The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 198: 2 people turn


   "A team of all girls?"

  【One punch and one blame】An unbelievable pair yelled in the channel.

   "How is it possible! How is this possible!"

   "Am I dreaming!"

   [JK]: "Sure enough, I have gone to heaven..."

  【嘤嘤怪】: "'s hard to believe..."

   [Sniper God]: "Just the hand of Shaying, you told me that I am a girl? Am I special... Am I special...

   Finally he frustrated:

  What an inferiority complex..."

   There are naturally two brushes for daring to be named Sniper.

   He naturally saw the outcrop of Muhua Saki Yaxin at the moment, but he really didn't react.

   was too fast, and passed by in a flash.

   is able to catch such a flashy scalp position, and only professional players have this ability.

   It takes the top professional players to be able to seize this opportunity.

   However, in such a short period of time, the girl who spoke very well, shot out two shots and killed him and the one accurately.

   This marksmanship is really a bit scary!

   However, [JK] still couldn't believe it: "Could it be luck? After all, I have tried the nerve gun like this."

   However, at this moment, he saw a head popping out of his sniper lens, and then.

   bang bang!

   bang bang bang!


   I saw that the terrorist he controlled directly exploded a black smoke on the forehead, and the whole head fell directly to the ground with the body as if it was ejecting backwards.

  Then the picture changed to black and white.

   He reacted just now, and started robbing.


   looked at the kill announcement in the upper right corner.

   [Death’s Eye "Desert Eagle" killed JK with a headshot]

   [Death’s Eye "Desert Eagle" headshot and killed a punch and a monster]

   There is no announcement of them killing Eye of Death at all, which means that they are empty guns.

   It turns out that they didn't seem to release the water. In fact, playing this kind of game does not mean that you want to release the water.

   Often the moment of meeting is a life-and-death struggle. You will lose if you take a slow beat. It is difficult to have time to think.

   So, when it comes to releasing the water, the subordinates are merciful and they just say that they may deliberately lose a few games when the score is big.

   But as it is now.

   They seem to be very difficult to win without releasing water.

   After realizing the seriousness of the matter, [One punch and one blow] also didn't get very excited.

   Although it's not that they can't lose to the girl team, but at least they can't lose it is ugly!

  【JK】The tone is very solemn: "Brothers, you can't make waves anymore, you have to use your strength to fight seriously!"

   [Master of Body Stroke]: "Yes, it's too ugly if you can't lose, or you will be ashamed."

  【嘤嘤怪】: "In my opinion, it would be great to have a 7 to 3 game!"

   [One punch, one blow and the strange]: "Why are we seven?"

  【嘤嘤嘤】: "Seven is someone's. If you can get three, it depends on the face of the person."

   [One punch and one blow]: "Huh? Whose face is you looking at?"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "She."

   [One punch and one blow]: "She? We played ten games so hard just to see her face?"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Yes."

   [One punch, one blow and blame]: "I finally met a team of girls who are hard to come by. I still need to look at her face?"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Yes."

  【One punch and one blame】: "Then have we become kneeling and winning?"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Yes."

   "If you say that, if you meet a girl of this strength who wants to win three games, you really won it on your knees. That's it, how many people want to win on their knees?"

   [One punch, one blow and blame]: "Let me ask you why I have to play games when I am single for so many years."

  【嘤嘤怪】: "I don't know, you are not gay, are you?"

   [One punch and one scream]: "Fart! You are gay! I tell you, I have trouble with my legs and feet, and I can't kneel down!"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Oh, if you want to stand up and play the game, then you can't win, you have to be single."

   [One punch and one quiver]: "Hey? I don't understand. I have taken you so many rounds. You know that I am very strong. Why can't I win?"

[Wang Weiwei]: "Among ordinary people, you are a master, but in the eyes of a super girl, you have to kneel to win. After all, you need face, the data is good, you can win, not shame. "

   [One punch and one quake]: "Chill! It's **** awkward!"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Then do you want to stand up and lose face? Or do you want to lose?"

  【One punch and one quiver】: "I want to stand, but it's pretty good to lose!"

  【嘤嘤怪】 shook his head: "I can't see it."

  【One punch and one quiver】: "Can you see it?"

  【嘤嘤怪】: "Good to see."

  【One punch and one blame】He took a big sniper and threw it directly to the ground.

  【嘤嘤怪】Open your eyes and take a look.

Oh my goodness!

  Golden Souvenir Dragon Sniper! Comes with three Vulcan stickers! The value is at least one million dragon coins!

   (This skin has only ornamental and commemorative value, and will not have attribute bonuses.)

   [One punch and one quiver] said to the ground: "It looks good if you can lose!"

  【嘤嘤怪】Nodded: "Yes, I send it."

   [One punch and one strange] sprayed another paint from the ground, and then asked: "This! Can you lose, it looks good!"

  【嘤嘤怪】looked at it.


   This is the exclusive spray paint for professional teams!

  【嘤嘤怪】The game character who is in control of him suddenly nodded: " kneel."

   [One punch and one monster] Picked up the commemorative dragon and shot it at the spray paint on the ground: "This, plus this! Can you stand, and you can lose!"

  【嘤嘤怪】Suddenly shocked: "Dare to ask what sacred brother is!?"

   [One punch and one blow]: "My dear, professional reserve player, proud dragon!"

   [Master of Body Stroke]: "Come on! You guys don't play double cross talk here anymore! We were all blocked at the door by the second girl [Death Eye] on the opposite side! The face is gone!"

   [Headshot Master]: "There is also the girl named Wei-chan, who is the opposite. Her sniper is terrifying! I was sniped to death with a little dandruff!"

   [JK]: "No, you, a headshot master, have been hit by various headshots, so you can show your strength?"

   [Headshot Master]: "Fortunately, you died the worst, and even no one knew where it was after death."

  【Sniper God】A frustrated word: "Don't make a noise, the warm-up mode is almost over, think about how you will fight later."




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