The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 201: Gradually fierce

  The game came to the third round.

   At this moment, the atmosphere of the players in the bandit camp is very low.

   [One punch and one blow] sighed: "So strong, she's really strong, and we don't add up enough to fight her. This is even more direct for her to take six kills and destroy all of us..."

   [Quie Wei Wei] I also felt that [one punch and one Wei Wei Wei] at this moment was very depressed and depressed.

   But the reserve of one of his professional teams was blown up by a second-degree girl, which is indeed a bit unreasonable.

   But, this cannot deny the power of that girl.

   He comforted: "Brother, don't do this, we have tried our best at least. That girl is too strong, and you are actually right. Being beaten by strength is not unsightly."

   [Sniper God] also said with "good words to persuade": "Anyway, I have convinced the girl, but I am not going to give up the game, do you want to be a deserter?"

   "Be a deserter!" [One punch and one monster] then roared back.

[Sniper God] Haha smiled: "That's not enough. Since you don't want to be a deserter, then we will try our best to win at least one round in the hands of that girl. This is what we should consider now. I'm so frustrated after this!"

   [Headshot Master]: "It's good to say that if you are not as skilled as a person, it is indeed not as good as a person. I am convinced, but I can't be discouraged!"

   [Master of Body Stroke]: "Hey, I haven't convinced anyone in this game, just play it, isn't it just a game."

  【JK】: "Right, **** him, let him be three seven twenty one!"

[One punch and one blame] Suddenly there was a fierce enthusiasm: "Yes! Fuck her! I'm a professional reserve! It's a distance from a professional friend! It just so happens that I use her as a grindstone!" Those who can't beat me can only make me strong after all!

   I want to see how strong this girl is! "


   On the other side, Kihana Saki Yashin is also analyzing the countermeasures of the situation with the girls.

   "Weijiang! Find a suitable bunker so that when the flash bomb is thrown in, there will be a place to evade! This way, at least you won't be helpless!"

   Wei suddenly stared blankly and nodded seriously, "Hmm! I see, Ye Xin Jiang!"

   After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Azusa Meow:

"Zimiao, you have to learn my aura as stable as the galaxy of the universe, so that you can stay in danger. If you encounter the situation just now, you can at least take away two enemies! If there are still my marksmanship , Then to you, the enemy on the opposite side is nothing but a landslide!"

   Zi Miao's complexion suddenly collapsed: "This..."

  Kihanasaki Yashin's face suddenly became very serious: "Azusa! You must learn to stabilize your mind. Think about it if we go to a martial arts club to sing in the future, we can't be nervous anymore!"

   Hearing Muhua Saki Yashin's use of the martial arts club as an example, Azusa suddenly became serious. She thought about it, is it because Ye Xin-chan asked them to play this game for the purpose of training their mentality?

   Azusa suddenly felt a sense of mission, a sense of responsibility, she seriously said to Muhuasaki Yaxin: "I understand! Yaxinchan! I will try my best!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin nodded with an expression that can be taught by a child.

   On the other side, after hearing Muhua Saki Yashin's advice, Michan began to reflect on herself at this time.

   " seems like me too...if the concert at that time, because of my nervousness, causes problems with the whole performance..."

  澪 suddenly became serious.

   "No, I want to **** dad!"

Muhuasaki Yexin looked at Yan Jiang, who was proudly raising her head and had a little excitement on her face. She pondered for a while: "Well, it's okay for Lijiang and Jingjiang, there is nothing wrong with your operations. However, you still need to pay more attention to the use of enemy props!

  Also, we also need to buy some props to counter them!

   First of all, smoke bombs. In the game just now, I think you all know how to use each item!

   is out of the normal usage method.

   I have to teach you some more special ways to use it!

   First of all, smoke bombs can extinguish incendiary bombs, and if we want to pierce the smoke, we can try to put a flash bomb behind ourselves and pass the smoke again! Or throw a flash bomb towards the front and sprint forward with your back! However, the back-body method requires a very high level of proficiency, and it is not recommended for you to use it..."

   It was when Muhua Saki Yashin and the girls Barabara.

  The third game has officially started.

  In this round, because the previous round spent all the economy, their economy can be said to be very tense.

   "I just need a spear! I bought all the other props for me!"

[One punch and one blame] The commanding command said: "We don't have to shoot the second girl, just keep her down! The other girls are not too outrageous, and they don't seem to be at all outrageous. Use props! So, we will focus on this weakness!"

