new song?"

  He immediately put on the headphones solemnly, adjusted the audio, and made all preparations.

   Then he slowly clicked on the video.

   "It was too easy in the beginning, invisible and invisible"


   There are countless people at this moment, making the same actions as him.

   Today is destined to be a carnival day for the light music team fans!

   As the protagonists, Saki Yashin Kihana and the others, at the moment they are very casual shopping outside, and they didn't notice the sensation they caused on the Internet.

   I saw Saki Yashin and only six people, after a little disguise, wandering in this famous snack entertainment street.

   "By the way, is it really okay for us to take a risk to hang out like this?" Zi Miao was a little scared and warned left and right.

   At this moment, Zimiao put on a hat and put her double ponytail in it. Without the iconic double ponytail, Zimiao couldn't even recognize Zimiao when she was far away.

   let alone those fans.

   Lüchan took off her headband and let her hair fall off naturally, looking a little less handsome than a boy, and a little more girlish.

   This kind of law sauce has never been seen before.

   She patted Zi Miao on the shoulder, and said with a magnificent expression: "Don't worry, you won't be spotted so easily.

   On the contrary, Azi, your twitchy look, will make people think you are a suspicious character. "

   Zi Miao heard the words, and immediately shook her body: "No, no, no."

   Although she said so, she settled down and stopped looking around.

   In response, Yui hugged him directly, rubbed his cheeks with Zimiao, and said with a dull look: "Zimiao~Zimiao~ Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

   Zi Miao suddenly showed a disgusting expression, and pushed away Dawei's small face: "Don't do this, only senior, it's a bit too embarrassing on the street..."

  澪's dress at the moment is tied with a single ponytail, and the short hair of a trendy young girl seems to be contrary to her previous style.

   After the fan incident, she was actually very afraid of going out, but think about it.

   In fact, going out on the street has advantages and disadvantages.

   This time they went out to play is the result of discussions.

   Because after the release of the new song, the fans in the school will definitely appear very enthusiastic.

   If they are still in school, they might be blocked by fans.

   This has a very bad effect on both the school and them.

   Therefore, they unanimously decided to come out to avoid the limelight.

  澪 looked around at the pedestrians on the side of the road, and then asked Muhuasaki Yaxin in a low voice, "Yahin-chan? Are we just hanging out when we come out for a stroll this time?"


  Kihanasaki Yashin turned around and turned back with a cute expression.

   At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin's dress is the most normal in history, it is a simple white dress, and she doesn't even wear an eye mask, a pair of pupils of different colors are exposed.

   Regarding her heterochromatic pupils, only they agreed that they were cosmetic lenses.

   Regarding this, Muhua Saki Yaxin just replied that this is the Eye of Death, but they didn't seem to be interested in her Death Eye, and Muhua Saki Yaxin was depressed and did not continue to explain.

   Yui saw Muhua Saki Yakina in a white dress with heterochromatic pupils, immediately let go of Azusa Meow, and rushed directly on Muhua Saki Yakina, rubbing her face.

   "Kawaii~ Kawaii~ The night heart sauce of the white skirt is too kawaii~ Huhu~"

   For Wei-chan's behavior, Muhua Saki Yaxin also refused, and directly pushed her head away, trying to prevent her from rubbing herself.

   Then, while discussing with Min, "This time out was originally without any purpose, but if you have any ideas, you can do it."

  At this time, a cute and cute young lady dressed up as a trendy girl suddenly jumped out, and said to the people excitedly: "Why don't we go to work!"

   The amazing proposal of the eldest made the girls sluggish for a while.

   "Part-time job?"

  澪 had an unspeakable expression on his face.

  Liu and Zi Miao also showed an embarrassing and yet smiling expression at Jing.

   "Just work part-time... forget it..."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin also nodded: "This is meaningless behavior. It is impossible to work part-time, and it is absolutely impossible for my Eye of Death to work part-time."

   Yui-chan is still rubbing against Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face, but Muhua Saki Yaxin is holding it tightly with one hand, making it difficult for her to get close.

   But Wei didn't seem to care, she just smirked and closed her eyes and continued to rub.

  紬 Seeing that her proposal seemed to be rejected by all the staff, she was not sad, but raised a finger and thought carefully.

   "Oh~ so, after all, we are not short of money. It is really meaningless to work."

   Of course, it still makes sense to her.

   She proposed to work part-time, so naturally it was to experience the work process.

   Although it is a bit strange, as the eldest lady, she is really interested in this.

