The girls suddenly sat around the fire, holding a bowl of mushroom and fish soup and drank deliciously.

After just drinking a few sips, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly showed a bitter face: "It tastes so strange, it's like pouring the fish soup mixed with water into raw mushrooms and soaking it, except for the faint fishy smell and faint smell of fish. Apart from the mushroom flavor, there is basically no taste."

   Wei also put down the mushroom soup, her little face was a little unhappy: "I feel that way too, it's not the same as the mushroom soup I imagined."

Jing did not feel the surprise. She took out the small bottle of salt she had brought from the program headquarters camp, held it up in front of the girls, and said helplessly: "Because the seasoning is really limited, even the salt is only Put half of it. I'm worried that if there is no salt in the back, the food will be completely tasteless."

   The girls looked at the bottle and found that the salt in it was indeed reduced by half.

  Liu said, "No way, Jingjiang has tried her best."

Mio was holding the mushroom soup and sipped it with relish. She took another sip and smiled and said: "It's already very good. There is no strong fishy smell as imagined, and the umami taste of mushrooms has also been cooked. In the case of lack of seasonings. Next, Jingjiang is already great."

   Just like that, the girls spent the night drinking mushroom fish soup that almost tasted like water.

   came the next day safe and sound.

   early morning.

   Listening to the calls of insects and birds, Muhua Saki Yashin stretched out and got up from the bed. Only when they came together, they discovered that a sleepy slumber was wrapped around him like an octopus.

  Kihanasaki Yashin has long been commonplace, and sometimes Nanako does.

   She gently spread the paws and trotters wrapped around her body, opened the tent, and went outside.

   I discovered that the jungle outside was shrouded in a faint white mist, and the roots of a century-old tree could be seen faintly in the mist, which seemed to be in a fairyland.

   Kihana Saki Yashin put one hand on her hips, and smiled sweetly: "Well, it's another day full of vitality! Right, the eye of death."

   "Huh? Your vitality is dissatisfied? Why?"

   "Because I didn't get energy supplement!"

  Kihanasaki Yashin said to herself, a pair of different-colored pupils flickered, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

   "Yes! Yesterday, there was no energy supplement at all! As we all know! The more delicious the food, the more energy it contains! So! As expected, did you not supplement the energy yesterday?"

   "In that case, I must replenish the energy today! I can't treat the eye of death badly!"

   In another tent, the three people, Miao-chan, Miss Jie-chan, and Azuma, who also got up early, walked out of the tent and saw the weird situation of Muhua Saki Yexin’s self-directed and self-acted.

   They suddenly felt weak to complain.

  澪 muttered to himself in a low voice: "I always feel that Ye Xin Jiang's condition is getting worse."

  紬 covered her mouth and smiled and whispered: "Don't feel it."

  澪 suddenly turned a little red cheeks away.

   Azusa met this and looked at Muhua Saki Yashin inwardly: "Is it the only one who feels that Yaxin-senpai has not changed at all?"

  Kihanasaki Yashin also noticed them at this moment, and turned to face the girls solemnly: "Today, we must find more food! My eye of death has already issued a low-energy warning to me!"

   Zi Miao suddenly uttered, "Is the eye of death essentially a battery?"

Although    said that, they really need to go out for food.

   The photographer's brother also turned on the machine early, and silently continued to follow the girls.

   "Then, shall we find food separately this time?"

  澪 asked weakly.

   She is still very scared, not to mention asking her to go out alone, she is as scared as a team of two.

   It's better to go together.

   Fortunately, Kihana Saki Yashin also understands this fact, and if the girls split up to find food, there is a real possibility of distress.

   So, today she plans to take the whole team together.

   Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly took a leading posture, stepping on a thick tree root with one foot, pointing forward.

   "No! This time we set off together! Go to the depths of the jungle to find food!"

   After finishing speaking, he went to the tent and pulled out the two sleeping kittens.

  Daiwei and Lujiang are still a little sleepy and confused at the moment.

   However, when I heard Muhua Saki Yashin said he was going to explore the depths of the jungle and looking for food, I suddenly became excited again.


   At this moment, the director also got up early. He held a bowl of oatmeal and drank it deliciously. While looking at the girls in the camera, this life can be nourished.