   "This one, let's play a three-way check!"

[One punch and one monster] Use a gun to point at [JK] and [JK] and say: "You are responsible for the control in the middle! Remember to seal all the cigarettes for me, and push the props up! Create it for me A momentum to conquer the past from the middle!"

   [嘤嘤怪] and [JK] immediately replied with a vibrating sound: "Okay! Sir!"

   [One punch, one blow and blame] To [headshot master] said: "[Headshot master] You must press point A alone! The momentum should be big, if you can defeat a girl, it’s best!"

   [Headshot Master] nodded: "I understand!"

   [One punch and one blow]: "Okay! The rest are with me! After the momentum of the middle road and point A is built, we will attack point B decisively!"

   "[Sniper God] You are responsible for taking the bomb bag to hide behind! Remember, if we fail to capture point b, or see the girl! You turn inside! We will help you hold her!"

   [Sniper God] immediately solemnly responded: "Don't worry, I won't lose this bomb bag!"

  【One punch and one quibbling】: "Very good, everyone has! Let's go!"

   Suddenly, in accordance with the tactical layout of [one punch and one monster], they marched in three directions!

  , but Muhuasaki Yashin came to the middle by the old rules to see if they had any intention of attacking the middle.

   Wood Hanasaki Yashin is still a combination of a desert eagle wearing all the props. She is showing her small half-length position, and the front sight is facing the edge of the middle road on the opposite side. If someone shows up, she will inevitably throw it down.

   However, the movement really came!

   I just saw no one, but saw a smoke bomb traversed an arc in mid-air, slammed directly in front of the middle road and exploded!

   A cloud of smoke directly blocked Saki Yashin's sight.

   However, before it was over, a flash bomb came out of the smoke and exploded directly in the air!


   Kihanasaki Yashin saw an object from the smoke bomb and shrank back.

   This flash of light flashed directly into the air.

   However, it was not over yet, only the dense gunfire was heard in the smoke, and then!

   The bullet madly landed on Muhua Saki Yaxin's bunker.


   Kuka Saki Yashin dared not show up.

   But after these intensive gunfire sounded for a while, Muhua Saki Yaxin also heard that there were three people at most, all of which were pistols, and they were all blindfolded, and the bullets were flying randomly.

   She could also guess that the opposite party must have no money and had all the props. After all, they didn't have the funds to buy the spear.

   Kihanasaki Yashin's lips curled up slightly: "Oh, has the tactics changed again? Two-line combat? Or are you only planning to contain me?"

"Hmph~ I have to say that these stupid humans are also very smart, knowing that they can't fight the invincible me! They try their best to contain me, but if you want to compete with me for wisdom, you are still far away! "

   Kihana Saki Yashin immediately ignored this inaccurate bullet, and touched it directly with the smoke. She was looking for an unpretentious flash bomb to cover the charge.

   Then kill them by surprise, shattering their tactics with strength!

   However, at this time!

   Lujiang and Jingjiang shouted in the channel: "Yexinjiang! Yexinjiang! They attacked point A! There are so many items! The sauce has been sacrificed!"

   At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin also saw the kill prompt in the upper right corner of the screen.

  【The headshot master "Desert Eagle" killed the shy Mianchan with a headshot】

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly stopped, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smile like this: "Sure enough, the middle road is just a smoke bomb you arranged! Is the real purpose of point A?"

   However, at this time!

   She suddenly heard the sound of someone pinching a grenade in front of the smoke.

   Her eyes condensed immediately, and she secretly said in her heart: "It's awful!"

   Sure enough, only a crisp clicking sound was heard, and a flash bomb was thrown directly into the air.

   In this position, Kawasaki Yaxin seems to be flashed anyway, so she would say bad.

   At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin could only lower his head to avoid being caught too seriously.


   The flash bomb exploded!

   Kihana Saki Yaxin’s headset suddenly turned into a buzzing sound, and the front of the screen also became a vast expanse of white, but it was not completely white yet, and a little blurry scene could still be seen!

   This is enough for Saki Yashin's eye of death!

   I saw, 【嘤嘤怪】 and 【JK】The two men came out of the smoke bombs with pistols and double guns.

   And Kihana Saki Yashin also very quickly turned the muzzle at the heads of the two gangsters.

   bang bang!

   Standard two shots!