   "If we don't have any ideas, or let's eat all the gourmet shops on this street."

  Kihanasaki Yashin pushed Dawei's little head, but his eyes glowed staring at the snack bar on the street.

   However, the girls all cherish their bodies very much. Regarding this proposal, they refused without even thinking about it.

  What is losing weight.

   What can't be eaten, that's a big reason.

   After all, not everyone is like Muhua Saki Yexin, who can have a four-dimensional stomach, and a body that is not invaded by poisons and can not eat fat.

   "What should I do? Go to the amusement park? Karaoke?"

  Liu said casually.

  澪chan directly locked the amusement park: "You can't go to the amusement park, the possibility of exposure is very high, and it will be troublesome if you are surrounded by fans in the amusement park."

   "I just finished recording the song, do you want to go to karaoke?"

   Zi Miao asked weakly, and also locked the karaoke.

   In response, Muhua Saki Yexin said excitedly: "Sure enough, let's go eat first!"

"and many more!"

   This wait is a male voice, and it's behind them! ?

   The girls suddenly shrank into a ball in fear, squeezed towards Muhua Saki Yaxin, and then watched the man appearing behind them vigilantly.

   This man is wearing a suit with sparse hair and a very old face. He looks old.

   When he saw the girls panic so much, he immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was too sudden, and I didn't intend to scare you intentionally."

   The girls gathered in a group, and the central Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to have become Huaxin and was tightly squeezed in the middle by the other five people.

   At this moment, she has a serious expression on her face: "Then, who are you and what is your purpose?"

   The middle-aged man was a little stunned when he saw Muhua Saki Yexin's mysterious and beautiful pupils of different colors. He was even more dazed when he listened to this strange question.

After a while, he suddenly woke up, and bowed slightly with embarrassed expression: "Sorry, my name is Keita Onoda. I just heard by accident. You seem to be looking for a place to play, so I want to come here presumptuously. Recommend a game."


   When the girls heard the words, their expressions became even more flustered, and they stared at the man with vigilant eyes.

   is also only Kihana Saki Yashin, and suddenly became a little interested in this game.

   Kihanasaki Yaxin said with great interest: "What game?"

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin seemed to be interested, Onoda Keita suddenly took out a promotional flyer and handed it over: "It is a wild survival challenge game. We are going to record a program, which is to invite randomly on the street. Some passersby will participate. If you want to join, you will be the ninth group of players I invited."

  Kihanasaki Yashin took over the advertisement and watched it with Yui and the others. It seemed to be true to see the extremely detailed rules of the game written on it, as well as prizes and cash rewards.

   The rules are very simple, it is a wild survival challenge game. They can carry some simple tools and go to the wild for survival challenges. Whoever persists the longest will win.

  The first place can get a bonus of 20 million and a full set of xbox game equipment and so on.

   And even if they didn’t get the first place, they would still be rewarded with a bonus if they could last for five days.

   Look at it this way, this game is indeed very attractive.

  Moreover, this game can still be quit at any time, after all, whoever can't stand it first will challenge and fail.

   Regarding this, Saki Yashin looked at the girl’s expression left and right, and asked with a grin, "What do you think? Would you like to play? If we go to play this, we might be able to avoid them completely."

  Kihanasaki Yashin said so, and the girls were immediately moved.

  Kihanasaki saw this, and immediately agreed to the man to participate, not to give the girls a chance to remorse.

   "Okay! We decided to participate! How do I sign up for this?"

   The man was stunned, then smiled and said: "If you sign up, just leave your name and contact information."

   Kihanasaki Yaxin said bluntly: "We are going to play now, can't we?"


   The man scratched his head: "It can be The recording of the show has already started, but you don't need to worry about it? You can prepare first."

   "No need to prepare! Register for us now and join the game!"

   Kihana Saki said earnestly.

   In response, the man shook his head: "Well, since you insist on joining the game directly, I will call someone to pick you up."

   Then, the man moved away from the girl and called on the side.

   Seeing the man far away, the girls suddenly looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin together.

   Although the man in front of him does not seem to recognize who they are, participating in the show is still a challenge for survival in the wild, which is not a trivial matter for them.

   Not to mention, there is a possibility of being deceived.

   If you wait to get on the black car, then the incident is serious.

   The girls are crazy in their hearts, but they just don’t know how to talk to Saki Yashin.

   In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed a thumb directly at her heterochromatic pupils, and confidently comforted: "Find out, my eye of death will protect you!"



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