   He smiled and said, "Look at what these girls can do today."


   Kihanasaki Yashin took a small saber and walked in front of the road.

   There are a lot of weeds and branches in this jungle, and there are often no gaps for you to wear. You need to cut the road with a knife.

   At this moment, more than ten minutes have passed since the girls set off.

   In just over ten minutes, the girls have already advanced three hundred meters.

During the    period, except for some mushrooms, there was no other harvest.

   However, the girls who did not eat breakfast are a little tired at the moment.

   Especially Daida Weijiang and Lujiang, they no longer have the initial passion.

   Wei drooped his head and slowly followed the team with a weak limb: "I feel so hungry. The mushroom soup last night was not full at all~"

Li also responded with a weak tone: "Yes, I didn't eat much yesterday, but after a lot of work, I couldn't have enough mushroom soup. I didn't eat breakfast today... I feel that our wild survival game is about to arrive. This is over."

   The girls present had the same thoughts about Li and Stomach's complaints.

   Yes, they want to quit, after all, they are not interested in this game at all.

   Moreover, they are not short of money, so there is no need to come here to starve and suffer and fight for the first place and get bonuses.

   For this, Saki Yashin Kihana also felt the morale of the team was low, but in fact, she also wanted to quit.

   At this moment, she also wants to enjoy those dim sum delicacies, eating potato chips and drinking coke watching the drama...


and many more?

   Eating potato chips and drinking Coke?

   Can’t you eat potato chips and drink Coke here?

  Kihanasaki Yashin thought of this, she suddenly stretched out her small tongue and licked her lips, and said with some greed: "Indeed, I am a little bit worried about potato chips and Coke. It just so happens that I am also a little thirsty."

  澪Hearing this, he took out a bottle of water from his small backpack and handed it to Muhua Saki Yaxin, smiling and saying, "Hey, Yaxinchan, take a sip if you are thirsty."

   Thinking about that, the girls suddenly turned their eyes to the bottle of water in Miao's hand.

  澪 was carrying water, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

   She also remembered, it seems that everyone woke up this morning and didn't even drink a sip of water.

   She said weakly: "Why don't everyone take a bite?"


   When the director saw this shot at the headquarters, he shook his head suddenly: "It seems that the girls are going to quit."

   said, the director smiled a little at the corner of his mouth: "However, I was surprised that they were able to finish the first day."

When    just said that, the girl group in the camera seemed to have some accidents!

   The director's eyes widened: "This...what is this?"


   Just when Miao-chan asked if everyone should drink a sip of water.

   Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly exclaimed: "Look! I found a wild Coke!"

   The girls immediately looked happily in the direction pointed by Saki Yashin, and then their heads reacted.


   "Wild...wild coke?!"

   After reacting, the girls' brains suddenly crashed.

  Shente, wild coke?

How can this be!

   How can this exist!

   However, they were dumbfounded again when they saw the six bottles of Coke wrapped around the branches and leaves of the tree.

  Daiwei directly yelled out: "Really...There really is a wild Coke!!"

  澪 muttered to herself: "Am I dreaming?"

  Liu, Zi Miao, Miss Jie, they feel that their worldviews are collapsing at the moment, and they don't say a word.

   After all, Coke can be entangled in vines so naturally, as if it is really wild.

   Can ordinary people achieve this kind of props?

   Only Muhua Saki Yashin, with a natural expression, happily ran over and picked off all the six cans of Coke.

   and shared it with Weijiang and the others.

   However, the girls whose brains are down at the moment are passively receiving Coke.

   However, when Coke was in their hands, they discovered another terrible fact!

  That is, these colas are still iced! !

   Wood Hanasaki Yashin didn't care about the stunned girls, she opened the pull ring on her own, and began to drink tons of iced Coke.

   At this moment, the photographer and the director are suspicious of their lives.

This? Is there really wild coke?

How can this be!

   Could someone give coke to the girls?

   The director directly called the person in charge of the base in charge of supplies and asked.

   Then, I learned that there was no such drink as Coke among the supplies brought by the show crew!

  Moreover, their cameras are deployed in many places on this island, and there are people who are responsible for monitoring whether other ships enter the island.

   In this way, it makes no sense for these six bottles of Coke to appear on the tree!