   [嘤嘤怪] and [JK] fell directly!

   However, after knocking down these two people, Muhua Saki Yaxin was dizzy, because the girls in the headset were very excited. You looked at me and made a quarrel.

   "Ye Xin Jiang! Ye Xin Jiang! Come to point A, we can't hold it anymore!"

   "Ye Xin Jiang! Ye Xin Jiang! Come at b o'clock! We can't hold it anymore, there are so many people on the opposite side, so many props."

   "Ye Xin-chan, Ye Xin-chan, I was flashed again, the other side is amazing."

   "Ye Xin-chan! Wei-chan's sniper rifle can't be taken out at all, what should I do!"

   "They are here, they are here!"

   The words were too mixed, and Saki Yashin couldn't hear who was talking at all, so Saki Yashin simply blocked the team channel and looked at the small map.

   She immediately discovered that the b-point showed up the most people, but only two.

   There was only one person who showed up, but the front pressure was the most ruthless.

   "This is difficult, the person with the bomb bag hasn't shown up yet?"

   Kihanasaki Yashin felt a little hesitant at this moment.

   Is she going back to defend point A or point b? If she chooses the wrong one, it will be delayed for a long time.

The gangsters’ win rate can be said to be very high. After all, after the bomb is placed, the countdown is quite fast. Once she is wrong, it will take at least half of the time to get from point a to point b. She can only solve everyone in an instant. To have time to remove the bomb and win the game.

   But this is almost impossible.

  Unless, Kawasaki Yashin destroys the seal of the Eye of Death.

   However, doing this would turn the cart before the horse. She came to play the game, and it would be meaningless to open it.

   Although, her state is already a very bug.

   "No way, I can only guess one! Only point B, there are more people at point b! Even if I guess wrong, I have a greater chance of a turnaround!"

   Kihanasaki Yaxin immediately rushed back to point b from the middle.

At this moment, he had already invaded into point b and was fighting with Zi Miao and Wei Jiang [One punch and one monster]. Looking at the red dots exposed on the map (showing the number of enemies), he suddenly realized something. .

   He hurriedly issued an order and said: "[Sniper God] Hurry! Take a package to transfer points! We have too many people at point b!"

   [Sniper God] Hearing the words, his eyes condensed, and the knife returned to the original path without hesitation!

   And [One Punch, One Kill] and [Human Stroke Master] At this moment, look at each other and pull out at the same time!

   At the same time, Wei Jiang and Zi Miao also pulled out their positions at the same time, and both fired!

Da da da!

   bang bang!

   Weijiang and Azusa suddenly fell down!

   [Master of Body Stroke] was also defeated by Wei-chan's sniper rifle!

   [One punch and one monster] I took the opportunity to assault to the center of point b, looking for the best cover, and waiting for the girl's arrival!

   Sure enough, not long after he arrived at the bunker, he heard rapid footsteps coming from the defense trail!

   His eyes condensed immediately, and he held a desert eagle aimed at the necessary path back to the defense b trail!

   If that girl wants to come, she must show her head here!

   Therefore, he set up a good position in advance, which is equivalent to he seized the opportunity first!

   The girl wants to pull out and fight with him, and he only needs to have enough reaction power to pull the trigger when the girl shows her body, and he can kill the girl!

   Of course, the premise is that the girl doesn’t have flash bombs...

   Sure enough, only a flash bomb fell on the edge of the door.

  【One punch and one blame】Suddenly, he had to hide back into the bunker in a desperate manner. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


   Flash bomb exploded!

   However, [One punch and one blame] didn't dare to move. After all, he could be shot even if he showed up a little bit.

   The girl’s horrible marksmanship, he has tried it, and he dare not fight it without the first opportunity!


  【One punch and one strange】The corner of the mouth was slightly raised, and a flash bomb was cut out directly.

   "I also saved a flash bomb just to deal with you!"

   On the other end, point A, [Headshot Master] has pressed forward into Point A, and it is only ten meters away from Lujiang and Jingjiang.

   But, the props of [Headshot Master] are all used up in a flash of smoke and flame!

   He has the last flash bomb left!

   Fortunately, the [Sniper God] at this moment has finally arrived.

   [Sniper God] is very smart, did not put the bomb on his back, but dropped the bomb in a close corner.

   [Sniper God]: "[Headshot Master], how about you! Do you want me to attack together?"

   [Headshot Master]: "Come on! Let's cross!"




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