   Is there really a wild Coke?

   Director fell into deep doubt...


  Unlike the director, the girls don’t know the material information of the show team, they can still guess these as gifts from the staff.

   Although, when I was asking the photographer, they also knew that it was impossible for people from the show crew to come to give away supplies.

   However, they still believe this answer, and only in this way is it more reasonable.

   After all, how can wild cola exist! ?

   So, the girls barely calmed down, and began to enjoy the iced coke with peace of mind.

   The girls continued to move on while sipping iced Coke.

However, at this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly complained: "The energy that Coke can replenish is very limited. If there are potato chips, it will be fine. When Coke and potato chips are combined, energy can be converted on their basis. Times."

   Zi Miao immediately added a spit: "Has Senior Yexin really studied chemistry?"

   However, at this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly exclaimed: "Look! Wild potato chips!"

  The girls suddenly had a strong current surge in their brains, but they had a little resistance at the moment, and their brains would not crash again.

   They all turned their heads in the direction pointed by Saki Yaxin Muhua!

   Sure enough, six packs of potato chips were buried in the ground, half of the bag was exposed like planted potatoes.

   Kihana Saki Yashin ran over with excitement, like a potato, pulling six packets of potato chips directly from the ground.

   Then they delivered it to Weijiang and the others, one package per person.

   The girls all looked at the potato chips in their hands.

   discovered that this packet of potato chips was still in that kind of oversized package, with a net weight of 400 grams, which was really enough for them to eat.

  At this moment, the girls are silent. Someone is definitely helping them. Otherwise, why would Muhua Saki Yexin come here as soon as he says what he wants to eat?

   How is this possible?


   The photographer on the side is already dumb.

   come again?

  Who the **** is doing the trick?


   The director was even more worried when he saw this scene: "It's a wild potato chip, it's a big picture! Send a team to see who is messing around."


   Then, the field survival team formed by all the girls, Saki Yashin, looked very different.

   They don't seem to be surviving in the wild at all, they are more like on vacation.

   Each of them was holding a bag of potato chips, squeaking and eating, while driving along the way like sightseeing.

   When I got tired of eating potato chips, I took a sip of Coke from my backpack, and it instantly relieved the greasiness, and the icy sparkling water entered my throat, which was so refreshing that it was so intoxicating.

   These little days are really beautiful.

   The young photographer on the side was about to cry by the girls.

   At the same time, he is also wondering if there is any point in the filming...

   After all, if this scene was released, who would believe that the audience would only think that their program group would treat them like monkeys...

   Kihana Saki Yaxin ate the potato chips, and said casually: "What do you want to eat next noon?"

  Ryu grabbed a handful of potato chips and stopped suddenly, and directly answered Muhua Saki Yaxin’s question: "It depends on what we can find."

   After finishing speaking, Lijiang continued to squeeze the potato chips.

   "Sure enough, let's go catch fish, there seems to be nothing to eat here."

  Daiwei's mouthful of potato chip dregs, casually said.

Li shook his head immediately: "The fish caught yesterday was a lot of luck, and the fish is not easy to deal with. The mushrooms from yesterday can still cover part of the fishy smell. If the mushrooms are not used as a seasoning, the fish The soup is really hard to drink."

   Hearing this, UU reading sighed along with it: "Hey~ I really want to have some simple and delicious food."

   Zi Miao also responded: "Is it simple and delicious food? It seems that there is only instant noodles, this is the simplest and delicious."

  紬's eyes flashed: "Is it instant noodles? I've heard about it a long time ago, but I don't seem to have eaten it before."

  Lul poured cold water: "Don't think about it, this is a wild place, you can eat instant noodles only when you go back."

   The girls were just discussing one by one, and as they walked, they suddenly heard the sound of water.

   Sure enough, after the girls passed through a century-old tree, they saw a small river about three meters wide.

   Originally, Xiaohe had nothing to surprise them.

  Until they saw several packets of instant noodles floating on the river.

   The girls were stunned again.

  Miyasaki Yashin naturally continued her lines, her expressions and movements were very good: "Look! Wild instant noodles! Quick! Get them up!"

   Seeing this scene, the cameraman’s hands were shaking while carrying the camera.

   Stop it!

   You are not survival in the wild at all!



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